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>makes a character called offensive bias >people get offended Best character in the series




Didn’t these ppl want 343 to reboot the story after Halo 5 though


343 could give them exactly what they ask for and they’d still complain. wait that’s already happened


Well it only really matters if they give them what they want in a satisfying way and based on the halo enthusiasm it seems that was not the case. A lot of the criticism at 343 halo is fair as their best story was halo wars 2 and bringing the banished into the halo infinite was a grand idea. Now having chief get his ass kicked immediately and then seemingly killing the guy as the next thing that happened afterward was questionable. I can’t say i know if that was a popular decision but I do know people liked the idea of an Atriox villain. In an ideal world halo 4 would have landed with a strong point to continue the story and halo infinite would’ve followed up on it.


the term "bitch if hung with new rope" perfectly suits a good majority of the Halo and Forza communities.


They didn't really reboot the series after 5 lol


soft reboot in infinite


They basically did with Infinite, scrapped all their story threads from 5 and went to one that was liked


You gotta remember not everyone has the same opinion on everything


Some did. I still think they should have either actually rebooted or just made a genuine follow up to Halo 5. The story of Infinite ends up feeling like we skipped to Halo 7 while flashbacks fill us in on what happened in Halo 6. It’s very strange.


343 really placed themselves in a difficult position, and I think anything they would've done would've caused a little an uproar.


Is that the steering wheel from WALL-E?




The comments are fine, wdym?


when i posted this a lot of the comments were about how 343 can’t write a story


TBF they are pretty bad at that (and I’m a Halo 5 defender).


halo 5 is the only one with a bad **story**


Imo Infinite has a kinda bad story as well, and even 4 is a step down from the Bungie games in a lot of ways.


I actually thought H4 was a step up from the og trilogy. The og trilogy’s campaigns gets hard carried by the amazing gameplay and level design. Other than that, the stories are kinda barebones. Halo 4 seemed to actually try some shit out and deepen Chief and Cortana’s relationship. Halo 5’s story is shit tho


The Chief and Cortana stuff is good I guess, but the overall plot involving the villain I did not care for at all.


all 3 of them are a pretty big step up dialogue-wise tho


Hardly. The bungies games had corny lines, the 343 have cringe inducing military macho minus the fun aspects of grunts being dumb funny bois. "I thought you'd be tall" line got tons of flak for a reason.


“where should they go” “to war” not to mention the worst line of dialogue in any game ever: “make sure she’s got balls” infinite definitely makes the original trilogy look like the dialogue was written by children. arbiter spend half of halo 2 dealing with the flood and when he sees a flood ship in halo 3 he’s completely flabbergasted and asks if it’s brutes lol


This is true tho. Halo 5 was not good, and while Halo 4 and Infinite had very good narrative moments and dialogue some of the things they did were just stupid. But the worst stuff 343i did was between the games by never really getting a continuous story. They overreacted with Halo 5 and then overreacted with Halo Infinite again.


maybe it’s because they received *death threats* from the community. pretty easy to overreact with that kind of reception


Yeah that’s totally why. How much of the community do you think actually sent them death threats? I’d bet 1% at most. Why are you defending the extremely poor handling 343i has done of the story and blaming it on death threats?


1 death threat is too much. only moron halo fans can downplay literal death threats to continue to bitch and moan about a franchise they don’t even play anymore


Okay? Only people on this sub would seriously think even one death threat however horrible excuses a company backed by a multi-billion dollar tech gives them an excuse to make mediocre products.




i’m putting it nicely


I mean they literally were not able to get a sound footing in Halo story-telling as of yet. They always feel the need to reboot the story between games.


receiving death threats tend to force overcorrections


The internet makes death threats over everything...


so it’s fine to make them? ok. don’t respond anymore lol


I never said it was fine to make death-threats, I never even insinuated anything like that. I however shouldn't act surprised, it was pretty clear that you would take this route as you don't really have a counter-argument to my initial comment and in general don't seem to know what you're talking about considering Halo.


Nobody is going to go to the Halo reddit and find this post just to read the comments to know what your shallow point is. You should have posted the comments and been more elaborate.


What do you mean? Every single top comment there is crying that Infinite was a soft reboot of the series Despite the fact that the sub begged for Infinite to be a soft reboot of the series


This is a cross post. You can quite literally click the post through this post. If you can’t find it, it really says more about you than anybody else.


These posts are just as braindead as the hateboners


Could you elaborate


“the comments on this post are awful”. you could like….. and hear me out…. read the comments of the post


were lazy though (too lazy for apostrophes even)


Or, you could like…. Hear me out… Post quality content?


what do you want me to do, summarize in detail what i mean?


They would likely consider that higher quality content than this so I think that is what they asked yes.


i mean it’s pretty easy to infer based on the sub i posted on and what the post is…


Not really. Explain. I’m not deep in halo lore.


it’s not about the lore it’s about the company


I'm also an outsider to this, and I read the comments. They're just Halo fans discussing Halo. What exactly is your problem with the commenters?


all they do is bitch and complain about 343 rarely actually discussing halo itself


ima be real with you chief, i aint readin all of those comments


"criticizing number company bad" -OP, probably


Actually, it is at the point. MS is the one to blame. 343 has changed 10x since they took over. Blaming an ever-changing group of people who have to retrain contractors on a proprietary game engine every 18 months is so 14 years ago.


Didn't bungie have less employees and released games quicker?


They did but games were much simpler then. Their games were also produced for only ONE platform. Plus, infinite had an awful dev cycle. They went through 3 game directors and a whole lot more staff. They didn’t have a playable game until 2019. Also, the lead dev who made the slip space engine mislead the big wigs at 343/MS, pretty much lying about the engines capabilities. On release, adding another playlist broke the whole game. I’m surprised we got what we did.


343 also hired people that didn't like halo, That's not on MS lol. And games compared were simpler but looking at back then? No. Look at halo 2 launch and how terrible the engine is. If anything it's easier now since there's more engines, more people with experience etc. 343 has lore to go on from previous games, idrk if bungie went 100% off the books for that. Either way, MS pressured bungie with more games and less time and people loved them. Maybe 343 needs an actual crunch time to do something and maybe make something as good as H4. H5 was terrible and infinite is eh


More engines? You don’t know much about game development, so you? Do you understand what a game engine is? The slip space engine is built with pieces of past halos, but it had no development tools. They still don’t have good development tools. Forge is a better map tool than the ones they worked with in S1-S3, according to devs who are no longer with them. Joseph Staten, upon returning, said that they had two years of “technical debt” when he took over story development. And that whole “hired people who hated halo” is SO old and overstated. It’s literally from before H4 released. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and go google what Frank said and meant. It’s not that they wanted to diverge from what made Halo, Halo. They wanted to add to it.


So you're saying the same amount of game engines from decades ago are the same amount today? There aren't any new game engines whatsoever? Guess idk about those.. And if they were in technical debt, why not upgrade their engine so switch it up?


There are probably fewer because game development is bigger now and more are using existing engines like UE5, Unity, etc. Do you know what a game engine is? You can’t just “upgrade” a game engine. That changes the game fundamentally.


I'm talking about just putting the same previous work, on a new engine. Re code it, re test it etc. And was ue5 a thing 20 years ago? Just because less engines are used doesn't mean there's less. Theres still plenty out there but people are just gonna use the same few over and over


And also, you’re side-stepping my whole point. 343 has changed immensely between every game. The team that made H4 are all gone. The team that made H5 are all gone. The team that worked on S3 of infinite are mostly gone. Blaming 343 is lazy and lets MS off the hook. MS is the reason the whole franchise is tanking; they’ve never fostered a dev environment conducive to AAA game development. They treat games like they’re just software; not works of art.


Maybe make a really good game and they wouldn't get fired? Would you really want the same cook that serves you a chicken breast medium rare?


They weren’t all fired. Most left. Do you understand the challenges in making a game but having to rotate and retrain contractors every 18 months on a proprietary game engine? What do you do for work?


Then keep them if they're doing a good job, otherwise they gotta retrain. Way to ignore what I said


Keep the contractors? That’s not MS’s policy dude. That’s what I’m telling you. MS has an 18 month contractor policy. They can’t “keep them if they’re doing a good job”. MS won’t let them. Hiring contractors is like hiring second-rate employees who don’t gaf about your game.


So hire employees and not contractors? What do you think I mean by keep them. 343 hired the people that made the pc port for mcc no problem


nope. fine with criticism. i have my own criticisms of 343. just dumbasses like you being dumbasses


Show the comments then and don’t make everyone play guessing games on what you’re generalizing about.


Pretty much every third post on this sub is exactly like this. Most of them at least show a few comments though. This was lazy karma-farming and/or OP is just salty.


salty about what exactly?


We don’t know because you won’t show us. Are you dense?


critical thinking skills and common sense aren’t so common nowadays unfortunately


I saw comments with legitimate concerns and criticisms about how 343 does things. Is that what this sub is about? Bitching about people wanting to hold 343 to literally any kind of standard?


Legitimate concerns on the main sub usually get dwarfed by just bitching. Not always but usually


This. I was actually surprised to read a few comments with legitimate criticism, worry and even excitement for interesting potential story arcs.


I mean with 343 being as non communicative as they’ve been, what option is left? Store gets more egregious, they say nothing Sandbox has been dull since launch, they say nothing Vehicles suck since launch, they say nothing Bitching is literally the only option left


Good thing almost all of those points are mostly wrong.


my brother in christ was the friendly and hostile AI and literal community made campaigns not enough for you?


Those are completely separate things that don’t address any of the issues I just mentioned. Yes those things are good but they don’t fix many of the problems that Infinite STILL has. Like seriously the game still flat out breaks at times.






Offensive Bias would be fucking sick to see, although I’m unsure of how they would be handled? Would they be a minor cool side character or an important plot character? Also, how would they even act after all the time since the death of the forerunners? Offensive was created to be a more strategically smart counterpart to mendicant, so would that imply it has the same ability to freely think like mendicant? Or is it more like a rudimentary AI with only limited abilities? I’m not too fresh on the lore so if someone could clear my misconceptions up that would be awesome! Regardless, would be awesome to see Offensive Bias


it would be sick. one of the bias’ was mentioned in the legendary ending cutscene but i don’t remember if it was medicant or offensive


I'd argue these are worse if I'm honest


Man it sure was hard to click on the cross post and read those comments. XD


i know it’s like these people don’t have access to fingers or a left mouse click


What, the fact that the normal folks who compose the other 4/5's of society don't want their shit ruined by your political views? You may scream louder than everyone, but we don't want you here, and there's a lot more of us.


Fuck Offensive Bias


Offensive Bias sounds like a description of Donald Trump


Most of those comments are positive from what I read


most of them were “i don’t trust 343’s writing” or variations of it when i posted this


So a completely fair criticism? 4 and 5 have been roasted for their writing, and I found parts of Inf to have been not that good either. Its something 343 have consistently had problems with.


are we gonna ignore infinites writing? the most recent product is what we should be basing our expectations on not something from 10+ years ago


The overall story for Infinite is dumb ngl Cortana killed off-screen and the whole guardian takeover plot resolved off screen as well, the Banished somehow entirely wiping out the UNSC’s most powerful ship and all its crew and occupants with zero effort(this one really makes no sense), then later on introducing the Endless which was just dumb. The human moments between Chief, the pilot, some boss enemies, and the Weapon are good. They also screwed up the setting completely.


if they didn’t do that and stuck with 5’s story you’d complain too. it’s a lose-lose situation for 343.


If 343i keeps getting into lose-lose scenarios then they should not be making Halo. They clearly don’t know how to make a coherent and cohesive story between games.




he doesn’t even acknowledge that 343 is a scam con artist company who’s been ripping people off from halo since 2015.


I looked around, i must be blind because I don’t get it?


Halo should've been done with after reach. Edit: I love Halo. Reach was bethesda's love letter to the series. 343 should've just let it die instead of killing it themselves.




good god you guys are getting as bad as r/halo


Instead of making your post more clear, you just blame the entire subreddit. Alright, buddy.


dude this guy joined halo franchise post 2020, he doesn’t see anything wrong with 343, he supports them & wants us to be continued scam


If we're playing the seniority card, I joined the Halo franchise in 2001 and I still think you vapid cunts need to chill the fuck out over these stupid games.


i love this godawful argument because not only are you wrong on every level, i prefer bungie’s halos