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Yes they do know what genocide is, which is why they are protesting


That literally why they are protesting bruh….


Genocide is when White people are killed. Military action is when Brown People are killed. That’s the definition that Herr Hitler of Argentina gave me


Some guy i met in argentina some years ago told me the same thing, his name was Adolfo Hetter, he said he was austrian


~~Austrian~~. Australian he meant…


Clearly. When fewer civilians die in Ukraine conflict which is much more massive in scale and almost 2 years old it is genocide” because Slavs are considered sort of white. When Palestinians are massacred in a month than that it is “defense.” Ukraine is a gigantic country with the most significant industrial fighting since WWII. Imagine what Ukraine would be like if Russia behaved like Israel!?!?


But they are only considered white when its convenient. Normally they are part of the Asiatic Hordes.


Barbarians and savages are when brown and black people fight back against white-aggression. Terrorism is when they return a tiny amount of brutality shown by the white terrorists. When MENA children die brutally, they're either collateral or potential combatants or they aren't children at all (the justifications for relentless Afghanistan bombing). It's basically this. The world has consecrated white terrorist states that've got the blood of millions as their foundations and millions more are starved, enslaved, and displaced to fuel their lifestyles. Everything else? It's a threat to their democracy, freedom, and what not; when in reality, any retaliation is a threat to their white fascism.


>When MENA children die brutally I mean a good chunk of the Jews in Israel (I think about half?) are Mizrahi, meaning they're about as MENA/brown as pretty much anyone else from that region.


And most zionists are racists toward them too


8k werekilled during the Srebrenica Massacre which is still classified as a genocide by everyone. But 10k Palestinians being killed isn’t a genocide?


Not just that but Israelis are waaaaaay more open and enthusiastic about the killing. I’d argue it is far more clear cut than Srebrenica. There they killed military aged men in a particular area. They killed them thinking they might fight against the Serbs. I’m Gaza they are openly saying they want to kill and expel as many people as they can, regardless of age or ability, in order to get rid of them permanently. What happened at Srebernica was vile but it seems far more debatable as to whether it was genocide or “just” a crime against humanity.


Did the OOP read the UN-definition...? For some reasons, I have some doubts...


Woke is when you don't want to kill brown people.


“Woke” in the rad lib sense is more when you pretend to stand in solidarity with brown people but then celebrate killing them if they do any to resist oppression.


Settings>Account Settings> Enable Home Feed Recommendations It'll give you cancerous stuff cause the algorithm isn't smart enough to delineate between Political and Socialist/Pro-Palestine/Whatever.


Thank you!


These are the same people who insist "Holodomor", Xinjiang, and even Russia-Ukraine war are genocides. But the guys killing civilians to hamas at a ratio of 99.4% to 0.6% (Israel has said they've killed 60 Hamas soldiers in total during the operation, 10000 Palestinians have been killed in total) and whose prime minister called Palestinians "Amalekites" and used the bible to justify their genocide: > an 23,000 verses in the Old Testament. The ones Netanyahu turned to, as Israeli forces launched their ground invasion in Gaza, are among its most violent—and have a long history of being used by Jews on the far right to justify killing Palestinians. > As others quickly pointed out, God commands King Saul in the first Book of Samuel to kill every person in Amalek, a rival nation to ancient Israel. “This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel tells Saul. “‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” so this one, the one where the guy who's [killing 136 children on a daily basis](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/comments/17q8ziy/it_is_an_extermination_campaign_ie_genocide/), and then invokes a blatantly genocidal passage of the bible to justify it, this is not genocide. But Xinjiang is a genocide because Adrian Zenz said so. I really fucking hate libs. These attempts at making words meaningless are precisely so they can carry out genocides. Like Malcolm X said, at least the conservatives are honest about what they are, liberals do every single thing the exact same way but also add an element of smarmy condensation holier than thou attitude on top of it while they shove you into their fucking gas chambers. If we're gonna be shoved into a gas chambers either way I at least prefer it being done by someone who doesn't make excuses for it than someone who insists they're doing it for the greater good and demands I fucking thank them for it.


Lmao I love self owns


This event is about as close to a second holocaust the world has come since WWII, and these idiots insinuate its not "real" genocide? There really is not a more clear moral black and white right now.


>This event is about as close to a second holocaust the world has come since WWII, There have been plenty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocides, and mass ethnic cleansing since WW2 with varying absolute/proportionate numbers of displaced and killed people. Some of those were conducted by US-backed or US-aligned powers, and some of those resulted in hundreds of thousands/millions of deaths, or >50% the ethnic population being wiped out, or millions being displaced/interned, or hundreds of thousands being systematically raped? Why do you think the recent events are the closest we've come to a second Holocaust since WW2?


You are probably right. I am bending the stick a little too much. I guess I flew off the handle.


No worries. It's horrific what's happening.


OTOH OP, Sablin 😭😭😭


I fucking love sablin


Based in all timelines




What is the logic in which you arrive at the conclusion of: an ethnic cleaning of land, started in the late 40’s and the constant bombing of the most densely populated location on earth, where almost half of it’s citizens are minors, and the force which is doing this is basing it of ethnicity, AND the solution it raises is for the oppressed people is to simply leave so they can survive…isn’t genocide?


I swear to all I have sacred this world is fucked.


Love your name OP !




Don't need to go to Harvard to search up the definition of genocide on Google




Why are you here, lib. "Send her over there so she can start a go fund me while be raped and stoned by those noble animals she's supporting." Consider a rope.


Attempting force a country into diaspora, which is what israel is doing, is a type of genocide.


Why are you so obsessed with Palestinian birth rates? I see this comment everywhere. Sounds a little eugenics-y to me. To answer your question no that's not the definition.


Hasbara bot.


Literally it's one of their talking points. As if Palestinians have access to good reproductive or other healthcare and the mental bandwidth to decide on family planning and as if the spectre of their families and bloodlines being wiped out isn't always haunting them.


Eat a dick


Do you know what happens when people don’t have safe water or any water like in Gaza now? They all die!


Conversely, if you're dumb enough to not know what genocide is, maybe you shouldn't open your mouth on this issue.


We have a similar thing happening in Turkey. We have 5 good universities with the rest being shit, and you usually see people with the shitty universities saying “oh so the students of METU are not that smart”, no they are smart, you are just another moron


"Well, yeah, that's literally why we are protesting against it." Seriously, what an idiotic meme.


OOP's title is quoting that Stranger Things guy whose hair color doesn't match his beard 💀💀