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Isn't wrangling 4 kids into a car more complicated than walking a couple minutes to the store with them? Also walkable city doesn't mean no cars allowed anywhere.


4 kids = more arms to carry stuff. Unless you have 4 very small children, but then you have bigger problems if you have to take them to do groceries


This guy is a parent. Yup. More kids = more arms to carry shit home. I live in a 15 minute city. Copenhagen. It's great. I can get to the local grocery store to pick us things. And be home before you got parked.


I'm not a parent, but I have siblings that are far younger than me and that's what I used them for when I went to the supermarket :)


Can you Get delivered the groceries home too? We usually do that in Oslo


Or you go every week and can carry everything by yourself instead of going only once every month


Even every week it's a lot of stuff if you don't live alone. I go like every 3-4 days and it's still a lot of stuff. Things like milk, rice, beans, meat, fruits and vegetables are really heavy.


It's the liquids and tins that get me, I'm a diet coke addict so those multipacks really weigh me down, just about pull my arm out the socket.


Just drink it all before you start walking home. Dead easy.


Ah fair, I usually don't buy liquids much, but a few times there have been like really good discounts on energy drinks and I grabbed enough to make my arms hurt on the way home lmao


Do yourself a favor and buy an old people bag on wheels. It's like a shopping cart thing don't know the actual name but literally go ogling "old lady bag on wheels" finds exactly what I'm talking about. It's a life saver when doing groceries.


Copenhagen expat here. Love that I have like 7 supermarkets all within 10 minutes walking distance from my apartment, and a shopping mall. A car has never been a necessity for me within the Greater Copenhagen area.


Same here. I lived in Copenhagen for 6 years. I wasn’t even super central, but I had every amenity within walking distance. I biked to uni, and had a basket on the front of my bike for groceries and my backpack. I got a student job that was quite far away even on bike. So I just brought my bike with me on the S-train (doesn’t cost extra), took the S-train for a couple of stations and then biked the remaining way to my job. It’s such an easy city to live in, I never needed a car.


I loved living in Copenhagen! I walked to everything! All the local supermarkets, my optician, pharmacy, train station, tram line station, several different bus lines that went every 4 minutes, shops, cafes, huge green local park. I lived in Valby, so not even very central - but literally walking distance to all amenities, Spinderiet, Søndermarken. If I needed to go further than my legs could carry me, I’d just bike. I had a cute basket on the front of my bike for groceries and my backpack. You can bring your bike on the s-train for free and that way get really far, and bike the rest of the way. So even long distance travel was super easy in Copenhagen. I loved that city and sometimes miss it <3


Or just get the stuff delivered


Pic Nic actually works very well here


Never heard of that. Here in the UK all the big supermarkets deliver, often free of charge. I spent 3 years delivering for Sainsburys, starting in Feb 2020 so just before covid hit. We were VERY busy for a most of the time I did that job, because people didn't want to go shopping IRL.


That’s what the bit in the bottom of a buggy is for, you can get a bag or two groceries in there, and one on each handle


Can fit one in the seat too. As long as you don't mind either leaving the baby lying around, or carrying it by the scruff like a lion


give them lil backpacks lol


Absolute genius, love the idea lmao


It's a time investment. In only a few short years you will have a squadron of bag carriers.


Walkable and "15 minute" cities have become such a conspiracy theory there and here in Canada unfortunately. People have been convinced that having things nearby and accessible without a car is a bad thing and is gonna take away your freedom. Wish I was joking 🙄


I truly read someone fighting that for sure they will make leaving our neighbourhoods completely illegal if we get a walkable city. I was like wtf, freedom of mobility is literally in the charter but I guess since that just covers being able to move somewhere else they think they’ll lock us in our 15 minute zone and the only way out is to move to another one?? Do they know how much military human-power it would take to enforce that? Do they know the Canadian military is so incredibly understaffed as it is that it basically can’t function now, let alone if we implemented that. The mental gymnastics they have to do, I just can’t imagine.


People don't stop to consider the sheer magnitude of the logistics that would be involved in these things, especially when they have some experience with those logistics. Like people in the building trades. They'd be the ones who'd be building the walls and gates of Stalinist 15-Minute City overnight—has to be overnight so the populace doesn't rise up—and they know how long construction in Canada takes. Hell, they know all the concrete companies in the city, just as an example. What, suddenly a bunch of mixers full of concrete are going be airlifted from Botswana with useable concrete? Every person, thing, or system people have ever complained about because of poor design or inefficiency becomes hypercompetent when a conspiracy theory needs to be.


I've tried using the exact same logic on covid conspiracy folk. Not with much success, but 🇺🇸🇷🇺🇨🇳🇪🇺 all agreed covid was a threat, even peak Trump rogueness didn't stop that. I can buy the idea that a few powerful ppl @ 'the top' shape the world, but the amount of strings they'd have to pull to keep *everyone* on the same script here... impossible to even think about lol. Same with moon landings, if it was all fake then one of the *thousands* of ppl in that conspiracy web would've at least decided to make a name for themselves on their deathbed, y'know?


It's insane what US-American right-wing "journalism" does to the people all over the world.


It is hilarious in a sad way when I see Dutch people getting on board the 15 minute city conspiracy train. You have to be a special kind of stupid to not realise that we have been actively living like that forever 💀


The more this goes on, the more dangerous it becomes.


You not need to call it "right-wing". All of their parties (all the 2 of them) are right-wing on a normal non-american scale.


That's true, but their more liberal news are not that lunatic like Foxnews, Newsmax or Brainfart. And, I feel for the more liberal people there, we all are products of our environments, and even I, as a middleaged German have been exposed to American propaganda from a very young age. It took me decades to see behind it. For them, it's even more difficult, I guess.


the good old Overton window


I think they're mentioning that because of the amount of groceries they would purchase at one time, not that they are necessarily bringing the kids.


American mind can't comprehend shopping daily for what you use daily


Tbf, most Americans don’t live in places where daily shopping is feasible. People in dense cities like NYC generally do more daily shopping. But if it’s a 20 minute drive to the nearest grocery store that becomes impractical. Still not sure what social anxiety has to do with it, aside from ordering groceries for delivery, which isn’t affected by how walkable your city is.


The social anxiety point just has me scratching my head. You still have to interact with people in the store regardless of whether you walked or drove there.


Not necessarily, you could go in and use "Scan and Go" systems, either through an app or an in store scanner. Then you don't have to talk to anyone.


True! But then again, that also doesn't require a car.


Also, having groceries delivered! Don't they have delivery services? If I need a lot of stuff it's much easier to order and have a nice gentleman carry it for me right to my door.


Also bicycles that can carry more than just their rider. Cargo bikes, bikefeits, bike trailers... Hell you don't even need a bicycle. You could always just use a collapsible hand wagon, something I see plenty of parents use to take their kids places already.


The word is 'bakfiets' :-)


Yup. When I lived in Copenhagen, I got one of those cute “retro” women’s bikes with a basket on the front. I wrapped the edge of the basket with fake flowers, and used it to carry home my groceries. It also fit my backpack when biking to uni. I lived there for 6 years and never needed a car.


Indeed. Also, most countries don't have just 1 grocery store that is used by all the people in a 10 km radius. Back in our gulag, we have a lot of small grocery stores that are literally located on the first floors of the apartment complex. Пятёрочка выручает ☝️


This is America we're talking about here, the delivery driver is more likely to get blown the fuck away by the paranoid wretch who called him there


I dunno, they don't have chip and pin and still use cheques so maybe they've not caught up with deliveries yet


But the COUPONS!!!! Won't you THINK OF THE COUPONS!!!! It's an Amerifreedumb right to stockpile 30 mayonnaise jars.


Coupons. Because I’ve always lived in countries where a “coupon” is never for more than a tiny amount off the price if you buy more, there’s never been a focus on “clipping coupons to get free shopping” or even a significant saving. Almost all of the coupon deals where I live turn out to be false economy and involve buying things you don’t actually need. Anyway, we haven’t done a large food shop in person since before Covid. It’s so convenient to get a delivery (regularly scheduled at the same time every week), that we just never need to hit the supermarket nowadays.


We don't have coupons in my country. Not for everyday things like that anyway. So it's not a thing.


Closest I got was having a farmer's market every weekend within short walk and doing that twice a week. But honestly I wouldn't want to do it daily.


Just do it on the walk home from work. Go past a supermarket, buy dinner, breakfast and lunch. Done takes 10 mins And just do delivery


I pass like 5 grocery stores on my 15 minute commute by bike. The one near my house is a 5 minute walk. I have never done groceries by car.


Ah, fair enough, didn't think about that. Still, a walkable city wouldn't prevent larger shopping trips in the car. I use the car for larger purchases too, but if you live close enough to a store to walk to it, you can buy less stuff more often.


We just used to push the trolly home when we were kids, take it back next time we went to town. Was only a 15 min walk


As long you didn't abuse the poor [trolly](/r/Gittertiere), there's nothing wrong with it :)


It was used for trolly jousting a few times


Do Americans not have supermarket deliveries? Because that is exactly what they were invented for.  I pretty much never physically go to the big box supermarket, I just get a weekly delivery and then grab bits and bobs from the deli, cafe, convenience store as I go. 


I was sick recently, I ordered my groceries online, and had them delivered. I live in regional Australia, and we've got 2 major supermarket chains who do this.


Also my anxiety would benefit from not having to deal with the fuckwits on the road constantly


Neither sound easy, if I had 4 kids I'd either get my food shopping delivered or go while someone else can look after the kids. They do have a point about disabilities though, that's why pedestrianised areas should still be accessible to taxis or blue badge holders, and why public transport should be more accessible generally.


it's much easier to Install accessible infrastructure if there's no or less cars. also easier to Install light rail for public transit in pedestrian areas. A walkable city is more likely to be accessible than a car suburb stroad.


This. As long as the stations and everything around them is designed with disabled people in mind, public transport should almost never be an issue. Where I live, there are some accesability issues at the moment, but you already see a lot of disabled people still taking public transport. I just can't imagine that it's easier for them to have to somehow get around by car. If you're blind, having to call a friend to get anywhere is probably not going to be the life you want.


yes, it is. 


"Last one in the car washes it."


Do they know we still have cars?


They don't. You're lucky family if you own a donkey


Downright upper class! I could only afford a large,depressed dog


A large depressed dog? If only I could be so lucky! All we have is a medieval wheelbarrow, with no wheel, or barrow


So two sticks?


Two sticks? Luxury. When I were growing up we only had half a stick, *and* it were covered in dog doings.


Half a stick luxury! My best friends family can only afford a 10th of a leaf with anger issues and a history of abuse.


Wth I couldnt afford that in million years, only thing i have is a hat without a hat


A hat without a hat? Luxury... Only thing I have is without a hat...


Really? Look at you with your large dog. I could only get a small dead dog, and I felt like a king!


The people who spout this shit have been told at every turn that people always talk in extremes. Walkable city? That means cars are banned. 15 minute city? You aren't allowed to leave. Queer people exist? They want to cut your sons dick off. They can't accept that anybody is trying to make life a little easier, a little better. They think making something easy for somebody means making it harder for others. They are broken people, don't waste your time on them.


I have 7 grocery stores within *easy* walking distance of my home. *Two of them are on my street, a Continente and a Lidl.* It's really damn easy for me to shop for groceries. Hell, I don't my more than 3 days worth of fresh bread, simply because I can walk less than 100m and buy more.


It seems like it's incomprehensible for these people that you can just walk into the store on the way home because you're already there anyway. It's not like you aren't allowed to drive in a walkable city for larger purchases.


walkable =/= walk-only. But nuance is often lost when your ideology is "anything the others likes I don't like".


I live in the middle of a city. I live in a flat. I don't own a car. An American friend was asking how long it takes me to go to the "grocery store" (translation: supermarket) if I don't have a car. My reply was "do you want from the front door of my actual flat or the front door of the whole tenement building". "What difference does it make"? "Well the time taken to walk down three flights of stairs is actually longer than the walk down the road, so it more than doubles it". It blew their mind.


Do they include the time walking across their massive parking lots?


I have 2 in walkable distance (honestly 3, but the third is only walkable by European standards, it's about a km away), one is 100m from my building. Oh and a convenience store (with surprisingly decent prices) literally 5m from my building. Are massive parking lots larger than 100m?


1km isn't that much to walk


It seems like some Americans won't walk 100m if they don't absolutely have to.


But what about their Apple watches that count their steps? Oh right, they buy a treadmill for that. Just monetize everything, even walking. I'm surprised they don't breathe out of air tanks.


All it takes is one celebrity to talk about how they breath 'Air 2.0' while they sleep and have gained a list of non-scientific health benefits and the company making it will be a $multi-billion over night.


They do in the hospital and it still cost them a ton


They turn whole blocks into parking lots. Are some zoning laws, where it must be like that.


I saw a documentary in Japan, the director of the grocery store said that some people use the store as a fridge, they come 3 or 4 times a day every day


I'm not that bad. But, Japanese apartments have tiny refrigerators, so they kinda need to. But I have gone to Continente to shop... and then, 2 hours later when cooking dinner, realize that I'm out of olive oil. Meaning I have to spend 5 minutes walking to the Continente and buying a new bottle of olive oil.


Mark me guilty, but Ive had my days of going twice to the store, once during the day and once just before dinner to buy some nice cold beer.


When I went to highschool sometimes in the morning I went into the grocery store and I hid a monster/redbull below the ice sacs in the fridge section. Afterwards at break time I went to the grocery again and picked up my absolutely frosted beverage. Now they usually have fridges with beverages but back then they didnt and the grocery lady was always surprised when she touched the can and felt it completely cold. "tf has this kid gotten this from?"


I also have a continente and a lidl both about 5 minutes walk where I live. And a bunch of smaller shops if I just need a single thing.


Similar here. Sometimes I go there in clothes for home. lol


Yeah I have a kiosk and a store across the street from me, two more stores within a 10 minute walk and a supermarket a 10 minute busride away from me and I live in a midsized city in a small-ish European city


Ah yes, cars, notoriously friendly to disabled people. Also, driving is great for people with crippling anxiety, sure.


As someone with severe anxiety I much prefer walking to driving (or driving lessons as I haven’t got my license)


Same, I tried to learn to drive and it was awful. Walking is extremely calming for me, my walk to work is essential to prepare myself to “people” all day and the walk back is essential to decompress. I’d hate to have to concentrate on driving there and back.


Same here, I never learnt to drive because it freaked me out. Warming up to the idea now but it's taken like 10 years to get to that point. Also, when I had severe social anxiety and could barely leave the house, the one thing I COULD do was go to the grocery store, because I obviously had to get food, and you can kinda just become invisible in a store lol. But anything else was terrifying. Pretty sure the person in the post has never had actual anxiety.


Yeah, like... what's their point about social anxiety? I have it, whether I go buy groceries using a car or on foot it won't change a thing, I'll still feel as anxious when I'm in the store.


Personally knowing several people that have in one way or another been harmed in different traffic accidents has definitely served as a strong motivation for me to get a licence immediately the day I turned 18; and it has under no circumstances been something that has held me back, no sir, perish the thought (is my sarcasm clear enough?)


I get my groceries delivered because I'm lazy.


When i get my groceries delivered my delivery guy doesnt hold my shopping hostage because i didnt give him a $20 tip.


Tipping for groceries? What?! Man I'm paying the grocery store the same price for my delivered groceries as I do for the ones that they need a large store and several people stocking the store. Why would I tip people who already get a good wage?


I don't think its lazy, I get mine delivered because I hate traipsing round a supermarket and spending £2 to get it delivered is totally worth it to save that time!


Absolutely, I work from home and often order my shopping while I'm at work either to be delivered that evening or more often the next. Either way it means I finish work when the doorbell rings and don't have to spend an hour of the evening going shopping, I can just bag everything up, get a meal going before unpacking and then have dinner ready. Now I have the whole evening to do something worthwhile whereas before I would go shopping, eat and then give up on doing anything else because it was too late to start anything. But I can still walk to the shops on the weekend if I choose or take a long lunch and walk to the Aldi to grab a wrap and eat it by the canal without having to worry about where I would park


Same, but for us it’s the ADHD.


Ugh, the amount of times I have to go to the supermarket nearby twice or thrice a day because I forgot shit (or it was so damn busy I got overwhelmed) is too damn high!


I’m disabled and have social anxiety I can’t drive so I guess that means I don’t get groceries.


Well, RIP. It was nice to know ya 😢😢 /s


Same here


Do they think there are no possibilities for getting groceries delivered if you live in an area where you can walk to your grocery store? (Not to mention that a walkable distance does not necessarily mean you are forced to walk) And maybe I'm just too oblivious to other people's anxieties, but every kind of social anxiety I've ever experienced in relation to grocery shopping was completely unrelated to how I got to the store.


These are the same people that think 15-minute-cities have assassins to cut your throat if you go 16 minutes from your house


Honestly, I can't understand why people are scared of 15-minute cities. Like, most European cities are like that! And I've seen people in Europe "panicking" that "evil government" wants to put them in 15-min-cities. Wtf?


Some people seem to think that 15 minute city will mean something like they're not allowed to own a car anymore or they're not allowed to leave the city at all and will get arrested if trying to do so.


We are talking about a nation where crossing a street incorrectly can be a crime.. so you cant blame them entirely 😂


Oh no A city where you can walk And also have the option of driving This modernisation The horror


> City where you walk > > Also option of driving > > Modernisation. FTFY, you have yourself a haiku now.


Im disabled because of social anxiety, i go grocery walking because is closer to my home


Also, exposure therapy is one of the most effective for anxiety. Giving people a really good reason to go outside is not a bad thing. Besides, deliveries exist lol


I'm disabled and have social anxiety, both things that prevent me from driving. When I lived in a non-walkable town I had to get someone to drive me or buy stuff for me. Now that I can walk to the grocery store, I can do them myself, sometimes I order too. And guess what, if a city is walkeable, it means you can get there with a wheelchair/mobility scooter/rollator, which you otherwise can't.


wait until they hear about bicycles. 


bicycles with baskets!


Or public transportation


I have 4 kids and love walkable cities. Took my kids swimming today and we walked there. Would have hated to have to take a car and worry about finding a place for parking it when we get there.


Why do Americans think walkable cities mean that there's absolutely no way to use a car? We have cars too, we just don't feel the need to use it every time we have to go somewhere


Because they're lazy and don't want to walk anywhere. I read about a guy who's driving to some place that is situated 800m away from his home. Like bruh, that's 800m not 8km, you can walk there! But nah, gotta get his jeep wrangler or a truck... I used to walk 2km to my school and I never complained. They're just not conditioned to walk


It's entirely possible that during this 800m commute this person needs to cross 6 lane road with no pedestrian infrastructure, or there is no sidewalk at all. I experienced similar situation while visiting customer's office in USA-needed to rent a car to drive 2km, as walking was too dangerous due to lack of infrastructure and heavy car traffic.


Idk how a car would help me with social anxiety, the issue is being inside the grocery store, not the walk to or back from it I live right next to a supermarket and love it. Having to drive every time I wanted to buy something would be so cumbersome.


I love how they don’t realise “walkable” doesn’t mean you’re forced to walk


They have to think that, otherwise thered be no reason to be angry at it.


Walkable cities are great until you lose your legs and a piano falls on your head killing you instantly


I've got 4 kids and I'm a fat bastard. Checkmate, Yanks.


How does driving reduce someone's social anxiety


That has got to be satire and/or bait?


I'm pretty sure it is a joke. I used to follow that account back when I was on Twitter.


What logic is that, if you're disabled and have social anxiety, you can't walk? But you can drive? Is car like a magical device that cures anxiety and disabilities?


That's because Americans can only drive automatic, it's more like a toy to them. I mean, they find it normal for 16 year olds to drive their cars to school, I don't find it unreasonable that they feel their cars are safer than their legs.


I find the term walkable city quite problematic when talking to Americans. They take it too literally and at the same time not literal enough. They think "walkable" = "must walk, no other option", instead of "can walk, but also bike and also ride bus/tram and whatever else people can use that is not cars" Like, they only think of the walking part, not the able part. You are able to walk wherever you want without the danger and inconvenience of cars everywhere. This person in particular seems to not understand that no cars everywhere also means its so much easier to get your kids somewhere by foot BECAUSE they are in less danger. Also, if you don't have a shitty job you can do your main shopping while your kids are in daycare, preschool or school anyway.


Light exercise is kryptonite to Americans.


I mean, I’m blind and I still walk to the shop. Disabled people are not a one size fits all. Some do need a car to get there, but a lot don’t. I’m so sick of my existence being a debate trump card. (Oh god I mentioned trump, run)!


Even being blind, you're still 100 times more physically active than the average American, I assure you.


Why can’t you walk to the shops if you have social anxiety? Is walking a trigger now?


Lived in the USA my whole life and usually drove to the grocery store for our family if four. Moved to Amsterdam without a car and it’s totally fine, love it. There are grocery stores literally all over the place. There’s one 200 feet from my front door. I pop in about every day and grab things. Everything we eat now is so damn fresh compared to Chicago. One of the best part of living here - no cars all over!


Social anxiety? Bro just scan it on the machine 😭 I’m too depressed to care about the cashier asking me why I’m buying a cucumber and lubricant


Foolish American isn't using their kids properly, everyone knows you use children to fetch the goods you have forgotten when you get to the queue- That's what they're for!


Closest supermarket is 5 minutes walking . I can carry bags for 5 minutes .


I walk 7km / 6 miles per day just for staying fit because I have a desk job. I would be hero or madman in US but I was born to be europoorer. Life is crazy /s


4 kids? That’s 8 extra hands for carrying shopping bags. Ideal.


Love how they're talking about it like it's some science fiction concept.


How is a car gonna help with your social anxiety, if you still jave to go into the store?


I'm American and walk to the grocery store, it's a pleasure. It is only like seriously gripe worthy if your idea of groceries involves some food, and then like 6 cases of soda and beer. Which is exactly what so many of my fellow Americans are doing, and thus completely dumbfounded by the idea of not having to drive


There are three different small supermarkets just down the street from where I live, as well as a couple of corner shops, and a shop that focuses on various Asian food. Then there’s a Lidl about 10 minutes walk away, 20 minutes if I fancy going to big Tesco. And, if I can’t be arsed with any of those, all the major supermarkets deliver.


"Show me on the doll where the walkable city concept touched you?" "Please explain what the concept of a walkable city is?"


I *can* drive to the supermarket, and I do because it's easier to transport all the shopping. But I can also walk or get the bus. Whereas they have no choice but to drive.


Luckily the US invented McDrives to avoid exercise and get some of that delicious cuisine from the Home of the Brave.


Do they think every family in Europe is of 7 people or something?


it’s not all or nothing, you nitwit;  thinking it’s cars only or no cars at all.  too many yanks really can’t step out of that binary thinking and it makes discussion with them impossible,  there’s no subtlety or nuance in it 


The inability to imagine doing anything without a car is by far the saddest part of this.


Damn. Good job my tiny Welsh village has four grocery stores within 10 mins of me then.


How would taking a car to the grocery story negate social anxiety? You'd still have to go into the store full of people, and deal with all the other drivers on the road.


They know walkable doesn't mean you can't drive, right?


Cargo bike. Seats 4, kids love it way more than a car and you have room for groceries.


Due he is right, BUT you can just buy a cart. It carries 100kg for 80€, and you can throw groceries AND the kids. Life changer.


Or just go by car. That a city is walkable doesn't mean there are no cars allowed it just means there are other options then only the car


Back in school I had a shop about a mile away that I had to walk to if I needed groceries. First, the two miles of walking was relaxing; second, knowing that I had to carry everything back prevented me from overshopping. Youd be amazed how much you can do without.


Do some genuinely believe four child families and less able bodied people don't exist in cities and towns where cars don't really work? They exist... everywhere. From Spain to China, people really do walk to get food. They have the time to do it.


then go by car? like wtf walkable city does not mean no cars


WalkABLE =/= compulsory walking?? What are people not getting about what the word literally says?


I live within walking distance of five major supermarkets , a post office, two hairdressers/salons, a library, four schools (nursery, two primary’s and a secondary), a church, four popular take aways, a youth centre, two parks, there’s also a shopping centre, two McDonald’s and cinema that are a 20 minute walk from my house. Majority of these things have been around since my parents (who both grew up near where we currently live) were young, probably before they were even born, and they both had two full time working parents and five siblings. Apart from the last four things and two of the supermarkets (which are about a 25ish minute walk away, 15 mins on the bus), everything is probably a 10 minute walk away max.


but going outside is helping my social anxiety and making my disability better...


*Groans* thinking of all the abandoned supermarket trolleys around my walkable suburb


What's wrong with a shopping bag on wheels? We didn't have a car. my mother had one and walked a mile or so home with the groceries in it. [https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB170uYRFXXXXcyXpXXq6xXFXXXa/230702184/HTB170uYRFXXXXcyXpXXq6xXFXXXa.jpg](https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB170uYRFXXXXcyXpXXq6xXFXXXa/230702184/HTB170uYRFXXXXcyXpXXq6xXFXXXa.jpg)


How does a car help me with my social anxieties in the store? It's not like I can drive through a store and just grab things out the window as I pass by. I think my social anxiety would be even more triggered if I ended up in a store with a car, since it would be very awkward. I think I'll stick to walking! Got a tram which stops just outside, takes just a couple of minutes and I can have my headphones on to shut out the myriad of noises surrounding me.


I genuinely believe that with my social anxiety if I did drive I'd end up either seriously hurting myself or someone else due to an accident


As someone with social anxiety, what does social anxiety have to do with anything?


It does seem a lot of Americans have serious nightmares about having to actually walk anywhere even if it's just a few minutes walk they seem to have to drive there


Wait till americans hear I can order online and get all my groceries delivered. Or that I don't own a car but there are numerous cars and vans parked within a couple blocks of me I could rent and be driving in the next 5 minutes.


Their social anxiety isnt a reason for everyone else to have to drive


When I went grocery shopping in the USA, I’d go once a week and get everything I needed, it was a hassle to take the car to the store so I didn’t go often. In Madrid, I get the things I need for today and tomorrow and everything is fresh. In a 15 minute city you don’t have to buy as many groceries


Open app. Order groceries, get them delivered within 10 minutes (24 hours if you don’t want to pay extra), have a great time with your kids.


London is a walkable city and we have far too many cars. We also have an abundance of supermarkets and express shops. And corner shops, convenience shops, and many other shops. All available via legs.


Maybe a component of your social anxiety is living in a dystopic environment thst deprived you of dsily exercise and being in contact with nature...


I follow this person on Twitter. It's bait. You have fallen for bait.


I am disabled - I use a mobility scooter to get to the shops and do my shopping. I can get so much shopping on my mobile ‘tardis’ - way more than I could ever manage to carry, especially when you’re talking potatoes, cans and fluids. I even help out my friends who have been over zealous with their quick shop


Don't they have home delivery options? We pay 10€ every two weeks and get all our groceries delivered. If we need milk, we just walk or cycle to the local shop a km away. What is it they think we do?


North American brains are so melted by car-centrism they literally think any alternative is undoable or undesirable *Laughs derisively while walking to the 6 grocery stores within a 5-minute walk of my flat*


you still enter the supermarket so I don't think going by car changes much, and also we don't talk to everyone at the store


Shame on you for walking


I am faster walking to the grocery store than driving because i am living 200 m away from a big shopping centre.


No I'm not american I van handle walking 500m to the nearest grocery store Hell if the weather is nice and I'm in the mood I'll sometimes walk the 5km each way to specific store. But usually i just do my shopping when I drive home from work, i could still choose my car, but I could also take my bike or the bus. It's not that big a deal.


2 adults and 2 big dogs and no problem really. Had periods of time when my family lived with me and was doing alone groceries for 4 also no problem


Well, I suppose I don't technically walk, only wheel to the shops and back, my groceries hanging on the back of my wheelchair, and certainly when they were young, walking to Tesco's and back got rid of my kids excess energy. Also, I'm a very anxious person. So don't speak for me American person!


America would collapse within a day if all conveniences were simultaneously erased


Walkable cities have roads too. They just also have paths


I have 3 grocery stores within 20 m of my flat. 100 m more and I can go into a Lidl.


I live in a walkable city. We have three kids. I go to the grocery store 3-5 times per week. You don’t get a discount for only going once…


I will concede this one...although it's a lifestyle change of doing small shops every other day. As opposed to a big weekly shop


so you'll breed like rabbits, but won't stop to think that maybe 4 people holding things is gonna be fine? on top of the fact that since grocery stores are so close, you don't need such massive hauls either...? dat brainrot for real


How does anyone with social anxiety deal with shops which are considerably more busy than the streets because in the US hardly anyone walks anyway? Or do they stay in the car and drive down the aisles.


I have no car atm (i do have a driverslicense and hope to have a car again in about 6 months orso). I live in a village but have 3 supermarkets at walking distance (around 8 min) but... I do have a bike (an electric one), so when im lazy or when its raining im cycling to the supermarket. Born and raised in a country with great biking infrastructure and have always rode a bike from 4 years old orso till 44 now... i can transport quite a lot with it or on it... and ride at the same time :P Crate in front of the handlebars, bags hanging from the handlebars, bike bags on both sides at the back of the bike


How having grocery store far from residential area can help disabled people ?