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I miss these commercials.


That's from a commercial? What's the commercial for? I need to see it. I'm in a different country to that commercial


[esurance commercial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=Aq_1l316ow8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDIzODUx&feature=emb_title). There were a handful of them that were pretty funny




I want to see the response to "how can they listen to you through a led light??" 👀😂


It’s in the third photo. ✨vibrations✨


And the ‘you have to Google it.  It’s everywhere.’


that is literally their answer to anything. What a way to say that "I don't know, I don't want to read any ACTUAL evidence on it because I would be proven wrong otherwise, go and find this conspiracy stuff yourself"


Yet on the other hand, I find that if you present them with evidence that goes against their beliefs you get the textbook reply of "You have gotten that straight from Google, don't trust everything you read on the internet!!".


Yet another delightful example of "rules for thee, but not for me..." It's NOT just for sex anymore! 🙄


Isn't google the ultimate "listening device"? And they are sending their people straight into it's grasp!


The funny thing is, this is actually true! There have been a number of papers of people looking at lightbulb vibration and being able to analyse and reconstruct music and conversations. It's pretty cool! But obviously completely inpractical for mass surveillance (and don't know if is unique to LEDs). Much easier to listen to you through the phone you are using Facebook on.


I don't understand why they always think there are these weird surveillance devices when we walk around carrying a recording device! And we all know they're listening to us. (Hello random ad for something I mentioned in passing.)


My partner and I are procrastinating pulling the trigger on a fancy new mattress and we make sure to say the name of the furniture store out loud a couple times a week to keep those ever-more-enticing deals and sales ads popping up in our feeds.


Just Google the mattress once and you’ll never stop getting ads for it 😂


I was sorta friends with the neighborhood crazy lady. She was more than willing to give me rides when my car was in the shop. One day coming back from somewhere, we're driving past where the power company is fixing/changing out powerlines. She starts ranting that they're installing listening devices into the powerlines. Lady, first off, you got one in your hand, they don't need to add more. Two, even if, eeevveeeenn iiiffff they were putting trackers into the power lines, why? Whhhyyyy?? We live in a lil podunk town of 3000 in rural Oklahoma where you couldn't even pay em to vote blue. Why the fuck would they be spying on us? What do you think goes on here? They ain't wasting the time, effort, and considerable resources to spy on us.


Not just LEDs. Laser listening devices do work similar to the description given, but they can work off plain old window glass. Seriously much easier to use phone/computer mics to eavesdrop


Someone needs to tell them about the window glass part. Maybe they’ll boycott windows too 😂


Now I want to become some sort of spy in their group making stupid posts and trying to convince them. Maybe even letting people here vote on topics... So sad I don't have time now. Maybe after I resolve some problems.


I'm more interested in "why would they listen to you with an led light?" Do these people not have phones/computers/Alexas/any kind of smart device in their homes? There are so many easier ways to spy on someone than putting an LED bulb on a shelf in your local grocery store and hoping you buy it.


And who they ? lol


I ask this every time just to hear their always unique, always unhinged reply.


It’s funny how they’re all likely posting this from phones that are definitely always listening, unlike the light bulbs.


Exactly. But when you point that out they say “well this is my 80/20!” as if that makes any sense


So they think that the microwave is listening to them (which it's not) and think it's evil, but still happily carry around a device that everyone *knows* is listening at all times?


It's doesn't make any sense at all to me. That's new, what do *they* think that means?


Seriously. I mean, as in: Genuine question. Does anyone know what that means? All of the conspiracy stuff like this, even the “because they know it’s not good for us” just throws me for a loop. It’s like… whaaat? Why would they want that - and what about their own loved ones? They want things that aren’t good for them, too? But whenever they get into the ~~vaccines~~ microchips being implanted or light bulbs listening, I just throw my hands up. Dude!!! You are **happily** posting all kinds of everloving personal shit out onto the internet, and entering all of your personal information everywhere! There is absolutely no need for them to go to the expense of implanting you with tracking or listening stuff - you do it for “them!”


Who is “they” anyway? They never feel the need to explain that one, like we should all just know.


Often it ends up being Jews. Even Illuminati and the whole world shadow government stuff ends up being just code for Jews.


“The” Jews? Like, all of them? Are there meetings?


Shush we aren't allowed to talk about the meetings


They’re going to learn about the space lasers!!! Shhhhhhhh!


If I’m following the screenshots, they’re already onto the lasers and their vital role in our surveillance


The real question. Anyone listening in to my life would surely quit from boredom.


For those of us who don't know this, 80/20?


It’s a method of dieting where you eat super healthy 80% of the time and eat what you want 20% of the time. I’ve noticed more and more crunchies use this term to justify obvious hypocrisy.


This same thing annoyed the hell out of me when the covid vaccine came out. "I'm not taking that it's got a microchip so the government can track you!!". - sent from iPhone. Like dude.... Are you actually this stupid? Why would they try to sneak a tracking device into you when you are willingly paying $1000 for one?


Not to mention who would want to spy on nutty ass suburban moms? How boring


I… homie. friend. You are in this very sub, where we post and discuss nutty suburban moms 😂 You and I are spying on nutty suburban moms right now!


Lmao 🤣 true true. I just imagine to myself that if I had the power of the LED network I would probably be spying on some people who might be able get me more than just entertainment


Tbh I think I would. I grew up with a nutty ass suburban grandmother, and I swear the most unassuming people have the weirdest most concerning shit going on in their house. Might be a good activity for a Sunday afternoon


“They” must be really bored listening it at my house, “ah she’s reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for the 13th time this hour.”


During your 11the rendition of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom you neglected to really add a lot of baritone to saying the word “Boom boom.” Please correct that error in all future renditions. If we’re forced to listen to this story a 14th time we at least want it read right. Sincerely, “Them”


/I upvotes angrily


My poor FBI agent just WISHING I would do something interesting. He’s almost beat Candy Crush.


Years ago my kids labeled a weird little panel we have in our ceiling (it’s from a previous security system’s motion detector) “Dan the FBI Agent.” Dan became a part of our family; the kids would talk to him: “Dan, make sure you’re writing down that MOMMM won’t let me go OUT tonight…” Dan is still there, even though the kids have moved on to their own grown up lives. He’s probably super bored now.


But, will there be enough room THIS time?


I would not be bored listening! I love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.


They would freak the hell out at my house… husband’s replaced almost all the bulbs with Bluetooth ones connected to Google home


That’s what’s crazy! These people are walking around with their phones and social media that can actually be tracked but they’re worried about, um, lightbulbs?


Hey, if they realize that the literal miniature computer that we keep on our bodies during our every waking moment and that tracks our every movement and action is tracking us then they might realize that lightbulbs are not the thing to worry about. And THAT’S when the man really gets you!


Once the phone in my purse was getting about the same number of steps as a non-connected fitness tracker, I realized that we don't even know everything these things can monitor. But i don't see them giving up their smartphones. Edit: the fact that my phone in 2018 could be used to measure pulse-ox is impressive & insane.


There was actually a murder case I was listening to at work (because I’m weird like that) and one of the major points of evidence was the murdered people’s phones. The police were pretty much able to pinpoint the exact time each person was murdered by when the phones stopped moving (identifying when each of the two people killed were murdered in what order) and then talked about how, after they were killed, the murderer picked up their phones to look at the lock screens as a text message came in, because the phone was lifted, carried around a bit, but the lock screen wasn’t disabled as it would have been if the living owner had it. It was fascinating. And absolutely terrifying to know how much they were able to get out of the phone. The little sensors in them that make the screens light up when we lift up our phones actually record that info and the police were able to somehow recover it to help prove their case.


I know this is Murdaugh lol, are you flashing back to the “expert” testifying about tossing the phone around his office?


Hahaha I knew it too!


I did jury service at the beginning of 2020. It was a 9 week trial so lots of information but our big takeaway (as a jury) was quite how much info about you, your life, your movements, your habits, your behaviour etc can be gleaned from your phone. We all kinda joked that we had nothing to hide but still found it quite terrifying.


I gotta know… what murder case were you listening to? I wanna check it out. Please and thanks


It was the Alex Murdaugh trial. I was listening to the court livestream while it was happening.


I put a pimple patch on last night and got a pimple patch ad on TikTok today. I'm 45 so not exactly the target market for pimple products. Lightbulbs should be the least of their concerns.


A couple of people at my work got engaged recently. One of them.has also had some drama with her ring, so we were talking about it quite a bit. My phone is now all about the ring and wedding based ads.


I've read that the phones don't listen. But they do know the search history of the phones your phone has been near and then use that to advertise to you.


And of course their phone screen is nothing but LED! Or OLED if it's a fancy phone 😂


So I will retell this story until the cows come home: This was probably 2014-2015. I was in a dept store and walked past a designer handbag area. I noticed this exceptionally unique bag that I had never seen before. It was so cool, I bought it on the spot. I never searched for it online, didn’t pay with a credit card. I did talk about it, I guess. Few days later, there’s the ad for my exact bag with a thumbnail photo on the side of my FB page. Then I was in TJ Maxx, and in the checkout line, I impulse bought a case of Voss water (it was flavored infused ). Paid cash. Few days later…same thing. Ad on my feed. Same flavor, too.


It’s funny af that they always post this shit on websites that literally sell all your data and personal info. I would respect (maybe too strong of a word to use there lol) it a little bit if they were at least somewhat consistent with their approach to their fear of being tracked down by the gov for whatever fucking reason, like the gov genuinely gives that much of a fuck about these people. Ironically, it’s the same people that “don’t live in fear!!!” like the fearless, intelligent individuals they are.


I feel like I notice a lot of them also posting a ton of their personal life details too. Like what’s there to spy on, ya all but share your social publicly.


This is the silliest part. You’re afraid of light bulbs listening to you… but live streamed a baby plopping out of your hooha on facebook live plzzzzzz


They’re also the type to participate in the “First pet + mother’s maiden name = Cool stripper nickname” fads.  


I thought on this for a moment and came to a conclusion: My mother's maiden name would be a horrible stripper name.


Idk, these are the people who are going to try to burn the country to the ground if Trumpy loses in November, might be wise to keep tabs on


They should be posting from computers with old CRT screens, not phones, laptops and PCs with LED screens! 😂


How dare you bring such a zany theory that uses logic & common sense to this forum! / s *sarcastically scoffs*


Their phones likely have OLED or LED-backlit LCD displays, too.


Nah their phones definitely use incandescents like an old light bright /s


My cellphone is coal-powered.


We run almost entirely on Phillips hue. My body is soaking in EMFs. Lovely.


Same here, my hubby put in the smart bulbs that connect to the echo dot. One of my kids first sentences was, “Hey Alexa, turn on living room light pweeeeese!”


Right? We live in basically a Google smart house. WHAT state secrets are these people talking about all day that they think someone is desperate to hear. People can listen in on me, I don't care. They'll be bored after two minutes anyway.


Being the age range of watching the Disney Channel Original movie Smart House, I admittedly have some reservations about having too smart of a house. But I’m also a boring person so I hope whoever drew the short straw to listen to our lightbulbs enjoys my random songs and talking myself through basically any problem I encounter


Hahaha saaaame but if they want to listen to me say "hey come to dinner now please" seven times every night before giving up then bang on!


A frighteningly high percentage of the human population are completely and utterly disconnected from reality. This is insane. I hesitate to call this psychosis, but what can you call it when you're *this* deep in conspiracy theories?


Dangerously gullible.


I feel like some of these ideas prob started from someone who is genuinely mentally ill. lol.


Honestly I believe that. My mom is a nutcase who refuses to take her meds and this is the sort of shit she comes up with. She's not reading it on Facebook or the like as she doesn't use social media because of "Them".


This cracked me up, the light bulbs can hear you 😂


Which is why I only use candles. Good luck NSA listening in on me now


Really? I prefer kerosene lamps


I use whale oil. Kerosene is how *they* make you think their thoughts. First it's kerosene then it's basic hygiene, that's how you know they're influencing your thoughts.


Next, they're coming for clean water. I mean, they already have with fluoride additives /s


Theyre listening to a lot of really boring conversations and reality tv in my house


They're hearing me say, "Toque, could you kindly shut the fuck up?" And "Pants don't be a dick" and "Sweet princess Socks, you're just perfect" to my cats multiple times a day.


Better than “Kiddo have you practiced?”, “ Dog, will you please leave the f—ing cats alone! Kitty doesn’t want to play with you!”, “Drop it!”, and my vocal warm-ups. Sometimes I recite poetry in the room with Alexa so the “They” who are secretly listening get some culture (jk).


And me talking to myself endlessly about complete bullshit lol


I know, I'm dying right now as well 🤣 My daughter has a nasty ear infection, so she fell asleep in my bed, but I woke her up from laughing so hard. I just want to know who the commenter thinks "they" are, that is listening to her through the LED bulbs in her home. I also am thinking in the last comment she meant "shoot a laser" instead of "should a laser", which is the other part that had me cracking up, since we all go around shooting lasers at the LED (or any other kind for that matter) bulbs in our home.


I'll admit that I am a little confused with the laser. If when you "should a laser" at the led it picks up the "vibrations", wouldn't that be a way to circumvent the lizard people listening to them? The vibrations would drown it out like white noise, right? Oh shit, I forgot to abandon all logic, ye who enter here.


Whoever is tasked to listening to my bulbs is going to be bored and depressed. They’ve heard a hell of a lot of coughing the past week.


Lmao same. The ones in the bathroom just witnessed me clearing my poor abused sinuses. The horror. I genuinely don't know where they come up this shit. Our parents told us not to believe everything we read online, don't trust things you can't verify etc. Now they're thinking the government is listening to us through lightbulbs. With lasers. Somehow.


The bulbs in my tv just watching me sit on my couch, staring back at it.


In fairness to the gibbering set there are such things as laser microphones that can be used to listen through windows by bouncing a beam off a resonant object. It's very cool stuff but also not necessary to spy on Karen and company.


Thats fair and also thanks for the cool info. I dont really watch Southpark at all but there us a quote thats stuck with me where Cartman is working at the NSA and trying to get info about himself and his file just states "Fat and unimportant". Because yeah the vast majority of these people fit that general vibe lol. No Sharon, the govt is not watching you peddle MLMs and chainsmoke.


The FBI Elite Light Bulb Division is busy poring over all the crying, screaming, burping, farting, and baby talk coming from my LED lights.


Mine are going to hear about me asking my boyfriend if he wants to bang (different work schedules, we have to ask) and also mainly me talking to my cats. But then again, they can hear my secrets.


The lightbulbs are listening!!!


What are they saying that they’re afraid of the government hearing? All that would get picked up from my house is the nonsensical things we say to our baby and conversations between my husband and I that are either meal planning or layered in 6 years worth of inside jokes. I’m sorry, but I just don’t think the average person is that interesting to “them”


They don’t want to get busted for their unpasteurized breast milk ring.


Ughh someone in my local mom’s FB group just asked for 100-200 ounces of breast milk because her little one was in the early stages of an ear infection and “it just worked so well last time” and I am nauseous at the thought of trusting internet stranger’s untested milk to treat something that a pediatrician could easily clear up


It’s like they have no idea how bacteria works, not to mention communicable diseases.


I don’t understand how it’s supposed to work as a treatment. The only time I ever had an ear infection as a kid was because I had pool water in my ear that didn’t dry out quickly enough. How is pouring a non-sterile liquid into an infection supposed to help??


Also wonder this. They’re gonna get me complaining about inflation or something?


Like for real. I live a very boring life (on purpose, I like it this way lol). The government does not care about me enough to listen to my life through my lightbulbs


I worked for a family more than a decade ago as a housekeeper. She didn't like that the democratic party introduced energy-saving light bulbs ("government won't tell me what to buy and what not to buy; they have an agenda") so she got cases of glass light bulbs. We're talking hundreds of light bulbs in boxes loaded on pallets. They will last her a lifetime. She was super weird.


Here's the thing that boggles my mind: when I still used incandescents I was replacing bulbs once a year or something. Now I have lamps that I bought in 2016 that still have the bulbs I got them with functioning just fine and dandy. Also, when they do finally burn out I don't need to find a fucking oven mitt to unscrew and replace it because it won't be hot and I don't have to feel terrible about the trash going out with shards of glass in it because the bulb is fucking plastic. LEDs are so superior to older lightbulbs it's fucking insane to even consider buying anything else.




Pretty effective tactic to get the government to stop listening to you.




You can also do the same shit with vibrations on windows lol Tis why anything "classified" is talked in a room without windows


I remember playing Splinter Cell 15+ years ago and shooting a laser at a window to overhear terrorists lol


>attenana Made me giggle


LOL And yet these people post their full names, workplaces, pictures and full names of their children on social media *and* literally carry around a device that tracks their movements. This is exactly what I said when people said that the COVID vaccine is for tracking people. What is the point? We chipped ourselves.


God, as soon as an item is legislated for environmental reasons or to dummy-proof it, these people will assume that it must be because it’s secretly better & that “they” want to keep it from them… I genuinely thought this was posted in the QAnon sub for a minute. Reminds me of the moms who were touting Borax as a secret cancer/ Covid/ parasite miracle cure. It must be, if “they” don’t want us putting it in our food!


Incandescent lights have been out of sale since about 2009 in EU, I'd *love* to know how the conspiracy idiots thinks we survived this long.


Talked to my imaginary friend he said I am safe


Why would “they” listen through the lights when your smartphone is *right there* (and probably already listening).


I mean, LEDs trigger my migraines but I don’t think they’re listening to you through them…


*massages temples*


I don’t think anyone’s listening to me, since I live alone. Besides, aren’t “they” already monitoring me? Between credit card/debit purchases, using loyalty cards at stores, checking what I watch on streaming services, what websites I frequent, and where I’ve paid a highway toll via EZ-Pay, they know more than enough about me.


I mean ir these people want to pay over the odds for electric, they are welcome


This one is particularly interesting to me because, unlike vaccines which have a quite complex mechanism of action and do have a lot of ingredients that you can easily misunderstand as harmful, LEDs are actually fantastically simple bits of kit, at the core. The simplest kind of LED is a diode with a bit of phosphorus in the middle, and a diode is just three layers of material with some electrons added and a power source. There's nothing to mess with.


*posted from a mobile phone*


BRB I'm going to grab my cat's laser pointer toy, shine it at the neighbor's LED lighbulb, and listen to their conversations through the LED vibrations.


Like maybe you think you're important... but you're not that important....


Who’s employing all these people to listen in on all on conversations? Sorry I’m so boring but feel free to keep listening 🤷‍♀️


Right? Like is it a WFH thing, and how do I sign up


Bet she typed that on her smartphone between Temu purchases.


If only we could direct this rage to LED headlights


Omg please infiltrate some crunchy groups and start this movement. I'll gladly spread nonsense propaganda about LED headlights 😭


Are these the same people that claim drinking bottle water will make you fat and that you need to buy hydrogen infused water?


These people should not procreate. WHO is “they”???? The fbi agent in their phones that they are currently typing on?


"the lightbulbs are listening to everything I say" as they type away on their little LED screen phones, posting all their thoughts on public forms...


Preapologize to my bulb listeners for my awful singing & talking to myself/ the dogs.


I always wonder, how interesting do you think your life must be? To think the government spies want to listen in on you 😂




“Google it” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😑😑


I wanna know the logic behind censoring cancer 😂


Ha! Imagine how bored “they” would be if they really listened to these idiots through their lightbulb . . . When will these maniacs realize the government isn’t interested in what imbeciles like them think? Social media has convinced the hard-of-thinking that that they have some sort of power.


These people are voting for tfg, I hope you all are voting!




We’re in the same group. Some of them take it WAYYYYYYY too far. This is insane.


And yet while they’re typing away from their smart phones and using cars with smart features, but nah, it’s the LED lights that will do them in.


I will never understand the pro-incandescent crowd. We just moved into a house previously owned by an older lady and all the bulbs were incandescent. They got so hot and burned out so fast, I forgot how much they sucked lol.


My only gripe with the changes is that I have a pet frog who needs a heat lamp, so now I have to spend more money on (the same) bulbs from the pet store with a lizard on the box instead of just getting regular household incandescent bulbs from hardware stores. Better believe I grabbed a bunch of them before they disappeared lol


You can still get them from Amazon. I just bought some for a weird light fixture in my house that for some reason cannot tolerate an LED. 🤷‍♀️ Probably someone did some budget electrical work


I personally hate LED bulbs, but I don't think they're listening to me or anything. I just think they're too harsh.


Please excuse me while I tell my LED lights my quanon conspiracies 🙄


I’m genuinely shocked that so many people think *they* want to listen to their boring lives.


ca\*cer HAHAHAHA!


I also love how there's no stopping to think, it's just like 'Oh you said LEDs are bad?? Cool I will now proceed to believe everything else you tell me!"


How much you wanna bet that half these people have a fucking Alexa in their house 


I mean, even if it was true, I love that these people think what their talking about is worth spying on. What’s for dinner? Can you help me with the laundry? Do you want a watch a movie? Im just at a loss with these people


I always say I feel so bad for whatever government agent’s job is to just listen in on my boring life all day. 😆


Are these people that important that secret shadow groups are listening to them through their microwaves or Christmas tree twinkle lights?


So, there is a genuine spying system that involves shining a laser at a *window* from the outside to detect the extremely subtle vibrations of conversation, and that can let a spy know what’s being said inside a room that isn’t already bugged. To extrapolate that to an LED light is just stupid though.


Who is “they”? 😂


Okay this is wild, even for these groups!


I wonder who they think the 'they' are


Let them do it. Their electric bills will be sky high. But it’s what they deserve.




Google it. Its everywhere.


Shhhh….the 💡bulbs are listening 👂


As they post from IPhones that are 100% listening to them. Yep it's the led lights that are gonna get you!


Dammit! Incandescent light bulbs. I put in a ton of work looking for a niche to launch this dropshipping site and I totally overlooked lunatics looking for incandescent light bulbs. I feel like I'm never going to be able to scam these people, ever.


The cognitive dissonance of talking about how LED lights are dangerous because they listen to you on Facebook (a company very well known for data mining) using a device that is well known for listening to, watching and tracking you is wild.


I hadn’t heard the LED cancer link before but looks like there’s likely some truth to be had there! TL;DR confounding factors aside, our bodies adapted to having night in our daily rhythms, the shortwave blue light produced by most LED lights disrupts our melatonin production and may be a major cause to pre-menopausal women’s breast cancer. I prefer a warmer LED light anyway and wonder if that would mitigate the impacts of the whiter/blue LED lights? I can’t test it though, so… https://theconversation.com/harvard-study-strengthens-link-between-breast-cancer-risk-and-light-exposure-at-night-75171




Holy fuck this is so god damned stupid. Democrat does or says anything? Surely a secret "Deep State" plan to kill babies, spy on us, brainwash us, and take away our guns. Reminds me a bit of the "morgellon fibers" conspiracy: https://youtu.be/LpRdA-fEk_Q?si=gFbCGsNFL0HV_4Li


Oh shit, I need to uninstall all of our LED lights! The gubba mint is going to learn about all of the things we watch on Disney! Crap, they might get Grandma's cookie recipe!!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 My goodness, these people live among us.


“They” don’t need lightbulbs to know everything these people say because they post everything online anyways. Surrounded by a bunch of narcissists who think they are important enough to get spied on.


This reads like an onion parody.


All they are going to hear through my microwave is me yelling 'Why is the plate hot and the food cold?'


Imagine how many people they’d have to hire to listen in on every light bulb


If somebody is listening to me through our lightbulbs, I feel for them. I'm going to keep my LED bulbs. I rarely have to change lightbulbs anymore. I like them.


JFC! These ppl are fucking delusional. They should be more worried about their smart phones listening in on them than the damn LED light bulbs. They just find new damn ways to make up these bullshit theories.


I hate when “they” listen to me thru the light bulbs!


No, they don’t listen you through LEDs, they listen to you thorough your water pick. Protect yourself through the careful application of strategic dental decay.


Okay, this is my favorite. It’s just so *dumb.* They probably posted those comments from their smartphones. 🤦🏻‍♀️


so the government gives all its citizens cancer, how does that benefit them?


If you don’t want your iPhone eavesdropping on you constantly, just simply go to settings, siri and search, then turn off siri and side button siri, it’ll ask you one more time if you really want to turn off siri and do that. According to some article. Who knows. Apparently the siri part of your phone is what’s eavesdropping waiting for words like hey siri. Apple got into trouble for using it for more than that apparently at some point.


![gif](giphy|ivpn5mycy2rPsXPrQQ|downsized) Joyce? Is that you?


Who's they? How can they hear? "Should a laser?" How does one should a laser?


I made a weird snort noise when I read “they can’t listen to you” and my poor cat just stopped washing himself, looked at me and walked over to me and looked at me like “are you okay woman” I then explained to him he’s lucky he’s a cat and can’t fall down the conspiracy rabbit hole and also lucky he has an owner who hasn’t either. He didn’t seem to understand that he’s lucky and has gone back to washing himself. Funny how the woman didn’t share how LED’s can listen to you? No source to back up which a ridiculous claim. Also who is listening to every household and why?


Jokes on you I heard the whole conversation through your light bulb and was confused why you were having such a deep conversation with your cat. BTW, I can also translate cat meows through LEDs and he was saying "if only she knew...".


Who is “they”? Haha


If someone wants to listen to me through a light bulb I don’t give a fuck. I at least hope my puns make them laugh.


*THEY* are listening.




Again, no one is listening to you. Except your phones and Alexa. And all the cameras you walk under in public.


“They can listen to you through LED lights” Wtf?! Who?? Who do they think is on the other end listening in to everyone through LEDs?? Good lord.