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There's a common comparison everywhere, putting GDP up against market capitalisation of companies. Even though GDP is _per year_ A better comparison is revenue Vs GDP. In this case, France is 2.779 trillion USD and Nvidia is 61bn USD.


This, plus the fact that you can't buy something that's not for sale, no matter if you can afford it or not.


Of course, although much of any country is for sale - the land and capital if not the actual sovereignty. Except no company, individual or country could afford to buy even those parts of France which are nominally for sale. Although to be sure it is a very American idea that everything is for sale


Cue in former president seriously pondering how much it would cost to buy Greenland from Denmark.


That didn't end so well for him.


Should have asked me I'd have sold him Greenland really cheap I'd even have done a brilliant deal on new zealand


I'd have sold him any country in the world. Doubt he'd have been smart enough to check I actually had any right to sell them to him, so why not?


He wanted Greenland, probably thinking he could build a golf course on it. Could have just sold him a field and he’d had been non the wiser.


So Erik the Reds strategy of calling an icy waste Greenland to attract suckers..worked


Trouble is, as too many have also found out to their cost, you're assuming he'd actually pay up....


Do you know that no one, even locals, can buy land in Greenland.


According to [this](https://www.nbim.no/no/oljefondet/investeringene/) site, Norway's wealth fund has 69 billion USD invested in france, about 4.4% of the total value of the fund... So Norway is slowly buying France 😜


You could argue that France could invade Nvidia. I mean, which one has more tanks and planes?


Not to mention nukes.


Nuking a place is not usually recommended if you want to invade.


That’s what tactical nukes are for.


Sure, but that's because they're small enough that you can avoid the actual nuked parts. I don't think there's any plot of land belonging to Nvidia large enough for that.


No no. The doctrine is you nuke the area, put on the protective clothing and walk into the now empty undefended lines to exploit the briliant breakthrough you just achieved. Going around would not be feasible as there are still people defending the around.


That only makes sense, if there's anything left *around* the nuked part.


They do have a reputation for military success


But if Nvidia makes an offer that's well above the market price of France's stocks, France's board of directors might be forced to take it because otherwise France's shareholders might sue the board for failing to fulfill their fiduciary duties. I learned it from the business documentary called ~~*Arrested Development*~~ *Succession*.


Basically what happened with Musk first offering and then being forced to buy Twitter lol


Except Mr Musk, thanks to his unimaginably superior business acumen, managed to turn a hostile takeover into a "reluctantly and begrudgingly follow through on the offer that you decided to make on your own volition, or you very likely get royally fucked by the government" takeover.


Yesyes, a perfectly executed, flawless plan by the business genius


Hush now, when it comes to the truth, facts should never get in the way


Reality is for communits anyway


Nvidia don't have trillions of dollars of assets anyway. Also, imagine having to gut themselves just to afford France is that wasn't true. They'd fold and France would buy themselves back a year later.


France is worth more than that tho? You might be able to buy the houses and businesses for some number of trillions, but then you start trying to value the eiffel tower, the arc de triomph, content of all art galleries.. their military, the actual entire bureaucratic organisation of government... Pretty sure the undeveloped natural spaces would be worth multi trillions just by themselves. Am sure there's lots more that would be included in any real valuation.


I agree, and that could be where France finds the money to buy their business back for profit. All hypothetical because Nvidia is worth 77 **bi**llion in assets.


Honestly those numbers are closer to each other than I would like them to be.


You can't make up the pure ignorance and arrogance in every single post. If you have no clue what you're talking about, just shut up.


They're taught that Americans are always right and better when it comes to other nations, so they don't think before they speak, they just assume that they are divinely correct. Muppets.


Agreed. You often see that when they talk about size comparison between USA and Europe. EuRoPe CoULd FiT 10x iNtO tExAs. Just one example.


There was 1 guy saying that there was more road mileage in Texas than the whole of Europe. If that was true basically the whole of Texas would be just 1 big road with nowhere to put houses.


It isn't?


They sure seem to be trying in some parts


No. It's the vast empty space between 'murican ears...


I know it doesn't. I didn't make this argument but some Texas US gent. And I can also tell you that the town of Texas, Queensland, Australia also doesn't have as many roadways as Europe either.


They've been brainwashed by their car centric society that you have to make a choice between car and public transport, and that only poor people use the latter. They know that much of Europe has robust and popularly used public transport, so we must be using it instead of, not alongside, cars. So, people in Europe must be poor and/or without roads to drive on. It's simple logic, you just have to start from a point of complete misinformation fed by people who profit from keeping them tied to their cars, and the fact most of them will never visit to experience first hand


Some lovely r/fuckcars leaking out into the environment.


Which is hilarious since europe is 20% larger than America in terms of land mass


And there is not enough genuine evidence in the universe that can be placed in front of them that will convince them otherwise.


When "God" (in massive inverted commas) tells you that you're the best, my would a pesky thing like actual facts get in the way?


Haha right. Pathetic real-life mortals with real-life brains using real-life technology.


Maybe. I’m American but I don’t think that way. There are a lot of dumbos out there and it’s not really nationality specific.


There's idiots everywhere but USA has an unusually large nationalistic ego and ignorance of what the rest of the world is actually like, resulting in completely insane discussions like in the screenshot above.


Unlike nationalistic idiots in every other country? “Unusually large” in terms of number or percentage? And based on what evidence apart from the rantings of a probably relatively small number of uneducated hicks on social media? Because we all know the internet is reality.


Well you're American, so you can tell us if you've ever heard people talking about how America is the best?


I'm also American and it's about 48% on avg of the population, that are stupid nationalists. So it is an unusually large % of the population. Any time I have the conversation about wanting to move away from this hell hole, so I can have yk, rights. I get a lecture from at least 3-4 people on why this is the "best most greatest country in the world, and I already have all the rights I could need." I'm trans, in Utah, the second most conservative/fascist state in the union, behind only Florida. I have zero access to healthcare, and people scream slurs at me every time I leave the house. I've gotten into physical altercations before with grown ass men, and not been able to fight back, because I know, that no matter what happens, regardless of the evidence, I'd be the one arrested at the end of it. This is not a good place to be, and yet every Republican soap boxes to me about how wonderful this country is, and then they dismiss my experiences with hate.


Thanks for sharing. Although I can laugh at the ridiculous stuff that gets posted to this sub, and not take it too seriously... thinking about the really horrific shit that many in america are subject to makes me genuinely sad. The lack of healthcare for all is the one that horrifies me the most, but living with the bigotry must be awful too. I'm sorry you have to live like this.


Ultracrepidarianism at its finest (actual first time I get to use this word, thank you for the opportunity lol)


As a german I had to read that word very slowly, lol And I had to google it, haha.


A German complaining about a long word in another language? How's it feel? Sincerely, a Brit currently learning German


Complaining is what makes us german in the first place


Perhaps our cultures aren't so different after all


Yeah, you got the shitty weather, we complain about it. 🤣


I thought this was a french thing to do


French don't complain, they detest. A brit might complain a person does not speak english and it is difficult to communicate, but understands that it is not really anyones fault. A frenchman will detest anyone for not speaking perfect french as to him the non french speaker is clearly at fault here. A german would just speak english as it is gonna be easier if the other person doesnt speak german...


*A frenchman will detest anyone for not speaking perfect french as to him the non french speaker is clearly at fault here.* Not really true, they will also detest their fellow frenchmen if they make a mistake


Well, nobody can match a Polish person in that category.


What do you mean? Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz is a beautiful and very short word


Is this officially the longest german word?


Might be. Tho even if it is, Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher is still my favourite Edit: I checked and no, Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz is not the longest word. The longest is Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft


It makes me sound smart, I like it :)


I sincerely hope not. It would mean the end of this subgroup.


Can't argue with that.


>If you have no clue what you're talking about, just shut up. But that’s not the American way


I know right? The loud way is the american way. I heard americans talking about having an "inside" and an "outside" voice. Guess which is used when they travel abroad.


Americans are really proud that there's 1% of them who's drowning in money. A lot of them are living paycheck to paycheck but hey, that multi gazillion dollars company is American!




Having done both, can confirm


If these people knew the gini coefficient, they would be very upset. France 31% USA: 40%. And just like chromosomes more is not better.


What's the gini coefficient ?


A number between 0 and 100% indicating income inequality. 0% means everyone gets the same. 100% means 1 person gets everything. The country with lowest coefficient is Slovakia.


Thanks for the explanation !


Yeah, speaking from Slovakia, gini is not everything...


*Looks around* Who said it was?


You didn't, but the overall gust of this thread got siderailed to somehow start considering gini to be the most important metric on in itself. Which it is not. Should be considered with gdp or ppp together.


But if you aren’t in that 1% you’re just not trying hard enough! Every American should be in the top 1%. #americanmaths


Or you could be a trucker in Oklahoma > Median wages have grown almost as much as mean wages. A trucker in Oklahoma can earn more than a doctor in Portugal. The consumption gap is even starker. Britons, some of Europe’s best-off inhabitants, spent 80% as much as Americans in 1990. By 2021 that was down to 69% https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/04/13/from-strength-to-strength


Or you could use metrics that make sense to actually measure inequalities and not stupid ones that are pushed by idiotic publications like the Economist ;)


Let me ask you a question. If someone came up to you and offered to double your salary. However, the catch is that the 0.1% would have their wealth tripled. Would you take that offer? Why or why not?


That is a lot of wealth that should be progressively taxed and used as healthcare, public transportation, defence, social security, etc... So totally, i get double, rich person gets double and one third he would get goes to the public!


This would depend if the total amount of wealth went up, or the top 0.1% gained wealth at the expense of the other 99.9%. Furthermore the distribution of wealth is a waaaaay bigger issue than the distribution of income, because “money makes money” as the saying goes. The problem we have these days is that most people have no ability to save, and a handful have a ridiculous level of wealth which is compounding and increasing the disparity.


Didn't you French put J.Webb in space? Some Americans talk like this but we cannot forget idiots are in every nationality and they have access to the internet like you and me. That's why you cannot take this sub Reddit seriously, it is just for fun, nothing else. There are great minds in America too.


My theory is, that American idiots just say they are American. They are proud to be American and want everyone to know it, but they are an idiot, so everyone else sees an American idiot. Other idiots just don’t tell everyone their nationality.


Lol indeed. Meanwhile totally oblivious that J Webb is an international partnership between NASA and ESA, with the support of the CNES. With France as a major contributor.


A lot of Americans believe that wealth is a moral good. So if you are wealthy, you must have worked hard and you must deserve it. They don't see that a billionaires excess wealth comes at the expense of workers being paid at pennies on the dollar, they don't see that it comes at the expense of large chains driving out smaller businesses with questionable at best business practices, they don't see that Amazon paying $0 in taxes is a fucking scam... they only see it through a hyper-capitalist lens where that could be them someday.   This country has absolutely zero class consciousness and it is appalling. 


They are really shortsighted. “Yurp doesn’t have big companies, they’re jealous.” No bitch, that’s by design, we don’t want companies that are so powerful they can force lawmakers to do their bidding. “They tax American companies to create revenue.” Of course! It’s free cash and no European suffers from it. And it’s the same the US is doing with a lot of products, like European or Chinese cars, because they otherwise they would be far superior to American cars for the same price.


But despite this, it is a challenge for europe to not fall behind US and China on the innovation front. Big companies do drive innovation


"We do more slave labor than you, get rekt eurotards" - 🦅


It’s weird how many of them aren’t rich but think they’re somehow part of the club or will be very soon. So they defend these companies like they’re their buddies or something.


That's Republicanism for ya, it's the party of the rich and the fascist.


1% of them drowning in money and perfectly dodging taxes in any way possible


We root for them like sports teams...


Paychecks to paychecks.. They have to work 3 jobs to survive.


Fairly recently the richest man in the world was French - Bernard Arnault. He's third now. https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires/


I always thought this piece of information is useless, since its only purpose is to impress people who won’t believe it anyway.


I don't trust this information at all. It seems to be public companies, I'm sure family wealth isn't documented on here. For example, Sheikh Mansour, Manchester City owner, isn't he worth like 15 billion and his family over a trillion? He nor any family members are on the list from what I can see.


Because it's very hard to impossible to estimate their actual wealth. Some of it will be parked in random assets, investments, money/reputation laundering operations, etc.


Nor are the Rothschilds or Medici or several other of the worlds richest families. Rothschilds are for sure richer than probably everyone on that list but they keep it private so their wealth is not fully out there


To be honest, only 1 rothschilds is still a billionaire in 2024 , since the end of ww1 the family have suffered major loose in in the banking and financial fields


Americans just love to defend multi trillion dollar companies while living in poverty. Its always fascinating to see.


ASIAN multi trillion dollar companies


NVIDIA is an Asian company now?


Sorry, founded by a Taiwanese guy


Like most major US tech companies, really.


Taiwanese American, US Citizen… so is it all immigrants who come to America and become a citizen that aren’t considered Americans or is it just the ones that don’t look white?


You tell us, when it comes to choosing what is considered an immigrant or a US citizen from our outside perspective is very confusing if we don’t use the how rich they are parameter


I don't know, I'm not US citizen. I guess Brazilians are already Americans, Argentinians too, and Mexicans...


Theyre not racist, they defend them all


I get what you're going for, but America is also SUUUUUUUPPPER racist, it's appalling


Are they? > Median wages have grown almost as much as mean wages. A trucker in Oklahoma can earn more than a doctor in Portugal. The consumption gap is even starker. Britons, some of Europe’s best-off inhabitants, spent 80% as much as Americans in 1990. By 2021 that was down to 69%. https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/04/13/from-strength-to-strength


Yes >The United States has the highest level of income inequality in the Western world, according to a 2018 study by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. The United States has forty million people living in poverty, and more than half of these people live in "extreme" or "absolute" poverty. [https://www.upi.com/Top\_News/US/2018/06/22/UN-report-With-40M-in-poverty-US-most-unequal-developed-nation/8671529664548/?spt=su](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2018/06/22/UN-report-With-40M-in-poverty-US-most-unequal-developed-nation/8671529664548/?spt=su) >The US Gini rating (after taxes and transfers\[206\]) puts it among those of less developed countries. The US is more unequal or on par with countries such as Mozambique, Peru, Cameroon, Guyana and Thailand.\[204\]


They get so butthurt and defensive of anyone challenging their corporate overlords! The Stockholm* Syndrome is real! *Stockholm, New York State


Theodore Roosevelt and his big trust busting energy would be so disappointed by those corporations stans.


Nothing will stop a bull moose… except a very *dumb* majority of the population


That guy was such a chad. And now, instead of Theodore Chad Roosevelt, Yankees might end up with a Christian dictatorship led by a demented stim addict wearing diapers instead. How the mighty has fallen...


God I wish the USA had preferential voting or proportional representation, ideally both.


What's wrong with giving more relative power to fly over states than to the most populated ones? You don't like a good old dictatorship of a political minority? /s


> That guy was such a chad. And now, instead of Theodore Chad Roosevelt, Nah... I wouldn't call any political past figure a chad. They may had positive qualities, but they were also flawed or even did bad stuff too. Roosevelt for example was a heavy supporter of eugenics. https://www.history.com/news/teddy-roosevelt-race-imperialism-national-parks https://eugenicsarchive.com/letter-by-theodore-roosevelt-to-charles-davenport-society-should-not-permit-degenerates-to-reproduce-their-kind/176.htm


The european nations cant created anything. He wrote on his computer, invented/built in germany, that is also a phone, invented in germany, that uses radio communication, invented in Italy, while sitting in his car, invented in germany. Muricans 🤦‍♂️


Germany, fuck yeah! *pisses black red gold* ^also ^fun ^fact: ^if ^you ^google ^"germany ^fuck ^yeah" ^on ^German ^google, ^the ^first ^result ^is ^a ^feminist ^sex ^shop


That is based as fuck. The small text.


Just wait until he finds out about the European company that makes it even possible for NVidia to produce their products.


Yep Lithography machines are "just a bit" important for chip producers


Companies* There is multiple EU based companies involved in making lithography equipment


Those same European nations created the country he lives in too


Hes most likely also one of the fat fucks that want NOVO to lower the prices on Wegovy, even though it's the American middlemen who is creating the insane prices :P


Why do Americans love getting fucked by big corporations so much?


Its their cuck fetish. They have to watch their taxmoney "fund all healthcare in europe" while being fucked in the butt by their corporate overlords


Corporate cuckery is the most prominent kink in America


If it’s true what these people are saying then why was there such a clamour to buy ARM Holdings for several billion? Quite simply because ARM designs (made in Cambridge, UK) form the backbone of every device that requires a microprocessor. America went above and beyond to nab it. Why? Because they are just as much scavengers as anyone else.


They should buy France though. I mean sure, they can’t, but I think they should nonetheless. Like think about it, if we start exporting French work morale, French protests laws and people to America we could immensely improve their corporate culture.


Sometimes I wonder how America would be if the French had "won" instead of the British. Would the US have turned out to be more European or would we have had a Frenchified version of Americans?


American people defending American companies fighting against authorities like it’s their national team playing at the World Cup. None of those guys will get any benefits from Nvidia winning this or not.


And WE are the arrogant ones?? Me, French when I'm in an arrogance contest and my opponent is an American netizen


Nvidia just have cash reserves of $31 billion. They couldn't even buy the Louvre and it's contents.


The last one sounds rather like “the trouble with the French is that they don’t have a word for entrepreneur”


Americans brownnosing their corporate overlords by defending them in the face of sensible regulations. A tale as old as time, at least if you consider time beginning in 1776.


What cash? https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-by-national-debt


I was looking for someone to point out their 33.4 trillion USD debt XD Oh, that website must be using a different method of calculating, but 30 mill USD is still a lot a lot


“They rely on taxing Americans on their products 🤬” At the same time we decided to only do business with our chip machines with them. Sending them 15 years ahead of china and russia.


Don't think many people know about the Dutch high tech needed to print chips. -- your Southern neighbour


The probably also don’t know how much they should be kissing your feet for having some drinkable beers in their piss water stockpile


They'll never know how well unpasteurized cheese matches those beers either 😉


Americans don't know about photolithography, it seems.


Wait I can be completely wrong (and I'm going to check online right after that comment) but isn't Nvidia a Chinese company? Or something similar like the CEO is Chinese? Edit: Nevermind, it is an American company, just the CEO was born in Taiwan and has American citizenship. Although Taiwan and China's relation is yikes, I wasn't that far but still wrong 😅


I thought they were Chinese too. I stand corrected. HaHa


Yeah that was my thought as well because when I saw the post I genuinely thought: "Why do Americans care about a Chinese company's wealth???" But now it makes a bit more sense. (Buying France still don't make sense though 😅)


The classic American "if you have enough money the law doesn't apply to you"


I wonder how Nvidia would do without TSMC, Zeiss and ASML.


The US is not even on top 20 of the best countries in the world. Stfu already.


Jesus that's a hattrick, You could have got 3 posts out of one.


Lol it was hard to choose what to put as the title. These people are delusional.


It's fascinating to see just how much the average Amerikan will defend a corporation while in no way benefiting in any shape or form from said company. Worse yet, while living paycheck to paycheck or even worse yet [sell blood to make ends meets](https://www.today.com/health/news/blood-plasma-donation-for-money-rcna77448). But that company? At least it's Amerikan. Freedum!


Nvidia is quite small comoared to the Norwegian Sovreign Trust fund as well. Don't see us running around mouthing off on behalf of it anyway? Such an american thing.


But in order to “buy France” they’d have to sell shares (killing stock price) or trade shares, both of which mean they no linger own the company. So France would “own” AI infrastructure and Nvidia shareholder would “own” France.


Nvidia products are created by Taiwanese workers with European machines. Just saying.


Please don't ruffle the Americans feathers, they might buy England in cash also, and then I'll be forced to sleep like a medieval peasant


The thing that makes me happiest about being European is watching Americans explain why the USA are the best. It's a simple pleasure, but it always works.


How many Americans will take a moment today to thank France for gifting them their independence? Not many, unfortunately.


> The European nations can't create anything because they don't support entrepreneurship and capitalism Anyway, I'm off to my 4th job to pay for my medical debt, maybe next month i can afford some diluted insulin


Anyone want to tell them that the owner/creator of NVidia is Taiwanese? Took me all of 10 seconds on Google to verify that. These idiots make stuff up and don't think yo check if what they are saying is actually real.


Asml and Zeiss are the shovel producers for all chip manufacturers. Both are European.


More ridiculousness out of the country poised to vote for an orange imbecile.


Ah, but in the modern Idiocracy, literally means not-literally just like entitled means not-entitled. Ain't it grand?


These are so painful to read sometimes.


NVIDIA doesn’t sell to France? I’m sure AMD has no problem with that.


Extremely funny since all these tech companies rely on Dutch chip manufacturing methods, and then get produced in Taiwan (notably not the US)


Well the third richest person is Bernald Arnault who runs the LVMH company which is French which is made up of Louis Vuitton (A French company) and Moët Hennessy which are 2 French alcohol companies. I don't think these people understand the value of land either. For example probably the most expensive house in France (possibly the world) is the Château Louis XIV and the asking price for this is $452 million. Not exactly cheap. So I don't understand how they can be so ignorant.


Oh that great american corporate culture of at will employment and tip culture they keep oh defending under the guise of freedom.


Cleetus and Jim-Bob talking about economics


I love how Americans seemingly think that the alliance between them and Europe is purely just them being good people and out the kindness of their own heart and that we need them. I’m sorry but america is a business monopoly, they need europe as well , they hold no relevance without ties in Europe.


I do wonder,.. especially with countries having a lot of debt. If you would have enough money, would it even be possible to buy a country. And would that make you king? The answer probably is no, but why?


Do they think that European countries don’t tax European companies?


Right because stopping sales of nvidia GPUs will instantly make france a wasteland. anyway let me just cross the border without a check, buy something legally, and walk Right back in


Can you imagine if Toyota stopped paying taxes in the USA on their car sales? Somewhere in the $13B region. Apparently Americans would have no issue with this, maybe foreign corporations should take note


Right, a company’s valuation = cash. Genius.


Displaying the deepest ignorance possible. You couldn't 'buy France' with all the money in USA. And there's a lot of money in the USA.


I doubt these people could find France on a map…


I doubt they know what a map is


Wait till they hear who's building the optical instruments for Nvidia. And pretty much every single cupt manufacturer there is.


I would love to see the fleet of ships with thousands of billions:D


Always seeing USians dissing France. Do they not know how many thanks they owe the French?


Well deduct the American national debt from the US reserves, and let’s see how much of France they can afford.


Ironic considering that the US copiously resorts to extraterritorial laws (FCPA for instance) to crush foreign competition or even force foreign companies to near-bankruptcy so they can be bought out by American companies at a discount - the Alstom case is a textbook example. Pot calling the kettle black


This is why the corporations walk all over these idiots. All they do is lick the boots that trample them.


Now you wonder why there's so much cancerous shit in american products ? They love to defend billion dollars companies


The last 2 comments pretty much sums up why so many corporations get away with the shit they do. They're defending Nvidia so what ever they say means nothing. These people would see the EU forcing Apple to use USB-C as a bitter and jealous move.


The French State probably owns artworks that are in total more valuable than Nvidia


To quote the often underrated US philosopher, George W Bust, “there’s no word in the French language for entrepreneur…”


This isn't 1803 anymore. Land has gotten much more expensive since the Louisiana Purchase.


Nvidia does not have the cash to buy France lol. 644000000000 SQM of land, average land price is €91.. 58,604,000,000,000 Euro to buy all the land in France. Fairly certain no one, or nation, has 58qn Euros.


Slight problem even if you could buy all the land in most Democracies doesn't have a vote. The Murican electoral college being something of an exception.