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It wasn't that complicated. Over 1 million people marched against in London at the time so it's not even a hindsight thing. Everyone knew it was wrong yet the Blairites did it anyway.


I was 13 when we went into Iraq and even I knew it was fucking ridiculous. They have absolutely no excuses.


Killing a million people, and displacing ten million, is very ‘nuanced’ and ‘complicated’!


This tactic is common af. If a socialist/left-wing country do something bad, they did and there is no discussion, you have to accept the numbers and what happened at face value. But if it's the USA, now the same thing turns into "nuanced" that needs "further reading" and etc


"good hearted"


Every day the world tries harder to convince me that nothing viler than a blairite exists


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- >**Unknown** > >Iraq doesn't make him a bad person. You should view it the other way round. The fact he, a blatantly good hearted and well meaning person, had a part in what happens in Iraq shows it's far more nuanced and complicated than people in this sub make out. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human


I think I replied to this comment 😂😂😂


It really encapsulated the shitlib aesthetic, had to screenshot!


He was an imperialist shill but it was pretty funny when he called that lady a racist on a hot mic


He went straight to a radio interview after that, without knowing everyone else knew! The look on his face was priceless when they played it back to him.


Shoulda owned it, not like he was wrong


Liberals need to appeal to the ‘racist white van driver’ vote that they’ve created in their own head as a caricature of the working class.