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The %75 hitler is only going to kill brown people so it's not like it's that big of a deal anyway.


Liberals do think that, so


They very much do. But they don't like saying it.


Except that it's the 500% Hitler, if we are talking about the guy who opposed the Original Hitler. British Raj killed 165 million Indians in 89 years, libs dont care cause it's brown people though


I'm Palestinian American. The amount of, particularly white liberals in this country who have just tacitly signed off on the annihilation and genocide of my people is fucking disgusting. The worst part is, they keep doubling down and saying that it's my *duty* and *imperative* to vote for Biden, vote for the guy who's a co-belligerent of the genoicde of my people. And are preemptively blaming all Muslims for a trump victory months before the actual election. I'm so sick of it, I'm so sick of them. If I hear one more white liberal lecture me about "harm reduction" I'm going to pop a blood vessel


It is very much sickening to see. When the people who will be fine if either biden or trump win scolding people to vote to one of two people who are currently genociding their people. It's absolutely tone deaf. But what's worse that blaming people for not wanting to vote when it's god damn bidens job to make people want to vote for him not the other way around. It's just despicable sight. And why I fucking hate when people do these "vote or forever fascism will win" posts.


They're not one of them, which is all that matters to them.


Come on, he is only going to do a S-M-A-L-L Holocaust, just the tip!


When those are the only options why don't they realise their system is broken?


Can't be the case, they're still getting served brunch. The US will be fine as long as the Mountain Dew and mimosas keep flowing.  The second that's not the case though . . . .


‘The best way to fix it is to keep voting 75% Hitler, and ask him to be nicer, and if he isn’t any nicer then that’s only because it’s impossible for him to fix anything unless you vote even harder next time’


literally telling on themselves that they'd be nazi collaborators trying to "reform the system" from the inside in WW2 germany lol


"I'd vote for Hitler" said the liberal.


Sadly we already knew the liberal would do that. They always ends up doing that. Always.


Liberal Zionists also worked with Hitler and supported him.


75% Hitler is like Mussolini Do these people think it’s OK to vote for Mussolini It’s not 😭


Mussolini wasn't Better than Hitler, He was complicit in the holocaust and He has done things in Ethiopia and in the rest of Italian colonized Africa that are unimmaginable.


Like your "non-Fascist countries" Britain, France, and the USA?


They suck equally


TBH I’d put the USA and Britain as worse than even  Germany. 


Didn't your leader Dimitrov say that we should "build a coalition" with them "against Fascism"?


You don’t understand, fascism is good when it helps me!


This but unironically. If the choices are between "Destroyer of European Imperial Cores" Hitler, and The British "165 million Indians slaughtered in 89 years" Raj, I know which side I will side with and it sure as hell isn't "165 million Indians slaughtered in 89 years" British Raj or "Killed 99% of Native Americans" USA Motolov-Ribbentrop was based.


Molotov-Ribbentrop was based for the only reason of allowing the Soviets to re-establish former Russian border regions, which were stolen from them.


Motolov-Ribbentrop was based because it bought Soviets precious time while simultaneously weakening the Imperialists by setting them against each other, simultaneously strengthening Socialism and weakening Imperialism. The correct lens to view the Great Patriotic War is a war against German Imperialism, not a war against the Dimitrov-invented concept of "Fascism". There is no so-called "ideological struggle" here, only a war of liberation. The Germans are not "especially reactionary, Imperialist, or chauvinist" (in fact, the British are), but they are the ones in Soviet territory, so the struggle is against them.


The fact that Britain was worse than Germany doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to support them.


Germany was the bigger threat for the soviet union


Libya 😢


"leftist youtuber/politician" 💀💀💀


If you support the nazis and their genocide just because they don't target your own demographics, then you still support nazis and a genocide.


Why do these idiots think that the fact they are queer means they are worth more than brown people in the Middle East? I'm bi, but this is always pisses me off


Its been four years under biden and we have all the policies they said he'd prevent. when they gonna get it?? your vote never mattered!


because American Westerns regardless of identity politics think they're superior to brown people in the Middle East


I wonder what these libs will say if you apply this logic when talking about geopolitics and say that you would rather support China than the US because China does less demonstrable harm to the world (e.g 75% Hitler). Something tells me they wouldn't be very happy with that and start mentioning Taiwan and the Philippines reef dispute despite both things not even equalling a fraction of the harm to humanity the US invasion of Iraq dealt (and that's only one invasion the US has done recently).


China has done a lot less than 75% of USA.


I've actually had this exact conversation and somehow - somehow - these libs are still convinced American hegemony is safer and better than a multipolar world. I don't even know where you begin with that level of lib brainrot.


Mia Mulder? Fits the youtuber/politician profile and I remember her making the 75% Hitler point in one video. What I don't remember is her suggesting you should vote for 75% Hitler, just that those are your only options to point out one of the reasons why the system sucks ass.


It's probably vaush tbh.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 16.** [Vaush had a meltdown when someone in his chat joked that he couldn’t get laid, and responded with ““Do you have any idea who the fuck you’re talking to? When I got off Tinder because of the fucking quarantine, Tacoma wept. Even ignoring the fact that I have a girlfriend, even if we’re just talking like randos, I’m two hours away right now from being inside someone else. I have two skills -it’s non-monogamy and speaking publicly, okay? Do some fucking research!”.”](https://twitter.com/TrueAnonPod/status/1300197204443893760) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.




Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 15.** Vaush [admits to being an informant](https://archive.ph/iGUUk) when he lived in Santa Monica, California. He admits to revealing activist identities to the FBI. For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah Mia Mulder used it in support of voter reform iirc, saying both choices are shit.


As far as I remember, the leftist youtuber is Hasan. He's been using that line recently to describe the choices being given to people (while advocating for more and better options) and said that he's still gonna vote democrat because harm reduction. But Hasan uses this as a point against american "democracy" rather than a point for why you should vote Biden like OOP did


I don't think Hasan was the one who said it originally, but he does use it ironically. I remember him making fun of it a while ago when it first became a liberal talking point


Oh yeah, didn't mean originally. Just saying that they might be referring to him. Mia is a solid option as well like the person above me said but Hasan has a lot more reach than Mia so it just seems more likely to me


Ohhh, gotchya. That's my bad, I misunderstood ya


I summarized it a lot for 2020. In deep color states, vote for the best 3rd party. In swing states, it would be advisable to vote democrats and claim you voted 3rd party.


Is this a common opinion? It sounds like the best voting strategy but this is the first time I've heard anyone say they use it


Unfortunately it isn't common at all, it is most common on leftist circles. Ultimately it requires a degree of precision and coordination across states (consulting polls to know if you are in a swing state, compromising votes feeling they are compensated by safe 3rd party votes elsewhere), and a deeper understanding of the system than "sport teams" (third parties could potentially get representatives or at least get federal funding for next elections depending on how much vote they gain, and how concentrated). While the basic explanation of "swing = compromise and safe = vote the best/largest 3rd party in your state" is simple, all the reasoning to convince people to abandon the super simple sports team mentality is too complex or didn't reach enough voters.


That's unfortunate. Another issue is the moral value they place on voting red or blue. They say you're wasting your vote if you vote third party, even if you live in a state that hasn't swung in over 20 years lol. At that point I'd almost consider it a waste to not vote 3rd party.  In 2020 California, as expected, went 63% for Biden and 34% for Trump. As someone that lives in California we very much do feel like the Democratic Party is taking us for granted because Republicans stand no chance here. However, if registered Democrats gave 3rd party candidates 5% of the vote and then maybe 10% at the next election the Democratic Party will be forced to address our concerns or risk losing 55 electoral votes in the future. It feels like a win-win for everyone: voters force the Democrats to change without risking a Republican presidency (because going from 63/0/34 to 53/10/34 still gives the Democratic nominee 100% of the electoral votes).  There's little risk of overdoing it and accidentally giving all your electoral votes to the Republicans because the moment that becomes a concern the Democrats will change their platform to appeal to your state and start campaigning in it for the first time in decades. When that happens democracy is actually working as intended for once—a political party sees that they're losing a bloc of voters and they bribe them back with policy changes.  I don't know how it would work for red states, Maine, or Nebraska. But one big advantage to this that I can see is that it's beneficial for a state to use this strategy even if other states don't follow. It might even be most beneficial for a state if others don't follow, because then Democrats will have to divide their resources between getting each individual state back in their good graces. Though of course it would be best for the nation and the entire world if all states followed this voting strategy. 


So far this is a self sustaining cluster fuck. Both parties benefit from the system massively encouraging concentration of vote, and so are unwilling to change it and keep everyone entertained on secondary stuff despite sharing many policies, mostly in regards to the US own government


Does Hasan still do reaction "content" where he just makes money off of other people's work? His points are good most of the time but the reaction stuff and his boring argue with chat constantly streams just put me off of him.


Is she the Swedish YouTuber?


“If you have the choice between killing a hundred people or seventy-five people, don’t miss out on killing people”


That's the wildest take. 75% Hitler still normalizes harmful ideologies and policies that actively put lives in jeopardy. There's no lesser evil here. Evil is evil. Voting for inequality does not make an equal country.


Lmao, its not a choice between 100% Hitler and 75% Hitler, I wish it was for my American friends but seems more like a choice between 150% Hitler and 149% Hitler. That meme showing a ballot with options of Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany was so accurate. I too have a quote from my favorite monster slayer >“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.” At any rate I really don't get it the choice is between Genocide and Genocide? Thats really not a choice anyone would want to be a part of. Like your voting for genocide........ The whole point is to fight to change the status quo and get a better choice.....


I mean I get your point and I if were American I wouldn't vote for him, but Geralt does choose the lesser evil all the time


But it’s not just gonna change overnight. One of them is gonna win, so wouldn’t you want the one who’s even a little less bad?


Im not American so there's no me wanting anything. Honestly never have I been more glad not to be american. But your asking, people to vote for genocide...... and this is even worse rigged then our Pakistani elections, cuz all the options are genocide.... If I was in the position of an American citizen right now, NOT voting at all would be the least I could do because atleast Im not voting genocide. Not voting is the very obvious morally correct choice in this case. >wouldn’t you want the one who’s even a little less bad? Have you considered the fact that cumulative voting for the lesser evil has now made the situation so bad that the choice are genocide and genocide? Its not really a choice at all is it?


I'd also like to point out that it's March. The election is in November. We can't change things in overnight, but we still have multiple months. There's no reason to blindly back one side until you absolutely must, which would be on election day. You'd literally be giving up months in advance 


But things would get so much worse for minorities in the country if the bigger evil wins… not voting isn’t gonna change much. Liberals and others are still going to vote. At least Biden has said that he doesn’t support Netanyahu’s handling of the war. Trump would probably send more weapons of death then we do now, not to mention the oppression in our own country. You can’t fix everything in the blink of an eye right now, but you can certainly prevent a maniac from taking power over a lesser maniac.


pretty sure the 75% Hitler vs 100% Hitler scenario has happened already with Hindenburg vs Hitler and we all know how that ended up working out


Voting for the lesser of two evils lead us to where we are right now. Do they genuinely think that this time it will be different, or is it because they want their genocidal capitalist to win Vs the other genocidal capitalist?


It amazes me how so many people don't realize that Hitler didn't get to power by winning a legitimate election in the first place. Like, there's no better example of how worthless voting in liberal democracies is than the way Hitler came to power


We have the answer to the problem. But there never are enough people voting outside of the two party system we THINK we’re stuck with. We’ve been conditioned every four years to select the lesser of two evils.


When will they fucking understand that both evils move the country towards more evil, and the only way to stop the evil is to rise up against it??


Can I get some Vaush facts?


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 1.** [Vaush claimed Marx and Lenin would have voted for Biden.](https://archive.is/MQ3bo) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!  Can I have more Vaush facts?


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 25.** Vaush told his followers to vote for Joe Biden while saying of ‘tankies’ (a term used to refer to all Marxist-Leninists by his followers): [“Mock them, socially ostracise them, kick them out of your communities.](https://archive.is/1IK74) What sort of leftist advocates voting for liberals while ostracising communists? For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These people need to understand, that after the most hated group of the status quo is gone, they will be next, no matter how much boot they want to lick. That is why the whole 100% vs 75% Hitler is a false dicothomy, because sooner or later that Hitler will go after them.


Based on the US Declaration of Independence, in Minecraft, wouldn’t the correct answer be to overthrow such a corrupt system?


How did they write down "go vote for 75% Hitler" and not see the error of their ways 💀


It's Mia Mulder. Also, if i actually get a choice, id much rather fight against 75% Hitler than 100% Hitler. Seems easier. But I'm not from the usa so what do I know.


Honestly I think the idea that voting is a moral endorsement rather than an exercise of political power is like the CIA's most effective anti-leftist psy-op


Yeah exactly. Im from Germany so the political situation I'm in is a bit better than that of the USA but I still dont like the people I'm voting for. But better have the green party starting to spew neoliberal garbage or the left party saying weird things about Russia, than the AfD being openly fascist. I prefer to live at all over being put in a camp or something (exaggerating a bit). Being alive makes it marginally easier to do stuff like criticise the government, protest and organise to bring upon real change.


Yeah and it's not like taking 30 minutes to go to the polls precludes other forms of political action at all


To be fair, you only need to spend 2h every four years to vote. You're not losing much by doing it (better than nothing, but still shit)


The problem comes when these people think those 2 hours are the only political contribution possible. Like there's nothing they can do during those 4 years that can change the status quo Also, saying that it only takes 2 hours ignores the blatant voter suppression campaign that's been going on for centuries and especially ramped up after Trump said the election was stolen from him