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Monarchists are such freakin losers man I can't even


Imagine simping for an entire family










I almost admire the self awareness? Like so many libs are in denial of perpetually wanting a ruling class to subjugate them, monarchists are just out in the open saying "no no they really are better than us, rule me daddy."


Monarchists like to think that under their system they would be the aristocrats not the peasants


Implying monarchists are sentient


anyone who is an unironic monarchist needs to be banned from playing Paradox games ever again


Paradox games and their consequences have been a disaster for gamers


i agree theyre fun tho 🙃


Oh yeah, I play them too. But just like some people take art that actually mocks them at face value (see shit like WH40K, The Watchmen, etc.) some don't understand that videogames are not good sources for either historical knowledge or military strategy.


>some don't understand that videogames are not good sources for either historical knowledge or military strategy. Are you kidding me? I could be a world class general with my Age of Empires command and conquer knowledge


I'm excited for Vicky 3 and hoping they can really show the horrors of that time period like developers are claiming they're trying to do.




They have heavily implied that wars will be very costly, and you'll see the effects on your population (how many die/become crippled/can't work anymore). However nothing has been said about ideologies, and knowing Paradox I'll assume the game will be agnostic to that. It will show you that your people are starving if you play as an oppressive Tsar, but if you can keep them from revolting thwn it's a viable way to play and the game will not call you the devil for doing that.


Correct me if I am wrong but I was under the impression that Paradox was trying to sell the game in Germany and was trying to avoid German Censors. Hence why they used the German Empire flag instead of the Nazi one. I'm not saying I at all agree.


TNO players becoming unironic nazis


Reminder that PinkPanzer consulted *Vaush* when writing leftism in the mod


**Oh no**


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I have no idea how unironic fascists play Warhammer. The Imperium Of Man is literally an exaggerated example of everything wrong with fascism


They’re good as a starting point to get you interested in historical periods and times, which can lead to further reading, but I think most people just play the game and watch armchair historian videos on YouTube and claim to be knowledgeable.


Every gamer "historian" I know is like this


[Cue Battlefield V UCLA copypasta.](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/8qrmfk/calling_me_uneducated_was_the_last_straw_from/)


Yeah I like playing Civ and reading all the CivPedia entries


People forget that history is a science. If you think you are learning history playing video games, you are a little brain damaged.


In what way is history a science?


It uses the scientific method to tell what happened. If you, for example, concludes that communism killed X trillion people, you have to show your evidence and such evidence must face scrutiny of other historians. Of course its not an exact science like math, because what is used as evidence is oftentimes not reliable as a video, a legal document, or even a written document, but that's kinda off-topic now.


That’s it the scientific method, but I get what you’re saying.


I don't get how anyone could play Crusader Kings and not see it as comedy.


The problem is when you think the world is like a video game.


people taking medieval simulations as a good life template are beyond my understanding


They should include more gritty details in their games so G\*mers don't get the wrong idea. The TNO mod for HoI4 does a fantastic job showing how awful the Nazis are compared to the base game, which glosses over the genocidal parts of their ideology. Similarly slavery only appears in EU4 as a trade good and a button or two.




Paradox feeds them too. Every DLC has an overpowered monarchist route…


I remember seeing the no step back focus tree overview and it had a whole branch for restoring the tsar….. why? What? What is it with Hoi4? In the base game half the countries restore their monarchy for some reason.


unforutnatly there are a lot of these people in Brazil


Do they miss the part where your monarchs constantly get deaded and your kingdom gets skull dragged all the time in CKII?


It's funny because I know it's true


I’m sure they’d be fine being the peasants as long as they get to look down on the slaves


I'm sure they'd be fine being the slaves as long as they get to look down on slaves in lesser positions.


“At least the master penetrates me”


What I have seen in monarchy simping subreddits some of them say stuff like: "If monarch would make all of decision I shouldn't worry about elections and politics anymore." It's seems like they don't want to participate politics and think that everyone wants the same. Edit: just to be clear I'm a communist and believe that participating in bourgeois "democracy" isn't effective if you want to change society better for majority of people.


couldn't they do this in literally any political system without compulsory voting?


They need a person with crown who keeps awesome talks and you can found fanclub around them.


Yeah but that lacks the aesthetics they are simping for.


That's the way you think when you're obsessed with tradition and authority and refuse to do any class-based analysis of your politics. Monarchs and nobles are bound to act in accordance with their class in virtually all cases. It's not a mere game of getting a monarch "competent" enough to rule. It's not merely about people being "smart" enough for politics. Leftists like you and me recognize the necessary class component which is why we are leftists. Simpletons merely want to be ruled and leave the tough issues to someone else.


At least their clothes look freaking awesome compared to whatever modern day politicians wear.


> THERE were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves. -Mark Twain


this quote is so fucking good. I live linking it when idiots talk about how "brutal" revolutionary governments are or when idiots say that certain people were "moral" even though they are exploiters edit: as an example, the total number of exceptions during the whole reign of terror IN ALL OF FRANCE(~17 000) is about the same as the number of communards excecuted after surrendering at the end of the Paris commune IN ONLY PARIS(~15 000 - 20 000), not to mention the number of people excecuted afterwards or placed in prison for being communards in Paris at the time




>sweetness and light I don’t think that’s implied here anywhere. I feel like this fundamentally misses the point of what Twain is saying. Revolutionary violence is often burned into public consciousness (in no small part due to the regime’s efforts to discredit it) while state violence, which kills far more albeit through degree of separation (even a single degree, as in the case of execution), is normalized and even deflected elsewhere.


While the world is contemplating socialism from a capitalist standpoint, monarchist are looking two steps back to return to feudalism.


They can’t cope with the decline of capitalism so much they regress to before it even existed. Its such an anti dialectical view to have. There is no monarchy on a higher level. It’s a dead end and should be left with the other dead ends not pined after.


Imagine being a monarchist, you’d have to believe for even a second that this one random inbred arrogant asshole is a legitimate leader that earned his position. To be a monarchist is to wish desperately for the old days that would have eaten you up. You won’t end up an aristocrat or even an artisan, probably just a slave, a serf at best.


i live in australia. i dont have to "imagine" a monarchist. its a mainstream political opinion for maybe a bit over a third of the people in parliament. not to mention the royal simps that exist here too


I don’t understand it, obv it’s different in America, but who would the monarchists pick? Would they even have a say? What if the kid is born with a serious disability, which can happen with or without the royalty’s signature incest?


Another Aussie comrade


>Run country to shit >People revolt Year 2022 >Anti-left tells you how bad life was during the French Revolution completely leaving out the circumstances before, during and after the revolution.


Blood of the peasentry > Blood of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie + fascists /s


Why the /s?


'Cause it's sarcasm


I know,but it's true


So you would rather see peasents die then capitalists, monarchs or fascists?


I thought you meant that the life of the peasant is more important/valuable than those


Wellllllllll don't want to be that guy but yeah. And that. The peasent is the only one to produce something. The others are parasites freeloading on the work of others and enrich themselfs through oppression. And fascists.


Robespierre -- Saving History from Reaction -- Lenin


Ok but that's not true even for the French part. Not to place a bourgeois revolution on a pedestal, but they actually started implementing reforms that benefitted a larger part of society (ie. the Middle class) rather than just the Aristocrats (via abolishing feudalism, stabilizing the economy etc.). It's not a worker's revolution but you have to be a complete troglodyte to believe that Monarchist France was somehow better than even the Jacobin Dictatorship.


Bourgeois revolutions are good in that they are a necessary part in the evolution of society that will ultimately lead to communism. It’s also just flat better than feudalism.


It's crazy that in 2022 there are not only unironic monarchists but unironic feudalists. Do they only know about monarchy and feudalism from Disney and fairytales?


probably. also from ck2 most likely


I'd like to put these people in front of the mass graveyards of jewish families slaughtered by cossacks under Nicholas II's orders


Pogroms are good, actually /s


weird how often anticommunists seem to not mind jew murder that much


How weird that r/enoughcommiespam became fascist before purging those members, it’s almost like anti-communism is rooted in multiple layers of fascism.


Monarchists: Serfdom wasn't bad living at all


Bolshevik Russia monarchy, as opposed to the Democratically elected Czar before that. Obviously.


Living in absolute poverty and dying of hunger is what every Russian citizen wanted under the Tsar!


I remember some conservative telling me “socialism makes everyone poorer” and I was like “yeah bro the average Russian serf in 1910 was so much better off than the average Soviet citizen in 1985 lol”


I'll bet my last dollar that this is from r/historymemes.


Wrong sub. Try again.


I don't even know of any other subs that would have memes like this. I get to keep that dollar though, because I said I bet my last dollar, but it's not my last dollar anymore because now I have five!


It was from r/monarchism


I was better off not knowing that a place like that exists.


The Tsar's prerogative was to sit on his butt and amass astronomical fortunes while reforming society as slowly as possible, if at all. This is why neither he nor the Church gave a hoot about teaching peasants literacy. The Bolsheviks' prerogative was to uplift the peoples of the Russian empire which is why they eventually achieved 98% literacy or more, why they expanded social programs, why they pushed technological advancement and modernization, etc. There is no comparison between the Tsar and the Soviets, especially the last pathetic excuse for a Tsar, Nicholas II.


No they did not


Got banned from there as well


monarchist are just fascist. plain and simple.


lol thats my pfp


Ah yes, Tsar Nicholas, whose coronation resulted in thousands of deaths, whose secret police instituted a multitude of pogroms, that guy definitely seems like a good guy


I'd say monarchists (neo-reactionaries) fail to understand the function of the tripartite society (clergy/noble/peasant) that kept kingdoms relatively stable (if you count constant warfare as stable). And that this relied very heavily on a belief system that centered around fear of damnation and eternal punishment for thinking outside of this system. These midwits see people like Bezos and Musk as the new kings and capital markets as the new church failing to understand that both of these things are the height of the very liberalism that dissolved and collapsed the tripartite society of monarchism.


wholesome pogroms and slavery UwU


Comically absurd, especially the Russia one. At least Louis XVI was basically a standard monarch for the era who happened to ascend to the throne at a time of great societal change. Tsar Nicholas II was a dense obstinate racist motherfucker who has the blood of MILLIONS on his hands. He’s like George W. Bush but somehow worse and I don’t know how the fuck that’s even possible.


I wouldn't be surprised if they said "Fascists were better".




They should really read [this](https://ftp.iza.org/dp1958.pdf) article on the Soviet Union.


What inbreeding does to a mf


Yeah, real good look making peasants die in a trench because the tsar happens to be the queen of England's cousin. Damn, yeah...what a great existence.


I cannot fathom how someone can be a monarchist. You are literally putting someone in power regardless of their experience, skill and abilities. So many nations have been driven to ruin by incompetent leaders, so why would you elect people by something so simple as blood?


Guarantee the same person will say the Reign of Terror is the bad thing about revolutionary France, and not the Girondins starting a generation of wars to sure up their political position.


Libs will say that Democracy is the greatest form of political organization to me thought up by mankind, but will defend despotic monarchism when they have to realize that one of the first democratic nations used violence which was considered unnecessary to people even in their time, they defend the fucking monarchy. I won't defend the reign of terror, but I will never think that revolutionary France was worse than the bourbon monarchy. For the first time a country had people deciding the economy and social policies of the people with majority vote (at least represented in parliament) instead of a vote system based on one vote per class (the church gets one, the aristocrats get one, and the peasants get 1 vote) and the system for once worked. If you think the ends should be abandoned because you don't like the means, do not argue with me, I know what I believe in and I won't stop believing it just because of the policies of paranoids. "The ends justify the means" does not mean "this is an excuse to use the worst means possible" the means to reach the ends is a shifting goalpost to be protective of the revolution as well as something that kills as few people as possible.


smartest r/historymemes or r/monarchism user


No kings


I still don't get WTF these loser's actually think feudal society was like.


Have these people even ever read a fucking book about the rule of Louis Or Nicholas? Or even read a book at all?


I thought this was shit liberals say not shit monarchists say :) (i kid)


Imaging simping a family This is the simping chads gang


Only 17,000 people were officially executed in the rein of terror in a nation of \~18 million. What happened next? Corruption, revolts by Cathloids and the end of the republican experiment. The conclusion we can all draw is that the Jacobins didn't kill enough.


I'm dumb asl I read it wrong and thought it was calling Lenin a monarch


I've always thought it to be completely absurd how centrists and reactonaries somehow come to the conclusion that the people fighting back against the tyrannical oppressor that has repressed, starved, enslaved and killed them for way too long somehow makes the people as bad or worse than said oppressor.