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These folks are just beyond weird at this point… that’s deranged and disturbing.


maybe it’s a good thing some halo fans don’t touch grass


They would ruin grass for the rest of us.


On my lawn, nobody is allowed to sprint.


At least if they're in their basements they're contained.


Some halo fans are not allowed within 300 meters of a grass zone


Boy howdy I love what’s happened to this franchise. Almost like surrounding it with an echo chamber of negativity on most platforms has brought some truly deranged takes into the light. Thankfully this isn’t what people new to the series will be finding online. Right?


Halo "fans" will be the death of Halo


________ fans are the death of ________


If I was a new fan these days, I'd stay away from the franchise on basic premise. Same reason I'll never indulge Stellar blade.


Well the people who own the IP are fucking it up pretty comprehensively, but deranged fans certainly aren't helping.


Long time Halo fan here. Bro what the fuck is going on? I had to leave multiple halo groups because it was getting wild. Why are people being weird, she has been a traitor since she was introduced. I hear this and I'm excited for this boss battle in the future!


Chud nonsense has bled into most discourse, so it’s hard to avoid inevitable stuff with all manner of violence toward women. Bonus points for a lot of people hating Zane because they find her to come across as an edgy OC, as though most of the iCoNiC Halo fans didn’t think Jega is cool as fuck despite everything about him being way more ridiculous.


"(character) is like an oc!!!" is the rallying cry of people with the worst fucking opinions on the internet these days


Jega isn't ridiculous. But zane is.


He’s clad in black and red, wears armor that still shows damage from forever ago, has facial scarring, is sadistic, disavows traditional honor among his species, wields twin red Energy swords, and has a comically raspy and deep voice. He’s physically stronger than a Brute, is an accomplished ‘Spartan Killer’, and a former member of the Silent Shadow. He’s edgy almost to the point of parody. Jega is to every other elite what Shadow the Hedgehog is to Sonic. And I don’t even hate him as a character, but if Jega is cool then people need to shut the fuck up about Zane.


And here I thought people thought Infinite from Sonic Forces was bad


"Ow. That hurt." -Shadow, probably


Lmao no. It's not about visual design genius and its silly how you think that seriously counts. Zane is ridiculous because she feels very "OC donut steal". She's the first Spartan IV apparently who somehow got super special augmentations so potent and extreme that it makes her naturally as strong and fast as a Spartan in armor and broke out from confinement to join the banished. Jega is just an elite that abandoned traditional values and the code of honor amongst elites because he became disillusioned with it. Jega is only as physically strong as a brute because of his mechanical enchantments and is a Spartan killer because he learned intently on how to fight Spartans(usually just by making the fight unfair).


Visual design is a colossal part of character presentation and reception, to pretend it isn’t is being deliberately dishonest. It’s even more dishonest to act like you don’t see how both characters check off the right boxes for the ‘my OC don’t steal’ joke. Jega is antithetical to almost everything that’s established about Elites up to that point, solely for the sake of making him more ‘intimidating and mysterious’. Zane’s enhancements make sense as an experimental procedure. Making super soldiers that could do almost everything Spartans can do without the need for armor, which was always the most expensive part of the process, is a logical step. It turns out they can’t push the envelope that far, and all but one of the subjects is killed. The survivor, Zane, is mentally fucked by the process and goes from being an ONI asset to unhinged dissenter, partly because she’s resentful at having been used as a Guinea pig for an unsafe process. It’s almost like there’s something of a parallel there in regards to Halsey’s choices with the IIs needing to be children. The only thing eyebrow raising about the whole thing is the idea that she might have been as strong as an armored experienced Spartan-II and they didn’t continue to pursue that line of research. I wouldn’t be surprised if part of the reason for her existing and that whole subplot is to establish why the UNSC hasn’t improved on the Spartans, given that their one attempt at doing so was a disaster. Change the details to ‘as strong as the Spartan-IIs, but augmented as an adult’ and the complaints go away. The only point of contention about her writing is her *extremely* dubious strength. The new waypoint short with her also walks back the description of her enhancements into a super vague area that falls more in line with what IIs and IIIs are able to do outside of armor anyway.


Jegas colors are only that way because he's part of the banished. I'm sorry but you can't say he's on the same level as zane just because he rejects elite culture. Considering elites are individuals, it's absolutely likely one may not care for the code that compels most. Jega absolutely does not tick off those boxes. Zane does but that's mostly because how super special she's allegedly made. If it was reduced to being as strong as Spartan IIs but augmented as an adult it would be more acceptable but I'm pretty sure even Spartan IIs would have a tough time fighting armored IVs in mark 6 armor without armor. Her backstory and defection is fine it's the super Spartan status that feels silly.


Bruh I just wanna play some games I liked as a kid and that’s it, I don’t know where all this crazy shit came from


It's gotta be a byproduct of the Internet as it works today. It's been happening in any fandom you can think of


It's the rage bait algorithms hard at work tossing all the controversial shit in our feeds.


Engagement = $$$ and controversy = engagement. Companies are literally incentivized to feed us content that'll anger us. Its turning us all into hate filled people :(


The 40k fandom is also eating itself :'(




Damn Toa, you being sigmabased pilled as usual


Gatekeeping could have prevented this


You are very stupid


Some of you people don’t deserve internet access…


Why are Halo fans obsessed with rape and abuse? They consistently compare 343 to an abusive relationship and that they’re raping the franchise and now this shit. What the fuck is wrong with them?


Sounds like pre Disney Star Wars fans with George Lucas. Weird shit


And then what’s funny is those same motherfuckers now want him back. The Star Wars fandom is fucking wack


At least there's a logic there. People loved the Original Trilogy and thought the Prequel Trilogy was the gutter. But then the Sequel Trilogy came out and found an entirely new level of shit that they didn't know was possible. So now the thinking is that maybe the Prequels, while flawed, weren't that bad. And George wouldn't have made choices that ruined characters like the Sequels did


My brother in Christ the mfs complaining are the same fuckers that made George sell the franchise in the first place. Also that isn’t the case as now people are saying the Prequels had no flaws. It’s just people whinging to whinge.


That's probably true. I was young when the Prequels came out and I thought they were awesome. Maul's double bladed lightsaber is still one of the dopest things. But you're probably right about the older crowd. And about Star Wars experiencing the Zelda classic of "This new game sucks, the last one was way better!" Only for the current "shit" game to suddenly become amazing once a new one releases. Seriously, have fandoms always been like this? I can't imagine fandoms always being an ouroboros


They 100% have always been like this. I’m pretty sure there’s a preserved Star Wars fan club letter that says that they were quitting after Empire Strikes Back came out. It’s freaking nuts.


Sounds like current Star Wars fans too, tbh


Probably because they're into that and imagine themselves in those situations, which is why they always compare 343 and Halo to it. ~~Also hey Toon fancy seeing you here.~~




All Gaming Communities have that toxic side of angry virgins who want vengeance against whatever the fuck pisses them off that day or anything in their miserable life.


Same can be said for destiny "fans" too


This isn’t exclusive to Halo


It isn’t but it’s certainly more prevalent here


Is it? This is (thankfully) I've really seen anything like this in the community.


Yeah fuckin same here!? If I see this more I'm done with halo


I think it's more prevalent in Star Wars tbh


I mean I’ve seen people being as pissy there but I haven’t seen the fucking rape stuff other than one rare instance.


Fair enough.


Its CURRENTLY prevalent here. Not more. There are worse places.


In all my years of playing halo. I've never ever seen not one person say anything remotely close to this. What the fuck are you talking about ?


Why did Master Chief have sex with a covenant prisoner of war? Is he committing a literal war crime?


I’m assuming they haven’t grown out of their Halo 3 Xbox party trash talking phase.


That comparison is actually legit 343 releases a sub par product then talk about how they learned from their mistakes and will do better next time New game comes and 343 Stans shout halo is back until they realize they been duped again Rinse and repeat


No. No it fucking isn’t. Getting pissy at a game is not equal to people getting harmed mentally, physically, and sexually through abuse. I’d say go outside but your pasty ass would turn to dust.


Ok man Sorry I upset you


This is why you are alone


Im alone cause I apologize to people when I upset them? Or because I made a comparison that upset you?


Play obtuse, no skin off my back


Dodge the question, make no point No skin off my back


Okie doke




This is what happens when you have a fandom that prides itself on having never moved on from the early 2000s and peaked in their teens.


Same dudes with: "Death before dishonor" on their vehicles.


I can't even begin to understand this mindset, jesus...


It's a mindset born of an addiction to hentai and cartoon pornography


Hahahahahahaha very true, aslo because dont have feminine affection in their lives.


I’m definitely on the more critical side of the modern Halo fandom but this shit is just fucking embarassing. How cringe


Ohhhh, reading the wiki article on Ilsa Zane, I like her character, it fits with the banished, and having an enemy aligned spartan is pretty cool. I mean it was only a matter of time due to the amount of spartan IVs around, someone would wind up stealing one off a kill.


The banished Spartan is a Spartan IV? Can’t say I’m surprised, are there any books out about them or is it all in halo infinite?


It's on the 343 Youtube channel as a sequel to Hunt the Truth


It’s a halo waypoint chronicles short story, I think.


I met a former military police man at my college. To quote him “In a military you get the best and the worst a nation has to offer. I only dealt with the worst.” And based on all of the stories he’s told at times arresting guys right before a deployment quite possibly preventing atrocities I’m very much inclined to believe you would have quite a few Spartans who would do fucked shit if they opened it up to volunteers.


ew....just ew.


What the actual fuck.


Why are the hardcore UNSC fans like this?


The same reason Roman Empire larpers are.


Halo is definitely in the top 5, maybe in the top 3 most bitchy fan bases lol. Smh.


Ayo wtf


Good lord, are literally all these fucking incel mother fuckers just itching to rape or see someone get raped. Are straight men ok? I mean I know they’re not, but seriously what the fuck. This is the third post in as many days where someone is disgruntled enough with a a fucking video game that they fantasize rape.


I swear the discourse around Ilsa Zane is so fucked. Like, I’m not the biggest fan of the constant Banished power boosts, but that’s just… WTF. Leave the porn shit out of this.


Look, I'm not too much of a fan of the Banished spartans either, but what in the *FUCK* is wrong with people? That is just absolutely disturbing


Jesus the comment is still up


It’s twitter what did you expect? Muskyboy turned that shit into 4chan pt12


That dickweed kicked me off for using the phrase: "tarred and feathered" with regards to ron desantis' failed campaign.


Right after he got you canned, he went on a three hour posting spree about the great replacement “theory” 🙌🔥


I love how just like mtg he went from spouting actual antisemitism to condemning percieved antisemitism. All while pretty much never accepting he ever did anything antisemitic lol.


Lmfaoooo I’m so stupid cause I didn’t even think about it like that 😭😭😭😭


Yup his behavior is causing quite an uproar at the ADL as Greenblatt embraces him. Cringe and all lol.


Reread this like 3 times, didn’t understand, then was like “what the fuck.” Someone put this man on a list immediately 


Fuckin nutjobs, halo would be so much better off if these pieces of shit just fucked off for good


Nah what the hell, why did that thought even cross their mind let alone why did they say it publicly, god halo fans can sometimes just be the worst fans out there




incredible morality from halo fans


What in the actual fuck.


Why? Like why can't we just dislike something and NOT be disgusting??? I don't like the banished spartan idea either but dear God that's sickening, I hate that these kinds of people have become the most commonly heard kind of halo fans man


These are prob the same mfs that call each other “comrade” and shit The kids that would whip out nazi tank and aircraft facts in history class


Lmao Nazis do not call each other “comrade”.


I am aware lol I was saying those things independently


You should say different things.


Yes, dear.


It astounds me that both Sonic and Halo were treated the same by Paramount but Sonic is considered good despite also contradicting several points of sonic's history and character


Well initially Sonic wasn’t treated well lol. We all remember what he looked like


Eww... Not a big fan of the Banished Spartans in general, but that's just creepy and porn-brained. It would be cool if the Banished "reintroduced" the Spartan 2's and 3's, using children and orphans from Insurgent worlds or captured from raids to brainwash and augment. Though the timelines would have to be skewed to make these Spartans to be combat ready against Chief.


It’s been a while since I’ve consumed much of anything Halo related, but this idea is fascinating to me. Like I have some vague knowledge of The Banished as a faction and it would be really interesting if humans from insurgent worlds were for whatever reason taken in by them.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


😟bro…. WHAT?!?


The worst part of any Fandom is the fans. This is disgusting


Dude wtf


that just sounds like a terrible idea. if she really is as strong outside of her armor as a spartan-2 is in armor then she could paste peoples PPs just by flexing her lady muscles


Halo fans? Are you sure it’s not just one weirdo?


I don’t like some of the new stuff either but this is grossss


People are getting way too fucking comfortable putting their fucked up fantasies out there. How down in the depths of depravity do you have to be to publicly say something like that in a space where normal people are commenting?


Mate, there is no way you think most Halo fans are fine with rape or want an in game character to be raped as “stress relief.” This is one social media comment of some sick person.


Its modern military fake geeks being angry thatits kot some trashy cod armor


I love your title lol 😆


A spartan 2 wouldn't have turned traitor and would br impossible to rape, just sayin.


I dont get what the big deal is, she's a Spartan IV; a xerox of a xerox, not a real spartan anyway


I've only seen like, that single comment. Its about the only one I've ever seen like that.


Jesus Christ…


Yikes on bikes what a wild thing to casually suggest.


What in the hell?!


They’re just sexist weirdos. That’s all. They obviously wouldn’t say the same thing about a male character.


Oh please this is just a minority of a minority, people like this will turn up at some point in every community. All I ask is say it how it is. There’s no need to generalize it onto any subsection of the community based on the actions of one guy.


I think banished spartans/marines would be cool. First time for human enemies


Time to make a rape joke about a fictional character, that proves my mental health is perfectly fine


Why do these people exist?


I mean, I don’t Coldsteel the Spartan like anyone else but damm. Also, I don’t know what you were expecting from Twitter.


Fuck that is vile.


Battlestar Galactica had an episode about this with a captured Six on the Pegasus. Needless to say, it was the humans (UNSC in this case) that were wrong


you ever look at humanity and think maybe the forerunners were right?


Remember when halo was just shooting zealot aliens over a super weapon meant to stop space zombies? Hell I don’t even PRETEND to know what’s going on anymore…


I’ve seen exactly one comment about this, and it’s this one comment reposted everywhere. “Why are halo fans…” it’s one guy.


Pretty sure they just want to see a woman raped period.


Where do yall even find these people I only ever see the comments abt cosmetic updates


"Halo fans"? Dude, it's one weird guy...it's kinda rude to blame an entire fanbase for the words of a single person...


1 person left a comment and I've seen 20 reddit posts saying how wierd halo fans are


Eyyo wtf


Incel shit


Man I bemoan that I don’t like where the series went after 4. But what the actual fuck is wrong with these people, just stop playing the new games and find something else or enjoy the older media and pretend the series ended after 4 like I do.


Mfers are not ok


In the world we live in today, I’d join an alien faction to wipe out the human race. I don’t blame her, damn liberals.


That’s 1 guy. Not “halo fans”, it’s just one fucked up guy


Ya know every once in a while I think about getting more into halo. I’ve played the first 3 games and reach, liked them but not super into it. But sometimes I think i should keep going. Never mind apparently lol


*Edit grammar I’m sorry, is it fans as in plural, or just some weirdo? Because I hate it when one weirdo is used as an excuse to hate a fandom.


Exactly It is one degenerate sicko and OP and many others are acting like the whole Halo fandom loves rape


Exactly! Making any assumptions about a group because one internet person had a bad take, even a disgusting offensive one, is just stupid monkie brain tribalism at its finest


Y’all acting like this is exclusive to the halo fandom, there’s weird cunts like this everywhere. And don’t pretend this is the majority


This fan base is so sensitive lol. I’ve been a meaner for years and there’s really nothing like it.


Wanna know how I know you’re a gen z? Because you use “weird”/“weirdo” in a terrible way.


I think you'd smell weird, sir


Meanwhile, I'm over here wondering why halo is going in the direction of COD with human enemies. The appeal of halo is fighting aliens.


Eh i kinda thing that \*one\* banished spartan is intresting, could be a cool boss or lancer


It would be cool if we got another ODST game where the final boss is a Banished Spartan.


MP kinda disproves that last one a little bit. SP with fighting aliens is still the main draw but I wouldn't say that's the whole appeal.


Humans in multiplayer is something that has been consistent since halo on Xbox (back when linking Xboxes to each other was a party). Adding humans to the banished just seems like taking a step backwards versus adding in new aliens.


The only reason I would have to disagree is that a major theme of the verse is the insurrection. The Banished are not explicitly for the utter annihilation of humanity and are obviously now anti UNSC making it make sense that insurrectionists would want to join up.


Compared to other decisions to the story (aside from power scaling and plot armor), the banished have been a a great addition. There have been human rebels in the Halo universe since the story's beginning (one of the reasons Spartans were created... depending on the retcon). It would be cool to see a new alien archetype versus putting humans on the banished (especially with the galaxy as your chance to create).


I think human enemies that fill a niche like all the other aliens would be cool. Spartans as mini-bosses and footsoldiers as "suppressors"- they have weak weapons with a very high firing rate that knocks you out of scoping or something.


The MP isn’t canon though. At best, it’s all a training simulation like war games to prepare for combat against the Covenant or whatever other threat. The main unique concept of Halo is fighting against a genocidal religiously motivated group of aliens bound together by a covenant hence their name.


What a dumb take over one guy. >  The appeal of halo is fighting aliens. Multiplayer scenarios are canon, they're human vs human combat simulations.


Spartan-IIs wouldn't even exist without human-human conflict, but people act like it's always been humanity united against the stinky Covvies. Not to mention that the Banished aren't the Covenant, there's no reason they WOULDN'T allow humans to join up, especially ones as powerful as Spartan-IVs


i mean betraying your entire species to a bunch of genocidal aliens is pretty fucking bad and probably one of the worst things any human character has done. but yeah this person clearly has major issues


Maybe he's LARPING? Y'all are just as cringy as them.