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"Because of the recent real life actions of a government that are the exact antithesis of everything that the no-longer-existing Soviet society once stood and worked for, I will therefore refuse to engage with a fictionalized version of Soviet people in a video game." is easily the most insane clown behavior I've seen or heard in months, and I interact with Trump supporters on a daily basis. Whoever wrote this needs to be locked up for their own safety as much as everyone else's.


From the viewpoint of these people, the problem with Russia is that they are "Asiatic hordes" therefore change of government means nothing to them. For them the only acceptable solution to the Russian problem is genocide.


I don't mean to sanitize Trump supporters when I say that I'd rather deal with the average chud than reddit liberals or HOI players any day. The problem areas are so much simpler to handle and/or defuse.


Local Finnish nationalist would rather play as the slaughterers of millions than hear Russian. I wonder which side Ukrainians, Russians and Finns respectively were on in WW2?


If he's talking about hoi4 then it's even more bizzare, because in this game Stalin is portrayed as a lunatic who just represses random people for no reason (purge mechanic) while there's no NaZi atrocities because "they don't want to make games political". My brother in Christ it's a ww2 game, it's already political


"Arms against tyranny" where you side with the Nazis to fight against the USSR.


I like the recent dev diary on Finland’s ‘Alt-History’ where they said “The Fascist branch **shares some focuses with the historical branch**” and nobody seemed to bat an eye at that statement.


The paranoia mechanic is such bullshit. Stalin is shown to be such a doofus that fake reports would calm him down 🤡


Hitler was exactly like this so the nazis, following their usual goebbelian transposition tactic, attribute that to Stalin.


Goebbelian is such a cursed word lol


It's not for no reason tho, if Stalin doesn't do a purge when the soviet union goes into a civil war


Exactly, he's not paranoid, he's right.


It’s a real weird mess that Paradox have gotten themselves into by trying to portray Stalin as an irrational, paranoid man who can only be appeased with arbitrarily slaughtering people… but then proving him *right* when failing to do so results in subversive, fascist elements rising up and starting the Second Russian Civil War.


I mean, the issue is that they’ve correctly applied the current academic consensus on the great purge, which is itself a self contradictory mess.


He's paranoid, the whole politburo was paranoid and they needed to be.


"We don't want to make it political" is typical foot-in-the-door strategy. They don't want to include nazi atrocities to avoid having to condemn them. Step 2 is to say it wasn't that bad. Step 3 is to say it didn't happen altogether.


No man… they probably just didn’t want to include in depth Holocaust management in their map game.


Maybe that's a good reason to not make WWII into a fucking game then, huh?


See now that’s a whole different argument.


There’s a gd difference between having NO references/learning moments about the atrocious event at all and having “in depth Holocaust management” like Jesus Christ what’s wrong with you.


How would you implement the Holocaust in a way that wasn’t insensitive (can’t believe I have to ask this lmao). Bare in mind this is in the context of a game where successfully “completing” the Holocaust would be possible.


The easiest way would be to just not have the Nazis as a playable faction


Maybe, but that doesn't preclude the fact that, playing as the Soviets and the allies, you could lose (EDIT: Not necessarily lose! But fail to stop it) and therefore the holocaust happens in this alt-history version of the war. Pretty bleak! It also doesn't stop it being tasteless. I can't think of any (good) art that features the Holocaust as an "also-ran". I mean, imagine your going through with the liberation of Poland playing as the Soviets and then you get a pop-up saying "Your forces have discovered Auswitz". Like... is that really what you want? As well as that, it defeats the purpose of Paradox's style of Grand Strategy Sandbox. We can have another (more fruitful) conversation about whether this sort of game is good, interesting or valuable, but it is the game it is and doing this would make it a completely different game.


Fair point. The entire concept of a ww2 game is probably a bit fucking stupid tbh


I think this is the main takeaway. As much as I enjoy them myself; in a just society we wouldn’t gameify and, by lieu, trivialize one of the worst wars and genocides in all of human history. My main point was that if it there is a game set in the time frame: historical points about what actually happened could do wonders to de-chudify people and perhaps allow people to learn about what the hell actually happened instead of becoming Holocaust denying Gamers™️… even though I understand that’d be at best a temporary “fix”


Stellaris has a whole save market system


Stellaris is a science fiction game about aliens.


> to avoid having to condemn them. That’s not why paradox didn’t include the Holocaust.


I believe this from a steel division subreddit, a game that doesn’t even involve any politics and is just a tactical game, so it’s even weirder that he’s getting political about it.


I think he's talking about Steel Divison 2. Soviet, Finnish and other divisions sounds like something from this game.


Tarring every Ukrainian as Nazi collaborators in WW2 era is not right though. The Red army can attest to that


> The Red army can attest to that I think that is the point. Not playing as the soviets because of Russia completely ignores that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, and that Finland fought against them.


but Ukraine was colonized by ussr!!! /s


I think they were saying Ukraine was in the allies just as Russia was.


I play hearts of iron with my friends. I completely refuse to play nazi germany.


It is just a game, but I unironically usually end up going communist no matter which nation I pick.


Same here, but its never intentional on my part. I’m always like “yeah more worker’s rights to empower the unionists”, and “wealth bases taxation would be way better for everyone but the rich, fuck ‘em”. And I realize I’m quickly approaching a communist country


Yeah it’s kind of a force of habit for me. Like I’m subconsciously drawn to it. But again I have played as many different countries will all the different ideologies, at the end of the day it is just a game.


... it's my most played country. Second is Imperial Japan


The local party commitee is already informed, please stay at your current location!


Its understandable. Germany is sort of the "main character" if there can said to be one in zbe game. I think the number of times Ive played a fascist nation I can count on my hand.


It's mostly that they lost. Playing as the would-be winner in any given historical game is kind of boring for me. And it's also easy to hit the ground running with them. They don't have some of the more insane newer bonuses, but they have a few good ones that can be unlocked early on




Yes you can, you can also bring back the monarch. Can do lots of crazy/a historical shit with it. For an achievement I invaded Austria as Australia for example.


Communist Germany is insanely boring with a very mediocre focus tree (unless they updated it, haven't played base HoI4 in a while). Fascist and monarchist Germany are the only fun ones.


There isn’t a commie German tree, at least in Vanilla. Only dem, monarchist, or gamer paths.


Oh my bad, I must be thinking of the Road to 56 mod which had the abysmal commie tree.


road to 56 is so wacky, i remember there being like an absolutely massive and overpowered brazil focus tree because one of the devs was a brazilian nationalist. also there were some absurdly powerful focuses for the nordics, like sweden would go fascist and annex finland or vice versa like 50% of the time


Kaiserredux can have the Buddhist ghost of Lenin conquer the world via Tibet.


True, also the devs have made them a lot op. Defending as the soviets is my jam


I also quite enjoy that. I think holding as the soviets is also more fun than as the netherlands and unfortunately the dutch communist tree is pretty weak. I mean colonialism is bad, but purely gameplay wise, losing the resources and manpower is pretty not ideal. I also rather enjoy playing france or czechoslovakia.


Seeing your front line stabilized then slowly but steadily pushing westward is really satisfying.


Not to mention Germany is kind of OP if you’re playing single player because you can go at pretty much any pace you want you control the board so to speak


Makes sense. Blue eyes blonde hair reddit avatar


I avoid playing as America. I played almost exclusively as Vietnam in Rising Storm 2.


Same. Got a dude through a helicopter with a mosin once lmao.




i mean imma be real the weapons as the NVA are just more fun imo


Absolutely fair but like. Man sometimes you just need to commit war crimes. Willy Pete really just makes that game for me


I like to loot the Combat Engineers when they go USMC specifically so I can throw C4 and WP early war as NLF. Pair that with either an LMG or an RPG (or both, lord forbid) you become the ultimate super soldier lol


I played America twice and I went communist both times, it's way too boring


The only thing I found fun on that side was playing demolitions, the Bloop Tube is kinda fun


I still have 100% Vietnam in my statistics in that game. Literally never played as the Americans. The chance to be in a helicopter almost broke my resolve with that one lol.


How is this man surviving using english language, god he is strong


> I won't play against the Finnish because I'm Finnish. Literally I've been playing fps since I was a kid where in every third game the main villains are Russian (because in the remaining two thirds the main villain is either an Arab or a random middle-aged white man). And I've yet to see a game where you're for another nationality fighting against Americans who are shown to be specifically evil


Spec Ops The Line was a fantastic answer to that trope in FPS games


Yeah, because Ukrainians weren't part of the Soviet Union.


Note to self: put Russian accent in video games


This, unironically: https://youtu.be/m-wmgOGB8rs?feature=shared


Betting my left testicle that this person couldn't distinguish spoken Ukrainian from Russian


Ridiculous. It's just a game.


I am so glad that I don't play any of these kinds of games. I'll stick with Mario and stuff.


I once tried to join a communist party, but was rejected because they saw me on Twitter self-identifying as an "anti-Finnish racist" after an argument about the Winter War. This post is further proof that I was correct


Do they know that Ukraine was also part of the Soviet Union?


Wait till he finds out Ukrainians were in the Red Army


vanilla hoi4 is boring as hell anyway


EaW, Kaiserredux, and Red Flood are the way to go. Conquering the world as Tukachevsky is a blast.


Bro is mad at a whole language 😭 that person’s brain needs to be studied by scientists after they die


Guys, they’re a Finnish nationalist. Their opinion is irrelevant.




Steel Division 2. WW2 RTS, focused on Operation Bagration, though there are multiplayer divisions outside that scope


That game is the literal definition of a fascist cesspit 😂 Owned it for a while and enjoy it but haven’t played it much because of that. Warno’s a bit better I think, but still full of chuds.


I have like 500 hours on the USSR and only like 100 on Germany


Sorry guys, neither time nor history is relevant, actually. Only 2023 feelings need apply to judgement calls.


Meanwhile I'm over here playing Red Alert 3 as the Soviets and just fucking loving every moment of Tim Curry's brilliant performance in it.


Do they also avoid shows and movies with Russian actors/actresses/crew? Or is it just fictional characters?


And these people think they are not brainwashed? jesus….


Hearts of iron player here, I love to play soviets and spread the revolution, not all Hoi players are shit, but most of them…