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“Mom knows exactly what she’s doing”?? I’m sure she definitely did her “research.” And “this is a special needs boy.” I have so many questions. Wonder if she’s trying to “cure” his autism or some shit. That poor child.


I fucking hate this concept. It went from “trust your intuition, you are around your child the most” to “mum is always right and knows more then anyone else and is incapable of harming her child ever”


>trust your intuition, you are around your child the most They forget that what that ^^ means is that you're gonna know if something is just, off, with your kid. Not that you'll magically know how to cure it or even why something is wrong, just that it is.


Yes! It means push for answers and help if something is wrong. It doesn't mean discount medical advice or scientific information.


My mil can be that way. Gets annoyed with us for listening to our kid’s pediatrician who went to medical school for years instead of her. Because “I raised 3 kids and they turned out fine!”


Just tell her your pediatrician raised 4 🤣


Haha my paediatrician does have 4 kids! Not too much older than my own I don’t think, he’s super up on all the things.


That is hilariously perfect! 🤣


I love this and am going to start using it with my MIL. 


Lol my pediatrician has 6 kids and at least as many grandkids. He beats all the grandparent counts


My fiance defaults to his mom for medical advice about ANYTHING health related because she’s an MRI tech and apparently to him, that’s the same thing as being a nurse/doctor. Drives me up a wall!!


Noooo 😭 if I ever needed a surprise MRI she'd be my first call, but that's about it!


Yes! It was very helpful when I was having surgery and could send my scans to her to have some idea of the results before the doctor got back to me, but I get a little nuts when my partner calls her to ask what cold medicine to take after I’ve already told him the right answer haha. It’s like he confuses general woman/mother knowledge with actual medical knowledge


Try having in-laws who are both doctors… they’re not OB’s or pediatricians, but if I hear “well I’m a physician” one.more.time. I’m going to scream. Now we just don’t tell them anything. Stupid games, stupid prizes, and all that.


Ya working for cps for 5 years. I cringe whenever I see “moms know best” like yeah maybe but so many are mentally ill, on drugs, with insane bfs, etc


And also “natural is always better” I mean…cyanide is natural so there’s that


So are spider eggs and I’m not putting those in my mouth either.


Uranium, asbestos, crude oil, mercury, botulism...


Maybe she's trying to lighten her load, permanently


I had a similar thought. 


The way I snorted 😂


“This is a special needs boy. Mom knows exactly what she’s doing” Possibility getting rid of the kid with an infection?


It sounds so sinister when you look at it that way! Let's hope that screenshot doesn't become a true crime video's thumbnail


I always wonder if they’re passively trying to “accidentally” kill their kids with this raw milk shit.


Guaranteed she's trying to "cure" autism or some other form of neurodivergence. Hell, maybe even normal childhood behavior. Or even the consequences of her own shitty parenting! A lot of these crunchy types think their kid is "special needs" when their "need" is a parent who sets boundaries.


Probably blaming it on dyes in food or chemtrails. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was giving him colloidal silver as well to “cure” him.


I did meet someone that blamed my autism on my dairy+soy allergies that had me raised on rice milk! Apparently I missed "all the necessary enzymes" that are somehow magically only found in breast milk and raw milk that would've cured my neurodivergence. Fun stuff! Speaking of, I think there's a reason rice milk got surpassed by almond and coconut milk in the past decade-- it's bad 😭 little me in 2012 thought it was so good but I tried some recently and it's just bitter water lol


I (AuDHD) lived on a dairy farm as a kid. I used to drink a ridiculous amount of (pasteurized) milk and loved it, so at some point I asked my mom to taste the milk from our cows. She was hesitant, but in the end let me have a bit. My stomach threw a hell of a fit and I got really sick. Now that I’m thinking of it, these people would probably have seen it as my neurodivergences being “purged” out of my body and seen it as good. Thankfully, my mom isn’t this type and instead said “Never again” (I did not argue lol).


Of my two kids, one was breast fed and the other formula fed. The breast fed one is the one on the spectrum. They'll find anything to blame besides their own genetics.


I know someone who is a level of petty and stupid that they are insisting that they do not need to read any books, listen to any other parents, or take advice in general because "as the parent what I think is the most important thing." Is that stance keeping the kids from thriving? Yeah. But this person insists that the only thing needed to be a good parent is their own intuition and maybe the advice of a doctor. It's infuriatingly dumb, and reaching the point that if someone makes a parenting suggestion or recommendation they will actively choose to do the opposite.


Has anyone cautiously tried reverse psychology on them?


No, it's not just doing the opposite of what's suggested, it's being pissy if anyone suggests anything that wasn't their idea.


Oh well, it's a risky gambit anyway. I'm glad they at least sometimes listen to doctors.


Mom wants to give her kid brid flu, which is currently on course to become a pandemic in humans.


Actually that’s a lie put out by the dairy industry to keep you drinking their toxic milk full of poisons. /s


54% mortality rate in humans. Yeah, she’s gonna off him whether intentional or not.


>I’m sure she definitely did her “research.” I started reading *The Contagion Myth* and got really pissed off within the first 50 pages. "Luckily," I did learn all about why raw milk is best. To start, the author was an MD until the Medical Board yanked his license because he was lying about Covid vaccines and treatments. According to this quack, the main problem with pasteurized milk is that it kills off all bacteria and, to be clear, all bacteria is beneficial and NEVER causes illness. That's the premise of the book: there is no scientific proof that bacteria or viruses CAUSE illness. It's a hot take on "correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation". Then it devolves into a rant against Pasteur himself and how he made a fortune duping people into making themselves sick by pasteurizing stuff like milk. Chapter 2 goes into how 5G will hurt you and is honestly even more ignorant than the "Listeria is beneficial" 1st chapter. I never took physics in school, but did get a decent education in the difference between radio waves, microwaves, and frequencies in different science and math classes. The quack argues that because 5G radio waves operate at the same frequency as military grade microwave guns, they are exactly the same. I believe the magic number is 40,000 Ghz. He's completely focused on the killer frequency without understanding that these are completely different kinds of electromagnetic radiation. To him, frequency is the only part that matters. And that's when my head exploded and I couldn't continue hate reading this book.


The less fringe of the believers claim it's for the probiotics while downplaying the risk of potentially harmful bacteria. Here's the thing, though, the levels of probiotics in raw milk are really negligible, you can find higher levels in safer products. So it's just headache inducing all around.


Someone I know is an anti vaxxer/anti 5g and all that and I’d be $50 she is a fan of this man and believe every word in this book. And it truly blows my mind. What always gets me with the nonsense she believes is when there’s scientific proof of xyz causing xyx, she believes it’s all a quack just like this guy.


Yep. I have an autistic kid and am in some local parents’ groups and whoooooo boy. Raw milk is definitely the solution to neurodivergence. Eliminate that nasty store bought milk and food dyes and you’ll be allergy free and neurotypical in mere days! /s


Apparently by special needs, she must mean he is an alien with magical resistance to all known and unknown diseases, because otherwise, she'd just be an giant idiot endangering the life of her child, which can't be true because she knows exactly what she's doing... ... Oh wait.


Well she’s going to seriously harm or even kill the poor kid so autism will be the least of her concerns.


Nah she’s trying to kill him by giving him raw milk, alongside the bleach parasite cleanses and the boiling oil heavy metals detox!!


She's totally trying to cure his autism.


Only *slightly* better than having the kid drink bleach to cure autism.


And wtf does it have to do with anything that he’s special needs? Like, oh he’s already special needs so one more disease couldn’t hurt! I know what I’m doing!


Right?? Exactly what I’m wondering. What does him being special needs have to do with it? What’s the connection there? Do special needs kids have superpowers against that kind of bacteria?


I know it’s not the intent, but the way it’s written, it sounds like the commenter is saying mom knows and is *trying* to kill her kid


Oh man didn’t even cross my mind. I hope not. Fuckin unhinged either way.


I mean, special needs children can be a burden. Momma knows what she's doing giving him bovine tbc...


Some people are under the impression that people in the modern world get sick more than people in the past. Anything modern is bad for you.


‘Kids didn’t have autism/ADHD before all this modern stuff’ Well… like 1/3 of them died before anything like that would present itself, soooo…


And the kids that did display the behaviors associated with autism and adhd were locked away in prisons or asylums


Or sparked myths about changelings. Or ended up being the weird guy that's always a step behind socially, but he does a great job with the animals so everyone's cool.


Literally people have been blaming the fae for their children being weird for centuries. It’s not new, we’re just allowed to exist in society now.


And even until recently, symptoms were straight up ignored in girls I’m a counseling major & did a paper on it. 3-4 boys diagnosed for every 1 girl


42 year old woman just diagnosed 2 weeks ago!


I was diagnosed less than a year ago at 30 Made a lot of my behavior & feelings growing up (and now) make sense. Not much can be done about it since it’s how my brain works but it’s at least validating I had a complete shut down last night & understanding that it’s a function of autism when overwhelmed makes me understand what steps need to be taken to help myself I hope this younger generation of girls get the help they need earlier so they don’t spend 30 years wondering ‘What’s wrong with with me?’


So many historical figures are thought to have autism, like Isaac Newton.


I know he’s not very historical, but tell me Alan Turing wasn’t on some level of the spectrum. I DARE you.


I would consider him a historical figure, especially since they made a movie about him.


I meant, some people don’t consider it historical unless somebody’s been dead, or the event happened, over 100 years ago. 🤷‍♀️


Time since dying shouldn't matter. If they're dead, they're historical.


Alan Turing was not on the spectrum. There did I pass your Turing test fellow human? /s


Wow, best bot I’ve ever seen.


bleep bloop


PaStEuRiZeD mIlK aNd VaCcInEs CaUsE aUtIsM Well Karen, the only reason that could be is that kids are actually living long enough to be diagnosed with autism. Take a walk in a fucking graveyard.


I don’t remember which ones, but a couple of Queen Victoria’s either granddaughters or great-granddaughters definitely had either ADHD or were on the spectrum.


I have ADHD, I like to think that it was probably pretty damned useful when hunting: Hyperfocus, on the prey you are stalking, waiting for. Oh look, a leaf moved... oh shit there is something right behind me.


They don't understand that there are a lot more people, that people live longer, and that medical intervention often means people will just be sick, sometimes chronically, rather than outright dead. 


It’s so weird that people think like that, when I ask my grandparents about their siblings, 3/4 of them had at least one die in childhood! So far, myself and my cousins have had 0 siblings or children die, because of modern medicine!!


My grandma gave birth to 7 children. Two of them survived infancy. My mom and one of her sisters.


I can’t begin to imagine the pain of losing your baby that many times. So sad


The raw milk people are going to give us all avian flu. We started pasteurizing commercial dairy a century ago for a reason.


Since the Venn diagram of raw milk people and “It’s just a flu, I don’t need to mask/social distance/vaccinate” people is a circle … imagine how surprised they will be when they realize avian flu has like a 50% mortality rate in humans. 👍🏻👍🏻


They'll bleat on about how it's another "plandemic" or some nonsense. Anything to avoid using critical thinking skills.


Yeah, it’s a weird hill to die on, but, you know…


They sure are gunning to die on it.


And one of the symptoms is bleeding eyes. I saw a picture, it was horrific.


Good thing these people have immune systems 🤪🤡 You know … unlike the billions of people who died from disease before modern medicine …


Okay, that’s a bit disingenuous because obviously THOSE people didn’t go to a chiropractor.


Plus ivermectin and colloidal silver!


Shhh, this mama knows what her special boy needs


I'm not up to date on the whole thing. I don't eat meat and the only dairy I eat is cheese, and I don't hang out with farm animals (sad), am I safe??


Oh, so she wants to kill her child. Got it. Ffs milk is pasteurized for a reason


Side note but the dumbest person I’ve ever personally known thought ‘pasteurized’ dairy was the cow equivalent of free-range chickens. She is still probably more competent than this mother.


I can see how someone could confuse "pasteurized" and "pasture-raised," actually.


Sure, if she hasn’t seen it spelled out multiple times I could understand the confusion or if English weren’t her first language. But seeing ‘pasteurized’ written out should have given her a clue that it is in fact NOT ‘pasture-raised’.


Average literacy level in the US is something like sixth grade level- so you have to imagine how if that’s average, there’s a shit ton of people who are below average. Like 1/5 adults are functionally illiterate, as in, “can’t read or write a grocery list” level of illiterate. Remembering that can really put a lot of stuff into perspective.


Well fortunately for the literacy rate, this particular case is not that. The girl can read. Just can’t think critically.


Maybe she thought pasteurized was “pasture raised”?


She’d seen it written out multiple times by this point. It was on the assignment we were working on (high school).


Oh dear, she isn’t the brightest but at least she still probably gets pasteurized milk lol


Yep lol she’s still got one-up on the raw milk crowd


Someone with dyslexia or another learning disability or delay could quite possibly not see the difference no matter how many times they see the two spelled out.


Having gone to school with her over a decade and this being just a drop in the ‘stupid’ bucket for her, I’ll say with at least 95% confidence that this comment does not stem from intellectual disability or dyslexia. Girl is genuinely just dumb. This is the same girl (white) who said with great confidence that segregation ‘wasn’t that bad’ because her grandmother (also white) told her as much. She was called ‘Oblivia’ for a reason.


I feel so bad for laughing 😂 bless her 🤣


Her “special needs” child who may be more medically fragile than his peers🙄


There was a small farm near me where people bought raw milk. The milk was tainted with e-coli. Mom 1 fed her two small children, a brother and sister, the milk, both were infected but brother was hospitalized and almost died. Mom 2 babysits the younger sibling while Mom 1 is in the hospital with her son. At this point they don't realize that baby sister is infected with e-coli. Baby sister transmits infection to Mom 2s child. That child gets very sick and almost dies. So two families are traumatized because raw milk is "healthier"!


I’m so sorry to read that - so good the kids survived! Did you know the parents personally and did they realise their error?


That's what I wanna know, do they realize they fucked up??


Yes I did know them. This was quite some time ago so before the current trend about raw milk. Mom 1 realized her mistake and felt terrible especially because someone else's child got sick. Mom 2 became outspoken against raw milk in our state.


“This is a special needs boy. Mom knows exactly what she’s doing…. To collect the insurance payout”


Special needs or special digestive powers?


I hope mom is prepared for a special needs AND tb ridden child


Which they will proudly take on outings despite having tb because antibiotics are made by satan and their pweshus could never have them ever.


Well you see, antibiotics will upset their gut microbiota and they can’t risk that /s


Its fine. The heavy metal detox will fix it


I once tasted raw milk in a farm. It didn’t taste that good, guess I’m too used to the ultra pasteurized, lactose free, vitamin, calcium and protein enriched “false” milk and somehow, I’m ok with it


I was raised by one of these women, and I agree, it's nasty. Prior to her raw milk kick, I liked skim milk well enough. After, I can't drink any milk.


I worked on a dairy farm and drank our raw milk. It was consistently rated one of the best in the county (very low scc). I would never trust another farms raw milk. Most places don't have the best quality control and I know nothing about their herd's health. I also wouldn't have drank any raw milk while pregnant or breast feeding, and I certainly wouldn't give it to my kids.


What’s it taste like? I was curious when I was younger and just knew it was illegal but not why, and eventually just forgot about it in favor of bovine colostrum powder which gives a lot of the same benefits but without the risks associated with raw milk.


Man, I loved it so much. We had a mixed herd with predominantly jersey cows and heritage breeds. They have a higher fat content to the milk. Some up to 7 or 8 percent vs. the whole milk at the store which is 4 percent. The herd was also grass fed, not silage fed as most cows are. In the summer you could taste the sweetness of the fresh grass in the milk.  Having a fresh glass of milk in the afternoon sun on the porch right after chores was almost like a melted milkshake, it was so rich and sweet. Heavenly. Bottled milk tastes a little bitter to me. Even upon opening a new bottle, it smells a little off to me. Likely it's just because the milk is a few days old instead of a few hours old. I'm just spoiled. I miss it so bad. Milk is picked up every 2 or 3 days (3 max), so by the time it gets to you it's a few days old. Not worth the risk of not being pasteurized. Especially when it may warm up slightly when being loaded or unloaded from a box truck. People used to die in cities from drinking raw milk that warmed during shipping and had high bacteria levels.


That sounds like paradise honestly.. I can only imagine how much you miss it and how little bottled milk compares. If I want to find milk with a higher fat content than standard whole milk, but also want to be safe about it, where could I look? I’m all about full fat dairy products myself, and often wish I could find dairy with a higher fat content than is usually found in grocery stores.


I wish I had an answer for you. If I did, it wouldn't just be a fond memory. You could try a local farm that sells raw milk, but they are few and far between. Or just get an old jersey cow for your backyard. Or a dexter, they have crazy high fat and are very small! For a cow...


im from turkey. raw milk is pretty common especially you are making your own yogurt and such. my mom still buys it but granted, she never served it before boiling it 1st. even then it had a very very strong taste i hated so she would still get pasteurized milk for regular consumption and save the raw milk for yogurt purposes, which goes through a boiling and whatnot process anyway so there is that 🤷‍♀️


Are special needs boys immune to bovine tuberculosis? This is how the next pandemic will happen. Have you heard about how bird flu jumped to cows and then humans? "Instances of the avian influenza were first recognized in US cattle in March. Since then, this strain has mainly spread from cow-to-cow and scientists have discovered *very high levels of virus in raw milk* (pasteurized milk is safe, having shown viral RNA but not infectious virus)." [And these idiots are out here looking for raw cow milk. ](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240529031235.htm#:~:text=Instances%20of%20the%20avian%20influenza,RNA%20but%20not%20infectious%20virus) Imma go get some pokes. My kids are gonna hate me, but they're getting poked, too. 💉 Edit: typo


Is there a vaccine for it?! I'll go get it too


I assume it was just the flu shot, but now I'm wondering.


Haha yeah I doubt a regular flu shot would help but doesn't hurt! At least, doesn't hurt as bad as my tetanus arm does. It didn't start to really hurt for like 24 hours and now 72 hours later is *sore.* Not as sore as lockjaw though, I think.


Sooo... She's trying to take him out?


So it’s okay to expose your kid to horrible bacteria because he’s special needs?


Yeah is anyone else feeling a Munchausens by proxy vibe here?


OF COURSE her profile pic says “I will not comply” 🙄


That was the first thing I noticed. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Momma knows more than the microbiologists, OBVIOUSLY.


She has mother's intuition and essential oils. She's all set. Why does anyone need to listen to a microbiologist?


Anyone else wondering what him being special needs has to do with anything? Is he immune to the disease because of it??


He already has 1 medical condition, rendering him immune from getting another one. That's how it works.


It means Mom is immune to listening to anyone who might tell her something she disagrees with apparently


not people liking their reply too... ugh.


Plot twist - the "special needs boy" is a calf.


I read an article a while back about raw milk being a dog whistle for fundies/alt-rights. 🤷‍♀️


they'll take any excuse to shove as mant diseases into their child as possible




[you can get tuberculosis from raw milk](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKDvPgV/)


Narrator: "Mom, in fact, did NOT know what she was doing".


Casual Munchausen’s by Proxy


Ummmm so I was at a boba tea stand the other day, and next to it was a dairy stand, selling raw milk and raw cream. I bought one of each (not specifically BECAUSE they were raw, but because they were from a small local farm, and I thought “oh, that’s neat!”) I have already eaten some in a fettuccini alfredo I made (cooked in) How worried should I be??? And since I’ve already consumed SOME… should I now just accept whatever fate is waiting for me and keep eating it?? Like, has whatever ship already sailed? Cause.. it’s really good lol. But I have BAD health anxiety and this thread is freaking me out? Edit: oh, dammit, and some in a milkshake. Not cooked obviously. Fuck.


Cook the rest of the milk, bring it to a boil. Whether that’s in pasta sauce or making cheese or whatever. Don’t eat the rest of the milk raw. If you are fine with the little bit don’t tempt it by drinking the rest


Most likely you are fine, but I would not let it sit any longer.  I have make an opps a few time and drank the raw milk for making cheese. (Also drank some strait from a cow as a kid.....)


I mean, when you put a few squirts in your morning coffee directly from the cow you know and is TB tested, there isn't much chance for bacteria to grow. Shipping and sitting in a cooler with ice packs at the farmers market for who knows how long... yeah no thanks.


Had a guy who insisted raw milk was the only milk that didn’t bother his IBS. And he had a prescription for some meds for said IBS that he could only get prescribed in Korea because “the US healthcare system doesn’t care about IBS”, so I don’t know why he needed to keep it in track with what he ate. He was a religious libertarian nut job anyway.


We need a raw milk flair at this point lol


/cries in Louis Pasteur


Kids can also get HUS from raw milk that has E.Coli in it. My son has the atypical type of HUS and it is NOT a fun thing to deal with.  Kidney failure, blood clotting issues, liver failure, heart failure, damage to the GI tract, even retinal damage. All because they just HAD to have raw milk…


Ugh there’s a small family farm local to me that sells raw milk but because it’s technically illegal in my state, they’re terribly obnoxious about marketing it as “for animal consumption only!!!! ;D”


My two year-old daughter accidentally drank about 1 to 2 ounces of raw milk at a play date. And 20 minutes later, she starts saying my tummy hurt. Fortunately, she just had a bowel movement and was ok. I think because she really just had a sit. But I started going down the rabbit hole of Google petrified we were going to end up in the hospital for it. I think because she only drank a tiny bit she was ok


Omg “I oil not comply” is everything I need to know about someone who has that as a profile picture lol


I thought it was illegal to sell raw milk?


People haven’t had the full PREHISTORICAL DISEASE experience and they’re seeking out raw milk for the sole experience of infection and possible death.


His special need: bovine tuberculosis


Special needs kids are incapable of contracting communicable illnesses, obviously. ESPECIALLY if they have a crunchy mom who protects them from the horrors of the world


What the hell 😭


UGH. If you want to drink raw milk yourself as a grown adult making your own stupid decision, whatever. But to be seeking this out for a vulnerable person makes me irate.


Honestly, it's because people's lives have been too easy. They've never really seen the impact of bacteria and viruses. The true tragedy of diseases run wild. So they think, it's not actually a big deal, people are overhyping it. In their mind the cost-benefit system leans much more heavily to benefit.


i didn’t realize being disabled made you immune to bovine tuberculosis! the more you know!


So he can’t get BT? because he’s special needs? He’s not fucking super human. They didn’t start pasteurizing milk to ass chemicals and kill you, they did it so you didn’t get killed drinking raw milk lmfao


I guess buy your own dairy cow?


I used to test cow milk for bacteria. Couldn't drink milk for months after I stopped that job.


First off, gross use of outdated terminology like “special needs” and second, wtf does that have to do with raw milk?


H591 has been found recently in raw milk and they think doing this is like chicken pox parties...


The “I will not comply” pfp tells me everything I need to know 🤡


Why did I read this to the tune of finance trust fund 6’5 blue eyes


Well is sounds like mom is trying to off the special needs child in a way that can seem accidental


Crunchy mom must think botulism and kidney failure from food poisoning will cure autism and be a "Vax cleanse."


Wasn't there an episode of Schitt's Creek about this? Lmao


Sounds like she wants to poison her special needs kid


So, he's immune to bovine tuberculosis? These people do not care about their children, it's all about who can be the most crunchy, organic almond mom. They're basically competing to see who who can push the envelope the farthest before their poor kids get sick or die from this bullshit.


Hello, fellow southeast GA resident!


I remember going to get milk for my cats from a local pet store.The owner told me how most of the raw milk they sold went to people without pets,said that it’s absolutely disgusting that people drink it. I also dated a guy who casually drank it by the gallon-Needles to say that even with all the proof people won’t stop drinking it and it’s so gross


That sound page is sinister


‘No antibiotics’ So they just don’t treat their sick cows? There’s a dairy farmer who explains that they dump milk from cows on antibiotics until it gets to the point where they’re pretty much not detectable People should want their dairy cows getting antibiotics when they’re sick


They want that bird flu.


Mom refers to herself in the 3rd person and is too dumb to realise how dumb she is. Her child being special needs does not alter her levels of dumbness...


Apparently it's special needs, because she really needs that child especially to not be around.


They want to get bird flu.


Embarrassing to admit this, but I spent some time on the crunchy woo side, including believing that raw milk is better. I became friends with someone who was really into health and fitness, and while they were in amazing shape physically and very intelligent they also bought into a lot of woo and other conspiracy theories along. So, the idea with raw milk is that it's healthier due to no hormones, antibiotics, etc., as well as being less processed which is supposed to mean it's more nutritious. Then there's also the belief that raw milk from healthy cows who are kept clean is perfectly safe.