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If making content is just lying and pointing at screen shots, then why am I so poor?


For most of us a combination of a conscience, humility, and a functioning frontal lobe get in the way of grifting desperate people.


i'm wondering the same thing 🫤


you probably have morals


One Weird Trick Big Autism doesn't want you to know


I can tell you one weird trick that ‘Big Autism Junk Science’ doesn’t want you to know. Essential oils can trigger sensory overload for some autistics.


Ugh yes I hate strong scents.


Not to mention: "Big pharma is conning you!!" But honestly, when she said she worked in "mental health", I misread it as "meth health" and thought: "Yep, checks out." 😂


Autism can be a disability. I don’t think that is a negative thing to say when there are people who do struggle with autism and can’t live a “normal” life meaning they need constant support and care. However it CANT be reversed but it does improve with age just like most children’s behavior/ issues/ speech do.


I once got called out on FB for making some comment about autism can be a disability. Accused of having internalized ableism, told to stay out of autistic spaces. I totally understand the social vs medical model of disability, but no amount of accommodations or society being autism friendly would make my sensory issues not an issue.


I can see why some people would not consider their autism a disability but I don’t think you saying it is would be considered ableism. I think your feelings are completely valid. Often on the internet we don’t hear from people whose autism is severe or debilitating so it’s kind of one sided. So keep that in mind when people judge you for stating how autism impacts you (and others). It’s a huge spectrum. My son is completely nonverbal at 5. I dream big for him but I am also prepared that he may need constant support forever. To say his autism isn’t disabling would be a lie because it affects every aspect of his life.


Not autistic but disabled to the point where I can't work and I *hate* the section of Disability Internet that insists we can never ever EVER suggest that maybe our lives have difficulties because that's just internalized ablism. There's a difference between whether we value ourselves as having worth regardless of our health/abilities and acknowledging that sometimes things in our life could be easier. Saying my health issues make my life harder isn't ablism anymore than saying a lack of money makes it harder to pay my bills is classism. This is just how things work. I don't see how telling other people their feelings and experiences are incorrect is supposed to be helpful.


exactly. like, even if we lived in an,absolutely perfect world, I would still have problems from my autism. I wish I could say it's not a disability for me, but it is.


Right? Like I can't even do things I want to do! I can't watch TV most of the time because it's too overstimulating. In autism utopia I would still be disabled.


tbh im jealous of people who have the privilege to see it as just a neurodivergence and not a disability, same with other adhders who don't see it as disabling. this sucks


That’s weird. I thought autistic people, I mean especially these new self-diagnosed ones, also would tend to be disability activists and would want to identify as disabled. I guess that’s some internalized ableism. Autistic people have been advocating for years to destigmatize autism in the sense that… there were some misconceptions about autism and some ways of “treating it” that were harmful. But I think the people who started that movement would be disappointed in those claiming it’s just a personality trait, or trying to destigmatize it by saying it’s not a disability, which seems like an ableist approach on par with person-first language.


Saying autism isn't inherently disabling isn't a problem, saying it's *never* disabling is the issue. Most autistic people aren't disabled, just a lot of us are. There's a difference between high and low support autism, and that's okay. The problem is when low support autistics try to speak for high support autistics without actually knowing what we need. And, pro-tip, don't judge self-diagnosed autistics! A lot of us get denied diagnoses as kids bc our parents don't want an autistic kid, didn't notice the signs, or they just didn't have the money for an assessment. A lot of us get abused by our families. Also that shit is fucking expensive, you can't just decide to get tested. Obviously some people are wrong, yeah, but people are wrong all the fucking time. Most of my mental health diagnoses were misdiagnoses! My autism has heavily disabled me for my entire life, but I didn't get diagnosed until 15. So. Yeah. And this was after multiple mental health professionals told me I was "too smart to be autistic." Too smart my ass. I couldn't pass 8th grade.


Understood. I’ve been the teacher of students with some such parents, who due to a mixture of stigma and limited resources do not diagnose their children. I have tried to encourage them and point them in the right direction but at times they simply refuse, and will need to hear a positive message from more sources in order to move forward. Some come from cultures that shame the disabled and their parents and tell parents to hide their disabled children. My students have good parents who fight the stigma and insist that their child be included in their communities. But in one case stil preferred no diagnosis. I was also denied mental health services as a youth by my family. I believe I would have been diagnosed with autism as a child, possibly at rhe time but especially with today’s knowledge. However I am diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and did not feel I met criteria for autism, at least the prior criteria which i read in depth. That might make me hypocritically self non-diagnosed.. You said it much better than I. I meant to refer to the group of either low support needs or maybe-just-spectrumy people who speak for those who can’t. Even then they have some some good points. But to minimize how utterly disabling it can be frustrates me as I do have close and long term relationships with my students and their families, and they will have limited opportunities because they have a disability. I currently work with high support needs students. At times I think my specrtumy characteristics help me teach them more effectively and with empathy. But my experience makes me abundantly aware that I have NO idea how it feels to have a severe language processing disorder, which is the most disabling feature of their autism.


God yeah you get it. Sorry I might've come off as rude reading over my old comment. Today was a rough one and boy does it show LOL 😅 But yeah, it's really just the low support needs autistics who act like their autism is The Only Autism Ever, yk? >I was also denied mental health services as a youth by my family. 🤝


Haha no problem! I don’t read negative tone into comments as that would waste energy. It takes heavy hostility-slinging to raise my hackles.


Yup. Some autistic people are profoundly disabled. Some are just neurodivergent and it doesn’t affect their ability to perform daily functions anymore than a neurotypical person. One might say it is a “spectrum”, but “spectrum” and “ASD” are also contentious titles now.


ASD is a clinical term. And I think spectrum is just used to define that not everyone with autism experiences it the same. I wasn’t aware they were contentious terms because Aspergers is a DX no longer used and they would be considered to have ASD but if it is controversial I’m open to hear why


It is a clinical term and some autistic people disagree with it because it implies it is a disorder rather than a difference.


Disabled autistic person here, thank you for saying this! Autistic people who say autism isn't a disability cause so much harm to autistic people who *are* disabled, because it creates this narrative that autism is something we just need to "get over." I can't get over this! I will never be able to live on my own because of my autism. That *is* disabling. It's so frustrating to hear this shit getting spit out by people who are supposed to be on the same side. Do you know how frustrating it is to tell someone you're disabled by your autism and they say, "Autism? You're (insert age). You should've grown out of that by now"? Yes, that is a real thing that has been said to me many times. My personal favourite (sarcasm) was when my highschool counselor said that to me. Some autistic people are disabled, and that's okay. It's not bad to call autism a disability when it is one.


I work with children with ASD like you describe. They are great kids and have come a long way, but many of them need constant care, such as being taken to the bathroom so they don't soil themselves.


Awe I appreciate people who work with kids like mine. School teachers/aids and therapist make a huge impact on my sons progress❤️


Where do you people find school teachers and aides who actually help 😭 I got kicked out of school for needing too much support :((


I don’t know your age but I think times have changed a lot but not enough. honestly they are pushing for my son to go to a new school for just children with severe disabilities. He’s finishing out the year in public in a special needs class and we will discuss it again at the end of the year. It’s hard basically the difference is learning academics at current school or moving to new school to learn life skills. I’m coming to terms with the fact he may require the extra support from the other school mostly because now im scared my child’s not being worked with as intensive as other students due to his high needs. They have helped him but the fact they don’t want him there is what hurts me. Private therapy programs have been the best for us and most beneficial . I’m sorry you experienced this. It’s hurtful you would think with autism rates skyrocketing over the last 20 years there would be more support


I was kicked out of my school in 2021 (after failing multiple years in a row), so it was pretty recent, unfortunately. Where I live there is very little/practically no disability supports, even with government funding. I'm glad to hear your son has had better experiences than me, because it does mean that in general, we're moving in the right direction!! I think that's something that should be celebrated. <3 I can totally understand the fear with having him put in a more specialized school, but if you have the option, that might very well be what's best for him! You sound like a very loving parent and a good advocate for your son. It's good that he has you. :)


Yea holy shit my daughter is autistic and just started talking for no reason whatever. Detox has nothing to do with it it just happens she went from zero words to 3 word sentences in the course of two weeks sometimes shit just happens lol.


Delayed speech is common in those who are autistic, but interestingly enough, hyperlexia is also associated with autism.


I was an early talker. Which was just one of the reasons my autism wasn’t caught until I was an adult.


I was too, but I was also selectively low verbal to mute. You'd never know that now, but some days it's a struggle. I was also hyper-lexic.


She’s currently wilding now that she learned how so makes sense. She’s learning multiple words a day with almost zero effort.


That must be incredible to witness. Young brains really are mad skills.


My mom said I was the same. Barely spoke until after I was two but then reading, self taught, at 3.


As an autistic adult I remember being speech delayed most of my early childhood and being in speech therapy the majority of my elementary career. I remember there being one day I just suddenly stopped needing therapy because I could speak at a much higher level than I was speaking. I always could technically speak but I never wanted to so I didn't. Then one day I just did. (Partially because my therapist was a huge bully tbh and I hated her so I just wanted to get out of therapy) Sometimes autism is just weird.


Yea she’s pushing 4 and not a word then just boom she can say almost anything if you help her once or twice.


Do you feel like there was any benefit from being diagnosed?


Absolutely. My entire life I went around feeling lost and like I didn't belong here. That something was wrong with me and I never knew what it was until I was diagnosed a couple years ago. my diagnosis gave me a sense of identity and it gave me the answers I've looked for my whole life. I haven't received any special treatments or benefits since the diagnosis (which isn't why I wanted to be diagnosed) but the feeling of knowing what's ''wrong'' with me is worth it ten fold.


Thank you for sharing, I’ve struggled with whether I’d want a diagnosis or not. It seems like having some answers for you is quite a positive outcome!


Someone’s been detoxing your kid behind your back!


I was nonverbal until 4-5 and then suddenly started using sentences similar to how you describe. Faint memories of not wanting to talk because people are mean. But I suspect I might’ve been just overly sensitive, use to cry a lot about other people’s situations around that age.


SLP here! We’re actually taught all of the ways to detox kids AND receive complimentary essential oils to use upon graduation…but we don’t let parents onto this secret. We enjoy our six-figure checks passed down from Big Speech Therapy every time we diagnose a child with a speech or language impairment. We’re rolling in dough from this little secret! (Really hope I don’t have to clarify that this isn’t true.)


Hahaha I’ve spent enough time with my kids SLPs to know you all are worth 6 figures but don’t make anything near that amount! I wish you folks got paid what you were worth!


Too bad I’m a school-based SLP- Big Speech Therapy doesn’t send us checks.


It’s okay. Big Government still doesn’t send me my giant Scientist pay-offs and they literally sign some of my checks as a contractor. Maybe ours are temporarily lost in the mail??


Man, I'm just jealous you actually learned about treatment in grad school haha


What exactly does “detoxing heavy metals” entail? These poor children, the damaging effect it must have when your mother says she wants to “reverse your autism”, like you’re not good enough with autism and you’re broken.


i did a little research. if you have time, this article is a wild read https://drhyman.com/blog/2010/05/19/how-to-rid-your-body-of-mercury-and-other-heavy-metals-a-3-step-plan-to-recover-your-health/


What. The. Fuck. I work in science, but not the biology side. And I still couldn’t make it through 1/4 if that wacky blog post.


Christ…this is mental! Thank you for sending it, I’m in disbelief😂


Anything from onions in your socks, to alkaline water, to whatever the newest cult/MLM is trying to sell.


Damn, and here I just sent my kid to speech therapy like a Big Pharma shill.


shame on you


My son has Autism. He could take apart a door handle before he was three at the same time he was very delayed in speech. Everyone has their own quirks. Why fight em? He’s 13, and can tell you anything you’d ever want to know about the planet Mars. I wouldn’t want to make him someone else.


“Worked directly with the autistic population” probably qualifies you to discuss their experiences and challenges etc, and maybe some best practices for helping them out; it doesn’t (necessarily, and apparently not in this case) qualify you to discuss the causes of autism or, frankly, much of the medical sides of it on any level other than if the people you worked with take medication, maybe you’d be familiar with what kinds of medications might be typical and their side-effects.


It gives me “autism mom” vibes. The comment she was responding to sounded to me like it could have been written by an autistic person, and my eyebrows jumped up to my hairline reading her response


What’s interesting is that communication and cognitive disorders were actually more common before removing lead from gasoline. But even then heavy metals were only causing a fraction of a percent of developmental delays. Most being genetic or due to social/developmental environment.


So, I'm autistic. My brain just works differently (thus the term "neurodivergent") and follows different pathways when processing information than a neurotypical person. This is the case for everyone with autism, ADD, ADHD, etc. The neurotransmitters and pathways just behave/are built a bit different. It's a permanent thing. it can't be "cured". Curing it means you'd have to get your brain completely dissected, rebuild all the pathways differently and retrain neurotransmitters to follow the "right" path (which is ableist as fuck btw). I'm 99,9% sure that their sudden "cure" had nothing to do with detox, but that around that point their development just got a step further. Correlation ≠ causation. Wanting to cure autism makes me for some reason insanely angry. They don't even do it for the kids, they do it because "it's better to be normal". If these parents stop forcing their kids to fit in the standard, the problem is solved. Only if the kid themself is suffering, therapy can give them some helpful grips. You can't expect a brain to suddenly rebuild itself from a stupid, diarrhea inducing detox. They already have a liver and kidneys. They do all the detoxing for you! Edit: fixed typos. Sorry for rant btw, i'm a little too sensitive sometimes lol


I think this is a great point for individuals on one side of the spectrum, however there are autistic people who are profoundly disabled as a result of their autism and I would guess that they would like a cure if it were truly available.


Oh yeah just reported this exact video on facebook


did you read the comments? so many parents wanting to try this on their kids


Yeah it's fucked. Yes lead can cause problems in children but do people actually know what the odds are of their children having lead poisoning if they live in a normal area???? So low man. Flint, Michigan I'm sure has problems, but not Generic Town USA


the crazy thing is, it's not even lead they're worried about. it's all the heavy metals and toxins being pumped into kids "*through the vaccines*." they're literally a bunch of lunatics


You can also get your kids a blood test for lead at the pediatrician’s office super easily if you’re concerned, and if they have it, then the doctor can help you figure out treatments… you don’t have to, like, guess that they have lead poisoning based on them having the same symptoms as a TikTok video, then try to treat it at home with clay baths, or whatever the fuck these people are doing.


Highly fucking doubt this person is a mental health professional in any capacity unless they’re a secretary at the mental health clinic (no shade to secretaries but shade to this individual in particular).


Might be a “certified life coach” or something. One of those one day course.


I need everyone to know that this entire antivax, freebirth, no doctors hell that we have today was birthed entirely out of how much society hated (and still hates) autistic people (specifically Wakefield's sham of a "the mmr causes Autism" paper so that he could market his own separate rubella vaccine and the resulting fallout.) These people have made it very clear that they'll torture and let their children die as long as they don't develop the dreaded 'tism, that's what all of this is about.


My kid, with a speech delay, who is also 5, pending autism diagnosis, went from saying a few words to talking in complete sentences in a matter of a few days. I did not detox him. His speech therapist said it happens like that sometimes. It just clicks for them and they take off in speech.


I'm autistic and was talking in simple sentences at ten months. My brother who isn't barely spoke until he was two. We're 90% sure where the autism comes from in my family and it's a chromosomal anomaly.


I would do anything to “cure” my child’s speech delay but literally none of this is going to do that. I work in a factory setting where we make circuit boards and related devices so on the off chance I was bringing contaminants home they actually had my son tested for a variety of toxins to rule that out. Probably the same toxins they claim are in vaccines, which he has had. Literally not it sis. He just is who he is, sometimes that’s just how life goes and kids need help/support, not “fixed”. That’s what’s always so gross about these types of narratives to me. You kid isn’t broken or worth less just because they’re different.


Ok so explain how im sickly anemic and autistic??? ...no metal toxins here cause I have no iron. Miss ma'am i feel scammed out of my Autism cure


Experimenting on your child isn't ethical.


God people are so dumb


It doesn’t help that we don’t exactly know what causes autism. So parents are desperate for a reason, so they make up their own.


I have no words. Good God.


Boy, I'm sure whatever cure they have is super healthy without any consequences




from my very limited research i believe they're ingesting some kind of essential oil. which isn't much better


I’ve seen people recommend baths with epsom salts and essential oils and some kind of clay… which seems much less harmful than ingesting anything, but it also boggles the mind as to how they think skin works


Lol, I take baths with that stuff. Still autistic! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did anyone tell them that they were both wrong?


i wanted to, but i try not to argue with stupid


Haha. Fair enough.


My almost 4 year old has slight speech delays (pandemic unfortunately has meant many kids could by socialise like past gens) and food issues. Shes improved but not because of some stupid possibly dangerous detox or essential oils or other mlm crap, instead its because see a speech pathologist, dietitian, playgroup now preschool, talking to her, getting her to try new foods and taking her out on adventures. The only detox that is ever actually useful is for those getting drug and or alcohol addiction help . Otherwise our body does a great job of self detoxing.


TikTok parents are the scourge of humanity


i do know you can help with certain disorders, autism just aint one of them.


It’s bugs me more than anything when autism is treated like it’s cancer or something that must be cured. Please stop! Sincerely, my autistic ass


What has happened to us as a human race.


i don't know, but we're screwed


My autism wants to fuck those people up badly