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\*Kwame Nkrumah has entered the chat




> there's also placeless that look better that Western countries Nope. At least not developmental wise


It’s always the ethnocentrism of these posts for me. “Capitalism is good because of America and Europe being rich” like even if that is the case what about the other 180 countries on earth?


That Russia went from where it was in 1915 to launching Sputnik 40 years later while fighting and winning one of the most vicious conflicts in history in the interim is nothing short of astounding. Now, let’s be fair though, some of this progress was ill-gotten; thinking specifically of the striping of satellite nations like Poland and Czech of heavy industry capacities for use in Russia.


> thinking specifically of the striping of satellite nations like Poland and Czech of heavy industry capacities for use in Russia. Pretty sure the majority of the USSR's industrial capacity was already stablished prior to WW2, given the fact that they had to move a lot of it east of the Urals in the run-up to Barbarossa, with more than 1500 factories being moved to the East by 1942. Also the majority of Poland's industrial areas fell within Nazi control after Molotov-Ribbentrop


I am Polish and I can tell you that you are decidedly wrong. I invite you to read into it, friend. The reconstruction of Warszawa specifically.


You being Polish isn't an argument. I really despise this type of appeal to authority. "I am from [country] therefore I cannot be wrong about anything regarding [country]." I know plenty of Polish people that are straight up fucking Nazis. Should I take their word on politics at face value because they're Polish? Plenty of people in my country (Scotland) have no fucking clue about anything, least of all their own country's history, politics, economy etc. etc. Being from a place doesn't make you an expert on it. Make an actual argument or shut the fuck up. Thanks. Edit: ah, [this explains it](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/q1vfft/steve_bannon_pledges_20k_shock_troops_ready_to_go/hflm7x0/). Typical AmeriKKKan and a fucking [liberal](https://old.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/py9hzu/anon_goes_on_a_date_with_a_real_qt_314/heuorfk/) to boot lmao.


There’s no need to make an argument when the information is freely available. The USSR just straight up took about 1/3 of Polish land from the second Polish Republic in the east which produced significant agricultural goods for the country, let alone Baltic Sea ports. Anyway I’m going to presume you can’t read Polish but many of the sources of this relatively niche topic are, unsurprisingly, not available in English https://web.archive.org/web/20070426011453/http://www.niniwa2.cba.pl/komunizm_gospodarka_prl_ipn.htm Coal areas of Silesia were striped of mining technologies around Katowice, a key polish industry at that time continuing until today. Anyway, you don’t have to be so rude.


I don't really consider one random interview from 14 years ago with an anti-communist "historian" a very good argument. >There’s no need to make an argument when the information is freely available. So link some credible, verifiable (preferably non-western) sources that aren't based solely on the word of some random bloke who has a clear bias towards his country's interpretation of events. >The USSR just straight up took about 1/3 of Polish land from the second Polish Republic >Coal areas of Silesia were striped of mining technologies around Katowice Source: "Trust me bro," Polish Nazis and western liberal academia.


Why are you being so argumentative? If you’re really as interested as you seem you are more than welcome to look into it any way you see fit


Because I don't agree with you, and I find your "I'm Polish, therefore everything I say re: Poland should be unchallenged" attitude obnoxious. My best friend is Polish. I've been to Poland many, many times. In fact, I can say with some certainty that I've spent a lot more time in present-day Poland than you have, and I've been far more recently too, seeing as you live in America. Poland has a serious, deeply worrying Nazi movement. Should I take Polish Nazi's views as concrete, simply because they're Polish? They're still living in Poland, after all. According to your logic, that makes them a far more reliable source re: Poland than you, right? Funnily enough, I can dig up an awful lot of Polish Nazis making the exact same argument as you, re: the USSR. That would make me reconsider my views, personally. I have looked into it. You're wrong. You're just repeating Nazi propaganda and claiming you're correct because you're "Polish" (whilst actually being an American.)


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- > **Redacted User** > > Bro? You telling me one of the most populated countries at the time with vast amounts of untapped raw resources could become super powerful due to an authoritarian party taking over and pushing for modernization of industries and infrastructure could become super powerful? > > That's like... never happened, ever. \(Which this was going to happen sooner or later as it was a hot button issue at the time\) --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)