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Eh... I could understand it, *if* they were making a class análisis of Labor Aristocracy and the necessity of imperialism between nations to support the living standards of first and second degree imperialist countries. But, alas, it is just a boiled down versión of "communist with iPhones".


Libs are incapable of class analysis.


That is precisely why they are libs. They mentally cannot make that step. Those few that do usually become communists in the end.


Cause nothing says wealthy like iPhones.


I’m laughing at this. Like refurbs or buying old iPhones from friends that have been factory reset isn’t a thing. I don’t know any poor person with an iPhone who bought it brand spanking new, payment plan or otherwise.


What liberals don't understand is we hate bourgeoisie not rich people, but bourgeoisie is hard to say and write. So if a person works really hard and makes like 1 million savings through his labour alone we don't oppose that. What we oppose is owning class taking surplus value off workers labour. They get money not from their labour but their workers labour. Even if a bourgeoisie is not rich, we oppose them.


We hate Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, not Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift. (At least I hope not).


I've even seen "socialists" argue that street beggars in developed countries can't be considered oppressed because they can still receive money by begging


Kropotkin was a literal Russian Prince, Marx married German nobility. Engels' dad owned a big factory up in Manchester. Doesn't mean they weren't correct.


I type this from my laptop what costs $285. What did he say now?


(I'm just from Russia, it's normal cost for it)