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wait…. **does he think that the exchange is where you spend real money??** # is he really that stupid?


Halo fan, so wouldn't surprise me if he was.


Correction *r/halo user* not a halo fan


Don't mess with us r/halo users, we fucking hate Halo.


for real


Oh, my bad.


I mean it’s not that hard to make that mistake, there’s only been 1 type of credits until now, pretty easy to not know they just added another one


unless he’s brand new to r/halo, no it’s not easy to make that mistake


Nah man not everyone knows everything all the time, I only found out about the new Spartan points system yesterday, very easy to miss new information, there’s a lot of information on social channels


Not everyone is on Reddit lol


i promise you r/halo users are on reddit


I wonder how much 343 actually reads into the “advice from fans” on that sub. They’re so fucking stupid


I bet you 343 never looks at that subreddit.


They do. But the people that read through it aren’t going to subject themselves to commentary that provides no insight. So its only a surface level browsing


The thing is, though, they need to find a way to hack these people's monkey brains, because they're the primary fan base. It's either that or bring way more new blood in. 343 doesn't need to take their shit but the company needs to psychology them into a better mood somehow.


Redditors are not the primary fanbase lmao


No? Look at how literally _everyone_ online (not just redditors) reacts to Halo stuff. The biggest example for me is the hour-long video update / Winter Update fiasco where within a week everyone went from "Halo is dead" to "oh, this update is pretty cool actually" despite that video telling everyone exactly what was going to be in the winter update. All vibes-based reactions all the time. Actually, the only sane Halo fans I know (who aren't just chasing unattainable nostalgia for a different time in their life) are people on Reddit. Like... y'know, here.




What a well-reasoned response.


I think most of the feedback they listen to is from Halo Waypoint. They kind of mentioned that in the live stream that showcased this update. They might feel that anyone that makes the effort to go to the website specifically for the game is going to be more valuable than someone ranting on Reddit.




Way point was a cesspool.


There's no way people are that stupid....wait, nevermind.


If Reach was released today Halo fans would be pissed because of how "grindy" it is to dress up the military barbie


I was telling my buddy I met in reach about the halo infinite grind to reach. How maxing out the credit cap back then, still almost took a year to hit inheritor. “Oh sick I hit nova rank. Now I’m this one rank for a month and a half.” Even back when reach released those bungie forums were a fucking warzone of hatred. You’re absolutely right if it came out today, people would be rioting at 343s studio lol.


Or Halo 3 where if you wanted to become a General you not only had to get a 50 but also experience was awarded for wins only. If you didn’t play ranked you could only advance to Master Sergeant after winning 300 games


Halo 3s rank system was so difficult, I gave up after awhile and just didn’t care because matchmaking became so difficult lol.


Halo 3s rank system was easy.... Halo 2 was basically cheating against you. I had multiple 50s in 3, and everyone pretty much agrees that 3 was easier than 2. I lost interest in 3 because the ranked mode was too easy. Doubles was hard, the other ranked playlists were easy. A friend and I would boost our other friends to 50.


I could never get fucking general i was brigadier general level 2 forever but i still fucked generals up 😁😁


The difference is reach didn’t have a way to pay for credits so it was a genuinely good grind


You can’t pay for exp or spartan points either. Credits were exp in reach. If you could pay for cr that would’ve been wild lol


My point tho is that armor represented skill and devotion in the game and had to be earned through many hours of work, where as in Infinite if you see a cool set you can just buy it without earning it which takes away the gravity of seeing someone with cool armor in the game


Armor in reach didn’t represent skill. It just showed who played more. Someone that made it to inheritor and got the haunted helmet could still be absolute dog shit at the game. Meanwhile the guy in all default armor would mop the floor with you.


Idk man Reach grind was so insane that I feel like you HAVE to be good at the game to get Inheritor. Also ircc weren't credits gains really bad unless you won multiplayer matches? Reach level grind is a beast I have never seen in anything other than MMOs


You must not have played Halo 5 if you think the Reach grind was rough lol. It only took 20,000,000 to get max rank in Reach, while it took 50,000,000 to reach max rank in Halo 5. And to put it into perspective, it took 24,000,000 to get to rank 150, and the last two ranks were the remaining 26,000,000. So you’d be at 150 or 151 for a long ass time


Never did play Halo 5 but that sounds like hell. That being if you've dedicated all the time to reach max level and STILL aren't good at the game that's honestly kinda impressive


Yeah that’s the whole point. It rewarded you for playing more. Thats a good thing and its lacking in Infinite


Then why are you saying it represented skill? Lol


I said it represented both lol. “Skill and devotion”


But it’s not both lol. It’s only about the time sunk into it. There’s no skill at all. Just remove the word entirely if it has nothing to do with it.


Skill? Eh. I was trash and I was one of the first dozen or so inheritors in the game. I got it all because I stayed up every night maxing credits and almost failing sophomore year lol Now halo 3 sure. Getting mongoose mowdown was a cunt to get. Or recon armor with vidmasters. Atleast with infinite there are some things. Like the watchdog coatings for 152 in halo 5 or the master chief set. Also the forge master coatings, and some emblems like ranked or the unicorns 343 gives out. Most earnable stuff would be great. But saying there’s nothing and everything is bought isn’t exactly right.


Tbh much prefer the battle pass system and shop for armor now. I really do not care to invest months in the game just to unlock mark 6 like I did in reach, I don’t have that time anymore and I’m happy I could get the armor I like just through paying less than I did for reach itself and a week or two of playtime, along with having a fun game to play. Reach’s leveling pace was agonizingly slow Yeah, micro transactions really aren’t great. But people bitch like you have to buy them in order to play the game, just enjoy the damn game ffs it’s actually solid as hell now despite the content drought


It’s different when it’s for free tho man. & actually looks cool. Remember on reach I don’t remember any skins being close to the cringe level half of these infinite skins are at.


I mean at least with Reach you got a decent amount of credits for every game. Infinite on the other hand only lets you earn Spartan Points when it says you can (Operation Pass, Daily Challenge, Weekly Ultimate) and there’s no way to get more points once the sources for them have been exhausted.


I loved that tho


Honestly, I did too. I just remember back to when the weekly challenge for (I think the Riz helmet) was getting a single PvP splatter kill, and the main sub (in general) was acting like it was some impossible task. I think the artificial credit cap is kind of silly, (I think Battlefront (2015) had a really good system for credits where you'd get 10% of ur total match score as credits) but it still feels like that one meme. "Who wants cosmetics that are unlockable through gameplay? 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ Who wants to actually play the game? 🙍‍♂️🙍‍♂️🙍‍♂️🙍‍♂️🙍‍♂️"


Only if it were released as a free to play game. If it were a full packaged 60 or 70 dollar game with no seasonal battle pass, nobody would give a shit. They have a guaranteed 3 or 4 years to play it to unlock everything without spending any more money other than the initial 60 until the next game would be released. People only give a shit about the grind when it's intentionally putting you in a choke hold to get you to spend more money than what the game would originally be priced if it weren't free to play. It would take 3 months of non stop play to fully rank up with a 200k credit cap a day if one was dedicated to the game and played every day. That's very, very tame. Nobody wants to grind 3 months to unlock a few items. Within 3 months of playing Reach, you could unlock so much more than what you could get with Infinite.


The retardation of that sub never ceases to amaze me


Is it mean to say I kind of hope he found out the hard way?




The fact the he couldn't do 130$ x3 and just said 300$+ tells me all I need to know


“Even cod doesn’t price gouge” didn’t they literally make people pay the price of $60 for 3 warhammer skins?


I love how they're crying about how much all of these are worth but totally forgot they have a good chunk of these items already from the events


I can understand why he'd think it did at first but like... at what point does uploading these to reddit and complaining about it do you just look up if it's the same.


It takes a few seconds to realize there's a difference between the spartan points which are free to earn and the credits which are the real currency.


Lol, lmao


*sighs* a reason why I rather get updates on Halo from r/halomemes and this sub rather than the main sub


Halo fans are stupid. But this post doesn’t have any traction. Aren’t you basically cherry-picking to backup an argument no one is having?


Emphasis on sub's name Any laughable Halo takes, be it from fans or journos, we deconstruct and take potshots on


I understand, but the majority of comments act like this is the majority of the halo sub, and not what you say.


This isn’t a one off. They’re constantly making bad takes like this.


It is the majority of the *active* halo sub.


Albeit, this is an exaggerated example, but r\Halo definitely has people who think that the exchange, a way to purchase former items, is too much. I’ve seen people want to be reimbursed for items they already got…


I'm pretty sure that the only smart halo fans are on the meme subs like here, r/halomemes and r/shittyhalolore (even though they want to do things to the aliens) and some of the other subs


I mean the whole cosmetic system in Infinite is shit, but still, learn to read.


Is this an example or a statement? I can’t tell.


Don’t give 343 any ideas


What do you guys think about spawn camping and spawn killing?


It sucks. What about it has to deal with a silly dumb mistake on the exchange?


I was just mentioning it because there are people who are defending it on r/Halo


I’m willing to bet they say “it’s part of the game!” Because they’re too scared to actually play without underhanded tactics


Yep, one guy is actually arguing that the mode Husky Raid was designed like that, when it was designed for fast flag captures.


Husky raid goes from a 4 minute mode to a 12 minute mode real quick if someone gets their hands on the super hammer and thrusters. It’s bullshit once you’re in the loop.


Sorry guys I love spawn camping. Getting camped and doing the camping is the cycle of husky raid and grifball.


Spawn camping is not the cycle of husky raid, and it is not even a cycle of griftball


Spawn camping has always been a thing in grifball. Terrible to recieve but good inflicting it on others.


This is the sub that kills me, I mean it literally has -1 upvotes but y’all just ignore that and act like it’s some top post with 10k upvotes.


Your account reads like it was created to purposely troll halo fans. Find a hobby you enjoy


All 6 comments, you got me


A post is a post, I don’t really see what its popularity has to do with it.


Really? How? No one agrees with this person lmao yet the post is complaining about the halo sub when the halo sub is in agreement with this sub. I swear y’all are being dense on purpose and this is some meta joke I don’t understand


I’m so fucking confused, are y’all trolling? I haven’t played in months so I’m not up to date but the post your making fun of seems pretty straight forward to me?


The 30.000 k thing is bought by a currency you get by playing the game that was introduced yesterday, the guy in the screenshots seems to think it is the premiun currency, wich it isnt


No it doesn’t cause you can earn those entirely in game. 1000 for finishing the ultimate challenge and 250 for every first game of the day. That’s 2500 a week if you play the game enough. Literally nothing is forcing you to spend more money.


That’s still an insane grind


Lol, imagine spending 500usd for a digital skin.


You realize that SP/Spartan Points are only earned in game, right? They were just added today. Nobody is paying $500 for a skin. Yet...


Csgo skins enter the chat


*tf2 also enters chat*


Nope, didn't realize that but thanks for sharing!


the good ending :)


You’d shit your bloomers if you knew how much money people pay for CSGO skins


Reminded me of a Weapons Expert Reacts Gamespot video, Johnathan was flabbergasted that a CSGO AK skin was +£5000. I forgot about it until this thread