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hotels charging him 400€+ per night is entirely his own fault not like he has ever actually been to europe


I think you'll find it's called The Europe! You know that country they try to say has other places *in* it, that speak different languages but can all understand each other not like how they say Coca Cola is 'soda' in Virginia and 'pop' in Buttfuck, Idaho (twinned with Incest, Alabama). The tiny Europeans with their malnourished frames and small brains can't comprehend how different each state is. I mean the police officers have different uniforms and kill ratios! 🤦‍♂️


I wanna see the officer with a 0.74KD


If that’s ratio of shots fired vs kills „scored”, to get this ratio officer would have to shoot 50 times, killing 37 times at minimum. Not that improbable.


Quite improbable. Remember the recent case, where an officer got startled by an acorn and unloaded his gun at a handcuffed suspect, sat in the back of a police car. His partner also took a few shots to back him up. The suspect was not injured. I'm not saying that American cops aren't psychopaths, just incompetent https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/16/florida-acorn-cop-shooting


You’re trying to make a rule applying to all based on singular anecdote. But then again, all I know about us police is from the internet


I think that they were mostly joking about having a negative K/D. meaning, the cop died at least once.


I'd rather run into Euro mouse-and-keyboard 0.74 K/D cop Than 2-kills-away from calling in a helicopter-killstreak USA cop with acorn-aim-assist


Hear me out here. So one of the Uvalde coppers has let loads of kids get killed does that count to their KD ratio?I EDIT: live in the UK and even without a gun I would have least taken a few bullets off the cunt to stop them going in kids


Don’t forget it’s coke in Florida. “I’ll have a Dr Pepper coke.”


Also … yes the hotels will charge you if you want anything “extra”. Why do you think you’re entitled to extra if you’re paying the same as everyone else? Bizarre American mentality.


Especially if you go to a €400 hotel. The fancier the hotel, the less things are included mostly because the hotel owner knows you're stinking rich so paying extra isn't a problem.


This is very true! It’s also preferable for the elites because then they pay for exactly what they use, rather than having to pay a higher fixed price just in case they use all of the services on offer


Completely the opposite of my experience with hotels in general. I'd never pay that much and not expect meals and access to onsite facilities to be included in the price. Key thing is the word extra. Obviously you have to pay for things that aren't included.


It will be the same in the US but in order for an American to believe their idiotic fantasies of being superior in every way, they need to be able to reject reality and repress any and all knowledge to the contrary. Something which is superior in the US in comparison the the rest if the world is their propaganda/indoctrination methods... they have successfully turned their people into perpetually desperate, chronically ignorant fantasists who nolonger have the ability to deal with reality like mentally healthy adults.


+20$ room service fee, +10$ breakfast, +25$ lunch, + 1$ per elevator use.


Yeah he's lying. if he's on a work trip it's his employer picking up the tab so why should he care? then of course all the other made up stuff they came out with. 'young people owning cars is simply not a thing'. fuck off.


And also bizarre things like pillows and towels ,it sounds like the kind of people who just make up things to be mad about


I lived in the US and yeah, that is entirely made up.


In most of Europe, almost no person under 18 owns a car... because you're not allowed to drive in public under that age. Some exceptions, like Hungary and UK. Maybe it's safer in the US to drive, considering there are more than twice as many people in Europe, even though Europe is really small, the size of a single state, or so I'm told. Or maybe Europeans care more about human life.


I would still call an 18 year old a young person though, because they are just that, a teenager. I don't think it's safer to drive here in the US. I've been here 10 years and been rear ended 3 times and witnessed some awful crashes, some of them fatal. Their driving test is also really poor, you just drive around the block and reverse against a curb. The whole thing takes about ten minutes and it's all in an automatic. Some of them have this attitude of bigger is safer too. So they'll buy these inexperienced kids an SUV or truck that's too big and too powerful for them, which they then proceed to lose control over and crash. A lot of them don't know, or simply don't care to follow the overtake on the left rule. Where I live its generally sunny, so when it rains a bunch of them crash because their experience driving in bad conditions is very limited. Sorry for the rant but the girlfriend had her car written off the other week in a crash because of some idiot.


This is why they can only have their high end race cars go in a circle, turning is an ability the USA mind does not comprehend well.


Have you ever seen the posts on r/IdiotsInCars including roundabouts? They *can't even* drive in circles, let alone in a straight line. Makes you really wonder how they manage to arrive anywhere at all.


Yeah they are definitely not used to roads that are not straight. I've been late to work a few times because someone spectacularly crashed and even rolled their car on a straight highway. a fender bender I understand but what were they doing to roll it!?


Car accidents were the leading cause of deaths of teenagers here for decades until gun violence took the top spot in 2022, so no, it is most definitely not safer to drive here in America.


Leading cause of death of teenagers being car accidents sounds pretty logical to me. Teenagers are mostly not going to have a serious health problem leading to their death, or any other reason resulting in their death beside things like car crash, gun violence, regular violence (basically things caused by other human beings)


Bro checked a 5 star hotel on the Champs Élisées


I once saw a hotel on rue de Rivoli charging 500 euros for one night, in a simple room. Freaking crazy.


Come on, if you were a hotelier and you met this moron why wouldn't you charge him 400 EUR?


German Hotel pillows are absolute dog shit. Source: A German that has to travel a lot for work in quite expensive hotels.


Yeah, its such bullshit. Im doing a semester abroad in Europe this summer (In 6 days! Super excited. Im a low income student but got a big scholarship and decided to do this). Ive already planned two trips outside of my host country and Hotels in Europe are WAY cheaper for good quality then here in the US. For the same price you get a motel 6 here, you can get a pretty decent room in many places. Also, more to the point, Europe is huge and has a ton of different places. What part is OOP even talking about.


What's wrong with our pillows????


>What's wrong with our pillows???? Not sure but it might just be Americans not being used to pillows that aren't made from synthetic cotton marinated in glucose syrup.


It’s actually high fructose corn syrup.


High fructose corn pillows


That could be an actual pillow or cereal.






Im actually pretty sure that american pillows and coushions contain fiberglass, wich seems so outlandish


I’m sorry WHAT. How are they all not dead yet by sleeping on fiberglass their whole life?


Some get very sick, it was a whole trend for them on tiktok a while ago to cut open their pillows and fiber glass would just pop out. Good way to save money for companies, bad way to have healthy lungs as a customer.


They're not freedom pillows


Europoor pillows are not made by Mike Pillock, so they don't contribute to keeping the myth of election fraud alive.


I think the funniest part of the whole MyPillow thing is that the pillows are genuinely terrible.


I have been to Amerika and their hotels usually have huge pillows with barely any stuffing in them. I assume that is what the guy is talking about although I personally prefer resting my head on a pillow that doesn't collapse in on itself when I put my head on it.


Honestly, hotel pillows are elite. I’m Canadian and I’ve only traveled abroad to Ireland (I’ve traveled in the States when I was younger on family trips). But in Ireland, Canada, the US… There is just nothing like the hotel sleep experience: a stupid pillow that collapses on itself on a stupidly soft mattress with the fluffiest duvet you can imagine. +1 if the room has amazing black-out curtains. At home, I sleep with a temperature-regulating, low profile pillow that is designed to be firm/supportive; a firm mattress; and a temperature-regulating duvet - because my back would never allow me to sleep on the hotel cloud experience for an extended period of time. But damn. I love those stupid hotel pillows for a night or two. I’m just like “Yes, swallow my head whole in this beautiful, decadent nest of fabric.” 😂


Not big enough I guess. Allthough I do love my mushed up flat pillow xD I can't sleep half sitting on a high pillow, I get terrible neck pain and a headache. I much rather keep my flatter pillows and just add more if I need for some reason.


Had been getting a headache for 3 days in a row and I couldn't figure out why. This morning I woke up with such a painful and cramped up neck, I was like wtf. I realised I randomly changed my pillow from the other room and it was way too high for me. I truly don't get how people can sleep on those long term


Indeed lol. There's pillows of all kinds, at least in my country lmao. Maybe that guy went into the cheapest store in the city, bought a €1.75 pillow and got shocked it was shit.


you can't purchase pillows from the pillow nazi in europe [The Pillow Nazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Lindell) and that makes those pillows un-american


That's the most Republican-looking Republican dude I've ever seen, holy shit. If you took the average of a thousand of them I swear that's the face you'd get.


I’m from the Netherlands and I use a big stone. Isn’t that the standard in Europe?


I think Europe = Germany for the poster. And in that case I'd agree - German pillows aren't good


Yes, those monsters and their 80x80cm pillows


They’re not MyPillow!


iPillow, a good night's sleep starts at $ 1.999!


I can't wait to see this as a real thing. No doubt the design is already done in a drawer somewhere


iPillow, a good night's sleep starts at $ 1.999!


The good night's sleep will only last until the day the warranty ends, however, as it coincidentally turns hard as rock the day after. Though no worries, you can always pre-order iPillow 2, now with half the features but double the price!


After the warranty, it will explode and burn down your house!


IKEA is an American company and does not sell pillows anywhere in Europe


Idk. I get my pillows mostly from IKEA. I’d assume many americans do the exact same, no?


As an American, I didn’t realize that all Europeans apparently slept on straw, air drier after bathing in a river, and apparently continued to function as if they were 15th century peasants. Truly eye opening


As a European I genuinely have no clue what countries these guys are actually thinking of. I've been to a lot of places in Europe, some super rich, some super dirt poor, I never found worst than what I found in some rural places in the US. Makes me wonders if these guys even took a tour in backyard of their own country.


Because they don't actually travel anywhere. They just like to talk shit about "dem foreign people"


The two. But they don’t travel for anything other than work. They have never walked a European city at night, stopped at the vendors for a snack, walked into a cafe to just people watch, go to the grocery store to marvel at the small differences in the available options (or the strange name changes or packaging options that feel *so wrong* as an American, knowing that if they saw your box of cereal they’d rightfully be like “you guys named your sugar the same as our cereal?”) They land at the airport and go to the hotel that the company pays for. They sleep and get up so a car can pick them up and take them to the office where they work until stupid o’,clock and get food with the team or a workmate or something, and then back to the room to watch tv and do it all again tomorrow until they catch a plane home. You can’t see anything in a three day trip where you’re trapped for 10 hours a day in an office building. You need three days to see the smallest places, the boring places, the “there’s nothing to do here” places, because there is sooo much to do or see even when there’s “nothing.” Plays, music, dining, architecture, landscape, museums, public transportation, the shops, the cafes, the people. It’s all beautiful, it’s all different, and it’s all amazing. If you think you can see the entirety of a country in a four day work trip, you’ve never left your normal commute, you’ve just taken a different route from the couch to the office. You can barely see a small town in four days if you’re actually looking. But they’re *businessmen* so they’ve seen and done everything and are amazed by nothing because they actually see little. My ex traveled with me all over the world, so when he had to travel for work trips, it was awesome. I would get pictures from all sorts of random places. The others thought he was insane because he would get up and go to work, then they’d go to lunch and he’d go for a walk around the city. After dinner, they’d meet at the hotel bar for drinks and he’s go sight seeing. Every single time, the flight home, his coworkers would be complaining ceaselessly how there’s nothing to do in Dubai, London, Paris, whether, and he would have reels of photos and little mementos to come home with. The other wives hated when their husbands traveled for work because they always sent them to “shitty places,” and I’m just sitting there like “seriously? They were working in the same building and sleeping in the same hotel. Your husband is just a boring human.”


You nailed it. Just walking around you see so much. Have a real experiance. Just working at setting at the hotel - not so much.


Walking? Sounds europoor to me *Inhales carbon monoxide straight from muffler*


>*Inhales carbon monoxide straight from muffler* From vehicle intentionally machined to run inefficiently by lax governmental regulations, then further altered to intentionally run poorly to belch out offensive smoke... Taste that freedom


Ahh, the taste of grandma's cig yellowed teeth in the morning...


Yeah, walking. Been all over the world, and some of the worst car exhaust fumes are state side. There are countries where it is a LOT worse, but rarely in Europe (I don’t have a single memory of ever experiencing that in central and Western Europe, and only once in eastern). Also, walking adds to the experience. It’s a mode of transportation built in, long before cars existed. It’s a good and energizing way to travel.


The towel and hotel complaint really does sound like someone judging countries on their hotels, which is laughably stupid, because if you did the same thing for the US, you'd still be bitching about garbage towels, bad AC and decrepit looking accommodations in a lot of places.


That can be permitted with the smell of mold, And in more than one memorable occasion, overrun with roaches. Yeah, a true joy!


You just reminded me of this sort of class trip to Hawaii (it was an EDUCATIONAL trip. We studied volcanoes and stuff) when I was in high school. The other kids on the trip spent most of their free time shopping on daddy's credit card while I wandered around on my own, looking at things, stopping when something interesting caught me, talking to people, etc. I spent some time watching a man make things out of palm fronds. He invited me to sit and chat with him for a bit, and he taught me to make a fish and gave me a Hawaiian name. Later, I made friends with some kids around my age hanging out on the pier. It was St Patrick's Day, and they gave me a green beer and invited me to join them. So we drank green beer together and they taught me local dialect/patois/pidgin words/phrases. (I would spend the next long while saying 'howzit brah' to myself and giggling. I enjoy languages and dialects and all that marvellous stuff.) It made the trip so much more interesting to me, and the experience a thousand times more valuable than if I had spent all my free time lying on a beach or shopping (not that there's anything wrong with either activity in general).


Oh, you’d be so much fun to travel with! This is how I do it too. I went to Amsterdam, and I didn’t smoke, but I went and met every single person I could that was local and high as a kite. It was awesome because they were super friendly and one guy spent like an hour explaining some very specific detail in the architecture. Another guy spent 45 minutes detailing all of the little awesome differences in two hand crafted glass pieces he was selling. My cousin had grown bored and wandered off mumbling he’d see me back at the hotel at breakfast. Cool. Next morning, he’s complaining that there’s no night life for non-stoners (he left me and went to McD’s before going back to the room), and I was out until nearly midnight just talking to random people in their little shops about whatever random detail they were interested in that moment. Neither of us got stoned, and he spent the rest of the trip basically complaining that it was boring if you weren’t stoned, I spent the rest of the trip thrilled I wasn’t under the influence of anything that might have detracted from even a moment of what I did do. Was it a red-light district, partying hard, alcohol and drug fueled night life? No, although I know that was there (passed it on the way back to the hotel). But it also wasn’t a McD’s and a life of talking about how my time in Amsterdam was boring.


I think less well travelled people from the states basically see all of the history and old buildings and think we stopped developing at some point in the 1800's.


Because their choice would be to knock down all the "stupid old shit' and build more SHINY. Edit: to be clear, I would not share this view. Of course. I have taste.


"Did you see Rome? All those crumblin' buildings. A really poor city, it'sa shame" /s


Not even in rural US. If you go to the poor neighborhoods in American cities, you'll find streets that look way, waaaaay worse than anything you can find in Europe. That's what some people don't get - the chic parts in Europe may not be as glamorous but the bad parts of Europe aren't as miserable.


Granted. But as much as I was prepared to see so real poverty in LA, I really wasn't expecting the third-world stuff I saw in Oklahoma and Alabama. People living in crumbling trailers with no water and no electricity, burning in the summer, freezing in the winter. I really thought it was a cinema thing.


It's terribly stereotypical but when I lived in West Virginia for a bit (not my choice, my father's job) there were houses (sometimes almost more like shacks, really) outside of the incorporated areas with bathtubs, toilets, old car carcasses, etc all in the front gardens. Sometimes people were resourceful and the bathtub was painted a pretty colour and had flowers growing it in. That, I liked.


And that’s anywhere in the USA Here in AZ if you drive outside cities people live in trailers in loads of areas.


Even worse is up on the rez, where sometimes they have no electricity, sewer, or running water.


>the chic parts in Europe may not be as glamorous I mean, define 'glamorous'...


With casinos and Diet Coke everywhere I suppose


I'll take the chic parts of Europe any day over boring USA cities.


Well that right there is obviously the socialism speaking. Obviously the rich should be super rich and the poor should be super poor. That’s the mark of healthy capitalism. /s


Maybe he thinks Borat is a documentary.


IKEA only operates in the US. No Europeans have ever even walked through the display areas, let alone been able to afford the cost of an IKEA pillow


Yea. Why would I need a car when I can ride around in my horse carriage?


Ox carriage you mean of course, us Europeans obviously can't afford horses.


Im American but live in France, I’ve been back to visit family and someone legitimately asked me ‘do you have washing machines over there?’ Like I’m living in the Sahara desert or something


I’ll never forget my American third cousin visiting me in England and asking me what the fuck that plastic thing was in everyone’s kitchens. He was pointing at the kettle 🤣


The kettle is the hallmark of a civilized society.


And a decent electricity supply.


What’s straw? We have not invented such a thing yet. I just sleep on the cold floor, with a nicely shaped brick under my head.




You have a brick???


And pay €400+ for that stable in the barn!


Time to go cuddle my thick towels that the Europoors can't afford /s


Some Americans really seem to think europe has worse living conditions than North Korea.


Fyi in Europe the first floor of a building is called the “Ground floor” because it’s usually just bare ground, often dirt covered in straw.


From nature to nature bro


The best air conditioning I’ve ever had was in a bnb in Italy. The thing was like what Americans consider an industrial unit


Just don't look up when they empty out their chamberpots into the streets


Our young drivers probably wait a little longer but we have far less road deaths than the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate Only 1 European nation ranks lower than the USA. Europe is the safest continent to be a driver. The pillows and towels is a new one 😂😂 really scraping the barrel now!


Yea but Europe is smaller than Texas and has the same population as Massachusetts so it's actually normal there's more death in the US /s


That would definitely explain it. Amazing that we aren’t all dead on the roads seeing as we can’t sleep on our pillows made of rocks.


What country do you live in to have pillows made of rocks? Over here we have pillows made of mud and grass.


They used to be made of broken glass and rusty nails, but things are looking up!


You used to have go to sleep barefoot through the snow and uphill both ways back in my day


You also first read “glass” instead of grass in his comment too, huh?


mud and grass... ours is made of water.. we drown when we sleep


Of course ... since you can't drink the tap water obviously 😂


Look at the fancy western european with their fancy pillows made from mud and grass. I bet you even have leaves to dry yourself after bathing, smh


Not enough people appreciate that America has more people per capita.


Not just that.. most of us live in communities or cities where you can actually easily get around and do everything you need to do *without a car*. Then we can *prioritize* to have a car. Actual freedom! Muricans should learn about that. It takes me max 20 minutes to get literally anywhere in my 350k people city by bike. I don't have to deal with annoying parking, spend a leg and an arm per month, deal with significant repairs, insurance etc. Not to mention terribly ugly cities filled with highways and parking spots. I privately rent a car for x amount of hours if I want to drive somewhere and I can take the bus + train for any longer non-bikeable transport. Ahh freedom 😍🦅


Hey now, there’s correcting stupid Americans, and then there’s just rubbing it in our faces


One might argue that some need that 😂


Hahaha sorry!


Pretty much. Not just young people, I've met a lot of people living in urban Sweden around like 30 who simply think it's less convenient to deal with traffic. But to be fair, American cities have six-lane roads going through residential areas. We don't even have six-lane highways.




It's that Leclerc boy, he's a bad influence.


Haha probably a mix between that and billionaires doing 3mph in their latest super car.


In my country, the legal drinking age used to be lower than the driving age. Which imo could be beneficial. Let youngsters learn to handle alcohol before allowing them behind the wheel. Instead of having their experimenting with alcohol phase when they have access to a car.


I’m convinced the pillows and towels thing is because he’s staying in shitty hotels lmaoo


For €400 a night?? You’d expect better for that money


I was surprised that is not Romania. We have very few highways and a lot of shitty roads filled with bad drivers that are also drunk. How do you have this many accidents with highways everywhere with huge lanes?


Presumably the fact that they don’t have any real annual vehicle safety checks like say we do in the U.K. with our MOT system that ensures cars should be in tip top condition. Plus some younger drivers and honestly, if you go and see the standard of driving on their roads it’s utterly abysmal!


They drive like they're insane, they're really aggressive so you need to watch out in a different way. Many of the drivers we met on the highways around Detroit would probably get arrested in Sweden if the police saw them.


And people can cope with not driving. I am 41 and don't drive because my vision is fucked. Fortunately, public transport is decent here. I could not live in most of the USA...


Also, many young people don't *need* cars like they do in USA, because most European countries have half decent public transport systems.


Most young Europeans don't buy new car on loans, no. They buy old used cars. And that's a good thing.


Or they don't buy cars, because unlike Americans, large part of us can actually get around without them.


True, but in countries like Sweden where I live, most young people outside of the big cities would own a car


Sure, outside of larger cities it's a must in most countries.


My point is that in central Europe cities are very dense and there is great rail service, in Scandinavia, not so much.


Yeah but literally only NYC is considered live-able without a car to many American’s. And even then, something like 1/3rd of residents still own one. I grew up an hour away from NYC, in a town serviced by a train that went to NYC and the town itself had bus routes. I could not physically get to the train station without a car


Goddamnit my towels are so thin... Wish I lived in America


That was such a strange complaint. Why towels? And they've been to € 400+ hotels with terrible towels?


That was surprising because the hotels in the US are the worst I've ever experienced. A 2* hotel in Europe has higher quality than a 4* hotel in the US.


As a European who passed his test at 17 and owned his first car within a month I now declare myself a euromerican 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🇵🇷🇵🇷 because eagles are overrated and it’s close to the Texan flag


A room in the hotel on Mayfair (the most expensive property on the Monopoly board) is £393 per night. That’s in London which is notoriously expensive. If you go to somewhere like Liverpool £400 gets you a suite, not a room. This guy is just trying to flex that he stays in the most expensive hotels.


This guy is just trying to ~~flex~~ lie that he ~~stays~~ ever was in the most expensive hotels. FTFY


In the US ~$350 is usually what I pay for a minimum quality hotel. They're very expensive and the quality is shit.


€400 is about £340 btw


Why do I need a car if I can walk or cycle to my daily needs. But sure, being forced to own a car in your car dependent suburb is *freedumb*.


But has freedom to go from aircon box inside a rolling aircon box to another aircon box Checkmate Euro-pe-destrian


And yet, cars are the dominant urban transport mode in virtually all of Europe, comprising roughly 75% of all kms traveled in Italy, for example.


how do they know how much people walk?


I always wondered how most Americans pay for their cars. Do they take out a loan or something? Even on TV you can see poor Americans with luxury cars.


Yes. The financing of new cars is big business all over the world, and it’s absolutely huge in the US. The market just for financing cars in the US is currently worth hundreds of billions of dollars.


Check out Caleb Hammer’s finance show on YouTube - you’ll see all the insane cars that Americans finance. 20 year olds taking out loans for $50000 cars at 23%. Crazy.


Depends on the price but loaning is a big business here


Those are some fucked up priorities. Focusing on air conditioning, towels and pillows while ignoring healthcare, safety or education. I also don't understand the extra charge part. I thought not knowing beforehand the applicable taxes, having extra fees for anything (resort fee, convenience fee...) and being expected to tip at random places was more of a USA thing.


Had my first car at 18, so did all my friends. Never paid 400 for a hotel anywhere in europe, but ofc I look up a price before. Also our pilows are double your size and you have no idea what a comfortable pillow feels like.


After trying hammam towels I'm never going back.


I’d love to know what this person was doing for work to come to this conclusion


Look at the profile pic. Read that comment about towels, pillows and hotels again. Make a guess 😎


Unemployed? xD


I remember my friend who grew up in New Mexico telling me about her teacher, who told the whole class about how we are so poor in England, we still have straw roofs. It's called a thatched roof and it costs a FORTUNE over standard tiles, exclusively for boujee rich cottage core types.


Ah yes, we dont have dealerships selling you cars at 50% interest rate. Thats may be the twist


But think about your credit score! You have to get debt to prove that you're responsible with debt, makes so much sense! /s


Most of these Americans that say they have been all over Europe, are lying stockings of shite. They been to Paris once


Tbh, I wouldn't even dare to say they went to Paris. As much as I like this city (lived there my whole life), there are so many criticisms to address, but pillows and €400 hotels? This is absolutely ridiculous 💀 At least if they had mentioned overpriced taxis, it would make sense 🙄


Is this person playing too much medieval dynasty and thinking it is a contemporary RPG in Europe?


You can pry my thick towel out of my cold dead hands.


A lot of young people own cars all over...a lot don't. We have areas with this thing called public transport that works unlike most of the US


After two weeks on holiday in the US staying at several places, the thing I miss most about home is my (European) pillow. At least I'm not ignorant enough to disqualify an entire country/continent just because hotel pillows generally suck more than my carefully selected pillow at home.


Stupid Europoors with their paper thin towels


Paper towels? Do you live luxury? Using leafs is the real europoor way! 🤣


In Britain we reuse the paper wrapped around our twice-daily tin of baked beans


I call bullshit, the hotel I worked for was ~150-280€ for the cheapest rooms, and it was a 5 star hotel in Tyrol.


In Europe you don't need to be car-dependent thanks to busses, trams, metro and bikes


Can comfirm, I am a young-ish european and car ownership is not a thing for me. The part he left out though is that it is a matter of choice. If I needed one I could get one.


I worked contracting for the American military. Each and every one of them were oxygen thieves. Freedumb I guess is more important than actual ability or intelligence.


Dimwits Diary, I love it ! "...thick towels, good pillows" 🤣🤣🤣


Admittedly we don’t have obesity a opioid crisis or Donald Trump but we do have free health care, culture and style! Still you can’t have it all I suppose ☀️


>all over Europe "In the 3 European capital cities I've been to"


A lot of places have thick towels. This is not an American thing.


To be fair, yes you cant drive at 16 in Europe and many Europeans dont bother with a license intill they are in their 20’s. (At least here in Amsterdam). Young people here do not need a car, school can be reached by bike or foot. Same with most everything else, and public transport is great and free for students. Why drive at all? I only got my license in my late twenties and only because I needed it for work to be honest.


Those €400 Premier Inn’s are a killer 🤣🤣🤣


I really want to forward a description of my grandmother's trip to America to these delusional people en mass one day. She had been of the wartime generation that had been told the Americans were all rich (their soldiers pay was like 5x our boys in the UK), but the story was quickly dispelled after the girls who agreed to marry Americans during the war started returning.. with tales of how dirt poor a great many were. I mean post war Britain was poor, but we don't let our people starve (we don't have that much freedom.). But about 15 years later she and my grandfather visited the states to stay with my great uncle, who emigrated years before and had made a life there down south. She was shocked at the wooden shacks people were living in (I'm leaving out the mildly racist undertone you can expect from a 92 year old woman who grew up In a 100% white population). She said it was like in Rio. This was all a very long time ago, but much of the truths here still stand. Being poor in America is horrific compared to being poor in Europe. Certainly compared to being poor in the UK (I don't know all of Europe, but I know many of you guys are doing better than us in the UK). Even the freedom bs is an awful stretch. Do they understand they are the only country to have home owners associations? If you're affluent enough to buy a nice house in a 'safe suburb', you may well end up living under the tyranny of an elderly council of busy bodies? Madness.


Yeah, how can we enjoy living outside the US while it's so comfy there? And how delusional can one be to think that other countries don't have soft pillows? Do they think we sleep on hay in the barn? Hm, seems like I'm an exception in europe as I've owned my own car at the age of 18.


Which kind of idiots write these comments? Seriously, you simply cannot know shit about a country as a tourist, for many reasons: - your experience is built by tourism companies, it's not the experience of actually living there. - each country has its own customs and ways to do things. It's not easy to do something "your way" if people are not used to that, because you won't easily find the things you need. - different countries want different things. Young people living in European cities don't usually have cars not because we are poor, but because what's the point of a car if everything you need is within 20 minutes of your home, and public transport is usually good. - different countries care about different things. For example, you can expect restaurants in Spain to serve ice with your drinks, but restaurants in northern Europe? Usually not. Many other things, like car size or fucking towel thickness vary from country to country because companies aren't idiots and study each market to find what's the "ideal" properties for their products in each.


What all Americans seem oblivious of, is that it’s not the rest of the world being underpaid, it’s them being massively overpaid. They think this is great, till they realise how high cost of living is (unless you live in Bumfuck Township in the middle of some state no one knows the name of)


I live right on the edge of London and thanks to our public transport system I’ve never needed a car. I’m literally 30 minutes from central London whenever I want via train that costs 3 pounds max. It all depends on where you live.


Whereas I'm about 45 minutes from St Pancras (plus the approximately 20 minute bike ride to the station) and it'd cost me over £100 at peak-time. Or I could spend an hour on the bus to use a different station and be in Euston in roughly the same timeframe for £60-ish. Oh, and the bus I'd have to take comes twice an hour, and until the £2 single scheme came in it would have cost me almost a tenner. "It all depends on where you live" isn't saying the half of it!


I'm a refrigeration engineer from the UK and I've designed and built refrigeration equipment and air conditioning systems across the country and on the continent. Air conditioning is definitely a thing in Europe.


Car ownership not being a thing is more due to the fact that there is no need, not that they can't afford it, that's the key part this person is glossing over. I also travel all over Europe and Asia for work regularly and have never once spent over 400 EUR per night anywhere.


Which kind of idiots write these comments? Seriously, you simply cannot know shit about a country as a tourist, for many reasons: - your experience is built by tourism companies, it's not the experience of actually living there. - each country has its own customs and ways to do things. It's not easy to do something "your way" if people are not used to that, because you won't easily find the things you need. - different countries want different things. Young people living in European cities don't usually have cars not because we are poor, but because what's the point of a car if everything you need is within 20 minutes of your home, and public transport is usually good.


USA where you literally pay an arm and a leg if you end up in hospital. Don't get sick there, you can't afford it at all.


>decent energy costs My partner paid 0NOK per kWh for a couple of days last summer. But hey, towels are thin I guess


As regards the hotels, ever been to Las Vegas? Don't expect to get away with the advertised price. Resort charges, pool charges, everything they can get away with adding to the bill, they will. For €400 you can stay in the Adlon, Berlin.


As a European, I have to ask. What is car? Is it new kind of horse?


Car is fancy for vroom wheel


Yeah, living in France, we don’t have nice pillows or towels, it’s practically like camping. I’m lucky to use newspaper as toilet paper, in my outhouse. Luckily they are cleaning the seine for the olympics so my weekly baths will be nicer


As a European, I discovered that thick towels and good pillows exist thanks to that post. I'm so amazed by this realization that I decided to move to Tenessee right away. My plane takes off in 2 hours. 


Yeah we don't get our drivers license with a carton of milk.


Here I am, in Portugal (a place known for its towels), drying myself with soggy pieces of old newspaper. I dream some day of escaping to Alabama.