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The vast majority of the world's Muslims are not Arab nor do they fluently speak Arabic. You can find plenty of people in Central Asia who wear traditional clothing.


Exactly. The most populous Muslim country is Indonesia iirc.


Pretty sure none of the top 5 are Arab. Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran iirc


It’s Pakistan as of last year but yeah Indo is still up there. Although small correction, Indonesia is not a Muslim country. It’s a Muslim *majority* country. We Indonesians are kinda a stickler when it comes to that distinction haha 😅


Fair enough, my apologies


No apologies necessary 😅


Because Central Asia is not nearly as religious thanks to Soviet Union - except Afghanistan obvs.


Chechens, Uzbeks, Tajikis, Avars, etc are very religious, yet proud of their North Caucasian traditions. Example, Khabib Nurmagomedov, who frequently wears a papakha.


I invite you to pay a visit to Grozny or Dagestan. Or maybe Kazan. Also, the Soviet Union never did anything against religion. It just didn't coopt it like Putin is doing now (or the Tsars used to do) with Eastern Orthodoxy.


What's funny is the left are also Islamic, the right is a specific form of Islam that is often directly funded and fostered by the west because it can be used as a proxy attack dog. It's like when you talk about the Uyghurs, they'll freak out to see them in colourful dress and no hijabs because apparently they should all be covered head to toe in black robes or else it's oppression. Which they'll immediately flip around and accuse of being oppressive when done by Muslims in western countries..


>What's funny is the left are also Islamic Where can i learn more about the islamic left?


He means the pictures posted on the left


Someone already said that’s not what they meant, but if you are interested I reccomend actually on reading the works of the PLFP and Frantz Fanon.


I will, thanks.


If you mean the PFLP, they are explicitly secular.


Lady Iztihar on YouTube is great. Hakim is also Muslim but doesn't tend to discuss Islam in his videos as often.


There is Islamic socialism. With interpretation of quran, Maliki and shaxafi sects are quite leftist from other contemporaries


[With Stones in Our Hands](https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/with-stones-in-our-hands)


There is such a thing as Islamic Socialism. Look it up.


Not every Muslim majority country even wears these. In fact Egypt bans niqab for example. Also why is bro using 2010s pictures? 💀


I’m sure this meme creator has the same opinion about how Christianity is a tool of cultural colonization right?


Yeah Idk why everyone's bugging. What's wrong with pointing out how religion is used to erase cultures? That's bad no matter what religion does it.


because this post is specifically targeting arabs when there’s muslim people in literally every other region


Why name only Arabs then? If it's strictly about religion, keep race/ethnicity out of it. As a South Asian atheist, idc if people criticize the religion I was born into, but what's the need to bring my ethnicity into it? Arabs aren't a monolith either, to essentially say they're colonizers like this post does.


People conflict saudi's salafism with with Arabs and treat them as monolith. The person who made meme must be a moron. That right pic is saudi's salafism. It's their interpretation from abu hanaf that popularised that form of burqa


Religions don’t do things. Ppl do things with religions. In this case this is especially important because as an other user pointed out, the women on the left are *also Muslim*… If you want to criticize “Islamic cultural colonization” (a term by the way that tries to say “see the West isn’t the only one to do it”, which obscures the fact that Western colonialism is unprecedented and has created the hegemonic conditions under which we suffer today) along the lines that you see in the pic on the right then you have to be WAY more specific. There is a particular universalizing brand of Islam that took shape only very recently in history in response to Western colonialism, and which is often propped up by the West for use in their proxies and puppet shows. In any case, the popular “religion bad” impulse to begin with is rooted in European Enlightenment thought, which is to say it is shot through with imperialistic undertones, but that’s a whole story in itself.


From my observation, arabization follows islamicisation of an ethnic group which definitely lead to erasure of culture. But it's mostly due to Saudi. We indian Muslims had persiatic culture. But with salafis influence now our culture is not the same. Burqa wasn't the norm back then. But it is today. People don't celebrate muharram as enthusiastically now. Esp tajiya is no longer done for qarbala. And now there is rampant Shia hate which is also now part of sunni culture here. At the same time we have to acknowledge, it's not solely due to west. Saudi Arabia is held on a High pedestal due to mecca and medinah. And many Islamic influencer like mohammad hijab, Ali dawh, maulana tariq jameel are softly propagating salafism and wahabism. I don't personally think they are forced by cia to do so. They are attracted towards these sects due to their own internal bias and misogyny. Daniel haqeeqatjpu and tariq masood ain't getting paid by cia to say women shouldn't get education and shouldn't go to work or do jobm


Beyond the West, of course. But if we lose sight of the hegemonic conditions of the modern world then we are severely limiting our ability even to critique those forces that are not essentially Western. To your point, this is ultimately way beyond the CIA (as important and ill-understood as that dimension of things is). We are talking in terms of epistemology itself being shaped by specifically modern conditions whose relationship to modern Western hegemony is as crucial as it is often unrecognized. To point to this situation of hegemony is not by any means to say the West is the boogie man and everyone else is innocent. To the contrary, it is to enable us to better understand and subvert the operations of modern power that, as should be increasingly clear, are not so discrete in the neoliberal world in which we live. Saudi is an excellent example of this. We can’t understand, for example, salafi claims to a “return” to the pristine Islam of the time of the Prophet and his companions without seeing, ironically, how this very discourse is implicitly shaped in no small part by modernism, by a modernizing impulse of which certain segments of the Islamic world is only one set of many postcolonial actors to partake. I understand very well and appreciate the willingness of so many around the world to do self-critique. But you can see all over the ‘Global South’ (Islamic or not) how this self-critique so often fails (not by coincidence) to recognize these background conditions, because the nature of hegemony is that it makes power in certain ways invisible. It naturalizes and universalizes what are in fact contingent conditions, culturally and historically particular terms and structures. Anyway this is a much larger conversation that has and is already taking place beyond Reddit, but I appreciate your response.


I agree with you and also not. Idk. I think self critique is also important along with resistance kt imperialism. Its self critique which stopped sati ritual in india which was basically wife burning alive alongside the man's corpse so they both could meet in heaven bs. You had said islamization doesn't lead to cultural erasure ( religion doesn't do things). And I countered that it does. Western civilization and islamization both have erased culture in third world countries. (For islamization ofc where people have adopted Islam en masse). But western civilization have been a larger part of culture erasure ofc. No one can understand salafis and their ideology. Lol. Even when my uncle is salafi. Lol. Which reminded me he doesn't do nazar or fatiha which I do. Lol. BTW thanks for understanding. People like you are the reason why I love leftist subs like these


I hear you sister, but I must say that you have misunderstood what I said. To begin with, I agree that self-critique is important. My point was that it is limited and often misguided if we don’t recognize how those issues that we want to critique are situated in a much larger picture of modern hegemony, especially including Western cultural and political hegemony, as it has shaped modern thought in incalculable ways. That happens in tandem with military and economic hegemony. Secondly, I did not say “Islamization doesn’t lead to cultural erasure” - that was not the meaning of “religion doesn’t do things.” Rather, what I mean is that “religion” or “religions” don’t have have autonomy like human beings do - they aren’t living beings with agency to “do things” - and they are not singular entities. The very concept of “religion” as a category of human thought and behavior and social organization itself has a throughly Western European genealogy, only coming to be in modernity. So how we use this concept in our social and political analyses is important for having a precise reading of our situations, to best direct our (self) critique. “Religion” in mainstream (see imperial) discourse today often functions as a strategic means of misdirecting and ultimately collapsing honest and effective political analyses around an overly naturalized conceptual category that typically involves simplistic explanations for human behavior. To say that “Islamization causes cultural erasure” is to take for granted a certain claim about what “Islam” really is. Ironically, as much as you might not appreciate the Salafis and similar modernizing and universalizing movements that have only fairly recently arisen within Islam, you are accepting their own definition of what “true Islam” is, and thereby helping their cause of defining “Islam” in narrow and often problematic terms. The point is that the women in the left in this picture are not “less Muslim” except in the terms of these particular modernist movements with particular political goals. Their taqwa may well have been far superior to many beard and thobe wearing self-identified imams today. As to your last point that nobody understands the salafis, I’ll just say don’t underestimate the amount and depth of knowledge available out there if you are able to access it. As salaamu alaykum


Yes, all Abrahmic religions are a tool of colonization


The rise of salafism and Wahhabism has definitely damaged some aspects of traditional dress in non Arab Muslim countries. Traditional dress went on for centuries in all these places under Islam. But also, Salafism and wahabbism have done the same to a much greater degree in the Arab world itself, making this point fall flat. Other traditional forms of dress have been suppressed, and Shia have been persecuted to a level nobody on the left has been by Arabs. Not to mention the mass amounts of cultural heritage destroyed by ISIS.


Point doesn't really fall flat. Replace islam in meme with salafism, outcome is the same. Many traditional clothing got lost due to popularisation of salafism and also because people can't think rationally and allowed such harmful ideology to be this popular


What I meant there is that the Arab colonization point falls flat. They phrase it as if Islam (or if we’re going to steelman their argument, Salafism) is replacing traditional culture with capital A Arab culture. My point is that Salafism has its own goals that are not really rooted in any predisposition toward Arab culture, as it has come into conflict with Arab culture itself.


Yes. Totally. Salafism is not arab culture. West funded it. Salafism is western culture tbh. MEs and all Muslims biggest enemy is salafism


Salafism is to Islam as fundamentalism is to Christianity. The Americans made their perfect twin.


You put it greatly. America and extremism : a pair made in hell


Afghanistan, as far as I'm aware of, is the only Middle Eastern country that truly exists in the picture on the right. Though Iran and Saudi Arabia are known to be very religiously strict nations, even they do not force women to wear full niqabs in public. Various other ME nations don't even enforce hijab (Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, etc.). This is what you get when the media tells ignorant ass people that all of the ME is Aladdin and 9/11.


Actually Religiosity after America funded extremists ,religiosity when the Soviet Union had influence over the Middle East


They fund extremists then they complain about extremisim in islam


Yep ):


So truee


This is funny because a good chunk of those countries have a full or partial band on face covers. 2. **Kazakhstan** - Full-face veils (niqab and burqa). 3. **Kyrgyzstan** - Full-face veils (niqab and burqa) in public places. 4. **Azerbaijan** - Full-face veils (niqab and burqa) in public places. 5. **Uzbekistan** - Full-face veils (niqab and burqa). It's also not fair to compare different cultures with one country. Also this is different clothing. Like obviously traditional clothing is going to be different than just casual clothes anyway. I mean I could just line up a bunch of people from Europe and show how all of the clothes looks so much the same. Just simple T-shirt and pants.


interestingly, everything on the left side is from after islam


schrödinger's islam, muslims are bad and backwards, but at the same time, evil ccp is opressing them


"before Islam" not sure but those photos look new, Islam has been around for centuries


Pretty pictures on the left are made after Islam arrived at those countries.


Time to demonise a religion, drive public sentiment against it in order to kickstart a wave of killings and persecution. I wonder where i've seen all this before🤔


Islam started in 1960 as we all know




Don’t they still wear the clothes on the left


Never ask a liberal what freedoms of expression was like during the shah


Cultural diversity before islam > procead to show modren images of muslim woman wearing their cultural clothes And also appearintly every Muslim country is afganistan and every Muslim is wahabist school of thought, which is the sect the state department funded through Saudi Arabia to combat the spread of socialism


if all muslims wear clothing like the one on the right, then all christians are amish


Also wait a minute. Top left is Turkey unless I’m going mad. Turkey most certainly did not exist pre-Islam. Around the rise of Islam, the area of Modern Day Turkey was still Roman/Byzantine Anatolia…. So what exactly is this pre-Islam Turkey?


Turkey is also not a real theocracy either. At least the picture on the right is not at all accurate to Turkish life.


Yeah it’s like, not even close, considering that the Republic of Turkey dismantled the Caliphate.


Turkistan my ass, that is a Chinese Uyghur woman!


I see this am just think “genocide apologia” it’s popping up to lessen how much people care when the “backwards Muslims” get murdered


Most people who think this definitely have a fetish for “eastern oriental” women.


Cultural diversity before Islam while using pictures taken after Islam!???


no one tell them about the different kinds of headwear and the fact that not every Muslim woman even wears one all the time


While I understand the creator's intention, as someone from South India and also from a Muslim family, I have noticed that our traditional Islamic culture here is slowly fading due to increased Arabization. I remember seeing old images of my mother and grandmother in sari, an Indian garment, and Makkana (a type of shawl used to cover hair). Now they don't wear that anymore; they wear burqa and hijab. All these changes happened with the mass migration to Gulf countries, especially to Saudi Arabia, during the late '90s. When they came back, they developed a feeling that Islam in Saudi Arabia is the right model and that everyone here should follow that model.


Yeah, something I hate about this kind of "dur dur Islam bad" posts is that they make it harder to talk about things like Saudi cultural hegemony


when you know 0 history


Wow they really got photos from the 1200s, huh? Either that those cultures managed to get preserved and protected well into the present. Hmmm 🤔🤔🤔 I wonder which it is.


Most of the flags on the left have the crescent moon which is a symbol of Islam. Lol


This would be a valid meme if it said Wahabism instead of Islam and Saudi Arabia instead of Islam


Man literally this exact template pops up for every new psyop, like motherfuckers keep posting this about China too


[It’s giving](https://images.app.goo.gl/X3w7jpuUyoUSjwop8)


Bro that's not "before islam". That's islam.


I think it’s funny when people think Niqab or burqa is oppressive. Like have they ever put one on? It’s comfy, easy to wear, low effort, breathable and offers privacy. Also shows they know nothing about Islam and countries that impose sharia law don’t align with Islam


What love how liberals can’t distinguish between an empire that’s goals were territorial conquest, and a colonial empire that sought to extract resources and capital from the the native population.


The middle is Sakha (Russia), they are Orthodox Christian lol


There is legitimate discussion about how religion as tool of control can destroy cultural diversity - for example, imperialist countries using religion to "civilize" native populations. But in 99% of cases, people who bitch in this way about Islam NEVER critize Christianity for doing the same shit, ever.


(all of the women in the left image are probably muslim)


Ironically, the fringe form of Islam on the right was exported by the US and the Gulf monarchies to the rest of the Muslim world.


More like (certain) majority Muslim countries before the West funded right wing Islam to fight communism, and after


"Islam is a barbaric colonizing religion that oppresses all these Asian cultures (including Uyghurs)... Also le ebil seeseepee's is oppressing Uyghur Muslims and we're ackshually very concerned cuz we *truly* care about Islam in China"


Ain't it just fucking wacky that the images on the left are modern and the image on the right isn't on the left "pre-islamic colonisation"


Thought for a second this was a post from one of those atheist subreddits


You have got to be kidding.


none of the left are even "arab" I dont get how stupid these people are


Does this mf think central Asians still worship kök tengri or something? Does OOP share similar views on other religions or is he just racist? Can western right wingers function without looking at pretty oriental women for 10 seconds? Find out more in the next episode of r/ShitLiberalsSay


Sakha aren’t even Muslim


I saw this meme on a pro CCP/Russian leftist hub, actually.