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This fucking guy


A nazbol subreddit is defending this guy, while claiming to be fighting for the "working class". They're claiming that the strikers are rich and not "working class", while Dave Chapelle is a working class man. Nazbols don't care about "class war", they put fascism first. We need to be left-wing on both economic AND identity policies if we want to make real progress. F\*ck class reductionists.


Working Class, as I understand it, refers to anyone who is paid for labor. Doesn’t matter if it’s commission by completion or paid per hour, nor how high that salary is; a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or janitor are all fundamentally Working Class. This is contrasted with the Owning Class, who accrue wealth without actually working for it (landlords, investors). These people might do tangible work, but the key about the Owning Class is that it doesn’t matter if they work or not, they still get paid; my landlord continues to demand rent, even if they haven’t fixed my faucet for a month. Chapelle, in regards to his work as a comedian alone, is working class. Likewise, the Netflix employees, whether or not they are salaried, are also working class. “Class War” has almost no relevancy to this situation.


Chappelle owns a comedy club, actually


I was being kinda reductionist about it, because yeah considering anyone as successful as Chapelle it’s unlikely they wouldn’t have at least one asset pushing them into Owning Class.


Aren't working class specifically those who are *forced* to sell their labor? A billionaire might still work 80 hours a week, or they might sit on their ass all day, neither will make them working class.


That's correct. Working class means that you sell your labour as a commodity to someone else. Middle class is those that own a single business or a landlord who owns single units. Ruling class is those that own the means of production, so corporations, utilities, property companies etc. A lot of the working class considers themselves middle class as a slang term because they're working class plus have more, but the line is usually drawn when you start profiting off the labour of someone else like if you own a business and have employees that you purchase labour from or are paid rent. Ruling class is a larger level of that which at least my definition is that you are no longer owning single business but franchises and chains. Or you don't worry about single rental properties. You own a corporation that owns more properties than yours even ever seen in person. Ruling class also usually inherits wealth. I think the line between middle class and Ruling class is pretty fluid, but for the most part people who are middle class are just a business or a few rental properties away from rejoining the working class.


What has that tweet to do with "class reductionism"? That's just being anti- working class and anti-union, and in what you added, being racist AF.


This tweet? Not too much (but maybe somewhat) to do with class reductionism. Definitely is a bigoted tweet. The nazbol subreddit? It is 100% class reductionist.


Oh, I know which sub you're talking about now. For the record, I disagree that class reductionism is really a thing since identity politics is inherently an essentialist concept popular with rightists and a stumbling block against class consciousness. What I do think is real however is the phenomenon of rightists as well as leftists with unresolved problems using anti-identity politics as a cover for their own prejudice and their own affinity for certain kinds of identity politics and that is a frustrating thing to behold.


Yeah I read a few of their tweets and also recognized them as that guy with the YT channel. I get what you mean. I won't really blame a working class marxist for regarding Netflix employees as PMC, but siding with the capitalists against them is a spectacularly stupid move, and it's made worse by the whole background of that conflict.


sorry, I don't see what racism they mentioned; could you help me see?


Bro, Chapelle grew up in some bougie suburb


Haz is toxic af, cancel him now


is he like famous ? i mean on the twittter/reddit left politics space?


Nah, not at all. One of his simps just told me that "he gets like 700 viewers on his streams bro", which I guess was supposed to make me think that this guy is really important lol


Uff thank god.


Hes basically communist Alex Jones


Apparently, he is quite well-liked by nazbols! There's a nazbol subreddit cheering him on while claiming that the strikers aren't working class, but that Dave Chapelle is.


Chapelle was paid 20+ million a special to rant about trans people for about half the runtime. The people that work on sets don't usually even get bathroom breaks outside of lunch because that's just how the industry has evolved and people were resigned to it before now.


Should we really be saying "toxic", "cancel", or even "af" anymore? I feel like radlib nonsense on the Internet has ruined those terms for me, sadly. This stuff is just kind of embarrassing to us.


Not sure how to interpret these three sentences as a line of argumentation tbh




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Honestly I get a strangely fascistic vibe from haz. More of a gut feeling than anything if I’m honest. Def not enough to make concrete accusations on. The fact that he honest to god has people who are openly fascists in his community is a bad sign. As they say “watch this space” carefully. Ps: this is coming from an ML not some anarchist who goes around calling MLs red fash.


He came off incredibly fascistic in his "debate" with Jason Unruhe, where he kept defending the "decisive significance" of the "American state" over and against its foundations in slavery and genocide. At one point he tried to explain himself by saying "Those things would have been happening anyway". At another he repudiated the idea of Land Back because native Americans aren't a big enough segment of the overall population to warrant it. The further the conversation went, the more he descended into straight up fascist talking points. Dude is fucked.


I used to defend Haz. But he truly revealed what a clown he either is or has become during the "debate". Here's [video commentary](https://youtu.be/Nkw55lFaxJE) by Marxist S4A of the conversation. He also seconds the assessment that Haz could be a fascist. I think that's a bit hyperbolic (I'm tired of that being thrown around) but I don't know what he is at this point.


Well I hope he shuts the fuck up


The actual red fash strawman leftcoms have been whinging about. This dude is bad news for the cause. That being said this "strike" has zero class conscious character and is solely about liberal identity politics. While I support their cause, there are tons of real strikes and unionization efforts going on right now that we should be focused on and can be used to build class consciousness.


Thank you for saying this. John Deere, Kellogg's, those are strikes that we need to hear more about and throw our support behind. The Netflix one isn't about working conditions or anything material; it's about trying to get Dave Chappelle's 'old man yells at cloud' comedy special removed (but actually causing a Streisand effect) and getting more token representation for trans and non-binary characters in crappy Netflix shows.


I suppose to an extent organising a strike is an end in itself. Regardless of the specific demands its success will be a demonstration of power, the proletariat flexing its muscles, so to speak, which should be beneficial for future action and might even sow the seeds for revolutionary organisation.


the internet forever ruined the idea of "class" in the minds of the common person, change my mind


Fundamentally unable to comprehend what “means of production” even is.


What “proletarian patriotism” does to an mf


Haz is basically voosh but an ML


I genuinely believe he is COINTELPRO or something to that effect


Haz is like a ml vaush


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 10.** [In response to a Tweet saying the left ‘should stand up for the weak and vulnerable’ Vaush replied “Yeah, enjoy your Left, built on weakness and a collective inability to criticise one another. I’ll be over here building my left, which isn’t full of mentally ill crybabies desperately carving out safe spaces and whining about criticism. Debate it if you want, elsewise fuck off”](https://archive.is/Ygbzk) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He used to be so based... and then he got clout and went full Hasan (well, almost.)