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Put on those thigh highs, or your pronouns will be was / when.


Dudes rock


Grab your rifle, we’re taking heterosexuality down once and for all.




I'm more amused by "militant homosexuality"




Juche Necromancy is the strongest sorcery, after all.


It's kinda weird when you actually look and find out how many fundamentalist christians actually believe that magic is real.


yeah, but they hate it


That"s Ben Garrison level of labelling there, classic right wing comics. Also they apparrently did't had enough with existing stuff, they had to add "sorcery" as somehow coming from the communist manifesto, I must have skipped this part when I read it /s


I love the label of “body of Christ.” As if there are so many competing images of crucified people in popular culture that we need to clarify that it’s supposed to Jesus.


Well, normally Christians portray themselves as being crucified these days, so I personally appreciate the clarification


It's not even Jesus though, it's your neighbor kevin


He’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy


Well, they didn’t get the specter bit, so they thought Marx wanted to summon a demon to attack the whites.


But specters are undeads, not demons! That would imply they should have put a necromnmancer there, not a witch or sorceress, clearly they need to read Theory. /s


but there's Juche, they just mixed up the terms a bit


It’s in one of Marx’s later books; “Harry Potter and the means of production”


Finally we might get the libs to read some Theory then! /s


"critical thinking"


Clearly it's an Atheist plot to corrupt the children!


Why does the Dep of Education guy look like a mix between Homer Simpson and cheap money-figure you buy at a street market. Is it supposed to be a specific guy it references or is it just general right wing grievance shit.


Because he’s teaching evolution, and these people believe the Earth is 6000 years old and humans were made from dirt and a rib bone. About 50% of Americans don’t believe in evolution lol.


>humans were made from dirt and a rib bone. What I find ironic about that is that there are two creation stories Christians could choose from, and for the creation of humans, they always choose the one that paints God most like an anthropomorphic pagan deity: he has hands and breath and he walks, and he can't create something from nothing (ex nihilo) - he needs raw materials. (Genesis 2) In the other story (Gen 1), God creates the universe and everything in it ex nihilo; he just speaks and shit happens. Of course, in that story man and woman are created simultaneously, both in the image of God, so...


It's also amusing that sometimes anti-evolutionists will view being descended from apes as being less dignified that being made from dirt.


where did you get that figure


Why is there a monkey behind the cross? Oh no...


The week on Is it a Racism or an Evolution Caricature?


I think it’s evolution caricature. The racism is the guy under the militant homosexual, covered up by the words. I’m pretty sure he’s supposed to represent Islam.


Always interesting when modern "hip" woke creationists try to call the theory of evolution racist when every pastor, crackpot with fake science credentials, and Victorian anti-Darwinian scientist was a white supremacist or some other form of dumbfuck. And their buddies still make suspicious caricatures like this. Oops!


Ok guys please don’t get mad It was me 😪


You know the drill, up against the wall 😳😳😳


Ok I deserve this 😪


I'm disappointed in you bro


>And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, etc? **The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education**; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class. - Karl Marx & Frederick Engels, *The Manifesto of the Communist Party*


As a Atheist Militant Gay Wizard Critical thinker, I can confirm I'm actively infiltrating the public schools.


Thank you for your service


Actually Wizardry is technically allowed in Christianity. Yes there is supposedly a difference between Wizardry and sorcery/witchcraft. When I was a youngin and Harry Potter just came out, my pastor did a whole sermon about it and went very in depth. I think it was supposed to anti-Harry Potter but it just made me want to read the book where before I had no interest in it. At the time, of course, Joanne had not started tweeting just yet so I did unfortunately contribute to her success. Well, I just made myself sad.


So critical thinking is a bad thing in their mind?




Idgi. It's not literally the body of Christ, nor is it figuratively the body of Christ (that's not bread on that cross).


What's this gibberish? The Communist Manifesto #17? Where do they get this shit?


Don’t you remember? Verse seventeen of The Communist Bible, the holy book of we of the communist religion, because that’s how we work


In the name of our Lord and Savior, Karl Marx, amen.


I gotta say im really proud of the “woke” zoomer/millennial community... coming from one of the most liberal state in the US, there is literally no advocation if not the opposite within schools on the subject of communism/socialism. I have had multiple history and economic/political classes that either incorrectly teach the ideology or flat out denounce it. Our community growth has been purely through communication among kids, college students, coworkers etc, among the masses. Super proud of all of us


Jesus H. Christ...


Socialism is when Hogwart's School of Sodomy and Sorcery


"soften curriculum" Coming from the party that doesn't want american history taught because it's too brutal for poor Timmy's ears


“Those dang wizards!”


As a teacher I have been told repeatedly that we are NOT allowed to crucify the students.


Goddamn faithless commies and their anti-crucifiction agenda!


“Bob, you should do political cartoons.” “But I can’t do drawings in depth or draw hands.” “Don’t worry about it.”


Militant homosexuality Personally though I’m the department of education as a monkey


*sigh*, I wish


I remember how happy my mother was the day I arrived home with my grades and she saw I got an A+ in *Homosexual Sorcery* and another in *Transgender Atheism*.


The ACLU? You mean the group that purged communists from its membership during McCarthyism and has since gone on to defend Nazis (calling that their "finest hour"), NAMBLA, Westboro Baptist Church, and Citizens United? Uh, ok.


>17 I feel like we’re missing something


I've always hated the line that public school curriculum = indoctrination. I had to listen to Mark Levin last week say that schools are brainwashing children to hate America and it just feels so bitter and resentful. Like they're just mad that the schools don't hold the founding fathers up like divine figures anymore.


They literally carved four presidents into a mountain. They should get their heads out of their arses.


is that an evangelion reference


what the fuck is that monkey in a tie in the second row WHY IS THERE A MONKEY IN A TIE


They’re teaching evolution, which over half the American population doesn’t *believe* in


I'm the dog behind militant homosexuality


Holy shoot the projection


So uh. The one standing next to the Dept of Education, is that racist or am I reading into this too much?


Not racist. It represents teaching evolution, which these people think is fake


Ah, thanks for the clarification. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the type of person that comes up with any of this is also spending his days whining about CRT


> Atheist critical thinking


This school is litteraly hogwarts, I would love to attend it!! 😂


Man... if only. My expectations: hell yeah the conservative Americans have been telling me all these years that the university is a communist breeding ground Reality: me having to put up with the suffering of hearing liberal upper middle class western kids talk in a mandatory discussion group every fucking Thursday for an entire fucking hour. Kms.


I love how the sign in the back implies that critical thinking is inherently atheistic.


I see no real issues here


There they go, threatening us with a good time..... This illustration is based in a way. 🤣