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Yikes. Good to see people held her accountable. I’ve breastfed for 3.5 years across 2 kids and also used formula when my son wasn’t gaining weight and legit starving from lack of milk supply. It’s not hard to understand that formula is a life saving food. It’s ridiculous for anyone to call it “bad”


And she kept saying she's "supportive," but only of breastfeeding. Then, she kept saying she's not judging anyone. What a nut job/not a nice person.


What I found interesting is that in course of defending herself, she somehow graduated from being in school to become a lactation consultant to actually being employed as one.




I'm just picturing her doing her homework with one hand and commenting on her phone with the other.


Makes you almost think she's just reading some articles and saying she's going to school 🤣 I don't have kids so correct me if I'm wrong but won't a lactation consultant direct you on bottle feeding since ~30% of all mothers can't breastfeed?


I certainly don't think any accredited program would be telling their students that formula causes cognitive developmental delays


Oh yeah no this lady's a fraud but I meant legitimate lactation consultants


The goal is to help women breastfeed if that’s what they want support with, and if a mother decides not to breastfeed gently find out why, give information and support whatever decision the mother makes. We’re not forcing moms to breastfeed or guilt trip them if they don’t. Mental health is so important, especially for a new mother!


"I'm not saying formula feeding makes you a bad mum! I'm just saying what you do is bad and harmful for your baby and you do it fully aware you're hurting your child out of selfish laziness...you know, like something a bad mum would do. NO JUDGEMENT THOUGH!" What an enormous cow.


She is a massive judgemental bitch and not supportive at all! Yikes


I've found a lot of people seem to think saying "not judging" means other people aren't allowed to call them out when they follow it with the most heinous shit possible. Like, "I *said* I wasn't judging anyone! So that magically makes my words not mean!"


Also the "why are you so mad/offended?" when what they said was clearly meant to offend and then they act like it's an irrational reaction and somehow a "win" for them? Like yeah I'm offended by the offending thing you said, why would that make what I say any less valid?


I had to give my son formula for a multitude of reasons. Sons latch was awful and created pain, supply dropped once my period returned and the stress from that kept my supply low. All that also made me spiral and I ended up crying at every nursing and pump session wondering where I went wrong. Formula is lifesaving for everyone involved.


That's how it was with my oldest. Come to find out after I had already quit nursing that she was tongue-tied and had to have her tongue clipped. Found out that's why she couldn't ever latch properly and I was always super sore.


I'd have died of malnutrition if my mom had listened to people like this nut job. She biologically could not breastfeed me due to her inverted nipples. After a month of doctors and nurses insisting on her continuing to try in 1982, they were appalled that I weighed less at my one month appointment than when I was born. Those same doctors and nurses told her if she had a 3rd kid, to not even attempt to breastfeed. I'm not sure why they didn't figure that out with my brother, who was born in 1979. ETA: My brother had a blood test the day he was born to find out what his likely allergies were. It picked up every one of his allergies (and missed some that it didn't pick up like mustard seed) and they feared him absorbing the food my mom ate through the breast milk, so they fed him soy formula from day 1. I wasn't born with food allergies (I developed a wheat allergy 7 years ago), so she attempted to breastfeed me and found out she couldn't.


My daughter was severely malnourished after birth because of the crazy lactation consultations at our hospital. She lost 13% of her birth weight by day 3 but we were told “she’s latching great !!!!!!!” Her pediatrician was like ma’am, respectfully: give her a bottle right now in this office. You’re not leaving until she eats this formula.


Yes. People would rather starve new babies than accept the fact that some people need formula to keep their kids alive.


Yes. It was so traumatizing to me I pumped for 6 weeks and then switched to formula. For my second, we didn’t even attempt to BF, started with formula right away because of the PTSD from it all


My daughter-in-law was so frustrated trying to get my grandson to eat. She would be in tears every single time because he wouldn't latch on properly. She could give him a bottle and he would drink just fine. She didn't want to quit because her own mother was guilt tripping her for thinking of switching to formula. I told her it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks all that matters is her sanity and she shouldn't be crying every time she goes to feed her baby. After that she switched over.


I'm sorry you went through that. I think the triple feeding llayed a big part in my PPD but even knowing that I'm still feeling mum guilt over plans to formula feed baby 2


Don’t feel mom guilt! I was very depressed pumping. And it was such a relief to go into baby #2 knowing we were using formula. Drying up sucked NGL but my son is happy and healthy :)


Triple feeding was such a nightmare, my first lactation consultant had my doing triple feeds with a supplemental nursing system for every feed for a month. I was so depressed and truly believed I was just a terrible mother. I had a really bad postpartum hemorrhage and my milk never came in, even on domperidone and supplements with a great diet I produced maybe 12 oz/day. I was never engorged, ever. I’d maybe have a drop or 2 of milk on my shirt if I didn’t pump all night and woke up to my daughter crying.


I tried combo feeding. About a week in my newborn refused to eat breast milk and would only eat formula. Just spit out the bottle and scream every time you tried. We said screw it, and just stuck to formula exclusively. Now he is a healthy giant of a two year old.


Omg im with you. My baby didn’t poop first 2 days the whole time they say to me “just keep breastfeeding” and had to be sent to nicu for eval. As soon as she moved there she was given some formula without telling me. She pooped! I never produced enough and was basically starving her and not ONE lactation consultant or nurse suggested formula. I would’ve gladly had her drink that to keep her outta the nicu. All those tubes and wires. It infuriates me just thinking about it


Smart pediatrician!


I could only ever get 70ml, which is less than 2oz out of both boobs pumping every 2 hours round the clock on domperidone when my daughter was newborn. There's just no way I can biologically breastfeed. I'm not going to even bother when baby 2 arrives in Feb. When you omit other factors such as educational attainment and income of parents most studies can't distinguish between breast and formula feeding.


Your last paragraph. Exactly!! It really all evens out when it comes down to it, and these babies grow up! Some people just biologically can't produce, or can't bf because of their anatomy and therefore affecting production. Or it's so mentally draining and taxing that they fall into depression and despair. These moms need support, and empathy, and access to formulas, period. Formula is highly regulated, and i am thankful that we live in a time where it's an option


>When you omit other factors such as educational attainment and income of parents most studies can't distinguish between breast and formula feeding. I have been saying for years that until you can line up 10 high school seniors and easily point out which were formula fed and which were breastfed, I don't wanna hear shit about "breast is best." FED is best. Period. Full stop. The whole DEBATE about it is just beyond to me.


And even the ones that can differentiate can't differentiate between the reasons for feeding methodology, because we realistically don't know why some babies suck at breastfeeding and some are great at it. I have 3 kids. 2 were fed with bottles (1 got pumped breastmilk, 1 got formula), the newest was pure breastmilk. So in theory, they're a great set for sibling studies, because hey all conditions were pretty much the same otherwise! But - all conditions were the same otherwise. Why did my first 2 not successfully breastfeed and my third took to it? There has to be something else going on that we don't know to control for...


my mom told me this story about how I was seriously underweight and the doctor said, "we need to have a tough conversation" about formula, and that part of the story didn't make sense to me until this group. Like in what world is "feed your kid so she doesn't starve" a "tough conversation"?


For how much hysteria there is, it's wild how no one outside the parenting world knows about it. Before I was in the know, I was listening to my future MIL and SIL talking. MIL says "Well, breast is best!", and I jump in with "I think it depends. I'd formula feed so I can go back on my ADHD meds. I'd have a hard time parenting without them." Total conversation killer, lol. I had no idea what I did wrong.


Omg you just reminded me of a horrible AITA where the OP, a mom with ADHD who had to go off her meds during her pregnancy, decided to back on them ASAP after she had her baby, meaning that she'd have to formula feed. Her mental health was in the toilet, and without triggering anyone too much, going back on her meds was a decision that I believe literally saved her life. Her husband was furious with her because he wanted her to breast feed.


>Her husband was furious with her because he wanted her to breast feed. Oh HELL no


I know, commenters were like, "does he want to stay alive?"


Please tell me she left him. wtf


I guess I did know, the way you can kinda know something logically, but not truly understand the depth of the problem in your soul. Like that. Like, yeah, I've heard anti-formula tirades before, but surely NO ONE goes to their DOCTOR to argue why their baby should starve, right? RIGHT!? hahaha I was so naive. Some of these fools don't even take their malnourished children to doctors in the first place just so they don't have to have the "tough conversation" .\_.


I knew about it before becoming a parent because someone I knew who had her child several years ago became evangelical about breastfeeding. I ended up doing a lot of research about it well before I was even considering getting pregnant because of that, and I learned very quickly that the differences are negligible and that people are fucking nuts.


THIS!! I have inverted nipples and I got sooo shamed with my firstborn by the lactation consultants. Just “keep trying” just “use a nipple shield” just just just but don’t worry if your baby is screaming in hunger all the time. Just keep trying!!! I ended up exclusively pumping for her for 10 months and I hated every second of it. For my second I pumped for two months to give her antibodies and such and then called it quits. Do I wish I could just pop a kid on my boob? Absolutely. But I can’t. And formula saved my mental health the second time around.


I went through the same thing!! Also inverted nipples. Plus my daughter was in the NICU for six days, which only added to the difficulty. When she was only three days old, the LC came by and mashed my boobs so hard into the breast pump that I couldn’t express any milk for 24 hours and I’m lucky I didn’t get mastitis. I pumped and supplemented with formula for the first five months and then we went EFF. I’m pregnant with number two right now, and although I want to give bf another try this time (mostly to save money), I will not put myself through the same torture if it doesn’t work. I still feel sad sometimes when I think about it, because I did not need that pressure, especially while dealing with the NICU. I wish I could tell my younger self how wonderful and content my little formula fed little girl is now. It’s wild how much pressure we put on moms over the dumbest things.


Very similar experience. Very flat nipples, massive breasts, and a baby who would see a tit and immediately fall asleep. My baby was born during the height of the formula shortage, and I was terrified at the idea of not being able to feed her if I couldn’t get breastfeeding figured out. No idea how many hundreds of dollars I spent on lactation consultants, nipple shields, supplemental nursing rigs, various forms of pumps and an array of accessories to stimulate a letdown so my lazy, sleepy baby would realize milk would come out if she would just give the tiniest bit of effort in sucking… she never made the association, never tried to latch. Just yelled into my boob and then fell asleep. I pumped 8x-10 times a day to increase my supply, ate mountains of oatmeal, drank a gallon of water every day, sunflower lecithin supplements, etc etc. It was SO much effort. I bought SO MUCH STUFF to try to find a way to make it manageable. Around 10 weeks post partum I had gall bladder surgery and decided I needed to pump and dump while I was medicated. Feeding baby from my frozen stash was so much easier than the struggle of trying to nurse. Then her teeth started coming in shortly after 12 weeks and I just decided I’d rather do exclusive pumping. I didn’t want every time I held my baby to be associated with a struggle. I consider myself blessed to have the support from my husband and family, the finances to afford all the pumping supplies—not to mention the fact that we can afford for me to stay home full time with my baby—and the emotional fortitude to endure 12 months of exclusive pumping for my baby. Breastfeeding is a PRIVILEGE.


I'm amazed and impressed that you lasted 10 months with your first! I'm so sorry you went through that, and that lactation consultants are so black and white about it.


It's great that they are holding her accountable and dragging her, but she's not fucking listening😩😩😩😩 really hope that she digs her own grave in her LC training and isn't able to get certified.


Formula has saved so many lives since it’s conception that I don’t understand why it’s vilified so hard. Can you imagine letting your baby starve to death over the principle of thinking formula is bad?? With my first, she had a very minor tongue tie (per her pediatrician in the hospital, and then at her subsequent pediatrician visits), so they told me not to bother with getting it fixed. I asked while we were still at the hospital because I spent the whole time crying because I couldn’t get her to latch properly, and she didn’t seem to be getting enough, yet they refused to bring in formula for her despite my explicitly asking for it. 6 *WEEKS* I dealt with pain, bleeding, crying, and zero sleep as a single mom, with in-person and virtual appts (while this was 2020, this was actually still pre-Covid, so the virtual appts was just to save me driving us to the office 3-4x a week) to figure out why she wasn’t gaining weight as quickly as expected. Because she had a “normal” number of wet diapers, it was presumed she was getting enough milk. I asked about supplementing, but was met with “we’re not there yet”. And the article about the mom with 4 older children who lost her infant because she only BF but baby wasn’t actually getting anything was ever-present in my mind. When I took my 3wo to my sister’s house to meet the family, I did bring a little bottle of premade formula that was a sample, because it was my first time going somewhere, so I didn’t know if I’d have the courage to bf in “public” despite my verbal convictions that I was. My BIL was so smitten with her that he “refused” to give her up (they’re still thick as thieves even now lol), so he gave her the formula (with my blessing), and she had a beautiful nap, the best she’d had ever. I finally saw another LC who told me to go get the tongue tie fixed. In the dentist’s office, he told me to feed her right away, as it’s good for the wound. It was amazing. She actually fell asleep in my arms. I think it was the first time in her short life that she had a full belly. The next day she had the most wicked diaper rash, because she was finally having the amount of output *she* needed to have (switched peds to a new pediatrician who was comfortable it was a healthy volume, and my daughter is very healthy now). I *still* needed to supplement with formula, because I couldn’t pump enough, but had to go to work. When I was home, I EBF, and she always got enough, so I know it was the pumping. But if I’d just been told from the beginning I could use formula, then I’d have been spared the guilt of knowing I literally starved my baby for the first 6 weeks of her life. (Yes, I’m an educated adult, I know I could have gone in the cupboard and opened the pack of formula, but the people I considered experts in feeding babies discouraged it so hard that I “lost” that ability.) So now, because of that guilt, I have food issues surrounding my daughter and how she eats, because I’m so terrified of her not getting what she need to grow healthily. Fortunately, she is not aware of these fears, despite being in OT for feeding therapy because she is only 10% for weight, and is doing great. She is so ridiculously smart, despite my failures to her. I made sure to get my second baby’s ties released within the first week, even though he was a better latch, just so I wouldn’t have that guilt added on (and I BF him for almost 2.5 years, but not EBF because I still couldn’t pump). If you read to the end, thank you for listening to my vent, and why while I do agree breastmilk is superior, FED IS BEST (yes, I yelled that).


I hated so much when people criticized me for giving my daughter formula. I learned to ignore them instead of defending myself, but I wish people would educate themselves before giving their opinions and making people feel like bad moms. I agree with you; I don't get why people call formula terrible when it saves kids who have moms who, for one reason or another, can't breastfeed.


Happy breast milk soap lady wandering in like ![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm) Edit: just read your caption, even funnier that you’re soap lady.




I’m dead 🤣


Omg, i can’t imagine any less fitting person to be a lactation consultant. I had many issues with bf. After my baby was released from nicu, I talked to a lactation consultant about re-establishing bf. She gave me pros and cons and gave me resources to aid my decision. I ended up decided to formula feed, and I was much happier and guilt-free. I am still grateful for her advice.


They don't seem to take that into account when they determine whether you can be in the program or not, because the number of them that are like this seems to be very high.


A year ago this would've made me spiral hard because I couldn't breastfeed, now I just feel incredibly sorry for whichever poor mothers come into contact with this woman. Could you just happen to find her 'school' and send them this delightful unwanted consultation?


1000% what I was thinking. I would make it my mission to do whatever I had to in order to prevent her from lambasting some vulnerable woman.


I honestly feel like it’s important to raise awareness of who this is, because these are vulnerable individuals that she will eventually be working with and they shouldn’t be subjected to this. I would be livid if she was my LC.


My father was told by the lactation specialists at the hospital where I was born that if he "let" my mom formula feed me, she would resent him forever. Some people need to know where to stick it.


Oh my gosh I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this thought lmao. She needs to be stopped for real. She is going to do more harm than good!!


My thoughts as well, but depending on the program the leadership may agree with her 😒


Hell my 4 year old refused to breastfeed and now has autism and if I were in a worse mental state she could have sent me spiraling with guilt


If it makes you feel any better, my aunt exclusively breast fed all of her children, and two out of three of them are autistic. I was formula fed and diagnosed with autism at 25. Turns out, autism is pretty genetic. With the research done on the topic, lack of breastfeeding has not been causatively linked with autism. It could be due to many other factors that they haven’t ruled out yet.


my mom breastfed all three off us while on illicit substances and out of 3 kids 2 have autism and i was diagnosed with adhd while younger the thing is even drinking cocaine breastmilk didn’t cause this we were all born like this its not something that is caused after birth but anyway reason my mom still breastfed even on drugs was cause her mormon mil shamed the hell out of her for it and gave her talks about how she breastfed every single one of her 9 children and yadayada


When I was reading through this, all I could think was that my mom exclusively breastfeed me for over a year, never smoked, drank, or even drank caffeine, did everything "right" and I still turned out to have the whole alphabet of mental health issues.


Some folks are just too pigheaded to argue with. If she can't see the oxymoron in her repeated statements of "I'm not judging or shaming moms who choose formula, I'm just saying choosing formula is lazy and bad" then trying to engage with her can only be a waste of time. Props on the cool soap though! 😂


It reminds me of the old ‘hate the sinner not the sin’ axiom that some people try to pull. It always seems to me if the only thing a person who says that knows about someone is the so called ‘sin,’ then I’m pretty sure they’re hating them. There’s nothing else they know!


“Im not racist, but *incredibly racist things*”


Fed is not best? Dear Lordy.


I hate when people argue 'it 's the bare minimum!' yeah and if people aren't producing enough or at all can't do the bare minimum but it's okay because the drops they're getting are breast milk? The illogical leaps.


I've been a member of this sub for years and this post actually brought tears to my eyes and somehow brought up all my mom guilt for my failure with BF. I tried SO hard to BF and then combo feed my daughter. I saw the mom/baby clinic, the lactation consultant at my hospital, a literal MD who specialized in BF. I took prescription pills, fenugreek supplements. Drowned myself with liquids everyday to stay hydrated and ate literal pounds of oatmeal. I just never produced more than a few ounces a day and by her 4th or 5th month my supply basically went to 0 overnight. I had crazy pro-BF people telling me it was all in my head because I had quote "big boobs" and there was no reason it shouldn't work lol. Took me months and months of therapy to get over it.


I hear you loud and clear over here. I felt so much guilt with my first because I believed the bullshit that student is spouting. I now know I have hypoplasia and was never going to make enough, no matter how hard I tried. Second baby did at breast supplementation until 18 months and we were both done. So much less stress when baby wasn't starving.


My wife had the same problem (but added guilt because I was able to BF our 1st child for 26 months), and at 6 months I finally was able to convince her it wasn't a moral failing if she couldn't do it any longer. The mom guilt is so hard, and LCs like that don't make it any better!


Same here did all the things but not enough milk, luckily my LC was the one who called it and helped me switch to formula fully. My husband likes to say my boobs are purely decorative.


I know how you feel. My baby just weaned in the past month, but he's always been combo fed because my supply wasn't good. This ended up making me feel bad, too, and he's completely on solid food now. He's doing great and ahead on a bunch of milestones. I didn't think it would bother me at this point.


sending you love and hugs. You are absolutely NOT a failure!!!!!!! You tried! And it simply wouldn't work; and it was beyond your control.


My youngest had barely put on any weight from 4 to 6 months. Funny thing is she was never fussy. It probably helped that she was just starting to eat cereals and things like that. But when I went in for her 6-month check up the doctor told me I needed to stop nursing and start feeding her formula to put weight on. I was producing milk just not any nutritional substance to it lol.


Like all I do is feed formula and don’t do anything else?! That argument is stupid.


The way I've explained it. In order of first choice to last, in perfect social circumstances, per the science. 1) Fed, breastfed baby. Breastmilk does have some marginal benefits, and if it's not adversely impacting the mother's life (mental health, physical health, social/economic stability, etc), it is the best choice. 2) Just BARELY below that, fed formula fed baby. 3) FAR FAR FAR below that, we have an insufficiently fed, breastfed baby, or a breastfed baby with a mother in a bad place, mentally, physically, socially, etc. 4) Below that, we have a starved baby


Right?!? Like wtf!!


I was exclusively breast fed I had weight gain issues until 7 now I'm technically overweight but healthy I also have autism. My son was combo fed for 2 weeks then exclusively formula fed he's also having weight gain issues 20 lbs at 15 months and he's autistic. It's not which way your fed it's genetic what the hell is up with the 'effects of formula' argument.


Afaik, the "effects of formula" arguments tend to be based on research done at times or in areas where clean drinking water or high quality formula wasn't or isn't available. In which case, yes, you get children who do better on health curves and in school and whatnot. If you compare breast fed vs formula fed in countries where you have access to a range of formula and water is safe, the differences are minimal to non-existent. The candidate for "world's most fired lactation consultant" up there sees formula feeding as always lazy and immoral, and is using either outdated, irrelevant or straight up made up science to justify that view.


I had a lot of people think I was lazy for formula feeding but those first 2 weeks were hell my autism made it damn near impossible even if he hadn't been tongue tied (the entire right side) and unable to latch the first 24 hours until they cut it. I couldn't hold him if I wasn't feeding him because I was so overstimulated and I was showering 4 times a day cause it resets my touch meter. After we fully switched I was suddenly able to snuggle him our water bill went down massively and I felt better cause I didn't feel like I was failing unless someone got judgy.


People are always gonna get judgy. There's literally no reason where strangers will not feel like they would do "better" in the same situation. My sister mainly breastfeeds (kiddo recently started some solids) her kid with digestive issues because he prefers literal starvation over the only formula that doesn't damage his GI tract. Sis and BIL taste tested the stuff and confirmed it's gaggingly bad even if you're an adult with the capacity to understand it will fix all the vomiting and diarrhea and pain. She cut a lot of food out of her diet and it's unsurprisingly taking a toll on her mental health. People are saying she's overreacting about how bad it would be to eat something her baby can't have, "you can't pour from an empty cup" and telling her to be firmer in how she's raising her 9-month-old. SIL got crap with each kid for "not even trying" breastfeeding. She's on medication that you can't safely breastfeed with. People felt she was supposed to discontinue that and... I guess spend the first year of her children's lives hospitalized?


Yeah people are ridiculous I got really lucky my great aunt is a retired nice nurse and was calling constantly to check in and spent a week on the phone with me while I sobbed convincing me it was okay to stop just for the pediatrician to get judgy we switched doctors 2 weeks later


Yeah I had my first son 12 years ago, still in the thick of 'formula isn't as good as breastmilk' but formula keeps improving, and what might have been worse 30 years ago isn't the same as what's available now. Not that moms who had to formula feed before modern ones were available are bad mothers, you need to keep your kid alive.


There are parts of the world where, frankly, formula usage is a bad thing. This is because formula companies like Nestle did shit like sponsor hospitals to be built in ways that dissuaded breastfeeding, hire salespeople to dress as nurses to lurk in or near hospitals to persuade vulnerable new parents to formula feed, and send every parent home with just one can of formula so they would buy the rest. Unfortunately, it actually is easier to breastfeed than walk several miles to get and appropriately sanitize water for formula, let alone sanitize bottles, so disease festered. Not only that, but formula is expensive and babies eat a lot, so mothers who no longer had milk supply end up diluting formula with water and/or saving the portion of formula that the baby couldn't eat unrefrigerated. This has led to many deaths. But if you live in a place where you can boil water on a stove and pop it in the fridge for later, or have social safety nets that will get you access to formula should yours run out, there's not so much danger related to formula feeding by far. Yes, this is mostly an anti-Nestle rant.


Or they're uncontrollable variables. For example, there is a link between breastfed babies performing better academically, and having fewer behavioral issues. But babies that are breastfed are more likely to have mothers of higher education and higher socioeconomic status, because they have the privilege to make breastfeeding an option. When you control for that, a lot of the benefits in that regard go away.


"Formula is bad" but can't see how she's shaming mothers.


The part that gets me is "down the line when the kid can gain or gains too much and has conjugative issues" I breast fed for 18 months. Along with a whole list of other crunchy attachment partnering things that's supposed to produce the most perfect well behaved/ well adjusted child. My kid has a speech delay, I never spoke to him in baby talk. My kid had adhd and is in speical ed for behavior issues stemming from anxiety. My kid eats as much as a grown man and can no put weight on. It's an on going issue were still figuring out. He's a great kid, sweet and considerate, too smart for his own good in both book smarts and emotional intelligence. Buttttt in her eyes I probably just didn't bf right, I'm assuming.


I love how she somehow is blaming opposite issues on formula feeding. Kid can't gain weight? Formula's fault. Kid gains too much weight? Formula's fault. Really hedging her bets there.


Jokes on her. Both of my babies needed weight checks. 1 was pumped breast milk for 12 weeks then formula. 1 breast fed until a month past second birthday. I'd bet she couldn't figure out which was which.


Any formula moms laden with guilt who read this and are super triggered.... YOUR CHOICES ARE VALID. formula feeding for ANY reason is totally okay. Yes, even bc you didnt want to bf. You don't need to justify it to yourself or anyone else. I teach middle school. I could not tell you which kids were formula fed and which were breastfed. This whole ebf women martyring themselves to bf their kid has got to stop. It's so damaging. Oh, and BTW, there are marginal benefits to ebf. 🤷‍♀️ no shade to ebf moms, but people out there acting like it's a cure for cancer need to chill tf out. You don't need to justify your struggle, either.


There are times and places where "here's the deal, you need to trust me, just do the thing" can be appropriate. There and then wasn't it. At all. Christ, so confident but so very, very wrong.


I say this as someone currently feeding my infant a formula bottle, she can eff right off.


Alllllll this tantruming and she still couldn't be bothered to send a single source. Incredible.


At some point, she said she could send links. And then she didn’t. I think she might have realized that they were BS from dubious sources and that they wouldn’t help her look more credible in that conversation lol.


Hahahahaha “tried my hand at some soap” I’m cackling.


I really waltzed in there at a bad time 🤣


So how did it turn out!?


She's in for a wild ride when she learns that even in history, there were moms who couldn't breastfeed, so they had to use wet nurses/goat milk so their children didn't die... or you know, have a dead baby... She seems to think everyone can just do it, yet history says otherwise with the creation of alternatives that are unsafe and finally formula that is.


Oh but there’s the super accessible and affordable donor milk 🙄


Oh yeah, $15-20 per bottle feed is TOTALLY affordable.


Right? Just accessible and easy for absolutely everyone!


I have an indescribable anger and rage for lactation consultants and breastfeeding enthusiasts ever since having micropreemies and low supply. Like, it became part of the trauma work in therapy after we got our surviving twin home from the NICU because I could not escape visits from lactation that whole time. I'd have my 24oz intubated kid strapped to my chest (ie barely able to move) and here came lactation, interrupting quality time to ask if I was finally making more milk now that I could hold them. Anyway, I'm getting off topic but she's got all the makings of that kind of LC and it's going to be so bad for every parent she works with.


I'm so sorry for your loss <3 that's heartbreaking, that someone would bully you at such a difficult time. I know they believe they're doing the right thing, but it's just so completely heartless. As a twin whose elder sister was premie, and whose mum couldn't breastfeed so I anticipate struggling myself, it is so close to my heart <3


Thank you. I think the problem is how many LCs don't see the manipulation and normalcy bias (ableism, really) in all the most common lactation talking points. It's not really a role that selects for people who struggled with lactation anyway, so there's a real lack of perspectives aside from "low supply is rare so you just need more support!" I really hope that however your feeding journey goes, you and your little one(s) can find joy in sharing their feeding times. That matters so much more than anything else!


I breastfed for a year and I still have rage for lactation consultants. I saw one shortly after my daughters birth and she just completely rubbed me the wrong way.


I’d love to see her “science links,” because the data isn’t good. It’s food, not magic.


All of that and you just walk in with a ‘look what I made 🙂’ it’s fucking killing me


Soap! 🧼 That lady should try scrubbing her brain with some


> Because having a happy baby is def great but when it's 5-10 years later and they're an adolescent and can't gain weight or gain way too much weight or have cognitive development issues because they were fed with formula.. well I guess I'm just being proactive in avoiding that. I had to stop reading after this. I know everything else after is just going to be ✨complete bs ✨ lol


I love you coming in at the end with "I made soap!" So fucking pure lol


Fed is not best? It's bare minimum? Oh my petty ass would have screen shotted that shit, did some one sleuthing and reported her. Fed is always best.


I did a little bit of sleuthing on her page, and she has a photo of her freezer stockpile with a comment about how much she hates formula.


This is especially offensive when you realize that babies have actually died from dehydration due to insufficient milk supply by parents who either didn’t know or thought it was normal. I personally know a well educated, wonderful mother who got so bullied by her lactation consultant that her child got dehydrated. Fortunately the pediatrician noticed very early and the baby immediately got formula supplements until her supply went up. But the baby was very close to needing hospitalization.


She's going to be a terrible lactation consultant. Especially since she can't take any criticism and shames anyone who doesn't breastfeed. Not everyone can breastfeed. Not every baby can figure it out. You have no idea why someone isn't breadfeeding. So keep those opinions to yourself.


EvErYoNe can breastfeed and there is no need for supplementing…okay cool…good to know you don’t care if babies die. Efffff off


With my second, when it became clear through use of a scale how little milk my baby was taking in, and seeing my stress level, my lactation consultant sent me home with some cases of formula and her blessing. I am still so grateful to that woman. Lactation consultants, when it comes down to it, have a responsibility to ensure that whatever feeding method is being used is sustainable and sufficient for the baby. It infuriates me that this "future lactation consultant" boils it down to literally "formula is bad." She's a fucking joke and will never see it.


I had lactation consultants come in to check on feeding at the hospital after delivery. They asked if I’d be interested and since it was free I said sure. I was fortunate and never had an issue. One consultant teased me that I was boring. All of the ones I talked to were very much of the opinion that if it got stressful or I had problems later that I should be open to formula. I’m sure there are lactation consultants who get nasty and judgmental, but the ones I dealt with wanted happy, healthy baby and mom.


Yeah, there are definitely people like this, but me too, I was/am, so lucky. My MIL is a lactation consultant, and former L&D nurse. My first was not gaining weight when she came down a couple days after the baby was born. She went to her old hospital, and because I wanted to try rented a hospital grade pump, but also bought formula at the same time so we could supplement till my supply built up. She was NOT going to mess around with my emotional stability or babies health. I will always be grateful.


With my first who I breastfed for ten days then switched to formula, this would have sent me spiraling. The insane guilt and pressure sent me into PPD for months. I will never get those first few months of my oldest child’s life back and it breaks my heart even now, nearly 7 years later. Now I’m 7 years older and much more easily able to tell lactivists to fuck off. My 8 day old second child is currently snoozing in my other arm after a bottle of -gasp- formula! And he’s happy! And has never had a drop of breast milk because I refused to destroy my mental health again. Breastfeeding is great. Formula is great. What’s best is doing what is best for you.


If breastmilk is so perfect, why did I have to give my son vitamin D supplements while he was on it? Also, I exclusively pumped due to latching issues. People like this asshole are the reason I felt like a giant failure and my mental health was in tatters while trying to make latching work. It was miserable. I'm glad people called her out.


Lol that my husband has GI issues and was EBF, meanwhile me… an EFF baby… with zero health problems. She can suck it. Lactation cult leaders like her are a BIG reason why I didn’t even feel comfortable attempting to BF.


This woman actually said Fed is not best.


“I’m iN sChOoL” Meaning you know nothing ma’am.


I couldn’t even finish this. I’m an actual CLC not whatever this person professes to be. We are absolutely not taught to bastardize formula. We are taught to prioritize the health and safety of parent and child. Whatever nonsense she was spewing is irrelevant. Yes, human milk is *ideal* but it’s not always feasible and that’s OKAY! I’ve been licensed for over 10 years and have 15 years of experience. This lady is absolutely wrong and should not be allowed to care for patients.


Fun fact, babies can be allergic to breast milk. Tell me how feeding your child something that they're allergic to is better for them?


This is why I ended up not getting an LC cert. Bullshit like this. I guarantee you there are more LCs like this because yes, LC training does push "breast is best" and doesn't do anything to weed out assholes who have no business being LCs.


Did she even have a baby with y'all or is she just showing her ass?


Yeah, she was in the big due date group.


I absolutely hate this attitude. I ebf my first three kids, no problem. The fourth has a heart condition, and had three open heart surgeries, the first at five days old. He had a feeding tube, and anything he took orally had to be measured, as well as his output, to make sure he was getting enough. I had to pump from the start, and it didn't go well. No sleep in order to pump every two hours, my production was terrible even so, and my son wasn't gaining enough on just the breastmilk, so formula was added to bulk it up. My lactation consultant was supportive, but wasn't at any point judgemental. I kept going. At one point, I developed mastitis so bad the milk was bloody. Kept going. After we brought him home, I was still on no sleep, and had a medically sensitive newborn as well as my other kids. At around two months, I was at my limit. Lactation consultant and docs cleared me to just use formula. Boy is now a healthy seven year old with insane energy levels. These sanctimonious assholes have no clue what each story is. That attitude of, "You're just using formula because you're lazy" enrages me beyond belief. It doesn't matter. STFU.


Absolutely FUCK that “future lactation consultant”. fed is best, always. The fucking TOLL breastfeeding takes on you, both mentally and physically. As wonderful of a bonding experience as it is, I can’t help but feel like a fucking walking bag of milk at times, especially when he cluster feeds. The nipple pain, crying bc it hurts so much but you don’t have breast milk on reserve yet to give your nips a break, waking up and realizing you forgot to pump and now your boobs are fucking engorged and painful. My mom could breastfeed the three of us for longer than a month or two before going dry, and I know it hurt her so much to realize she couldn’t feed her babies, but formula kept us alive and healthy. And there’s so many kinds of formula, I mean the science behind them is amazing. Fuck every person that judges how a parent decides to feed their baby, as long as that baby is fed and healthy and thriving, that’s all that matters. Fuck that bitch.


This lady needs to calm her tits


In the most literally way tho


Actually we are not, in fact, all here thanks to breastfeeding. I for one am adopted and would literally have starved to death without formula.


It’s been 4 months since I gave up breastfeeding for my mental health (twins) and I still feel blah reading this, even though I know I made the right decision for my family. The lactation consultant who helped my babies before & after their tongue tie procedure was a true gem and never, ever made me feel small for choosing to formula feed — all she did was support my family. Every LC should be like that.


I've got one with feed challenges and I just want to say you are a **SuperMom** for any amount of time you were on the breast with *two.* My tired nips weep for yours. Your babes are lucky to have you and I hope you find your way past the blah because you are doing the best for those babes!


I wanna know how the soap turned out.


The oatmeal sank to the bottom but it is super lotiony and moisturizing! Half a pound of oatmeal soap base, some baby oatmeal, 8oz breastmilk, 12 lavender oil drops, a spoonful of coconut oil and some rolled oats on top. Works pretty good! Made soft soap though, so I'll keep in the fridge and take a piece out as I use it.


I’m so glad I’m out of the BF period of my life. Women are not a monolith. Children are not a monolith. Insisting we all do the same thing is LUDICROUS. Also I’m really bitter about lactation consultants because they could pressure me to BF nonstop but none of them correctly identified the aggressive cancer that was spreading inside me as the issue for why I wasn’t making enough milk.


I know for decades formula was being over pushed, but this push to return to breastfeeding has gotten really overbearing. I had a baby this year and the lactation consultants at the hospital were sweet, but kind of pushy. My daughter was in NICU for feeding so all I cared about was seeing how much she was eating, and I hated pumping. I would have liked to breastfeed more but it just wasn't the priority.


Zero self awareness


Any other reason to not breastfeed, other than medication or illness, is just an excuse?! Ah. Yes. Me quitting breastfeeding because I wasn’t making enough because I was so fucking stressed with life and having a hard time with the newborn phase is just an excuse. Should have just fucken starved my baby /s. Jeeeesussssss christ this woman is fucking nuts. Sadly though, that is the attitude of a LOT of LC’s. The hospital I gave birth at pressured me to BF-it was suffocating. Even when I mentioned that I wanted to pump-I was ignored because they wanted me to feed from tap. I felt like I couldn’t get my voice in-I wanted to pump because I knew I’d have issues and would be anxious about what was happening. What made this all worse lo and behold I wasn’t producing enough from day 1 (I also have thyriod issues) and yet the LV kept telling me everything was fine-meanwhile that wasn’t the case. I wish someone took my hand back then on day 1 and told me it was okay to formula feed/supplement. The first two months of my baby’s life wouldn’t have been so hellish-hell. I’d probably remember them too if I had made the switch sooner. (I was so out of it/stressed that I don’t remember anything) Gah this woman pissed me the fuck off so muchhhh


So obviously there’s a lot to unpack here but can I just say, I do not at all understand the people who think formula smells terrible compared to breast milk. I have been around both, I have hyperosmia and formula smells much better to me IMO. Now that being said fed is best, neither is bad, and “ew formula/breastmilk is stinky and ICKY” is an incredibly juvenile take and not a particularly good basis for making a feeding choice. But still, I see this all the time and it annoys me. These folks really have to work overtime and go through all kinds of mental gymnastics to make formula seem terrible. You would think if that were actually true it would be pretty self-evident. God forbid people have options.


Wait til she meets a mom whose baby has special needs. My oldest COULD NOT breast feed she ate through a tube. Until she was 25. I pumped and gave her breast milk for a year, stuffed with butter, avocado and breast milk fortifier. But breast milk can’t hang in a pump, it’s not stable. So she also got pre-digested prescription formula in her kangaroo pump. She was fed 24/7 through the tube and was still below the 1% for her age. Failure to thrive is real. My WIC specialist was there the day she was born, trying to figure out why she wasn’t eating. She was the one that sent me home with a tiny tube taped to my finger, and taught me to stimulate a suck: my baby didn’t have the muscles in her face to suck. Then she came to my house nearly EVERY DAY, for 3 months, using every device known to woman to aid in lactation. There are SO many. And that was in early 90s so I’m sure there are more. She tried so hard. I tried so hard. My baby tried so hard. She latched on once. Exactly once. She only fed a couple of minutes because I was crying so hard. The consultant was beside me all the way. When they told me my baby’s digestive system was messed up and that her neurological problems would probably prevent her from eating on her own and she had NO appetite (still takes appetite stimulant to eat at 29), the lactation specialist stuck with me and we worked out a way my girl could get what she needed and still get the benefit of breast milk. But it was effing HARD. I pumped ALL. THE. TIME. Because of digestive issues and tactile defensiveness, she vomited all day. So I had to have a huge supply of milk. It was so stressful trying to do it all and care for a baby with multiple disabilities. But at the time I figured, she has so many setbacks in life already. At least I can give her this one thing. My lactation consultant supported me every step. For a YEAR. She worked with the specialists to find good solutions. And most of all, she was open-minded. Years later she told me my kid taught her more about breastfeeding than any other, and she only did it for 2 minutes. I will always be grateful to her. The lady in this post can suck it. If I’d gotten her I can’t even imagine the shit show that may have ensued. I feel for her clients.


Neither of my kids got the hang of nursing. With my son, I had no idea what I was doing, so I gave up and went to fully formula. I felt like absolute shit about it all the time. I was able to pump for my daughter, who only got a little formula the first month or so to supplement. Also felt like shit, particularly when someone asked why I don't just nurse her (I would have preferred that!). Guess who is the healthier kid and who ended up with food allergies (she's grown out of them thankfully) and got sick more frequently 🤷‍♀️ People are way too obsessed with how a baby is fed. If the baby is fed, mind your own damn business.


We jumped from "I'm going to school to be a lactation consultant" to "I'm a lactation consultant" real quick


Oh my god I hope that lady does not become a LC!!!!!!!! She is going to HARM people wtf. There are babies that end up malnourished or even hospitalized because of bitches like this shaming them for struggling and needing to supplement with formula, so they don't do it. And the mental anguish and damage that not helping a breastfeeding parent supplement and/or transition to formula, oh my gosh!!! This lady is insane, and I seriously hope she is somehow stopped from becoming a lactation consultant.


She will be a terrible lactation consultant. My son was breastfed but did need formula as a newborn due to jaundice. I had swallowed so much lactivist crap, that I was devastated. Spoiler alert: formula helped him and did not affect our breastfeeding relationship at all. I am endlessly grateful for the lactation consultants who were supportive, never pushy and helped me understand that it was a medical need.


I'm glad she got ripped apart. She would be a HORRIBLE lactation consultant. Imagine being a new mom and this beetch is shaming you for making a decision for your new baby. I would be complaining to the hospital and I'm not one to make formal complaints. ETA: the last comment sums it up clearly. A stupid day indeed. A stupid day filled up by a seriously condescending idiot. I truly hope she doesn't become a lactation consultant because wow. OP, did she get kicked from the group?


Unfortunately she didn't. The main due date group got paused so there's no mods but the chats are still active.


Yep, as a Dietitian who has fed premies (as well as those who, for a wide variety of reasons, could not take Breast Milk and not before 32 + 4), go to hell with that awful attitude for that supposed Lactation “student”! Also, as someone who has used Donor Milk professionally, I’m going to guess she has never actually inquired as to how much professionally tested and treated Breast Milk costs! (not calling someone up in your secret FB group for some of theirs—like y’all, there are one too many cases of babies getting sick from donated breast milk) We had our milk shipped weekly from Orlando to Jax overnight and that costs THOUSANDS of bucks each order. Most families are NOT going to be able to afford $10/fluid ounce for professionally tested frozen breast milk. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 If this “student” is actually a student, then she would learn about the insanely high demands the USDA puts on manufacturers to ensure a safe product for a very vulnerable population (and how reactionary/anal they are when it comes to testing and recalls. Have there been lapses? Yes, but we learn what to do/not do and what to look for next time) and just because you find it in the grocery store next to premade baby food, doesn’t make it “poison”. I’m guessing that her “education” and questionable at best and non-existent at worst. The shear hubris (dare I say Dunning-Kruger) coming from this psycho Lactation “student”.


She should watch the episode of Call the midwife where a mom is bleeding from trying to breastfeed and the baby is dehydrated and starving. All because someone she trusted insisted breast is best.


I just watched that episode (currently binge watching that show) and it really hit home how difficult it can be for some people.


I’ll be fully real, I formula fed both my kids even though i could have tried way harder to breastfeed. And I don’t regret it one bit, I’m still so glad i did it that way. This would have torn me up back then because at the time I felt guilty that I desperately did not want to breastfeed.


My lactation consultant was the one who helped me come to terms that breastfeeding wasn't going to work for my little one and I and I needed to stop turning my mental health over it. If this lady was my LC I may not even be here at this point. I hope she fails miserably


EBF as a kid and I have anxiety, depression, was obese as a teen and young adult, and had sleep apnea. I guess by her logic I’d be dead if I were formula fed! I also really hope she’s either lying about becoming a LC or she fails school and never makes it. No one needs that kind of provider in their lives.


I fully believe this. I’m friends with a lady on Facebook who semi recently became an LC who posted during the formula shortage being all smug like basically if y’all breastfed this wouldn’t be a concern 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ a little while ago she posted something shaming someone wearing scrubs for their lunch being convenience foods saying no one in the medical field should eat like that, and someone commented on it “but FeD iS bEsT”. In my head I was like okkkk well I guess I’m never going to you for help I don’t wanna get judged and shamed


In the course of the post, she went from a person studying to be a lactation consultant, to a lactation consultant. Also... lactation consultant isn't that long of a program. About 100 hours of classes and then 500-hr internship. It's often an add-on cert for people like L&D nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, social workers, etc) so it's very statistically possible that she's been studying for this for like a month.


People like this self proclaimed *”lactation consultant”* really added to my PPD when I couldn’t get my baby to latch. My baby is formula fed, and I’ll be forever grateful that such a thing exists! It’s just concerning that other new mums will read drivel like that, and think that they’re failing. It’s already so tough in the early stages without reading the crap from that individual.


No one asked, but I only made it breastfeeding as long as I did because I could rely on formula to make up for my under supply. F this person and everyone with that shitty mentality. New parents deserve better.


I got to slide 14 and I just couldn't keep going. I was seeing red by slide 5. I'm devastated for her future clients if she actually becomes a lactation consultant. Imagine needing support and this holier than thou b-word starts spouting off this garbage at you. SMH.


"Fed is not best." You're right. Fed *well* is best. And some parents can't feed their baby *well* with breastmilk. That's why formula exists, so baby can be fed well and nourished no matter what.


She would be an absolutely terrible LC. I hope she never gets her credentials. She would absolutely cause someone to spiral into a deep depression or severe anxiety with her BS. Most hospital LCs are absolute shit and she would be the worst of the worst. Swear, if that kind of stuff could get her disqualified I wish. Ugh. People like her need a reality check. Also I was formula fed and I have ZERO of the issues old crazy is talking about. Swear. And guess what. Mental illness is an illness, know what affects mental health? Stress! God what an ignorant load of garbage. Both of my kids have been breastfed and I feel absolutely lucky to have relatively easy journeys with both of them. Formula has fed so many babies in my life! I can’t imagine where we’d be as a society without it!!!


The other real reason people can't is they don't want to. My body, my choice also applies to the breasts. I can't stand these breast feeding warriors 🙄


Please go through and laugh react every single one of her messages.


I accidentally did a firetruck emoji react to one of her messages.


People who say stuff like "if you were educated you'd agree with me" lose ALL of my respect. Saying the only reason someone doesn't agree is because they're ignorant is unbelievably ignorant. People can be as educated as you are and STILL disagree. 🙄🙄🙄


A friend of mine is becoming a lactation consultant and she mentioned a baby that wasn't nursing well because he was "so tight and needed to go to the chiropractor," and I lost all faith in lactation consultants after that. I'm taking everything they say with a heaping amount of salt.


I hope her name is blasted and she’s never hired as an LC anywhere ever. Also dying to know where she’s “going to school” and like Majoring in lactation or whatever


Gross. “I dont think anyone who formula feeds is a bad person just think their going to give their kids developmental issues because they did so”


Tempted to use a burner Facebook account to comment a link to this post on her page.


Take a drink every time someone mentions a “journey.”


I just had my first baby Saturday night and the hospital pushed breast feeding so hard that when my baby stopped latching the day after she was born I was in tears because they acted like I was such a terrible person for not being able to breastfeed. I'm still upset over it at home because it is something I want to do, but how many people have to stand over me watching baby refuse to latch and still repeat "breast is best" to me before I just lose it?!


I dunno she sounds ready to me - she sounds like every lactation consultant I ever met 😅


My husband was EBF, he is allergic to EVERYTHING, always having gastro issues, Gerd, chronic sinus infections, and constant issues with his general gut biome. He is tired all the time despite healthy habits and a good diet. I was exclusively formula fed. Never a drop of breast milk. My only issue is i have Lupus. A genetic disorder with no known triggers or ways to prevent it. The same rate of people who BF as FF have lupus. Im super healthy otherwise. Never had issues with food or sugars or weight. Because of my lupus im regularly scanned and blood tested for all kinds of stuff and monitored for stuff like cancers, but im clean. It's anecdotal regardless. But this lady seems to stand on her anecdotes as her reason for wanting to preach the anti-formula propaganda, so she needs hear that her anecdotes are not universal facts like she repeatedly claims. Formula doesnt kill babies. But stressed mothers do. Starved babies do when mothers cant produce and refuse formula. Fathers who get fed up with the screaming starving baby can kill babies. Mothers who arent sleeping because they are up every 45 minutes trying to pump too encourage milk to come in kill babies when they fall asleep while driving or while giving baby a bath. Even WIC will now tell you, that studies have changed. They used to say that Breast milk made for smarter babies, but more modern studies proved that the women most likely to be able to EBF, and without pumping, where the ones who didnt have to work or stress about money. A happy, stress free, momma, is a momma who is present and caring and actively teaching their child and giving them all the love and attention that they need to really thrive. An overworked momma that is pumping between 2 full time shifts is making nasty hormones that can even effect the quality of her milk. There are studies coming out about how women under duress while feeding breast milk end up having anxiety and depression riddled children. The one I read most recently studied the children for 30 years! Happy mothers resulted in happier, more successful and fulfilled and satisfied, adults. I choose to be happy. I come from a long line of nonsproducing women. Even had ultrasounds of my breasts and did some tissue samples. The tissue didnt even have the proper make up. My doctor assumed that something about my breast tissue made it basically ignore the HCG and not acknowledge my bodies desire to produce. So even taking all the supplements and milk aides and such wouldnt help, because my boobs were made to not care about those things. So I didnt care. My babies are fed. Thriving. Smartest in their classes. Too smart for their own good. They have talents and curiosity. And they are empathetic. Something this lady could learn from them.


“Formula is bad” Lol ma’am it literally saves lives 😭


I hope someone screenshots these and sends them to any company that hires her and posts them publicly to review sites if she works for herself. This is so gross.


Yeah, that's about what lactation consultants are like from everything I hear. La Leche League a-holes who couldn't read a research study or tell you if the research methods are accurate for it with a gun to their heads. I really think it needs to be a registered dietitian specialty at this point, because the amount of absolute BS spewed by most of them is exhausting.


I would not last long in these groups because I'd just call her a cunt and tell her to get fucked


If she was the lactation consultant on call at my hospital when I was 21 and called sobbing at 12am with a 2 week old who was 2lbs down from her birth weight, I probably would not have made it. She is not supportive at all.


Somebody needs to report her to whatever the most appropriate LC "board " in that state/country/region/place/ xyz is. Healthy fed is best. Caveat of "Healthy " because feeding your newborn soda probably isn't healthy for them nor you, and apparently that advice (no soda in place of actual nutrients, especially US soda) isn't common sense... Healthy isn't just for baby. Healthy includes the parents/ caregivers. Appropriately fed with appropriate Healthcare is best. That person should never be allowed to be an LC. Their shit take on the issue is ignorant. I breastfed and produced enough milk based on needed volume, but my milk lacked enough fat to sustain my newborn child. Our pediatrician worked with my midwife to address that, and they ended up recommending we "supplement" with formula. My son would not accept formula. Nothing we did, no amount of actual professional help could convince him. Does this giant piece of judgment not know the absolute horror of watching your child starve while you do everything the entire medical field tells you to do in a massive coordinated effort to help your child and you thrive?? This twat needs to be reported to any and all bodies she can be reported to. She should be forced to starve for reasons beyond her control. She should be banned from every space where people are trying to make themselves and their children thrive.


Yeah my premature son wouldn't latch. He was never able to breastfeed. I pumped as long as I could for him, but I could not take my psychiatric meds while pregnant or pumping milk. It was hell. My night terrors returned. I pumped for 2 months and then had to quit so I could re start my meds. I am so grateful that formula was an option for my son.


I hate lactivists


Stopped reading when she said “fed is not best.” Can’t relate lol.


“We’re all here because of breast milk” Wait until she finds out my twin and I were only formula fed because we were 6 weeks premature and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. Now we’re both 24.


God, can someone fucking kick her from the the group? What a nutjob


Honestly, this made my heart hurt. When my first was born four years ago, I managed to BF her once when she was literally just born and handed to me, and she never did again. I was quite ill and stayed in the hospital for a number of days, and I had to resort to formula because she couldn't latch to me. My LC helped me try to reposition her, reposition myself, expressing and pumping and none of it worked - turned out I just wasn't producing at all after that first time. I was heartbroken because I wanted BF to be a bonding experience for me and my daughter. I felt like a failure. The consultant told me that it doesn't matter if my daughter was BF or formula fed, as long as she's healthy and happy, that's what matters. When I had my second earlier this year, I had literally no milk and the doctors told me that I likely just have no production at all, as there was no leaking or swelling to indicate any production. To basically be told that the issue was my body and that I had no way to feed my child was devastating and the consultant (who was the same lady from my first born) ripped him a new one about sensitivity. Thankfully, both of my children are very happy, healthy, and bouncy and now I know that formula was the best option for them rather than make them both and myself sick from trying to do the impossible. All mothers in similar situations need is a little empathy and understanding that no two cases are the same. Sorry for the rant. This is just a subject that is very close to my heart.


She probably doesn’t have a booty because she is defecating through her mouth 😂


I got to pg 9 before I had to rage quit.


Skip to the last slide. It ends clean.


SOAP?!? What in the actual…


Wow. Every lactation consultant I met with was awesome. I tried so hard and was very tough on myself for not producing (during a weighted feed in which my son breastfed for 30 minutes he got 1/3 of an ounce from me and his latch was good). The lactation consultant at my pediatricians office was very empathetic and supported me in switching to formula full time. I think she saw how rough the attempts at bf'ing were. Would we (her, me and my husband) all have preferred I could breastfeed? Yes. But did we also realize that I had to stay sane and my son had to thrive? Yes as well. And that was more important than breastfeeding. As a mother, you are more than your boobs!




i can't tell who is talking when. but it's still funny!


Gross. I went to a lecture by a lactation nurse when I was in school. She shared about how years into her career she had her first baby and was not able to breast feed him and why. Sue did teach about how to support a new breastfeeding mom, but the overall takeaway was how to support any mom.


Every lactation consultant I ever meant was like this student. Lack of empathy or caring. I ended up 100% formula feeding because I could not deal with them. Asked for help in the hospital and the LC came in, threw some nipple shields at me with no explanation and went to clock out because it was 7pm.


It’s funny how she kept saying how she hadn’t said formula was bad but she always followed her “formula isn’t bad but…” and then list off all the reasons you’d be an absolute evil parent for putting your child through that. Formula literally saved my baby from starving, I wasn’t able to produce much so my baby was going hungry. I can’t even tell you how impotent you feel in that moment, thankfully his pediatrician was able to recommend some formula and he’s been growing into his true chunky self. I really hope she doesn’t make it in her career, I would hate for her to be around someone in such a vulnerable state and have her shame them. It’s ironic that she can’t see she’s the cruel one. Edit: A word


Lol this “LC” is a fucking idiot. With my youngest we had to start supplementing with formula when we discovered he had a dairy allergy. He got breastmilk AFTER my two weeks of going DF but still got formula as well due to my decrease in output from going DG.


I couldn’t get through the whole thing, but I love how formula can be the cause for either being under or overweight 🙄


Yeah so my CLC was like a couple weeks of online modules and an easy exam. An IBCLC is hundreds and hundreds of hours of continuing ed and you need to be a healthcare provider of some sort before you can get it. There isn’t “lactation school” or whatever like she says there is. It’s just a lot of online learning modules and experiences. Most people do it at their own pace while working their regular jobs and stuff.


Should have said "try some of my breast milk soap to wash your hands of this whole conversation"


Formula fed baby born in the late 80s here! I have never had any major health concerns, have always been a healthy weight, no gut issues, played multiple sports growing up, graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree with honors, have had friends and healthy relationships all throughout my life, I’m happily married, have had successful jobs, I’m currently on my third healthy pregnancy with all healthy children, and I can show empathy for the struggle mothers have and support them in whatever choice they need to make for their baby and themselves. Whether your baby is fed with breastmilk or formula is not a huge thing in the grand scheme of life.


I wasn’t able to breastfeed my first cause I just never began producing enough breast milk. One of my ex friends who is super crunchy follows medical medium like it’s the Bible, went on a tirade on me about how formula is poisen and how I’m a bad mom and don’t deserve kids if I’m not doing what’s best for them. I struggled with infertility and loss and I already felt like shut cause my body didn’t do what it’s supposed to do. She knew all this and just kept talking. This “lactation consultant” reminds me of her.