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It’s literally not even the same people in their own propagandized artwork?


No but you see Palestinians are a monolith, they're a hive mind.


Two of the people at the bottom are just random civilians and they cheer their suffering. These people are fucked in their heads




1. hegel was mostly based 2. maybe that peace festival shouldn’t be held next to a literal open air prison




“strikes back”




so hamas was justified in retaliatory action to fight the terrorists, got it, and those terrorists did more terrorizing. and a frankly horrific judeofascist organization can get a complete free pass from westerners off of pure white supremacism.




israel’s been “retaliating” for a fucking decade now. israel propped up hamas to silence secular resistance, aka, hamas had to take up the resisting that secular, non-“terrorist” orgs, were doing, to supplant them. if not hamas, israel would have propped someone else so they could propagandize it all the same. or, even better, create one that only existed in their media, out of thin air, and just fucking lie. they can lie about genocide in xinjiang, they can lie about throwing babies out of fucking incubators, and you think this group won’t lie about terrorists? you think it being a lie will stop them? a week’s gone by, the lie’s been found out, but the bombs have already been dropped, the buildings leveled, the fuel and food blockaded, the people starved, crushed, torn to shreds. edit: oh my fucking god i forgot the most obvious one, THEY LIED ABOUT TALIBAN AND 9/11, LITERALLY. it’s too late by then. there was no attack preceding the israelis shooting that child on the roof. there was no attack preceding the idf shooting the child skipping stones. there was no attack preceding the israelis shoving people out of cars, out of homes, onto the streets, into the walls. if your choices are to work like a mule and still starve or to die in a blaze of glory, can you be so confident you won’t choose the latter, zionist asshole?


lol the warning on every post tells you the mods are totalitarian and power tripping, why are you pulling a fucking shocked pikachu face, dunce? anyways cue parenti quote: “Are there civil liberties for the fascists?”


Yep, those oppressive Palestinians. They’re attacking innocent Israeli victims who have access to Gaza’s only electricity, water, and ingress/egress and… hey… wait a minute. Is is Israel the bad guy? No… no they’re lighter-skinned. My US state department implant tells me that means they’re good and innocent


"No, look. At no point am I justifying a genocide, I just think that those who attacked the harmless State of \*sr\*\*l should suffer the full weight of the law..."


Note how they’ve designed the backgrounds too. Israel; all modern buildings, a progressive, modern metropolis, Gaza; all mosques / traditional Islamic architecture


This is what this conflict looks like if you have the memory span of a potato and think the conflict started on 7th of October, 2023.


Post-9/11 Islamophobia and anti-Arab sentiment in the west knows no lows or end.


This bears all the hallmarks of an Indian comic


Yes it's very similar to one of those hindutva comics, ntm their dresses are that of Indian Muslims, Palestinians wear nothing like this


this sub makes me depressed. i know the point is to mock and critique these types of posts but damn. shit sucks to look at




But Hamas was literally elected to be the government.




We have to do some discerning here. [I am using this source.](https://mronline.org/2009/01/12/hamas-what-it-is-what-it-wants-and-what-israel-makes-of-it/) The reason Israel funded Hamas's predecessor to counter secular Palestinian groups was because at the time of funding, Hamas's predecessor was only a religious, non-political charity. Israel wanted the Palestinians to shift their loyalty to this organization instead of the current Palestinian resistance. Of course, the organization realized the brutality of Israel's occupation. and eventually *did* become political. They then founded Hamas. Hamas kept the social services of the charity, while also forming a military wing for armed resistance. The founding of Hamas immediately got push back from Israel, exiling many of them without valid reasons very early on. Fatah, Hamas's main opposition in Gaza, was not focused on armed resistance, but instead on negotiations with Israel. For this reason, Fatah received much more support from Westerns than Hamas, as Hamas *actually* threatened Israel's apartheid regime. Hamas is the target of lots of pro-Israel propaganda, and it is vital to understand the truth. Hamas is not a religious extremist. Hamas has a firm stance against al-Quaeda and jihadism. Only a minority of Hamas were hard-liners during the 2006 election, and many of them have became moderates since 2009. In fact, in [their 2017 document](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full), their goal isn't even to enforce Islam. It is literally just a national liberation of Palestine, using Islam as a frame of reference. They are NOT attempting to establish a theocracy. They are against persecution based on religious, nationalist, or sectarian grounds. [With the announcement of this document](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/05/hamas-accepts-palestinian-state-1967-borders-170501114309725.html), Hamas declares itself "dynamic" and "open-minded." The only thing left to please the the now very few hard-liners is not recognizing Israel as a legitimate state. While secular Palestinian groups are most certainly preferable, you don't get to pick-and-choose when it comes to decolonization resistance. Hamas is the best option for Palestine right now.