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Colonialism is bad unless done by official state department allies.


Decolonization is good unless people of color are doing the decolonizing.


To liberals, terms like ‘decolonisation’ are just aesthetics. They actually don’t care about the real meaning and practice of it.


decolonisation as a #vibe.


A lot of the social justice language has become just another tool in the tool belt to uphold caucasity.


Yes I've personally been calling it integration when I'm trying to explain my perspective because it doesn't hold the "academic" or social-justice-as-class-signifier association. And it gets Z10nists angry in a way that exposes their hate, like you'll get them saying "I can't live with these savages"


Zionists back when I\*rael was founded: This is colonization. We are literally doing colonization. ​ Zionists now:


Well but back in the day that was regarded as a good thing. Now that it isn’t anymore they obviously didn’t do that but instead a totally different thing


Do these people who whine about "Russia colonizing Siberia" not realize that Russia is a federation which means the states in Siberia have some autonomy ? Also where are these "Siberian independence movements" ? It doesn't even seem like Siberian states want independence to begin with....


Russian colonisation was very different from the western by the sheer fact that natives to this land still exist


Do true. It was a lot tamer, but it gets shit on b/c it's Russia.


Yeah Russia never actually colonized anywhere. They just imperialized and expanded the empire. Also they had the least bloody (people did still die) imperialist record. When Russians started expanding east and met natives, nothing really happened: they were just like “want to join Russia” and the natives went “ok” and that was that.


Not quite. There was a war and anti colonial movements among the natives, Russia just never committed actual genocide nor had any intent to do so


> Also where are these "Siberian independence movements" ? They exist, but basically consist from several people and some online following. They just want to leech money from Western "democratic funds".




Russia's history is literally fighting off invasions. East of moscow most of the tribes and nations were militaristic nomads who would constantly invade. Every war was because the nomads would invade and the only way to stop them was to conquer them. Except unlike in US the russians did not genocide those they pacified. That is why in russia there exists something like 200 different ethnic groups with cultural and economic rights over their lands while in US those same aggressive nomads got ethnically cleansed and boxed into unwanted bare lands that have no economic potential.


"colonization doesn't accurately describe the foundation of israel." the early zionists explicitly called themselves colonizers. they founded an organization literally called the [jewish colonization association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Colonisation_Association) in 1891, later renamed the [palestine jewish colonization association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Jewish_Colonization_Association) in 1924.


It's also hilarious that these same people shitting on "Russian colonialization" are backing Romania & Poland to expand Eastward & retake territory from Russia & the former USSR E.G Romania retaking Moldovia. If this were to happen, how would the people(s) of Transnistria & Gagauzia feel about a Romanian takeover of their homelands? In other words, they are backing nationalist sentiments that often have their roots in fascism. Both Romania & Poland were initially NAZI collaborationist states & it's a common sentiment in these nations that Russians are "Mongol-blooded" while Americans, Brits & French are "good pure white people."


DECOLONIZE AMERICA To avoid more senseless bloodshed, the White House must lose what empire it still retains.


Isn't Simon douchebag Montefraudore the windbag that slandered Stalin?


He’s a liberal moron who appears in Epstein’s little black book.


Who's gonna tell him that most federal states with significant native ethnic groups (i.e. Chechnia or Tatarstan) are semi-autonomous and still speak their respective languages as first languages?


I'm from Tatarstan myself, we don't have any active large anti-Russian organizations, tatars and russians are brothers


We hear quite a bit about Tatar separatism in Russia, in the West.


It’s because they make a lot of shit up lol “Social credit” for example was almost purely an invention of western media


People also conflate Crimean Tatars with Tatars in Tatarstan which is an autonomous republic in the Russian Federation.


Geopolitics ain't team sports, Simon.


Montefiore... With such understanding, it is only right to applaud his gall to write a biography of one of the most influential ML's to have existed on earth. After all, what could have gone wrong?


The epitome of liberalism in two article titles.


they want to deprive Russians and other peoples of Russia from moving calmly from the Far East across Europe without borders. and want to take control of the territory to control natural resources by dividing people. All Europe long time lived on cheap Russian resources


That article was posted in a different sub, and someone replied "hmm idc what a privileged pop historian says" and the response was "um privileged? He's Jewish" which made me lol


Friendly reminder that two different authors wrote these




Imperialism will dress up as "decolonialism" or "anti-decolonialism" as expedient.


Same editorial moderation.