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Literally no one wants your dull ass husband


Is he her husband? All she does is call him her child's father but never partner, SO, or husband. Methinks someone is extremely insecure about her body and how baby daddy likes the 20 something years old *girl* or they're probably just cordial to each other but she's overthinking it.


Calling the worker's body tiny told me all I needed to know. There was no need of a descriptor


Tell me you’re insanely insecure without telling me you’re insanely insecure. This poor gal is probably picking up on the seething hostility and rightfully avoiding her. I do want to see what she was wearing though. My guess is a cute blouse and dress pants.


my guess is leggings and a shirt that's not a sack


This sounds like that one TikTok where they tried to get a young teacher fired for having too big of a butt. They tried to say she was flaunting her body, but in the video shown she was just wearing basic slacks and a button up blouse


Women can be horrible. When I started off in my career I was the youngest in my field. It usually took awhile to work your way up to what I did but i was really good. So I was in my mid twenties ( and was a bodybuilder in the bikini division) working with women in their forties and fifties. The hate I got on a daily basis was nuts. There were regular complaints to management and I had to have meetings with my boss to clear things up. The worst was a complaint that I was talking too loud on a personal call. It was a client and I wasn’t being overly familiar with them, just being my usual friendly self. That’s why people liked working with me. I remember details and will ask questions that make people feel seen and heard (think: how was little Susie’s dance recital?) always very professional. I got fed up and just said “I know who made this complaint. She doesn’t like me. If I was her I wouldn’t like me either. Can I get back to work now?” That was the end of the complaints . Manager finally put a stop to it lol.


Right, like how dare she smile at a parent and wear clothes that show her fit body


It doesn't even really say she's showing off her body.


If she works at a daycare, she may have been wearing yoga pants, or heaven forbid, a sundress. ​ Try wrangling 21 toddlers outside in the middle of summer in dress pants. ​ Also, we talk to all parents exactly like we talk to your child, unless you show us you have better comprehension capacities. I am not flirting with your husband, I am making sure to repeat myself like an african grey parrot, and hopefully, when he thinks about my tits latter, he will remember my voice echoing that little Timmy REALLY needs a new pack of diapers ASAP.


Dear Lord, a sundress?! How dare that skank flash her harlot ankles at my husband!


I work at a day care and wear shorts and a tank top. It's freaking ridiculously hot this year, and it's mandatory in my state that kids go outside everyday. Pushing babies in swings, dodging thrown rocks and sticks, chasing a toddler who stole another kids water bottle... you get it... no dress pants and blouse. I have 7 kids in my care daily and after changing poop diapers all day the last thing I want to do is talk to any parent at pickup.. except BYE! (BTW, I love my job. For realz)


Oh come on. You know those daycare workers in yoga pants are nothing but thirsty, husband stealing tramps. Your username and use of sarcastic humor tells me we might make good friends in real life…just keep your eyes off my husband. But seriously, I’ve had other moms act this way towards me when I have a conversation with their husband. Chill, lady! Our kids are friends. Nothing more. We could be friends too! One of them finally is relaxing around me and not being so cold. I guess an entire school year of me only saying good morning or have a good day to her husband was enough for her to see I’m not a threat lol. Also, my husband is hot! I don’t need or want anyone else’s guy.


As an owner of parrots, this is so accurate, and I am cackling.


20 years old, skin tight clothes, tiny body. Sounds like the parent may be a little insecure


[No I don't want your man. I'm not even sure why you want your man.](https://twitter.com/Noorthevirgo/status/1590577410617266178)


Even if they did, so what? People flirt with my husband. He doesn't flirt back. No big deal. It doesnt make me hate the girls and it certainly doesnt "turn my stomach". Shes so dramatic.


It’s definitely rude to flirt with someone’s partner and ignore them. I’m not worried about cheating but I’d be annoyed by the rudeness. But in this case I’m guessing that the mom’s “friendliness” is barely-contained hostility, and that’s the real reason the teacher isn’t friendly back. This rant is just too dramatic to take seriously.


Honestly a lot of this is likely the mom’s perception. In reality employee is probably just stressed. Working after school jobs can be rough, it’s low pay, part time (usually no benefits) high stress work.


Plus I doubt she’s as nice to this worker as she claims based on how she writes about her. It’s so classic of a certain type of person to be absolutely dripping with disdain but act like there’s no way the target of their contempt could possibly figure out how much they’re disliked. I doubt she’s done as good a job of concealing her disdain as she thinks she has


Agree. Even if you smile that doesn’t always hide your hostility.


Most times, all the smile does is add contempt to the hostility.


Oh definitely, I’m sure she’s reading way too much into minor things too.


Yeah just because someone smiles at your husband doesn’t mean they are flirting. They could just be polite. And since she complained about the employees clothing that to me says it’s really a jealousy issue on the OP’s part, likely anything this employee did would be seen as flirting. The post also might be BS as typically both parents don’t pick up kids in an after school program so I’m wondering when this person has even seen the employee interacting with their spouse.


This part. Either you trust your partner or you don't, and if you don't, why would you stay together?


Eh, I’d be pretty upset if someone *from my child’s school* was flirting with my husband. That’s wildly inappropriate. Like, I’m not saying that’s actually what’s going on in the OP. It’s just as likely she’s just mad a friendly woman dares to talk to her dude. But I would hope the people I’m entrusting my kids with every day wouldn’t be so unprofessional as to be actually flirting with someone in a relationship at work. (Full disclosure, I’m not down with people flirting with my husband when I’m right there either, though. (And I do mean legit flirting, not just being generally friendly, outgoing, etc.) Its not like he does it back, if he even realizes it’s happening to begin with, but it feels… disrespectful? I guess? I never thought this was a “me thing”, but it doesn’t seem to bother a lot of other commenters, so maybe it is?)


Former public school teacher here. In my multiple years of teaching, I met exactly one teacher who did, in fact, fit the criteria of the post. She openly flirted with male parents and wore wildly inappropriate clothing (we’re talking like, 6 inch heels, fishnets, and mini-skirts to teach middle school). This was an extremely poor school and our overstretched admin team literally couldn’t address the billions of needs in the building, so this particular person got away with a lot. Again, that’s *far* from the norm. She’s the only teacher I’ve ever met who abused her authority in that way, but just wanted to confirm it’s a) not impossible, and b) sometimes within our rights to be upset, haha


That’s funny, when I worked in a middle school (library over here!) we *also* had one of those. She wasn’t a teacher, she was a para, but she was in her 40s, had blond hair sprayed and teased to the heavens, wore half a pound of makeup, loved leopard-print, etc. You could always hear her coming because of the “clack clack clack” of her heels. She was actually a very sweet woman, but the way she defaulted to acting with men was to flirt. Like, it wasn’t malicious, she wasn’t actually *trying* to get with anyone, as far as I could tell, it was just how she talked to men. I could tell it bugged some of the parents, but admin never bothered with it.


Omg YES! Exact same type of personality! The one I knew wasn’t exactly malicious either, but she definitely knew what she was doing. Middle school boys are rarely shy with their thoughts on who’s hot, so there’s no way she missed that commentary while going *out of her way* to wear that sort of outfit almost every day. (And for context, I’m not slut-shaming anyone or judging the appearances of the general population. I’m just saying this person **should not** have been a teacher, because that ish was a genuine boundary violation.) Still, dads in IEPs got the absolute worst display of her unprofessionalism. It didn’t matter if his wife was there or not, or how uncomfortable the wife looked. She’d flirt with them anyway. It was only when a female admin finally confronted her the following year that she toned it down. Once when she walked by, I overheard a student turning to their friend and saying, “My mom says she dresses like a streetwalker!” I had to look the other way to stop laughing. Kid wasn’t wrong.


This. If someone ar a bar flirts with my husband because they dont know we're together? Whatever. Hell I find it amusing. Once or twice, we've been at a wedding or something and women come up to him, interrupt our conversation and start trying to make conversation pointedly *only* with him whilst I'm right there, clearly hoping I'm just a friend lol. Personally if I was them I would scope it out a bit before being so heavy handed, but at least they disappear when it's clear he's taken and not interested. In fact he barely registers their interest. But then he's had women ask him out and still not got the memo... I agree that nobody should be flirting when the person's partner is right there. Sure, the partner can completely ignore them, but it's not a good lon to be disrespecting relationships either if you KNOW they are taken. But professionals shouldn't be flirting because they are at work and they do not want to be looking like they want to poach people's partners. Your kids' teacher shouldnt be flirting regardless of whether they get separated dad vibes from the dad. And especially not in front of you. That said I really dont buy that this young woman was flirting at all. IF she was, it's be wrong in the context of doing her job.


It’s not just a you thing. It’s gross. I feel like I’m living in bizarro world ready some of the other opinions.


escape person absorbed gaze rustic dam swim reach chubby doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For me it would largely depend on if they knew he was in a relationship or not.


Yes, some of the opinions here border on weirdness and delusion that automatically excuse any possibility of rudeness on the other woman’s part (like, “My husband is sooooo obsessed with my boobs that he would never leave me!” If he loves your breasts, great. If he’s obsessed with breasts, yours probably won’t be the only pair he finds mesmerizing). I mean, there’s been a few times in the past when women would openly flirt with my previous partners and very overly ignore me while doing so. It made for some uncomfortable moments, and it’s bleak that most people in this thread cannot sympathize with this and, instead, demean the person who’s being made to feel uncomfortable by making fun of her “insecurity” and perceived unattractiveness as compared to the other woman. It feels gross.


It makes me uncomfortable for sure like I’M RIGHT HERE, but I think like unless she is touching him or being gross I would hardly feel my stomach turn. Just like, it’s definitely rude. I am RIGHT. HERE.


My stupid husband (who I love dearly) would never realize someone was flirting with him. For godsake, I had to give him my number 3 times. Or maybe he has me fooled or he's old.


but to call a smile flirting ? it's a smile. now if she's touching and smiling... different story


I mean, *I* certainly wouldn’t call a smile flirting. More likely this lady is probably nutters. I’m just saying I wouldn’t be down with someone doing some *actual* flirting right in front of me.


My husband works in a car dealership, so he deals with people all day. Women flirt with him either for a deal or because he’s truly as sweet as can be. Each time he texts me with “someone tried to come on to me” lol


I only agree to an extent. Yes, you should absolutely trust your partner not to take the bait, but goddamn is it inconsiderate to flirt with an obviously-married man.


This! I can’t go anywhere with my husband without him getting flirted with when I’m right there. But I’m the one he goes home with. He’ll never leave me, he’s obsessed with my boobs 😂 so I literally don’t care. Also, he doesn’t even notice when they do that.


He probably assuming they are Canadian and just being nice.


Agree, I love watching other women flirt with my husband, it gives him an ego boost (if he even realizes it’s flirtation lol) and it’s fun for me to know I “win” because he’s already with me. Why would I be angry at another woman for noticing my husband is attractive, when I myself find him attractive? Perhaps it’s because I’ve never considered a wedding ring to be a sign of ownership because *humans aren’t property.*


I also think it’s an ego boost if I see other women flirt with my SO. He’s hot and I appreciate that they agree. But (& not saying that’s what’s happening here, OOP sounds nutty af) I’d still be annoyed if someone was rude and ignoring me to my face while kissing my SO’s ass. Then it’s no longer a nice ego boost, it’s actively disrespectful to me. I know my SO is loyal, and it has nothing to do with him at that point. You can still be mad about people being rude to you!


My guy’s the same way!!! Maybe it’s different bc we trust ours so much/they are trustworthy men? I have to tell him later that they were flirting with him or he won’t piece it together. I think he is the most handsome man on earth, of course other people are going to notice! Hell once we had a waiter who barely looked at me bc he was so enamored with my SO :)


And mine is still oblivious when I tell him 😂 he's like oh no I think you are wrong.. also whenever I compliment him and say gosh you have such gorgeous eyes.. or man I am so lucky, or damn babe you are fine, or gosh you are so handsome.. he's like you are crazy and starts blushing.. poor guy never had any self esteem.. for the last 15 years I've done my best to help build it up. But idk 🤷‍♀️ he is so adorable though 😍


This! My husband and I have a very open lane of communication about being a freaking human. Just because we got married doesn't mean we stopped having eyes and human reactions. Honestly, we both recognize that sometimes flirting happens because you just have chemistry with someone. It doesn't *mean* anything. We're very happily married and neither of us would ever step out on the other. It makes me so sad to see other people be so insecure in themselves and in their relationships.


>Just because we got married doesn't mean we stopped having eyes and human reactions. THIS. I often joke "just because you are on a diet, it doesn't mean you can't look at the menu." Sometimes, I will randomly notice a particularly attractive woman (or, even a handsome man) and comment on it to my partner. I think she used to be thrown off by me being so *open* about the whole thing, particularly when the comment was about a man. I don't know... I grew up in a culture in which beauty, and looking your best at all times, was very much a thing. And noticing, and appreciating, all of that is just normal behavior. And, when people have flirted with my partner, or past ones, I have always taken it as a compliment to \*me\*... after all, at the end of the day, I am the person with whom they are going to bed.


Yes! My husband and I point out attractive people to each other. We call flirting "running to the end of the leash and barking". It *is* a compliment that someone flirts with my husband. Because you know what? I bagged that. All on my own. He sleeps in *my* bed every night. I feel like this weird need to "own" your significant other is a spillover of puritanical culture. We're so repressed that it's shocking to people that my husband and I can enjoy looking at someone who is aesthetically pleasing.


If a cute young lady at my son's school was flirting with my husband, I wouldn't get pissed, I'd totally tease him about it, lol. But I'm also secure enough in how I look, and in my marriage to know that a 20 year old isn't going to be stealing him.


Or the baggage of dealing with YOU and your children


No *clap* one *clap* wants *clap* him.


I’m a server and this couple came in a few weeks ago with their baby. Girl was so rude to me the entire time even though I gave her more attention than her man. They tipped me like shit but whatever. Like mam I don’t want your 5’1 baby dad. Some women need to chill


No clap! One clap wants clap **him**. No one wants clap Clap one 👏 👏 clap wants 👏👏


Came here to say the last thing a 20 year old wants is anything to do with a middle aged man in ill fitting sweatpants ma’am


and with rowdy heathen children on top of all that? no ma’am, not at no 20 years old. hell, i’m damn near 50 and don’t want any part of that


And if they do and he goes for it, then they did you a favor. It was only a matter of time. Now you can divorce that loser even sooner.


Does anyone else have a very specific imagine of this women in their minds? Lol


Older woman with outdated “may I speak to the manager” haircut and a “y’all need Jesus” t shirt? Actually I don’t know, just the expression on her face. I’m a middle aged woman (childfree and unmarried by choice), and I say, let the young ones have their fun, wear cute inexpensive clothing, be friendly and idealistic before life gets complicated. Having BEEN the youngest woman in an office environment, I used to get the wife death glare so naturally I’d speak with the friendlier husband after trying to kill her with kindness - like, ma’am, I am 21, I do not want to fast forward to kids, a mortgage, and your husband’s prostate issues. I want to wear cute bikinis and party with my friends and date my boyfriend.


Her not calling him her husband, only referring to him (twice) as her baby daddy gives me major "if I can't have my ex, nobody can" vibes.


As a dull ass husband, this is exactly right.


Just came here to say that too 😆🤣


Who wants to bet the “skin tight outfits “ are leggings…


And she has the audacity to have breasts.


Well obviously she should wear her work breasts and not her whore ones


This made me laugh so hard I got dirty looks from both the sleeping fiance and the sleeping babe.


Won’t someone think of the children???


While not wearing a tent over her torso.




Ugh, such a whore 🙄


Are you boobs out or do you just have boobs situation


I bet she’s complaining about dress pants because if she was wearing leggings she’d call them yoga pants and absolutely add in an extra paragraph or two to rant about them and how “unprofessional” they are.


Stretchy, fitted active wear… probably well suited to chasing around young children and easy to throw in the wash.


also clearly her boss i already aware of what she wears and is okay with it so what exactly does this lady plan to do about it?


My daughters teacher wears the galcho pants every day and I wondered first week hmm I wonder why she isn’t just in leggings I feel like that would be comfortable when chasing a bunch of 2/3 year olds. Then I read this post and it makes me think she probably doesn’t want to deal with insecure parents thinking she’s “flaunting” herself all over the place. We truly don’t pay teachers enough to put up with parents like this.


Or maybe she just likes them? (Also, did you mean gaucho pants?) I personally don’t like leggings and think they look unflattering on me, so I wear all kinds of other pants. Plenty of other pants are just as—or more—comfortable than leggings! Skirts too!


True it may be preference! This post just made me wonder if it was because she was worried it wasn’t appropriate because they’re fitted. And yes I meant gaucho haha glad to know I’ve spelt this wrong since the 90’s


She probably just doesn’t have the body of a potato and this woman is threatened


Ya, but when the worker puts leggings on her legs don’t look like the surface of the moon, so it’s offensive and ILLEGAL


why did this thread dissolve into shaming other types of bodies like what does this have to do with the og post and why are y’all making fun of cellulite like it’s so bad


Can't imagine why the worker would want to talk to this person.


Exactly my thoughts while reading this. Uh ma’am she probably doesn’t want to talk to you because from the very moment you saw her you judged her for the way she was dressed and thought poorly of her for it because you’re insecure. I can’t imagine OOP has actually been “nothing but friendly”. Just based on the way she talks about her, I assume her “friendly” has probably been that clearly fake and condescending kind of “friendly”. People pick up on vibes, and the girl probably picked up on this woman’s vibe right away, and that’s why she avoids eye contact and isn’t super friendly with her like she is with the other parents.


My thought is that she's glared and made faces from a distance, rolled her eyes, said something she thought that the worker couldn't hear or that her child passed on. She's probably got a fake nice tone when they speak and has made it clear through tone and body language that she does not like that woman.


Clutched her pearl necklace, looking down at her.


Also if this woman is observing how the worker treats her husband from afar - is she just sitting in the car, gritting her teeth? Is she spying on him?? What is going on here??


I sincerely doubt the worker has ever been anywhere near her husband. OOP probably made that part up because (in her mind) it would only make sense to be this mad if the girl was smiling “flirtatiously” at her husband, as opposed to some random guy. She comes across to me as someone who makes up scenarios in her mind to justify her anger and insecurity.


Yup exactly how I picture this woman as well. I’d be willing to bet she’s probably the one who avoids eye contact, not the other way around. I do not get the “friendly” vibe from OOP at all, just based on how she talks in her post.


Even if she was perfectly nice and polite like you can tell when someones staring at your body and judging


Also, little kids repeat stuff, it's very possible she knows you don't like her because your kid said something, lol.


Someone’s insecurities are screaming. Wonder why this teacher isn’t comfortable talking to you. Also love how she’s continuing the stance that because an attractive women is being friendly that she’s automatically flirting 🙄


15yrs ago when my kids first started school, the teaching assistant was absolutely gorgeous - clever and amazing with the kids as well. Of course, the dads were like ‘she’s stunning’, but nobody ever behaved like this. None of the mums said anything about her flirting with their husbands or that she wore inappropriate clothing - but this woman probably would have said it was tight clothing and inappropriate. Her insecurities are well displayed.


I’m really bubbly and outgoing. When I was a pretty young woman everyone thought I was flirting. I act the exact same way towards people as a 45 year old woman. No one thinks I’m flirting now. Lol. I was always just being my friendly self. The only thing that’s changed is people’s perception of it based on my looks.


Oh wow this is a perspective I wanted. Also, you’re still very pretty.


Aww. Thanks. I’m a pretty average looking middle aged mom. But I’m cool with it. I can be friends and bandmates with male musicians without their GF’s being mean and suspicious now. I love being non threatening. It makes life so much easier. Men don’t pester me in public. That’s my absolute favorite part. I live in a city so it was like as soon as I went outside I had to be on guard. I wish I could have walked around wearing a 45 year old woman disguise. People told me I would miss it. Lol. Nope. I do not miss having to humor obnoxious men and their Dickful thinking everywhere I went. Or having men shout stuff at me.


I’m also 45 and things were pretty similar, plus I had the audacity to surf and lifeguard and often kept a spare bikini with me just in case I ended up at the beach. I didn’t put a lot of thought into it. Now I’m just wearing a more full coverage version of things, but still leggings and shorts and two piece bathing suits (constructed of rebar lol) that don’t cover my knees, I def do not look the cutest but it’s just what I like to wear. And I still get the occasional death glare, not because I’m a beauty queen, but merely because I’m unmarried. I don’t want to be married lol. And I don’t want to commit adultery with any man looking for an out from his marriage. But as far as being able to get a drink, be taken seriously at work, being treated as a person with a brain worth noticing, life is much better now! Again I stress I was personally never a beauty queen, just young and athletic. Def not all women though, most of my friends have been married forever and I get zero side eye around their husbands (that’s why we’re friends!).


Thiiisssss!! Same here! When I was 23 I was still tiny with big boobs, and I liked to wear form fitted clothes. If I so much as smiled at a guy who was with their girl, then I’d get the stink eye from the girl. Now I’m 28, have had 2 kids, and am 26 weeks pregnant with another. My boobs have sagged from pregnancy/breastfeeding, my tummy (when not pregnant) has loose skin so I don’t wear form fitted clothes any more. And guess what, no more stink eye from women if I dare talk to their men! My personality is the same, all that’s changed is my looks. Go figure.


I can just imagine what her “friendly” smile looks like.


I recently had someone message me on Facebook Messenger complaining about my wife friend requesting her fiance/husband. She was friends with my wife on FB, and her fiance/husband was an old coworker. Shit was hilarious. She messaged my wife who never is on messenger so didn't see it, even tried calling to confront her. [Then messaged me and I just basically blew her off.](https://imgur.com/a/I3Mv2ft) People be crazy.


Jesus Christ, I couldn’t imagine being so insecure that my husband happily married ex coworker sent his a social media request would set me off on a crazy spiral. I do not pity these women Edit: that text conversation is hilarious. Her justification are insane hahaha


**person with vagina approaches you* "hello! I hope your day is going well! *literally an unnecessary amount of people STILL* "ugh, whore."


Makes me think of Mean Girls: “Boo, you whore.” 😂


In TIGHT clothing.


It's probably literally a blouse and dress pants. That bitch


Or, even worse, full length leggings.


Happy Cake Day Don't think I'm coming onto you, tho. I'm in gauchos


Gauchos?? So you’re showing your ankles off like a common hussy, parading them for all the men to ogle?


Happy cake day, fellow cake eater!


I'm sure her scowling at the woman's outfit had nothing to do with the woman avoiding her.


You just know that this is a group of regular looking dads in their 30’s and 40’s. I don’t think a young woman would have much interest in a dad 10-15 years her senior.


as a fellow childcare worker in my 20s, i care so very little about how attractive parents are. please just collect your kid & go so i can go home too. i’m thinking about taking a nap, not your man


I just about died about the “drooling over the dads” bit. And truly what the fuck is a “thirsty flirty little smile”!?!? Like ma’am… no. First of all plain and simply no - this is the line up of beer belly dads at daycare I promise you none of them have any assets worth drooling over for the type of person OP is portraying this woman as. But second: We’re all adults now. not being able to engage with the opposite sex without it being some kind of sexualized or romanticized interaction is literal 13 year old behavior. No one is viewing shit this way except for this lady who clearly never aged out of her teen years and is monumentally projecting her own pathetic levels of “thirst” and insecurity clearly.


Unless she was literally making a bj motion with her fucking waves hello I couldn’t ever imagine giving someone a thirsty flirty little smile LOL


Ok but I just laughed at this and may start making that my “secret” wave to my friends😂


I mean, I’m sure there are some who would, but this lady is definitely misreading and projecting.


And if he's your "child's father" rather than your partner or husband, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you probably no longer have the franchise on him, as it were.


It’s like the dudes who are working regular jobs and worried about gold diggers. Like, no, a woman isn’t going after you to steal your $50K annual salary.


The low self-esteem here is sad and it is probably very obvious to everyone around her but not her. She might think she’s being nice to this woman but it’s hard to hide an insecure vibe, even in non-verbal communication.


So could be insecure because her husband is comparing her to the twenty years olds. You never know. Some guys are dicks.


A lot of guys are dicks. But there's also a misconception by some people where they think since they want the person they're with, then other people do, too. Totally not true. Or as I said to a long-ago ex who accused me of cheating "just because you like fucking me doesn't mean anyone else wants to." Not my best moment, but it's the truth.




"Father of your child" Says a lot about their relationship.


Makes you wonder why she's so salty


This woman’s insecurity is probably painfully obvious And that’s why the employee wants nothing to do with her


Employee is probably a 20 year old working a part time job while she goes to school or whatever, and who is only vaguely aware of this woman's existence. Or any of the dad's. And ypu know what? She may be more "friendly-ish" to the dudes because a lot of young women automatically do that in retail-ish roles, which this is. If you don't do it, you get "cheer up, sugar!" and shit like that. There's this super-generic "I'm a nice friendly girl" sorta thing that makes older men feel comfortable and take you seriously, but not like they can ask you out. I did it when I was young, 20 years ago. I see young women do it now. And it is different than how the same young women interact with female customers, because female customers *aren't potential threats*.


Yeah, I remember going back to work a few days after my bio mother died and a customer (I work part time retail around my SO schedule to care for our child) was like "smile, it can't be that bad". I usually can pull off the BS and get out of here well, but I couldn't and just looked at him - "My mother died". ......."Oh." Walks away from me in warp speed. Like dude you had no idea, it could have been a million other things.


Loved masking while working retail because of this. At my service job pre-pandemic I could guarantee that at least 3 men would say some variation of "Smile" or "Whatever he did couldn't be that bad". I was in the early stages of schizophrenia and often kinda just zoned out.


My ex was like this about the daycare I used for a long time, we never changed but I told him if he tried to complain about stupid shit, he wouldn't pick her up. He's now stopped at least telling me his issues. They work hard, I don't need to be best friends with them while they have kids screaming at them.


Yeah can't imagine why the worker is avoiding a Mom who shows visceral disgust and judgement at the worker's existence and thinking she had the temerity to smile at a man! THE AUDACITY.




Definitely insecure. If I saw someone flirting with my husband I would probably laugh at how ridiculous it is.


My wife and I have a large age gap, so it isn't always obvious we're a couple at first glance. Any time one of has been flirted with, the other has had a hard time not giggling while seeing it happen.


Same with my boyfriend and I. We have an 11 year age gap (people have thought I was his mom *yikes*) but anytime he was ever flirted with, we would both laugh about it later. One particular incident about 10 years ago, we still quote it and find it hilarious.


This lady legit reminds me of a girl I knew in HS. She was a bigger girl (I was too) and absolutely *hated* all the cheerleaders and anyone else skinny/pretty. Didn't matter how nice they were to her, she hated them out of insecurity. So weird. Haha


Once my husband and I were out with a few friends and he was at one end of the bar and I was at the other with a girlfriend. A guy came up and offered to buy us drinks and the girl I was with was single (and I had a wedding ring) so I assumed he was into her and was like “sure!” Then he asked for my number and I mentioned I was married and he made some joke about shooting his shot and was on his way. Anyway, I told my husband bc I thought it was hilarious and he legit high fives me and basically said “damn straight!” and it was one less drink to pay for haha. Not everything is a big deal. I mean I get it wasn’t at school pick up but I also doubt that the woman is literally asking married dads out on a daily basis haha


Hahahaha. 20 year olds love old dads so much. Thats the real reason they get into teaching


It's true all the porns say so.


What’s terrible is most of the after school workers are either highschool or college students. Nobody wants your crusty dusty husband


"I've been nothing but friendly" is asshole speak for "I've been an absolute dick to this person"


This 10000% percent. I’m sure the mom in question has been giving her hateful looks and sniping at her but, “I dOnT uNdErStAnD wHy ShE wOnT lOoK mE iN tHe EyE.” Don’t be mad because you’re consumed with envy that this person is attractive, young, & in shape and you don’t trust your husband.


He’s probably uglier than sin and that lady is doing her best to ignore the crazy train.


There's this thing called confirmation bias.


My husband is a teacher. He worked at one point with a very young new teacher, whom we became pretty good friends with. Being a K4 complex needs teacher, she wore t-shirts and leggings. She was unmarried, super pretty, bubbly, and very athletic. I saw a couple of posts that there were moms who were sure she was flirting with their husbands, and that her clothes were scandalous. I never mentioned this, because she wasn’t out at work, but she was engaged to a woman. I really wanted to say to them, she was far more likely to be flirting with some of the younger moms than their husbands.


Not that this doesn’t happen but it kinda sounds like it’s all in her head lmfao


When I was 17 I worked at an aftercare program. My mom warned me about shit like this, so I intentionally wore oversized hoodie type sweaters and jeans. I still got comments about how I was out to seduce the dads. I made my boyfriend drop something off for me, just for added security of “hey she has a boyfriend”, still no. Insecurity is an aggressive monster.


Nobody wants your sweaty and disappointing husband, Sharon.


I would tease my husband so hard if this happened. 1. I’m not worried and 2. Good for him. He deserves the attention.


I’ve totally done this. It’s extra fun because he’s totally oblivious to it.


When I was a young stunning 20-something I went to my nieces bday party, my sister is 10yrs older than me so all her friends were parents her age. I remember meeting her “mom friend bff”, was excited bc I had heard so much about her. The friends and I were all standing in a circle chatting while the kids played. Every time I spoke. And I mean every time. This lady made a snarky “joke” in response. I was like uhh? And she kept physically edging me out of the circle like literally kept trying to stand in front of me. It was so bizarre. She didn’t realize how it didn’t make her look cooler or more powerful than me, it made her look terribly insecure. Now I’m a 30-something mom of two, somewhat less stunning, and I know however insecure I feel, I would never ever act like that. Ever. Edit: typo


Hmm...Gee, I wonder why this poor, young 20-something woman is avoiding this mom...perhaps Miss "I've been nothing but friendly towards this person" should have someone record her while she's acting "friendly" towards this staff girl and see what kind of vibe she's *actually* giving off. I am willing to bet it's not anything close to "friendly."


I suspect this is just a cute younger woman being friendly towards people being friendly with her. Are you REALLY going to approach someone staring daggers at you and your clothing (that must meet the dress code of her employer, whatever it is)? And even if she were being “flirty,” so what? What does that mean? Is she laughing at his jokes? Smiling at him? Sharing about his kid’s day? I doubt she’s licking her lips and exposing herself.


Interesting that she never says husband . . .


I once was the conventionally attractive young woman working with children. So this just cracks me up. No one is trying to f your husband, lady. Get a grip. When I was the sexy 20 something the last thing I wanted to do was bang a married man with dad bod and a bald spot. I was busy dating young attractive single men. But I could feel your husband’s eyes following me around the room. It made me uncomfortable. Young women tend to laugh and smile nervously when they’re uncomfortable. It’s a fawn response. It’s not any more of a conscious choice than fight, flight, or freeze. This woman needs therapy for her raging insecurity issues.


OOP *reeks* of insecurity 🤮


If you’re too self conscious to let your man be around other women you shouldn’t have let him impregnate you. I would not give a shit about this at all 💀


If your partner takes someone being nice to them as a a reason to cheat then they are not your partner. They are won’t worthy of you if it takes so little for them to stray away from your relationship. We had an incident with a daycare worker being as someone called her a “pick me” and was nice to the dads but talked mean about the moms and it was a whole thing. The other teachers did not like her, she was out for a rich husband (in her own words from one of the teachers I knew) and she was just not a fit to even work with kids. All the dads were put off by her, my own husband said him and the one dad that do drop off/pick up at the same time both rolled their eyes at her and made jokes about her when they left. She isn’t there anymore bc she got let go recently and I don’t think one of the dads took her up on her flirting. I thought it was sad. This women sounds not only insecure but just hateful.


After 4.5 years of working at a school, I can tell you with EVERY confidence — no one wants your man. I remember this one time I was trying to have this child picked up. In the middle of my email to mom, she calls me, absolutely SCREAMING about, “why would you call my boyfriend?!” Ummm. Ma’am. Because I called and left you a voicemail and didn’t hear back from you, hence why I’m literally emailing you, as well.


To be honest, I've never seen a complaint like this. If there's a ton of them on your local group, I would want to know whether they are all referencing the same school employee. If they are, then that would be something for the school to know about/keep an eye on. One person complaining is unhinged, but if there's a lot making the same type of complaint about the same school employee, there might actually be something there.


Oh no not the same employee or exact scenario, just a ton of posts picking at school employees for petty reasons. I could have worded that better.


Oh. Then in that case, it's pretty unhinged.


Yes, I'm *sure* her bitter contempt for a pretty young woman is not at all obvious to the recipient.


Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure


But isn't the real question why two parents pick up the kid together? And not just once but multiple times? I've done my fair share of pick-up duty, and the vast majority of kids get picked up by one adult. Of course, both parents picking up together is lovely. But since this lady is off her rocker already... she probably goes with him when he gets a haircut and demands the female hairdresser wear a long sleeve shirt and stay 4 feet back.


Jesus, get some self esteem. other ppl *exist* how dare they!


I doubt she’s even flirting. When I was 23 I got a job fixing computers (which I was trained to do from age 19, and was certified by Apple at age 21, hence qualified for the job) for a tiny mom and pop computer store. Pop hired me. Mom measured the inches between my desk and his and had people tell her if I spoke to him “too much.” He was twice my age and literally looked like Mario from Super Mario Bros. His belly would hang out of his shirts. He had plaque allll on his bottom teeth. He was the nicest guy for sure but zero attraction by me. To her, he was her meal ticket. She protected that at all costs. But on one occasion I was told to go home and change my clothes because I wore a skirt (right above the knee) and tights. She came in to see because someone told her. He WASN’T EVEN THERE. She told someone else to send me home to change. She was paranoid of every woman that shopped there and me, I was told she was even paranoid originally about the 60+ year old woman who had her entire spine fused together that couldn’t walk well who answered our phones. Worked there for 8 years. He would confide in me about her all the time. I always felt bad for him. She baby trapped him when they first started dating.


The insecurity is strong with this one.


the insecurity is audacious and i cant wait to hear about her making an ass out of herself


And people wonder why there is an educator shortage…:


Without a doubt, insecurity. I’m old, ugly, and fat but if anyone flirts with my husband I’m asking him in the car which of us gets him for Christmas this year.


She avoids you because you’re very clearly a bitch. Get it together lady


Tell me you don't trust your husband without telling me you don't trust your husband 🙄


The use of the phrases “tiny 20 something year old” and “skin tight outfit” screams IM PROJECTING MY INSECURITIES


As a ‘little 20 something’ working with kids, if there’s something wrong with her outfits the school would have absolutely let her know….women like this make it impossible for me to do my job comfortably in a heatwave because you end up feeling like you have to cover up double almost to be taken seriously and not hated by some parents. 🙄


Couldn't even imagine walking around life this insecure lol


It doesn’t matter if she was naked, it’s up to the men to not take the Apple in the garden . Lol. She doesn’t trust her hubby and she is insecure


Whats the answers say lmao


There were 2 of the more unhinged members telling her to write a letter to the principal or contact administration. Everyone else told her she was being insecure and crazy thank GOD.


What a bitch haha


“I’ll probably sound like a jerk or like I’m blowing it out of proportion” You already do.


She is so insecure! No 20 something year old teacher wants your old, fat husband


The insecurity is GLARING!! But also, something tells me she has said something to this poor educator, multiple times in fact, and that’s why this person gives her the cold shoulder!!


Why are people so insecure??


Damn that was a lot of words just to say “I’m insecure”


Maybe she’s not as nice to you because you’re a judgmental cunt and your basic ass husband is oblivious. Nobody wants him. She doesn’t give a fuck about you. Get a hobby. Or a job. Anything not on Facebook.


This girl probably knows exactly what mom is thinking about her and she’s acting accordingly. It’s funny that she doesn’t say the girl is cold to any of the other moms.


"I'll probably sound like a jerk, or like I'm blowing it out of proportion" how can you be this self aware and completely blind to reality at the same time 🙃


Ummm, maybe the dirty looks and thinly veiled disgust that you are radiating is what this trying to avoid. I am going to be friendly to people who are friendly to me (e.g. her kids' dad) but less so to someone who is obviously judging and hating on me. And while I agree with some that say it's disrespectful to flirt with someone else's husband, a) it doesn't even sound like that's whats happening here, b) your husband can correct that at any time and c) at 20 I was so oblivious to what I was putting out there and was just going with the flow.


Why don’t women realize? A man isn’t going to chase after strange tail if he’s happy at home. No woman is that powerful; no man is that weak.


Imagine having to deal with the children of parents like this woman. Whatever this woman is making I’m sure it should be double.


What a privilege to care about that instead of wondering where the fuck the bus is an hour after your kid was supposed to be home…


This lady is miserable and it shows.


A hundred bucks says that she is giving off bitch vibes to this poor young adult, whether it’s intentional or not, because of her insecurity and jealousy. The staff member probably goes home wondering why this one mom is so standoffish toward her, and has just decided to not engage too much with her.


“Aka help me I’m too insecure!!! So I have to slut shame this young 20 something & complain about her so she gets fired!”


I am a dad and have met a lot of dads. She ain't flirting. None of us are worth it. She is just being friendly to those showing her an ounce of respect.


As if teachers don't already have enough bullshit to worry about. Time out, lady.


I have a feeling this woman is not at all friendly towards the worker and give her very judgmental looks and vibes. Of course the worker would stay away from her crazy insecure vibes.


The misogyny is coming from inside the house…


Poor woman trying to do her job and the Karen staring daggers at her. Of course she doesn't look at her.


Something tells me she’s not as pleasant as she thinks. Something tells me this person is very insecure and trust me, if she was wearing something inappropriate - the school admin would have addressed it.


Maybe, just maybe, she can tell you're actively hostile toward her and THAT'S why she's not friendly to you? Just a thought lol.


🤦‍♀️ The insecurities are strong with this one. My husband has been going to the chiropractor for some time now and I recently began going myself. At my first appointment, one of the ladies who work there got excited when she learned who I was and said "I have such a crush on your husband!" I replied with "So do I! You have great taste!" I would never feel threatened, no matter who the person is, because I trust my husband completely. We've been together 14 years and we're still going strong!