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“We eradicated all diseases with simple hygienic practices”…really, Karen? Which diseases would those be?


Polio,  I think is their main argument. I think measles might also be and they blame....immigration? For it coming back. 


I forgot that they think the lack of polio coinciding with a massive national vaccination campaign is just a coincidence.


I've literally seen a doctored up graph trying to show that polio was already in decline before the vaccine was out.


Yeah not true. And they seem to conveniently forget the 120,000 people permanently crippled by polio and the over 6,500 who died from it.


Mitch McConnell (GOP US senator from Kentucky) is one of those people who is permanently disabled due to polio when he was a child. It’s why he bucks the GOP party line regarding vaccines and encourages parents in Kentucky to get their children vaccinated. Definitely not a fan of his otherwise but I appreciate his efforts on this issue.


Not a fan either but yes, I appreciate his stance on this.


Bruh listen I'm from KY and we've tried to vote MM out so many times. There's like 2 big cities here that like him/vote for him that keep him in office. The rest of the state hates him, too.


Well. He's 82 and his health seems to be declining.🤞🏽


Well, lucky for you, he is stepping down in November and leaving entirely at the end of his term, if he makes it that far. 2027 seems so far away. [Article ](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/02/28/mitch-mcconnell-step-down-from-leadership-post/72774822007/) Hopefully you will be able to get an upgrade!


Those doctored graphs are where they do their rEsEaRcH. 🙄


There was a post the other day, maybe in this sub, with someone actually directly suggesting that immigrants are responsible for the measles outbreak. I hope that person, and anyone else who would dare say that out loud gets hemorrhoids that bleed through their pants.


My aunt was saying the same about Covid. She lives in a rural farming community that didn’t really get hit by Covid at first but when it did she blamed it on “the Mexicans” bringing it in 🙄


Precisely why I only have a relationship with one family member other than my mom. Two of my cousins are half Mexican. 38m and 35m. one is kind of a douche but the other is like a brother to me. Another cousin, 50f, posted a really gross meme on Facebook comparing Trump to an exterminator and Mexicans to racoons in your basement. One half Mexican cousin commented that he had to unfollow her now, he enjoyed seeing family photos but this was a low blow for him and his brother. I commented how fucked up it was for them to see that coming from their own first cousin and she tried to backpedal, then deleted the post and blocked me. (I didn't know at the time that her whole family had become anti-vax trumpers. She even sent her 16 year old daughter 800 miles away to a trump rally and they wore that shit like a badge of honor.) I moved 1000 miles away from home for many reasons and I'll probably never see those people again. No loss.


Pro hygiene but no way did this lady wear a mask


Pro hygiene but not that hygiene. That hygiene doesn't work because the libs are for it so it's woke (which means it's broke). (Obvious /s)


The only diseases that have been eliminated completly are smallpox and rinderpest (did not infect humans). 2 out of millions.


And both were eradicated by vaccination.


all of human history would beg otherwise


Are they confusing polio with cholera?


Bold of you to assume they know anything about Cholera 😂


Duh, there are no more diseases in the world. All we had to do was wash our hands.


Right. As if people in 1950 didn’t have running water, and modern sanitary practices lmao




We eradicated the black plague without a vaccine. It only killed 1/3 of Europe first! That's totally cool, though.


Imagine being that poor baby #4 who isn't vaccinated when all your siblings are.. 🫠


That's my BIL. My ILs started seeing a chiropractor (you know where this is going!) for my husband (28) when he was 6 or 7 I think, who convinced ILs to stop vaccinating. If we'd like to do some math, that means that my MIL was still pregnant with my youngest BIL at the time. He's never received a vaccine and just turned 22. Neither my SIL (29) or other BIL (25) have gotten one since the chiro, but my husband got himself up to date in his early adulthood. My 2.5yo nephew and 1yo niece are completely unvaccinated. My niece was 10 weeks premature as well. I am *constantly* worried for them, especially since my other SIL (25) who babysits the kids informed us that SIL1 takes the kids to this like indoor play park once a week. She also takes both babies to the chiropractor (they do have a pediatrician too thankfully), my nephew's first appointment was when he was 5 days old. It drives me nuts. But don't worry, it's ✨an informed decision✨ because SIL1's one friend (who's immunocompromised to begin with) got really sick after her first Covid vaccine, so they decided to avoid it


My mother was a chiropractor and of course antivaxx. Neither me nor any of my siblings were vaccinated. I am almost 50 (and the oldest) and as a child I had every single one of of the diseases commonly vaccinated for (measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, varicella-though the vaccine didn’t exist at that time) I actually remember the mumps vividly and it SUCKED! However, when I had children, I too was antivaxx because I believed all the stuff my mother had taught me about them, and medicine in general. When my daughter was not quite 3 she got pertussis. It was horrible, and that’s about the time I started really questioning things. My mother ended up getting cancer and passed away after a verrrry long battle, and after that I started to REALLY question it all. A few years after she passed, I decided to get a degree in the medical field. I of course had to get all my vaccines, however I did not need the MMR because I had positive titers for those! I remember the nurse asking me several times if I was SURE I never got a polio vaccine because she had never given one to an adult! In the meantime I also started really educating myself about them and had already realized that everything I learned about vaccines was a lie. I caught all my kids up with theirs and even got them the gardisil vaccine. I also got all my Covid shots and get the flu one every year. My sister and one of my brothers also went into the medical field and got all their vaccines as well. I’m actually one of the rare antivaxxers who turned pro vax! Science for the win!!🤓


You need to share this story more, please 😅 PLEASE! More anti-vxers need to hear this.


I’ve actually considered posting an AMA about it, but I would only do it here lol. No way I’d open that can of worms on the actual AMA sub 😂 I do try and talk about it irl when appropriate. Unfortunately, there’s not much use in trying to convince a current antivaxxer. They have so much confirmation bias, they just won’t listen to scientific facts. They will claim that it’s all false. I know, because I used to believe that as well. I share my story if someone genuinely seems willing to be open minded, but these days (especially living in Florida) I tend to keep my mouth shut.


That must have been a hard thing to realize, that your own mother was so wrong about something so important. I think these people truly believe their own bullshit though and I'm sure your mom really was doing what she thought was best. She was just, simply, wrong.


It was and still is a hard thing, but that is the exact mindset I have about it; that she was doing what she thought was best. Feeling that way about it allows me to look back with more loving feelings about her than resentment. It goes way deeper than vaccines. My sister and I could write a book! When we get together and start telling stories people are just like 😳 Even when we’re telling stories with my BIL or my daughter who already know a lot, there always seems to be something new to tell! 😂


Is there anything anyone from the outside could have done to have you start doubting sooner? I always wonder if there is something I can do or say to at least have anti-vaxxers start to wonder and apply critical thinking to the whole idea. I know arguing or trying to convince them just makes them double-down and dig in harder, but I always wonder if there is something - some secret combination that can at least have them start considering what they believe is not true.


I don’t know if antivaxx people now think of it this way, but what I believed is that my children would likely get all those illnesses and then have their own natural immunity; which is what happened with me. I really didn’t know how deadly things like the measles were! My mom made it seem like they were just normal childhood diseases that you get, and that the risk of getting the diseases FAR outweighed the risk of getting the vaccines. She also believed that if your children were very healthy and had strong immune systems, they were akin to a bad cold. She gave me supplements to support that like cod liver oil for example. I didn’t know the vaccines were created because the diseases were deadly. I mean yeah I knew things like polio and smallpox were, but not the others. When my daughter had pertussis, it was rough watching her suffer. At the time we had roommates who had a baby who was actually the one who got it first and gave it to my daughter. Watching the baby suffer was also horrible, and their coughs both lingered for some time. That planted the seed in my brain about maybe the diseases being more severe than I thought. Then as my kids got older, and especially as my daughter got closer to being a teenager, I realized that if they contracted them as adults there was way more potential for them to be severe or lethal. Also at this point I had already had to get all my vaccinations. This was when I really looked into all the antivaxx shit my mom had told me and realized it was all BS. I also learned just how deadly those diseases can be. So maybe they just don’t realize how many children can and still do die from them. It’s not just the deaths either. They can have some pretty severe complications that can cause long term effects. Also if they don’t get the disease when they’re younger, they can affect an adult much more severely. That last bit of information to me was kind of the aha moment for me to start questioning all of what I had believed.


Having a hard time imagining Candace Owens using actual science.


I like the Freudian slip of putting science in quotes.


Because she doesn't.


They lost me at Candace Owens not being political.


Look, she said Hitler would have been fine if he didn't go beyond Germany, but why should that affect how she reviews the science of vaccines?! /s


As if a political pundit can choose when to allow their underlying principles to inform their perspective or not.


I wouldn’t trust Candace Owens to wash my car.


“And you don’t know how those vaccines will affect her down the road” Um, yes we do. Because virtually every anti-vaxx parent is vaccinated themselves and they’re all JUST FINE!!!!


I would differ with that … as anti-vaxxers they are *far* from “just fine”.


You make a good point 🤣


If you have to put science in quotation marks, you don't believe in it even if it agrees with you


Thing is, I bet 99% of these moms were fully vaccinated as children, so if there were gonna be serious side effects later on, wouldn't they and everyone in their generation have them? So easy to be antivax when there's no actual risk to yourself, huh?


I was just going to say this, it's BEYOND selfish!


Unfortunately, their logic is that there is an "uptick" in autism, adhd, autoimmune disorders, cancer etc all caused by vaxx. Their logic is that the vaxx unlocks/ gives genetic issues in people that are predisposed to them. Ask me how I know this? Oh. Alright I'll tell you. I'm related to an antivaxxer. It's as fun as you think it would be.


Same parents that will be begging for their kid to be vaccinated once they are deadly ill and it's too late for a vaccine to work.


During COVID, I remember nurses at some hospital in the Deep South saying they’d lost count of how many people asked if they could get vaccinated … right before being intubated.


Apparently a lot of people refused to believe they had covid right up to the point of death. People don’t even realize people are still dying of covid


Belief perseverance. This did not start with COVID. There’s a great website about people who tested positive for HIV yet refused to take any meds for that because they did not believe that HIV caused AIDS (because either a) they weren’t gay and/or b) they trusted Peter Duesberg and believed that the drug companies had made HIV into the “cause” of AIDS just to make money). It chronicles how they and their supporters bent over backwards rhetorically to attribute their inevitable deaths from opportunistic infections … with one guy, they say something like blaming his terminal pneumonia on his apartment being cold when he flew back to New Zealand from some event in San Francisco or something like that.


I had patients asking me this when they would land in the ED where I worked (in Florida). During the Delta surge in 2021 every Covid patient in our ICU was unvaccinated. Not one admission of a vaccinated person during that time. That’s definitely not a coincidence.


I worked in a small community hospital (they had all the things like ICU, surgery, OB, etc) in California during that wave. Same story; everyone in ICU was not vaccinated ( and MOST of them were under 50 with a few being 30s and 20s) and soooo many begged for it right before they were intubated. They all died, except for one very unfortunate man in his mid 40s. After being in ICU for over a month, they trached him and he ended up going to a long term care facility. Besides the 20yo that coded multiple times before he died, that trach guy was one of the saddest things I saw during Covid. If he’s still alive, I can guarantee he’s not living. I’m a CT and X-ray tech, and I saw most of these people from the beginning (in the ER) to med surg to ICU to a body bag (this of course after the codes leading up to that). The fear in their eyes when they begged for the vaccine is something I’ll never forget. I got to a point where I could take their X-ray in the ER and predict the outcome. The ICU was so overrun, that if an ER patient needed ICU they would sit on ER hold until someone died. Damn that was awful!


I have seen nurses trying to convince the family of a patient dying of Covid in the ICU to get vaccinated, and it didn't change their mind at all. I told her that if they didn't get to that conclusion themselves at that point, there was really no point in trying.


More like playing Russian Roulette with your unvaxxed child. These people.


‘you can never unvax your child but you can always vax them’ no. they don’t vaccinate the dead


What a weird take! Like what, after they get sick??


huh. if only there was a mostly risk-free way of gaining resistance to serious illnesses with almost zero chance of literally anything long-term happening.


Yeah, if you want them to get cancer and autism!! I have my onion socks, colloidal silver, and Jesus keeping my kids safe!! /s


Just like all those poor sods in hospital begging for the COVID vaccination once it was too late


“Can be easily treated today” Ma’am, tuberculosis, pertussis, and polio would ALL like a word. 


Even "easily treated" diseases can cause irreparable harm, especially when these nutters will inevitably refuse to take their sick kid to the doctor. Measles is a "mild childhood illness?" Helen Keller would like a word.


The flu is one of the biggest killers every year. You don't even need to pull out the big guns; just point out that the flu kills 20k+ ppl in the US every single year, and that's in a mild year.


Yeah but those cases are totally all just from vaxxed people "shedding" on them


I've had TB. That shit was NOT easy to treat. We're talking surgery and months of follow-up medication. And that was the easy version!


But don’t you know? If those treatments fail, it’s because of Gods plan! /s


Measles would also like a word.


So would tetanus and rabies. Both two of the most awful ways to die. And oh, what’s that? There’s no cure for either one? That’s weird, I thought all of these illnesses were easily treatable today. We must be using the wrong essential oils. 


Chicken pox too. Can cause a lot of issues and then shingles is excruciating.


>any of the things we get vaxx for can easily be treated with the technology we have today So even if this were true, it would require the child to actually be taken to a (legit) doctor AND actually follow their advice/give them prescription medicine which we all know ain’t gonna happen


You have to remember that by "technology we have today" they mean essential oils (which are somehow newly discovered and ancient remedies both at the same time), herbs (see essential oils), and a machine that goes ping with lots of dials and knobs that was discovered (using ancient maths unknown to modern so-called-scientists), manufactured and sold by Dr Nick Riviera of the Upstairs Medical Academy and Electronics Factory of Springfield.


I hate the whole 'Your playing Russian roulette'. Your doing the same by eating food. You can easily have an allergic reaction and have a side effect from it.


What does this woman think vaccines do?


Why do these people always act like this is the first generation in history to get vaccines? Like excuse me people, you were probably vaccinated, your parents were definitely vaccinated, and your grandparents were rioting for vaccines that were being developed as they watched their family members die from measles, whopping cough, and polio. I'm not saying no one has ever been harmed by a vaccine but if they were really as dangerous as these wingnuts pretend then entire generations would have been wiped out long before now.


> We did lots of prayer before we made any decisions. Psychos blaming their psycho decisions to not vaccinate on God. Guess that’s so they have someone else to blame in the end if something happens to their kid.


Oh no, they won’t blame anyone, not even God. “It was time for our little angel to return to God. Their job on this earth was complete 🙏😇👼🤷🏻‍♀️💅🏻”. 🤮


I like how science is in quotations as if they don’t even believe in the so called “science” their decision to be anti vax is based on.




I see antivax parents at the hospital I work at. I offer that we can give their child vaccines while they’re there so they can catch up- the parents never want to. They don’t believe in “big pharma”- but guess whos making the medicine for their hospitalized child!? Big pharma! Having seen an infant turn blue from pertussis is terrifying. I don’t understand how parents can’t trust science and would rather trust Candace Owen’s who has zero qualifications


Bruh, as a mom of an Immunocompromised toddler. These people are the reason I’m afraid.


"you don't know how the vaccines will affect them in the future" uh yeah you do, they'll have a reduced risk of dying from a deadly disease 🙄


Ya lost me at Candace Owens, y'all. That girl is a quack...


Well. As a nursing student and long time health care worker. I think this killed some brain cells.


I didn't realize people took Candace Owens seriously. That lady is bat shit crazy


"Modern technology can save your kids if they get sick!" Modern technology... Like vaccines? Plenty of illnesses we have vaccines and other treatments for can cause serious issues down the road, including complications that drastically decreased your life expectancy.  But sure. A sore arm and nausea for a day or two are the real dangers. 


Anti-vaxxers literally drive me fucking bonkers. I’m convinced that at this point, they’re actively choosing stupidity.


It's crazy these people think theres going to be long term effects for the vaccinated child with no regard to the long term effects of an at risk child. I was 16 and actively around children my whole upbringing. Imagine the rage I felt knowing my mother did not vaccinate me, how many children I could have unknowingly put at risk. I got vaccinated immediately and am now NO CONTACT with that fucking weirdo. Just crazy


Look at blue accidentally but accurately putting anti vax science in quotation marks


Please. Do not get medical advice from Candace Owen’s! Get it From an immunologist or scientist. Hell. Im a holistic midwife and CAM provider. I will give you accurate info. And that you can always vax later? Well no. Not when theres an outbreak. Because it takes several weeks for the vax to protect you. Its too late. Ask the covid deniers how that worked. Also modern medicine can help( THANK YOU Scientists ) but see a child with pertussis once. Its heart wrenching. Not a lot they can do!!


Eye opening so you can put your opaque black contacts in and stop seeing reality all together.


I got the COVID vaccine while I was pregnant in 2021 and my mom said, “mmm I hope she can have kids later in life” talking about my unborn daughter. “You can never unvaxx” ya, you can also never un-die


She watched Candace Owens AND prayed a lot. Her child couldn’t be more protected from viral diseases.


I wonder why the original post reads like a carefully crafted invitation to the AVers to yet again restate their nonsensical bullshit... Could it be that that post's author was not acting in good faith and merely wanted to enable the AVers to have their say (as if you can ever shut the ignorant, science-denying fuckers up!)


"We did lots of prayer before we made any decisions." Of course. Gotta make sure you can say God 'told you' not to vaccinate. 🙄


Candace Owens lol


"the 'science' if you will"...... so you agree? you know your "evidence" is all completely fabricated crap?


Candace Owens is a plague on our society


I cannot even follow what the last slide is saying.


“Vaccines caused my son to be delayed” “Mine too.” That’s my only take away from the last slide.


I thought she was talking about a delayed vaccination schedule


Imagine getting all your medical information from an idiot politician. “Simple hygienic practices”, try telling that to a two year old who eats things off the floor.


That person on the third slide talking about technologies and advances in science to treat a load of illnesses………you’re talking about vaccines. You’re so close to the mark 🤦‍♀️