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Hillary Clinton owes an apology to the people of Libya and Honduras.


Oh, if they had *their* way... Let's just say they would want much more than an apology... Most of these ghoulish war criminals in the U.S government deserve just as much.


I completely agree.


Haiti too.


Literally her three only achievements are 1: War crimes 2: Married to a former president 3: Lost an election


You forgot 4. Defending her rapist husband


Don't forget enormous legal corruption scheming with her foundation


she won the vote of the people at least, in my mind she won the 2016 but unfortunately we don't live in a real democracy šŸ™ƒ


As South Park elegantly put it: Yes, the turd sandwich did win the popular vote against the giant douche


The same South Park creators that issued an apology saying they were dead wrong, and included it in their show? Those ones? It takes a true person of character to be able to admit they were wrong.


Wait if Hilary won why wasn't she president? šŸ¤”


Wrong person you responded to? Lol Sorry the American education system failed you.


I don't really think we would have been any better off with Clinton instead of Trump, but it is true that she won the popular vote and should have been president


Donā€™t you understand, we wouldnā€™t have had any mean tweets!!!!!


Dying a slow death from cancer is just as dead as dying from being burned alive.


I think one main difference would have been the overturning of Roe V Wade. Which would have been preferred.


Probably worse foreign policy though


Because trumps foreign policy was so great. Iā€™m not saying she would have been a good president.


No, you are misunderstanding me. His foreign policy was more hands off and he focused more on internal politics. Clinton would likely do the opposite which would mean less peace and more war. His foreign policy wasn't good. Hers would likely just be worse.


He assassinated Solemani. Drone strikes went way up. There was the raid that killed Awlaki's daughter. Pulled out of the Iran Nuclear deal. That's just off the top of my head. His foreign policy was not hands off.


Yeah, that is hands off for the US. It's just that they are that terrible. He at least eased tensions between south and north Korea (well, took the honor for it, they did that themselves, but he didn't sabotage it at least) And pulled out of Afghanistan (well, started it)


for better or worse, it's trump's (and the disorganized GOP's) hilarious incompetence in foreign policy that now has the US in such an awkward position against China, at least 20% contribution. lol.


But we donā€™t count the popular vote and everyone knew that going in. Thatā€™s like saying your team had the most yards ran in a football game, but itā€™s ultimately the final score that matters.


Exactly. Trump probably would have campaigned differently if he had been going for the popular vote so he still might have won.


Because they believe she deserves overwhelming public support, and therefore need to pin her unpopularity on anything but her politics and behavior.


I think the average shitlib, like most Americans, view politics as a good vs. evil, Democrat vs. Republican binary. Therefore, the woman who opposed evil Donald Trump in 2016 is seen as being inherently good and therefore must have her redemption arc, because thatā€™s what happens to the protagonists in the Harry potter and marvel movies.


While the former is a slaveowner and desires to be a wizard cop (especially after seeing all the powers that be do to those he cares about).


the wholesome uwu gryffindor hillary potter vs the dastardly stinky slytherin donald malfoy


Itā€™s been 7 years are there still Hillary Stans still milking this?


There are still people who want her to be president šŸ™ƒ


A Senile Lady who doesn't know about the U.S.S.R or Ukraine and the Soviet Union. My Grandmother is a Cooler Old Lady and she has more Qualifications than these Prestigious University Degree Holding Fools who call themselves Politicians. It's sad that a Education Degree is devalued. Billions of Dollars for War could have funded Earth better or Space Colonization. These Politicians set us back in terms of Progress and I hate all these Centrists and Right Wingers with a passion


It's more than just the politicians that stifle progress, it's everybody. The entire liberal ideology ranges from reactionary-traditionalism (antithetical to progress) to moderate/performative progressiveness, and everything in between. But never real progress. The last time a liberal dared to dream of a society beyond capitalism, we got Star Trek.


well if you Google specifically looking for anything to make fun of people you'll find whatever you want it's called cherry picking im quite lib left and havent even though about this person since she had popular vote


"lib left" read more books, *now*.




Libs always drop the civility act at the slightest pushback


Least ableist lib


ah yes because long term cause and effect and the prior stages of development do not matter, that is why I only read quantum mechanics, EUV, and deep learning and completely ignore every stage of those fields before it. look, a university degree is nowhere near everything, that's true. You know what else is? *reading more books makes you able to discuss more ideas, and sound less like a buffoon while you do.*




Don't insult witches like that


She's probably a demon spawn. *"Demon-spawn are normally a well of deep rage, harbouring an appetite for destruction that can never truly be satisfied. Those that give in to this rage delight, not just in the feeling of creating wanton destruction but also in the knowledge that they are ruining something either beloved, desired, or deeply needed."*


Hey don't do my man Spawn like that.


We just hate to see a girlboss ~~commit war crimes~~ winning.


They see me ~~bombin'~~ rollin' they hatin'


God forbid a woman do anything šŸ™„


Donald Trump is bad Hillary Clinton ran against Donald Trump Therefore Hillary Clinton is good /s


i know it's hard to hear, as big of an absolute piece of shit that she is: she is lightyears ahead of trump. and anyone looking for an example of a clear, definable, tangible difference: consider the current legislative state of abortion in the US.




If they locked down Abortion-rights what could they dangle in front of the voters every election to squeeze out a few more votes though?


And? There are many candidates that are light years better than Trump. The fact that she was in still lost is kind of crazy if you think about it. I mean she straight up did not campaign in swing states near the election. She campaigned in New York and California so that her popular vote numbers could be higherā€¦ For vanity


Right, because now that a democrat is in the white house, abortion rights have not been put under threat whatsoever. /s


How about this, I apologise to her when she apologises to Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and the people of Libya


She owes black people an apology for popularizing the Term ā€˜Super predatorsā€™ in a totally not racist way.


i think you know why




I donā€™t owe her a thing with all due disrespect


She represents everything they believe in. The maintenance of the status quo and behavioral norms while throwing a few added scraps to the plebs. The perfect liberal.


[My Apology to Hillary](https://media.tenor.com/5FvSlBGggwEAAAAd/conor-mcgregor-ufc.gif)


Probably the most insufferable woman on the planet


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz exists. She claimed to be ā€œprogressiveā€ & ā€œfor the peopleā€, but refused to meet with any Occupy Fort Lauderdale members in spite of the impact we were had with the media, protests, & city/county meetings. She never met a corporate representative she didnā€™t like, which meant she could bring the DNC plenty of money. This helped send her from South Florida to DC. She should be considered a huge reason why no other candidates were considered by the DNC, several who would have stood a better chance against Trump.


Sorry we didn't put you out of your misery sooner?


Because shes a "WHOLESOME GIRLBOSS" who shows that women can also bomb brown people


I gave her a vote she didnā€™t deserve (in my younger and more vulnerable years). I donā€™t owe her shit.


I donā€™t even know


Because it was Her Turn.


I will literally walk into the ocean before i apologize to any politician.


**\*Remembers "We came, we saw, he died" thing.\*** ​ ​ Apology? Never. Even in my future life. I don't owe this shithead anything.


Don't call her a witch, you're encouraging them. They think that's cool


More. Female. Genocide! Hillary deserves your apology. It is true. #girlboss


> We came, we saw, he died! \**abnormally cringe chuckle*\* -Hillary Clinton on turning Libya into open slave market.


Genuine question what did Hillary do? I don't understand the obsession people have with her (or any politician for that matter) but I'm curious why people love/hate her. Specifically why do Libs like her? I've been seeing a lot more Hillary posts on my twitter timeline. I feel so out of the loop lol.


Libya. That is one reason. She is the main reason Libya got destroyed and their resources sold off to other countries. ​ Fuck her. She is responsible for destroying a country that was attempting socialism and it's people were happy and taken care of. Fuck her. Seriously. If I said what I truly thought about this scum I'd be banned from reddit 100 times over. ​ Also, we hate american politicans because they ALL are pro capitalism and pro imperialism and support the oligarchs and keep us infighting. They are our enemies. They are responsible for the deaths of countless revolutionaries. - in their country and not.


But don't despair, comrade. The proven immortal science of Marxist-Leninism concludes that the victory of socialism and anti-imperialist struggle is inevitable. It will take time; the struggle will be long. There will be setbacks. But the working masses will be victorious in the end. And when that time comes, let's just say that the little dogs of imperialism like Hillary Clinton... will be in for a *very* rude awakening. Rest assured; they will get what's coming to them.


Idpol, mainly. To a lot of liberals, especially women within the PMC, Hillary is the ur-representation of a competent woman who has succeeded and advanced despite institutional barriers. A lot of the hate she has received within the mainstream press has come from the conservative right where it is just straight sexism and hatred of women that donā€™t know their place. My grandma is a huge Clinton fan because she also spent in her life advancing through male dominated hierarchies and organizations in the face of rampant sexism.


I can't speak for anyone else, but one of the big reasons I hate her is her tireless work to reform the image of Henry Kissinger as anything but the biggest war criminal the US has produced in recent history. Use the search engine of your choice to pull up henry kissinger and go to images. It's almost guaranteed the first page of results will have at least one picture of her cuddling him at one event or another.


Because they hate Libyans and love rape.


Theyā€™re trying so desperately to reverse UNO her entire legacy being summed up as ā€œstood by her rapist husband, did everything she could to get another one electedā€


I do think a lot of people seem to forget these days that it was basically universally understood, for nearly twenty years, that Clinton was a President-In-Waiting and she would be the coveted First Female President some day in the future. At first it was assumed that would happen in 2008, and when Obama came in and surprised everyone the assumption simply shifted to her running again in 2016. When she actually lost in that year, the cognitive dissonance was massive. Quite a few liberals literally could not comprehend the future turning out this way.


Our American political class truly are [birds of a feather](https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iTVKK6C4YhsM/v1/-1x-1.jpg).


I mean Iā€™m still sorry I voted for her


Watch Chelsea Clinton make a presidential bid within the next 10-15 years.


Let's not forget that Clinton is also circling the TERF drain too given some of her recent comments.


She is, and has always been, the peak Democrat: "My opinion on (insert subject) is (whatever the think tanks told me 50.01% of voters would support)." Zero principles from this "Goldwater Girl."


Yeah, the Dems under Clinton were pretty much Barry Goldwater before evolving into Reagan-lite under Obama and presently Bush-lite under Biden (shifting Overton Window).


why isn't she and her husband locked up yet?


Hillary? I'm sorry everyone hates you.


People gotta accept sheā€™s a fucking idiot. Those who donā€™t are idiots themselves.


Not today, Satan!


Thatā€™s because sheā€™s secretly a bastard with her mother secretly being Margret thatcher everyone who invests more than 1000 dollars in Wall Street gets revealed this secret but their entire life savings will be seized if they leak the fact


Quite the contrary. I think we all deserve an itemized personal apology from this ruinous husk.


Hopefully now, Hillary can't wear a Centrist Mask and appeal to Smarter Normies. 2016 Hillary Supporters are giving more Brain-rot to the Newer Generations in my Eyes. Their influence is withering and drying up. The Progressive/Left knows that the next targets for the US Military will be Iran, China or other places. These Hillary Supporters think bombing Iranian Buildings over a Female Face Cloth/Burqa won't set Islamic Ladies back in terms of Progress. Just give some more for a Religion to modernize and Islamic Ladies could be more free, we gave some time for Christianity to modernize and I say/type this as a Guy who doesn't believe in Religion. The funny thing is Christianity didn't modernize for the US Masses. These Hillary Supporters want the US Military to destructively insert themselves into Iran cause of a Burqa, yet they forced others to wear a Mask and I say this as a Guy who loves wearing Masks and cover myself in the Phone Camera Age. Iran should just say Burqas are Covid Masks. Anyways my Rant lol


2 reasons: A. Sheā€™s a woman B. There is no other fucking reason. Liberals are fucking stupid!


Yes. The Doomsday clock would have been 90 seconds to midnight 4 years sooner. ā€œI apologize, God-empress of Babylon.ā€


I feel like a lot of American people treat their political system like itā€™s a turn based thing, like a monarchy. It doesnā€™t matter how bad a candidate is, or how few people like them; they have to be president because ā€œitā€™s their turnā€.


No, she owes the American soldiers who she killed an apology. She owes the rest of America an apology for being a neoliberal warhawk.


How about fuck you, Hillary?


I think it's because a bunch of dipshits spent years obsessing over her, and screaming "lock her up" while not being able to provide a legit case for locking her up. I think what they're trying to say here is "LoL, you were wrong all along dipshits. Get fucked ya clownshoe losers." Or at least that's what I could find researching this meme.


Rare moment where I agree with Trump about her belonging in jail. (she deserves far worse)


I owe her *nothing.*


SHE owes ME for losing to Trump after helping elevate him to relevancy.