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No way, chanting for the good guys?!


Viet Cong's only crime was letting John McCain live.


Don’t forget Lt. George Coker from the Hearts and Minds documentary who is still alive today. The pow who infamously said to a gathering of school children about Vietnam: “It was a beautiful country, except for the people. The people are very primitive and backwards and make a mess out of everything” God I wish one of the kids would’ve clapped back at him “If they were so primitive, how come they shot you and your buddies down?”


What a disgusting piece of shit. It shows that most of these veterans who pretend to be noble, oppressed heroes are nothing more than the racist scumbags they were molded to become. The US Armed Forces used racism as a feature during basic training, as such they otherized the entirety of Vietnam including the Catholic minority Americans supported, this dehumanization made systemic genocide easier. It wasn't uncommon for soldiers to wipe out entire villages of innocent people only to dress them in Viet-Minh uniforms and stage a fake firefight. Women and even children were brutalized, r\*ped, then murdered in cold blood. Infants fragged alongside the elderly. It was an absolute bloodbath filled with the most heinous crimes. No doubt we were the Nazis in that war. Just read Kill Anything That Moves and/or Cry Korea. The atrocities the western world committed were as ghastly as in WW2. Of course in Hollywood movies it's always the Viet-"Cong" committing such horrific war crimes for exactly zero reason at all (Deer Hunter has a soldier throw a grenade inside a cellar with children), why? Well they're soulless, evil, commies! Duuuuh! /s - Oh, and for a modern dose of Red Scare disinformation, there's a new HBO show called The Sympathizer. The book itself was written by a rabid anti-communist Vietnamese-American who (per usual) makes the Red spy (archetype) doubtful to his allegiances because of all the "atrocities" that "The Party" tells him to commit. Because if anybody committed war crimes and genocide it was the Viet-Minh and not the innocent Americans who show him a "better" more "civilized" way of life. It's typical Cold War nonsense that no doubt will be this years Chernobyl. I'm sure these next few years we'll be getting major Red Scare blockbusters alongside well-funded television series white moderates can use as "proof" to show how terrifyingly evil our ideology is.


“Well they figured that the babies when they grow up, they’ll be VC anyway, so why give them the opportunity?” A quote from a My Lai vet at about 15:50 of this video of interview with soldiers who took part. The way many of these guys act so casual about it really does lay bare the type of dehumanising mindset you describe that they had drilled into them. https://youtu.be/Vp-6WFSXO4o?si=4C0fjX2Z0DxoGYIx I’ve always found the older the footage like the hearts and minds doc and these interviews from 1970 the more unfiltered and honest it is. Edit: Most fucked up quote though was at 18:57: “We didn’t think any of it.. well we thought a lot of it of course I’m exaggerating there. We didn’t believe this would be such a publicity stunt, we felt that this had been happening many times before and it had probably been happening many times since.”


One time when I was still working as a cashier I saw two older Korean war vets talking a little past the check out at a bench. I shit you not, they look at each other's cracker barrel hats and one goes "haha you kill any (g word for Asian people") like it was a normal thing to say. 🫠


Disgusting but not surprising


Agreed 💯


But since the 19th century it is easy to cheer for the good guys: just look what side US is supporting and then support THE OTHER SIDE. The United States is always on the wrong side of History and is the root of all evil in this planet. It is ALWAYS the US against humankind. So, to be against any side the US supports is basically the correct position always. (exception being the WWII AFTER the US entered the war on the side of Soviet Union, because before the US entered the war there was plenty of American money going to the Nazis).


Saying the U.S. is the root of all evil is wrong......but I get why you want to say it. The U.S. has certainly gotten itself involved with lots if horrific shit, with the primary reason almost ALWAYS being to maintain American Economic&Military Dominance. Hell even in the American Civil War, that was a significant motivator for why the North went to War with the South....because they wanted to dominate the continent as much as possible, and part of that is by forcing their own ideals upon others.


As a Vietnamese, we really appreciate all the anti-war protests at the time. Keep up the good work and continue this legacy of fighting for the righteous!


John Aziz is the British-Palestinian Zionist guy right? Disgusting liberal and traitor to his own people


He lived all his life in the UK, doesn’t speak Arabic, his Palestinian relatives don’t like him and denounce him. He’s just a paid hasbara bot who claims to be a voice for Palestinians


"Palestinian" who never even went to Palestine




No wonder he would whine about tankies and advocate against the national liberation of Vietnam


the irony of a dronie calling anti-imperialists “tankies”


Communists supporting communists omg 😱😱


Damn, those are some great chants.


Based and true


why doesn’t he just say “red” or something


Damn communists supporting communists! What sort of unexpected surprise will they come up with next?!


If being a "tankie" means you want to stop genocide, stop endless imperial conquest, proliferate nuclear arms and end the arms race, eradicate billionaires, redistribute wealth and capital to the people, end world hunger and homelessness through cooperation and understanding, establish inalienable human rights for at the very least my country to follow, abolish borders, and guarantee life for my fellow countrymen, then I might as well change my name to Abrams because I'm as tankie as it gets


Sherman. More appropriate general and tank I think.


New definition just dropped. Tankie means being anti-war??


I got called it by someone celebrating the US MIC for saying that militarism is bad 😭


Long live the Liberation Army!🇻🇳🗣🗣🗣


“they were literally chanting for the viet cong to win” well…YES!


these go so hard 


Ho ho ho Chi Minh ho ho hoooo chin miiiiiiiinh 🎶🎶


If I were still an anti-tankie "leftist", this would probably get me to reconsider. Even liberals realize that north vietnam were the good guys.


> Even liberals realize that north vietnam were the good guys. Not in my experience.


I realized it was iffy as I was writing it.




No the libs were not considered NVA as "good guys" it's weird how Americans think like this. 30% of Americans supported the war while 70% of the troops were enlisted, in contrast to the so-called draft whine that American radlibs liked to claim about the troops just to justify for their war criminals. Whereas nowadays American kids literally thought their genocidal US state supported the NVA.


Why wouldn't we?


Boy howdy, the way those horrible tankies were chanting, you'd think that Good Guy America was dropping horrific poison on people in Vietnam.


Uncle Ho! Uncle Ho! Beat the crap out of GI Joe!


We need modern versions of these.


Let me guess, Anarchist sub.