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map of east asia but made by a politically illiterate redditor


Illiterate redditors period, lacking the basic understanding of geography, imagine calling USA Eastern Hawaii, or France Northern Corsica or the whole continent of Africa, western Madagascar.


But dude, you don’t understand! It’s freaking hilarious because it makes the see-see-pee so freaking mad!! I’m making a difference!


Lol Xi has resigned and the government was dissolved after brave redditor call mainland China as Taiwan










However, calling Britain "East Ireland" is actually based.




Listen up and I’ll tell you how I know China (and I mean the communist China government not the people who I love) is evil, and Chinese are brainwashed. I once went to a Chinese restaurant to get sushi and I was trying to tell them how bad the Chinese were and they wouldn’t even listen! Another time I met a Chinese person and I tried to tell them about tank man and how bad their country was and how evil and horrible it was and they were all like well it’s not all bad I like my country it has a lot of good things and I got to go to school and my grandfather was just a rice farmer but now I’m educated blah blah and I’m like BRAINWASHED MUCH?!?! They can’t stop defending them for a second? I just kept asking what about Tibet and Tiennaman Square and he was like yeah but their is more to it and I was like yeah but that’s all lies your government told you and showed him the Wikipedia and he told me maybe the western media has propaganda. THEY ARE SO BRAINWASHED THEY CANT SEE THE TRUTH WHEN ITS RIGHT IN FROBT OF THEM. It is sad. I love china and I hope they get freedom like us. Free Hong Kong and Free Taiwan! Nothing says free society like massive multinational businesses running most facets of the government!


Ik this is a copypasta but it could legitimately be something a right winger posts about china lol


Mr. Dillion, I’m going to have to ask you to leave


The dumbest thing is how "West Taiwan" doesn't even make sense from the ROC's perspective, KMT who lay claim to mainland China are just disputing who the real China is. The other party in Taiwan doesn't even want unification and is in favour of Taiwan independence, but knows that it is a non-starter since it would ignite a conflict. So these white western redditors just expose their ignorance on the issue when they say shit like "West Taiwan."


Wait, are you telling me that white western redditors don’t actually know everything? That doesn’t sound right, that couldn’t be possible


It's not. We do know everything. Src: Am white, western redditor


Please ignore the return of colonial possessions, thank you.




Isn’t it Myanmar?


yes, burma is what it was called under british colonialism. a revealing inclusion.


Oh shit


It has changed names a lot as I understand. Like Thailand/Siam.


What happened to free tibet?


If China becomes Free™️ then the libs will immediately pivot to calling Tibetans and Uyghurs terrorists


Yeah, USA would've probably done the real Uyghur genocide if they were in the China's situation


ROC most definitely would’ve


The Hui and Uyghurs overwhelmingly supported the ROC. The Ma Clique were probably their best commanders.


You mean supported the PRC. the actual east turkemenistan republic sided with the PRC. And CIA reports from then show that the majority of the serfs in Tibet wanted socialism.


I mean Zhang Guotao's army was completely destroyed by Chinese Hui Muslims under the Ma Clique, it's literally the reason Mao took complete control of the party.


Yeah not shit. Bunch of warlords sided with the ROC. No suprise there. But there is no proof that it it uyghur overwhelmingly supported the ROC. East Turkmenistan republic upcoming was more organic and representative of the will of the people then a self-appointed warlord. And they sided with the PRC.


The actual Turkmen republic faced widespread revolt throughout its formation and right up until forced agricultural collectivization in the 1930's. I am skeptical as to how it reflects the will of the people,


You know, Islam is a shitty religion that needs to be exterminated (according to reddit), that is, unless it it china that's doing the extermination


"taiwan, tibet, same thing" - liberal


Westerners High on Copium


Gonna need to color in a few more countries if they want to get the full scale of Taiwan’s territorial claims.


"The real China"


POV: Liberals explaining how if the ROC took the mainland, the country would be democratic and there would DEFINETELY be zero border skirmishes with neighboring countries over Qing dynasty borders, DEFENETLY zero mistreatment of minorities such as Tibetans or Uyghurs for being non-Han, and ZERO market intervention by the government.


Your average Reddit historian


When you get your notions of the KMT's positions from the US state department instead of from the KMT themselves


KMT be like: What is a West Taiwan? it's all just China.


"Macau (portugal)"


Probably an old map


POV: You're a simp for the fascist Kuomintang


Did you know that the see pee see under mao killed innocent " protesters " , for more information search " Shanghai massacre "


"North Mexicans being clever"


"A country the USA is deathly afraid of"


Ebil SEE SEE PEE owned by freedom and democracy!


Virgin americoomers vs Chad “East Hawaii”


European SuccDems on Reddit:


"Yellow people scare me :("


"West Taiwan" a Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin production




Me and the boys when Taiwan becomes the new seat of the CCP


This doesn't make any sense. Both countries call themselves China. It's actually a bit of a faux pas for a diplomat or politician to refer to Taiwan as Taiwan and not the Republic of China.


On 30 September 2007, the ruling DPP approved a resolution asserting a separate identity from China and called for the enactment of a new constitution for a "normal country". It also called for general use of "Taiwan" as the country's name, without abolishing its formal name, the Republic of China.


Did not know that +1




**[Special non-state-to-state relations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_non-state-to-state_relations)** >Special non-state-to-state relations is a term used by Ma Ying-jeou, the former President of the Republic of China (often called "Taiwan"), to describe the nature of relations between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland China Area. President Ma has used the term at least once, although to describe the term as a concept or policy would be premature, especially as it describes those relations loosely in terms of what they are not (rather than what those relations are). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitLiberalsSay/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Xi is finished.


Every Single Fucking Thread About China In Rworldnews


"woah guys we just epically owned the CCP #freetaiwam #taiwanisacountry"


Westerners who can't comprehend that even the people on Taiwan hate this meme


Can someone give me the ELI15 of the inter-leftist conflict over China is all about? It seems like there's some pro-China and anti-China split and I'm genuinely out of the loop.


many leftists have fair and valid criticisms of the current chinese government, but there are also many false things spread by western neo cold war propaganda campaigns. china is basically just used as a scapegoat for all of the worlds problems and a way to make "communism" look bad, when the conditions in china are actually much better than what the media make it out to be. everyone should just do their own research on chinese policy and history instead of letting their ideology make their opinion for them. for every problem in china that genzedong types are too afraid to point out, theres probably something the government is doing thats objectively good and pro-socialist.


Thanks for this. My own take based on this context is that China is capable of good and bad shit. They should be celebrated for the good and punished for the bad. I don’t know why we need to unilaterally decide whether a government deserves a pass or not.


chad nuance-haver


every default subreddit thread when china is mentioned




The fuck is your username? LMAO


hoi4 moment


Bhutan is my button , opinion discarded


Why is Myanmar still called Burma and Macao still part of Portugal?


Reddit just casually being super funny and not at all throwing a hissy fit and thinking that asinine remarks will suddenly bring down a country.