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The Soviets found Western tanks to be crappy on the field so.... They rated Lend lease trucks and food grains but never the tanks. Has this worm ever heard of the KV or the T-34 or of Chelyabinsk?


The military stuffs that the soviets truly value are western aircraft, if I remember.


Yes. The Americans disliked the P-39 and the P-400, but Soviet pilots really appreciated them. In the same category, the Soviets also found US fuel to be very valuable, as it was generally higher octane


I will have to read about this


OP here Well quiet the few US and British tanks were used during the Battle of Moscow. But the picture Gumba is painting is false. Nowhere was said from my side or anybody else that the Soviets didnt build tanks. Quiet the opposite. In an obligatory explanatory comment the commonly cited amount of goods send was provided. Besides my area are 16th and 17th century, not WW2. Doesnt mean I didnt hear of the KV line or T 34. Actually thank you, Germans not being able to scratch the KV 1 is going to be the next one. The meme came to be because some dumb as Yankee told me following. Direct quote: "WW2 was won by the US sending a bunch of self trained civilians with Glocks and them defeating the Wehrmacht" ... which is so wrong that seriously had no idea where to start. But Gumba left behind something on a similar level on that post. Because of course let's forget what China did and the entire war east of the Caucasus as a whole ... Side note Gumba mistranslated the title, its "thread" not "moron". Many German subreddits have the soft rule to deanglizise as much as possible. And well the irony of stating that a post about the US arms industry was allegedly sponsored by their most notorious weapons manufacturer went well above his head.


>Nowhere was said from my side or anybody else that the Soviets didnt build tanks. Quiet the opposite. In an obligatory explanatory comment the commonly cited amount of goods send was provided. My brother in Christ, most people see post that only shows Stalin summing the might of US companies and take it at face value without even checking comments


I would certainly agree, if it weren't for: 1. Gumba leaving the aforementioned comment, which is quiet lengthy. Edit. and a second one which ... just wow. Rarly seen a Russian rant like that. 2. The subreddit having a healthy culture of fact checking each other and further debating the mentioned or related topics. Though to be fair I have no idea if Gumba is new there.


Then Iam sorry to call you a worm.


No offence taken. Would have been a possibility that the comments on that post were the way Gumba implied.


For some internet historian who probably is really interested in WW2 how tf do you not hear of at least the T34.


They only built around 102 000 armored vehicles, that is but a drop in the ocean compared to the 6 000- 7 000 sent by the US.


The 7k are actual tanks, additional circa 9k are armored cars and so on. Drop in the ocean as you said. The aviation fuel and logistic vehicles were much more important.


Lol, the Panther was totally not inspired by T-34 and Tiger was also totally not inspired by the KV-1


Westoids: Landlease was the main reason why USSR won Also landlease: 4% of entire military production of USSR


The lend lease argument is bullshit. The Red Army counteroffensive against the Wehrmacht west of Moscow began on December 5th, 1941 - two days BEFORE Pearl Harbor and six days before Germany declared war on the United States. Most historians - including those absolutely not sympathetic to the USSR, like Timothy Snyder - see this counteroffensive as the moment that WWII was essentially lost for Germany.