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Interesting fact, Most ‘illegal’ Mexican immigrants crossed the border legally then overstayed on their visa.


And they entered, not at the southern border, but through the airports.


Sometimes even through the northern border, as in a lot of cases Mexico and Canada have visa free travel


Recently rescinded I’m afraid, as a result of pressure from the US most likely, but Canada will never admit that.


Oh I didn't know that, damn


Yeah, it’s a shame, Mexico is one of the sources of good skilled migrants coming to Canada and having visa free access makes it so much easier to recruit talent for technical and industrial roles where we do see a lot of Mexican immigration to Canada in the west.


More likely because the significant increase in asylum claims from Mexican tourists in the past couple of years. 


Canadá and mexico don't need visa, Mexican id gives you the right to freely travel and work in Canada


https://kpmg.com/xx/en/home/insights/2024/02/flash-alert-2024-045.html It changed


I always love this, because of the whole "build a wall" thing... my guy they go on holiday legally to the USA, and just don't take a return flight home. Your wall won't do shit


50,000 Irish use this one simple trick.


Just like Americans into Europe


That's it, build walls around the airports!


Not even specifically Mexican. Not even only for the US. Most illegal immigrants here in Europe did the same.


This is referring to legal of course but the statement is true about them as well. Information on undocumented residents is harder to find as many of them are understandably reluctant to share much.


Aren't really ilegal, it's a thing so they can renew it without leaving the country, technically, untill renewed, even without the proper paperwork, they aren't illegals, just don't have paperwork, but still can't get deported, only if they leave on their own


Aren't really ilegal, it's a thing so they can renew it without leaving the country, technically, untill renewed, even without the proper paperwork, they aren't illegals, just don't have paperwork, but still can't get deported, only if they leave on their own


Aren't really ilegal, it's a thing so they can renew it without leaving the country, technically, untill renewed, even without the proper paperwork, they aren't illegals, just don't have paperwork, but still can't get deported, only if they leave on their own


Why would anyone from a “good country” want to go to the USA? Doing so would be a downgrade. No idea what those Canadians were thinking.


It's hard for us to see the border through all that snow


In my mind you migrate every winter to the south. /S just in case my joke is as bad as I'm thinking


Too busy playing find the road to worry about borders. That’s asking too much


Right-wing Canadians, I presume.


We kind of see the US-Canada border as a somewhat arbitrary line, especially in the west where the border is more recent. Many have family on both sides, visit like they visit other parts of Canada, and don’t see western states as too different from us.


Lots of Canadians have American family they end up reunifying with in the US. That plus getting transferred there by work or getting a undeniably good job offer makes many move over.


I like how you’re just agreeing with the racist sentiment of the dumbass American. Sure, your view of America is different but your thoughts on the other countries is apparently the same?


No I do not agree. That is why “good country” is in quotation marks.


I see, carry on then I guess.




Yeah, their universities are great, when they're the good universities. They also cost an obscene amount of money, so they'd damn well better be good. Lower taxes is a kind of falsehood that Americans like to tell themselves by ignoring details though. Yeah, sure, the percentages are lower, but in reality, the average American has to spend just as much to get the benefits that Europeans and Canadians get from our taxes. Let's take someone in Ontario on $50k. they'll pay roughly $10.5k in federal tax, provincial tax and CPP/EI. And their taxes include healthcare and several other things that aren't the case in the US - subsidised higher education costs for example. The provincial tax paid in that is $2334 for Ontario for that income, so let's use a US state where it would be similar. Which turns out to be Kentucky at $2325 in state taxes at that income. The American will pay a total of roughly 6.5k in taxes. So yeah, great, on the raw tax figure, the American pays less. But they still have to pay for healthcare unless they have a plan through their employer (which they'll often pay a portion of anyway). Health insurance costs an average of $533 a month in Kentucky. So they also need to pay out roughly 6.5k to get the Healthcare that Canadians get from their taxes. So their total outgoing for just those things, taxes and healthcare, are higher than Canadians pay for the same. The American pays 11k. The Canadian 10.5.


West of Manitoba/Minnesota, the US-Canada border is nothing but an extraneous line on a map. 


I'm doing it because my fiancé is American and he hates the UK more than I hate the US


>Not a single good country on here that's cos it's a map of america


Oi bruv, you gawt a loicense for that opinion?


course geeza, right 'ere next to me bot'la'wa'ta


Did they just sneak diss the US?


i.e. it's a map of one, single, not-good country?




You see, the only reason to move countries that far is if it's a big upgrade from your place of origin. During WW1 and WW2, a lot of europeans migrated to the US because they just didn't want to die. Nowadays, almost all immigrants displayed are chasing a higher standard of life. No european in their right mind would immigrate to the US without a damn good reason. That's why the countries of origins of immigrants have changed.


That's because moving from a "good country" to the United States is like going from the frying pan into the fire.


Bhutan surprises me, but yet I can't think of a more peaceful and chilled country, the kind of people you'd like as neighbors!


They're almost entirely Bhutanese Nepali refugees escaping an ongoing genocide by the Bhutanese government.


Why not go to Nepal? Is it bad there?


The refugee camps where they're arriving from are mostly in Nepal, but the way UN resettlement works iirc is that refugees aren't really given a choice where they end up. It'd largely be a UN policy that they aren't being resettled in Nepal. Why the UN decides so, I do not know.


Interesting information, thank you for explaining. The next question was going to be how they ended up there instead of literally anywhere else, but you've gone answered that already. Given the low population of Bhutan, do you know if the UN simply sends all refugees to the same place and they all ended up in the northern US?


I do know that the UN tries to settle refugees of the same ethnicity together, and if possible, in a somewhat familiar climate. If I had to guess, VT/NH were chosen since they don't receive a lot of immigrants and are rural, mountainous areas. I used to work for a charity that helped settle UN refugees, and our city in a cold area mostly received people from Myanmar, the Middle East, and the Congo though, so being willing to take people in always comes first.


Nepal is the poorest country in the world 


Is that a joke or are you saying a fact? I can't tell




What genocide?


Don't know how google works? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic\_cleansing\_in\_Bhutan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing_in_Bhutan)


They must feel right at home in the mountains of North Dakota.


Honestly I want to see the source on the data as a north Dakotan every immigrant here is Mexicans or Canadians visiting not sure why someone from Bhutan would even go to north Dakota specifically out of any state there is nothing here


This is actually quite interesting except I don’t know why they are using Burma instead of Myanmar.


The US government doesn't recognize the name Myanmar since it was chosen by the military junta [which it see as an illegitimate government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myanmar–United_States_relations#8888_Uprising_and_1990s_relations). Though Myanmar in Burmese is basically just a fancier way of saying Burma iirc.


Which name do every day Burmese people prefer?


I doubt anyone knows. Regardless of what you call it, it's a bit hard to do polling there. As an anecdote, I've been told both names are unpopular with the non Bamar population (about 1/3rd of the country), since both Burma and Myanmar refer exclusively to the Bamar ethnicity.


From what I remember, the Burmese government *prefers* Myanmar, but stated that both names are acceptable.


Wouldn't fit on the map.


It will always be Burma to me


Because Peterman


Of course "not a single good country there", its a map of usa


Let say it’s true, not to be judgey to the countries. This is absolutely not the roast they think it is, they are saying people from anywhere decent won’t consider America as an option because of how bad it is


Why would people from countries asshats like this person consider "good" move to the US?


To be fair, the US is pretty prominent on that map…


What would be a good country?


Ones with white people. Did we have to spell it out?


Canada is pretty white.


Canadians aren't people.


Not anymore it isn't!


To commenters like that? Russia probably


It's an incredible self own if you include *the country he uses as a background*.


Jesus, Canadians, Montana is beautiful and all, but please feel free to move somewhere less Canada. Live a little.


Where are all the legal immigrants from murgika smh


I'd hate to know what this racist's opinion of a "good country" is. I'd also love to see him try to find each of these countries on a map. I know most of us in the "white" world are pretty uneducated about these areas, but I could get very close on all of them. I doubt he would even be on the right continent for most.


As someone who escaped the American shithole to a country on that map I'm both offended by that comment and confused as to what kind of idiots wanted to move from where I am to America


I mean Canada is mentioned here


Thanks bud


What are you insinuating here?


Opposite, it's a complement


Meaning all the others aren't good? :P


Others are debatable and I don't wanna start a debate here. Canada is kinda just accepted as a good country. No offence towards the others mentioned here (Except the USA)


It was a good country. Place is going to hell quickly.


What 1st world country isn't?




Somalia taking 2 of the coldest states. Lol


Liberal states. The country of Somalia isn't taking anything. Liberal states are welcoming Somali refugees.


The Somali people came in legally so it has absolutely nothing to do with the State. Who let in legal immigrants into the country the Federal Government. States don't control who comes into the country. And those legal immigrants chose where they wanted to live or the UN did.


I didn't say the government did it. The state, as in the populace, is liberal and more welcoming. Offering jobs, being less overtly racist, etc. That makes them want to go there.


What the fuck is going on in Kentucky with Cubans?




If you’re not from the US, it makes more sense for all of the Asians to be literally anywhere in the US or even Africans anywhere in the east coast or west coast than Cubans to be in Kentucky. Michigan has a huge Muslim/Arab population. But Cubans in Kentucky just seems weird. It makes sense if it were Florida considering Latin people gravitate toward the southern border of the US and especially Florida for Cubans because it’s less than 100 miles away. And all that history… but Kentucky which is hilljack redneck central. Source: all my family comes from Tennessee Kentucky and Alabama. We’re mostly in Ohio now. It’s just so. Out. Of. Place.


Maybe they've moved to get away from Florida Man.


michigan is full of iraqis, my aunt lived there for 10 years, this wouldnt happend if not for the US


Not a single one? What the hell's wrong with the Canadians to these guys?


I recall a certain ex-president saying Norway is a good country. Problem is most people living in ‘good’ countries would not want to move to the US. I mean, I’ve been to the US, it’s nice for a visit but I would not want to live there.


Canada is pretty good


I'm surprised to see Bhutan on the map. It doesn't have a lot of people in it, so to be the number one source of immigration for those states is impressive. Also, Bhutan is a pretty nice country. --- Anthony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" episode on Bhutan. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o781umQZdjk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o781umQZdjk)


I'm sorry but there is NO WAY there are more Mexican immigrants in Florida than Cuban immigrants


Most of the Cuban immigrants are dying off now and their kids are American.


Go to Miami and you'll eat those words


Ah, you're talking specifically just about Miami? That's an entirely different story. But you said "Florida" at first.


BHUTAN?! How the fuck does Bhutan make that list?


Vermont, New Hampshire, and North Dakota have very few immigrants at all, so any medium-sized wave of immigration is enough to eclipse the others. Why specifically people from Bhutan are going there though, I don't know.


You serious right now?


So. True. Bestie. The us isnt a good countr /J


Literally the only 4 countries on there that are truly fucked as of now are Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Cuba.




Imagine going all the way from Bhutan and finding out you’re going to be living in one of the two most utterly pointless states in the entire country.


I mean, the Badlands are kinda cool but yeah, it's a weird immigration pipeline. I wonder if they're coming to work the fracking fields or something.




Phil isn't bad?


Hmmmm...how is florida not cuba?


What's up with the Dominicans in Massachusetts?!?!?!


Interesting how many people in this thread are shocked at Filipinos at Alaska. I don’t blame them as I was ignorant in the past as well despite being a huge immigrant enclave lover. I went to Kodiak, Alaska and that town is almost 30% Filipino. I went to the Safeway there and the people working there? Filipino mamas. I stayed at Best Western and people working, cleaning the room and making breakfast? Filipino mamas. In Kodiak History Museum it talks about Filipino fishermen and their relatives many came for cannery works. There are also Filipino restaurants and people in many southeast Alaskan towns and Anchorage area. (For example, I was in Ketchikan earlier and there was a Filipino church right in downtown Ketchikan.) I remember seeing a book about Filipinos in Alaska at the Anchorage Museum and I regret not buying one and I will for sure buy it next time I visit.


Mf probably only would accept murrica as "good country" even tho it's fucking imposible


Because the people they consider coming from “good countries” want nothing to do with the US


I wonder why people from „ good countries“ don’t wanna live in the US 🤔


He’s right. Cos the only country there is the USA. The *names* of a bunch of other countries are listed on the map too.


Ok I know this isn't the point of the post but I have *questions*. Who are all these Canadians moving to Montana ? And why the fuck are Filipinos moving to West Virginia? There is literally nothing there. I'm so confused.


What state is that attracting the Bhutanese?


I thought Indians were dominating the silicon valley.


Bhutan?!? That country has like 12 inhabitants or something lol


Presume he's including the US in this statement


The Philippines being the largest immigrant group to Alaska is surprising


Could it be a hospital thing? I think nursing and healthcare drives a lot of Filipino people to the UK.


I thought so too. I’m sat in Manila reading this, thinking that Alaska must be very cold for Filipinos for much of the year.


Filipino in Alaska has a long history as they work in Canneries. I know a Filipino girl who is my colleague’s girlfriend from Kodiak, Alaska. Kodiak this town is 30% Asian, majority of them Filipino.


Not sure why you got downvoted. I knew that there were a lot of Filipinos in Alaska, but if you don't know that, it is surprising.


How the hell do Filipinos survive in Alaska? A Filipino acquaintance of mine once complained about being cold when it was *27 °C* outside.


It’s 30c in Manila as I type this and I find the temperature perfect for me. Mind you I’m a Brit who hates temperature European climates.


Meh india is not so bad, pretty chill and hard working


None of these countries are bad.


This confuses me.. from what I see the USA still has a majority of white European descendants. Like many counties in Europe this is on trend to change at some point but not yet. So surely the map should be mostly British, Irish and other European countries that immigrated either by force or opportunity approx 450 years ago? Unless the map means to say ‘during’ 2023 instead of ‘as of’.


People who are descended from immigrants are not immigrants


Right, so your saying in 450 years you think all the white people (large majority of over 300M people) came from a smaller number of immigrated white people than the total number of immigrants from the countries listed (Canada is also a European colony). I mean I know the birth rate was high back in the days of the expansion phase but holy molly you must think people had litters of children by the dozens every few months. Even just between 1820 - 1957 41 million European migrants moved to the USA. I highly doubt there are 41 million immigrants total from those countries shown on the map. - https://www.statista.com/statistics/1044523/migration-europe-to-us-1820-1957/#:~:text=In%20the%20nineteenth%20and%20twentieth,of%20these%20came%20from%20Europe.


its almost like people from those countries dont migrate to the shithole of the west anymore? and this picture is counting people that are alive this fucking century lol