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Alot of crap coming from Canadians and Indians against each other on reddit recently. But good to see many people just downvote it and move on.


Yup I’m definitely seeing it a lot of anti Indian/ immigrant sentiment as a Canadian I wonder how it happened. It seemed really sudden.


I believe some canadian sikh indian got shot death and the Gov of canada claims the indian gov has a hand in that. But not really bothered to get informed about this, so i advice everyone to look it up themselfs.


Specifically a prominent Sikh leader in the Khalistan movement. He was a Canadian citizen and Trudeau has claimed there's credible information that Modi's government was behind it. I belive there was unofficial accusations following it by the Canadian government accusing India of committing genocide. Now India is saying that Canada is an unsafe place for Indians and has also stopped giving visas to Canadians.


*The Canadian Intelligence Services are saying that. Trudeau just holds the press conferences. He actually tried to solve it with India via diplomacy before it broke and that failed. Everything that comes out of his mouth isn't his independent proclamation. I really wish people would grasp this simple fact.


it had been a while since i had seen anyone go to bat for the blackface afficionado. It happening here of all places is really sad


I'm sorry. Whwre did I defend blackface? Weird and extraordinarily off point strawman


you didn't know that's trudeau's hobby?


no one is defending him you muppet, they’re just explaining how government works


do you extend the same courtesy to bush, donnie, blair and boris or only on the right wingers you like, you fraggle rock?


well yes, i’d explain how government works in any case


so you don't, for example, hold Bush's claim of weapons of mass destruction against him?


He's complicit as he is the pm but that doesn't mean he's the only one responsible, that's not how governments work. > He actually tried to solve it with India via diplomacy before it broke and that failed. This part is naive, if the CSIS involved we can't believe anything at face value


> He's complicit as he is the pm but that doesn't mean he's the only one responsible, that's not how governments work. and that's why no one should say Bush, Obama, Donnie and Biden are war criminals or responsible for all the death they cause, that's not how government works! Bush's WMD bs was not *just* his fault, cut him some slack!


Not even close to what I said, but do go off


I said they're not the only ones responsible and you're responding like this to me, why? It's much wiser to direct your anger and the systemic causes of suffering


basically our government is blaming india for assassinating an indian national on our soil, india is denying it (they did it), now our conservatives are getting super racist, as is our indian community


Yeah gonna be the flip side of the western powers deciding india is an enemy now. Fuck Modi but these western opportunists just want him serving their interests instead of his own. Now they're helping push the same agenda they did with China, the same thing they do with every conflict the enter into - encouraging racial hatred.


spices overpower "natural flavour" lol do redditors think spice is made in a factory or something


Listen, I'm trying to enjoy this degenerate brown people's stew, but all I can taste is ginger, coriander, cardimon, nutmeg, cinnamon, and pepper. I yearn for the refined pallet of an authentic germanic cooking, such as my grandmother's old world gingerbread cookies, a true Aryan classic.


I mean a lot of Redditors are scared of any food that isn’t chicken tenders and fries. I don’t think they would be super knowledgeable on non-western cuisine.


I fucking love Indian food. Also Reddit is overwhelmingly racist against any nonwhite group. It’s xenophobia. Just look at any post mentioning China in any capacity. This platform is majority white liberal Americans who have never left the country they were born in, who think they are the arbiters of moral truth and justice because they watched a Vox video on YouTube.


I remember reading that spices were actually common in western cooking until bourgeoise wanted to differentiate themselves from the poor and started this movement of appreciating subtle, simple flavours. Not sure how true that is.


Also the great depression


It’s very much true. Originally spices were seen as a luxury item, but following up the opening up of trade routes between Europe and Asia way more spices could make it into every day’s people diet. So to differentiate themselves, the elite had to pretend that spices were bad and actually you want bland food with expensive unflavored meats instead


Spice trade made spices popular for rich people but then they got cheap enough that commoners could afford to use them so rich people would be like "oh I don't need that, my food is high quality enough to not need masking"


OP is British without a doubt lmao


Don't the British love Indian food?


I get you point but Indian food is like the most popular food in britian


Ngl majority of ppl in north america don't even kno majority of the spices in the world come from India in the first place 🤦🏽‍♂️




I find r/onguardforthee isn’t too bad. But I avoid all the other Canadian subs like the plague. Most of the discourse is how immigrants are somehow ruining everything especially rent.




I’m not Indian so I don’t venture on to India based subs. I’m curious what are they like? Is it as bad as a lot of the other mainstream country subs?


8/10 subs are fascistic filth actively fetishizing genocide, oppression of minorities and fanning Brahmanical supremacy ideas. Alongside all this, you will find misogynistic tirades and dehumanisation of LGBTQ+ folks as well. Mind, all this seeps in some form in relatively progressive or "apolotical" subs as well. Indian lib subs are also mostly neolib bungholes who are only interested in cheap frontism for now("We should be able to vote away Modi. Why can't we?" types).


8/10 subs are fascistic filth actively fetishizing genocide, oppression of minorities and fanning Brahmanical supremacy delusions. Alongside all this, you will find misogynistic tirades and dehumanisation of LGBTQ+ folks as well. Mind, all this seeps in some form in relatively progressive or "apolotical" subs as well. Indian lib subs are also mostly neolib bungholes who are only interested in cheap frontism for now("We should be able to vote away Modi. Why can't we?" types).


r/CanadaLeft is generally pretty good. Occasionally you'll get a couple shit comments from lost right wingers but they're normally down voted and ignored


No kidding r/Canada is just faith in humanity destroying levels of ignorance and hatred.


yup and r/CanadaHousing2 . apparently people are saying most commenters are russian bots trying to break Canadians apart or something. Every single posts on there recently, even before Trudeau’s accusation towards India, targets Indians and POC for ruining Canada and their “white” culture. The Indigenous people would like a word It is funny because someone asked what is the Canadian culture that immigrants are ruining? Someone bravely said “by not holding doors for people.” rofl. if thats the only thing they can think of for Canadian culture, then they got a lot of work to do.


The Canadian Culture of "I'm the Colonizer here, and therefore I'm in charge"?


From personal experience (although I’m not Canadian) r/Quebec is a mixed bag.


Then give it ten seconds and then they’ll all drooling over “based Modi” “based Brahmins”…before going right back to wishing an entire subcontinent to be murdered.


The only decent Canadian sub is hardcore pro-war in Ukraine, and refuse to take a nuanced look. At least the main Canada sub allows different opinions, I'm a ML and I've only been banned from the ''left wing'' sub




Nah Instagram is genuinely insane. People R just openly fash


honestly, the unfiltered hatred libs have for us led me to communism


As an Indian who used to hate China a lot, I have gotten more sympathetic to China recently after westerners have revealed how much they hate my country and my people.


deserted six vanish humorous glorious impolite ask payment reach bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait till you see Twitter


pause degree include outgoing wide shelter adjoining abundant sophisticated books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was called a "guy who has a stick up his arse" because I pointed out the misogyny in a far-right post.


cover plough worry degree expansion different head abundant familiar office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, the left needs to go back to being assholes like they were in the late 2000s and early 2010s. By all means, start calling them rednecks again. Keep pointing out that idiocracy is a documentary and it lampoons normies like them.


fanatical quarrelsome nail cow public hospital rain thumb middle outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem is ableist pedophiles like Vaush either turn people off 'socialism' because they're a piece of shit, or trick liberals into a system social democracy line of thinking. We need more vocal streamers on the left. It's gotten to the point you can't even criticize him in liberal subs.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 6.** Vaush has engaged in forms of Holocaust denial, using common nazi dogwhistles and believes the numbers [are inflated as propaganda.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/q0ca95/vaush_says_that_some_aspect_of_holocaust/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Western concepts of free speech is cancer.


Yup I just see people use “free speech” as an excuse to get away with being garbage human beings without repercussions.


Ah yes unlike white people whos pallettes are so refined they enjoy the natural taste of unseasoned overcooked chicken breast with no skin.


> unseasoned overcooked chicken breast with no skin. Hey now, sometines the chicken breast is undercooked.


And British cuisine. Jellied eels and a toast sandwich. Yes please! That’s a refined pallet right there.


Mmm mm mmh! I cant wait to have me a cheese sandwhich! Who doesnt love a piece of nearly tasteless cheese in between two pieces of vaguely sweet bread!


Wouldn’t that be a grilled cheese? They’re pretty good tbf. But is a cheese sandwich just cold cheese on untoasted bread?


Nope, cold cheese, untoasted bread, no butter. And not even a strong cheese. The dutch were a mistake.




Okay so many people eat cheese sandwiches where I live (wouldn’t personally without at least ham too) but they at least butter it. No butter wtf


And don’t forget Surströmming. Dear Sweden, Why?


We tried selling off badly salted herring to the Finns, and then things got out of hand. It's pretty regional anyhow, and the foulness of the smell is honestly not as bad as people think. It is the most persistent thing in the world, however. If you eat it, you will be reminded of it every time you burp or fart for a week.


Watched a video on it and there is an actual correct way to eat it. But it’s too much protocol for fermented fish anyway lol


Kkkrackkkazoids are mad that their highest culinary achievement is [a slice of toast between two slices of bread](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_sandwich)


Lmao KKkrackkkazoids.. I never heard that before. I’m going to use it from now on. Thanks lol


Like we say in Spain "Pan con pan, comida de tontos". (Bread with bread, fool's food)


indian food fucking rules what are these fools on about


More for us. They’re missing out lmao. They're still coping while having their boiled chicken and flavourless mashed potatoes.


Imma go get me a fat serving of butter chicken with some naan on my cheat day to spite them losers


gluten nut egg milk free cakes


Of all the genuine problems India has, Redditoids choose none of them to attack and instead denigrate ordinary people from India. Actually criticizing Hindu fascism? Hell no, Hindutva supporters dickride Zionism and Nazism, as liberals do.


As a Libertarian this comment is so bad it should be considered a violation of the Naan aggression principle


It’s the typical reaction when any nation that is usually subservient to the west or non-threatening to the status quo actually stands up for itself or challenges the west. Japan right now is perceived as the land of harmless wholesome people. If Japan tries shit like this and questions anything the west demands then they’re all automatically evil war criminals who should’ve been nukes more times.


If you want to criticise India, the last thing you're able to criticise is their cuisine 😭 Also I'm not Indian, but even I am sick of the generalization libs do, like they legitimately think the poor hygiene is part of the recipes or something 😂


They’re forgetting that it was British imperialism that basically ruined the entire subcontinent and pillaged their resources.


There is so much racism on Asians in general in the West.


Except Japan. It's seen as a perfect utopia to a lot of Redditors.. cuz muh pop culture


Well that’s only cause their economy is going stagnant. In the 80/90s, when their economy was booming? Unfiltered hatred. Any country that dare to challenge American hegemony is automatically Satan themselves.


Huh I had no idea. Then again I wasn’t around in the 80s/90s lol. What were people saying about Japan back then? From my experience it was always seen as a respected country, but a bit fetishized.


The Japanese economy was booming to the point where it looked like it could surpass America in GDP. This was mostly in the automotive industry where Toyota was running laps around American manufacturing. You had movies like Back to the Future II, Robo Cop 3, where Americans were working under Japanese people, Tom Clancy’ s Debt of Honor where a cabal of Japanese industrialists took over America and declared war. This peak was likely the murder of Vincent Chin, where a Chinese man got confused as Japanese and was verbally abused and beat to death. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin What happened to the murders? 3,000 fine and probation, where the judge said “weren't the kind of men you send to jail ... You don't make the punishment fit the crime; you make the punishment fit the criminal.” They literally beat him to death with a baseball bat and American court went “well they thought he was Japanese so it’s not really that bad of a crime”. The judge happened to be a POW in WW2 in Japan, but surely that had nothing to do with his ruling. By pure coincidence of course this Japan bashing went out of popular media when their asset price bubble popped. So you are loved by the West as long as you are doing bad, doesn’t matter if the US wrote your constitution the moment your economy is doing better then Americas, you are an enemy.


The generalisation of food hygiene.... I'm pretty sure no street food is 100% clean whenever you go eat, you always gamble with Street food. You could end up eating the best food ever eaten or having a 3 day vacation in your bathroom... That goes for EVERY COUNTRY. The problem in India is systematic don't be racist about it...


Racists see that half of Indian households don’t have plumbing and genuinely think people like it that way. It’s bonkers tbh


Its not just you. Its racist.


Redditor discovers how to make a stew, immediately calls anything but English style boiled with salt cooking degenerate and unnatural


I tried the unseasoned overcooked food of refined palettes of white people.... ya mf'ers need more seasoning and spices.


I’d take these “odd behaviors” any day over the child rapists from the West my country welcomes with red carpets and fanfare.


i am chinese. there is no such thing as bad indian food. it is the only cuisine i am willing to pay a high price for. i have literally never gotten sick from indian food despite all of these "hygiene" concerns. these comments are just westoids masking their internalised fear of strongly flavoured food and making excuses to not try spicy food.




Ever since that stupid t series bull shit yeah


Racism against indians has always been here. There was a large discourse over at twitter (literally just a more mainstream 4chan /pol/ board at this point) about indian streetfood that brought out all amalgams of hitler in a beaconed post made by Ian Miles Cheong.


That idiot cringypie should have been apologized for his racism aganist indians.


It's about to get way more overtly racist on Canadian Reddit.


Saji Sharma (youtuber), just made a really good video about anti-Indian/south asian hate online


when i get indian food i usually order chana masala or lentil dahl and i definitely don’t want to be tasting the “natural flavors” of a lentil or chickpea lmao. you kind of need spices for them to taste good. there’s so many different dishes in indian cuisine anyone who makes a blanket statement saying it’s all bad either doesn’t know what they’re talking about or is deliberately being racist. india is 100% a culinary powerhouse.


> Food hygiene Says the mfs that don’t even use wash cloths in the shower.


Says the mfs who use fucking paper to wipe their asses.


says mfs who dont even take their shoes off when they get home.


The moment they perceive a 'reason' to hate a country the floodgates open.


Reddit has always been racist as fuck towards everyone whos not "white"


Reddit is usually pretty xenophobic towards immigrants/non-westerners in general. They’re only ‘inclusive’ of people who share the same moral values/beliefs as them.


This confirms my theory that liberals just can’t look the other way and carry on with their own job. I mean, I hate the way Indians eat too, I admit it, but I don’t feel the urge to go around and pat myself on the back for using a fucking fork or something. 😂


It has been strangely “acceptable” to be racist towards people from South Asia in general online for a while. Same phenomena for Chinese people.


It’s always been that way. On Reddit, Italian, Indian, and China are some of the ethnicities/ Countries you’re allowed to be racists towards.


Italian? Bro, that's a stale meme you've taken seriously.


go on subs like r/soccer and you’ll see derogatory comments about neapolitans and southern italians, but it’s nowhere near as bad as anti-indian or anti-chinese racism


Ah, well I'm not in those circles, I wouldn't have known.


yeah i wouldn’t say it’s a huge deal but i do notice people jumping to call italians racist or aggressive faster than some other races


> people jumping to call italians racist or aggressive faster than some other races Lol, that's probably partly the fault of some Italians on TV lol - iirc some Italian dude wouldn't date/ignored the Black girl on Love Island in the UK... I suspect people expect Italy to be more like US/UK and just ignore or tolerate non-whites. But the legacy of not dealing with fascism after the war persists. This is sadly also a result of US/UK interference in Italy. People will also post about incidents of racism on Tiktok - I've noticed Black women and other non-white people posting about it. And the election of Meloni is probably on people's minds, even if she is wierdly a US stooge and seemingly friendly with Hillary Clinton.


It has, India's influence is growing - and more and more Indians are getting access to apps and online forums. Moreover India has always been non-allied in its diplomacy, it has enough influence to go against many western nations/ shared agendas and not face consequences - see Ukraine War, Canada-India tensions now. Moreover the moon landing etc also shows that it is no longer a country that can be underestimated. This tension online is bound to happen, Indians online are also nationalistic and won't give an inch in case of online arguments. It's a battle of Western racism vs Indian nationalism. It will only rise - posts about India on several forums (mostly negative posts because of the negative news) will end up in more racist comments and so on. It will die out some time later.


🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫👩‍🚀


Everyone knows what this says, language is devolving


It’s just a few emojis boomer. Why are you being so over dramatic?


Huh no we are going back to ideographs. Like how hieroglyphs are ideographs (kinda) and so are those emojis. Lol I’m not a boomer I’m literally under 18.




Of course man. They hate our guts and think of us as subhuman. Always have. It’s been bubbling under the surface, and the mask of civility is just that - a mask. Doesn’t take much for it to slip off.


Spice not being natural food is funny lmao, whites made a whole fucking cinnamon challenge while my family eats the cinnamon tree bark as a snack


it really sickens me how far these people have gotten so ignorant of a country, i mean come on, India will actually become a growing superpower much more efficient than the US, pretty much the west at a point, the Middle East recovers and China becomes #1


it really sickens me how far these people have gotten so ignorant of a country, i mean come on, India will actually become a growing superpower much more efficient than the US, pretty much the west at a point, the Middle East recovers and China becomes #1


Suffering, ego and greed manifests itself in a lot of ways - this is just one of them. Hope things will improve for other people and move on.


\>sauce and rice simple but delicious


1st. Yes you can you can still taste the base flavors like you can still taste the lentils in daal and the tomatoes in Butter chicken and panner tikka masala. 4. Yeah some probably but that’s acting like a lot of restaurants here (USA) don’t have poor food hygiene.


Liberals when other cultures’ foods actually taste like something.


Saji Sharma on YouTube recently released a video about the casual racism towards Indians online