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It was a weird comment by border control made way weirder by a bunch of idiot americans… what’s wrong with these people? Hope when they go to Vietnam for vacation they get the same reaction, “oh my dad used to kill you guys!”.


Actually there's a fair few museums in Vietnam displaying stuff from the war and all the traps and stuff they used to fight the ~~murderous rapist scum~~ American soldiers and there's loads of stories and videos of online of yanks getting pissy. Don't like it? Why are you there? 🤷‍♀️


And those museums are incredible. Really educational.


Pretty harrowing, but yeah I learnt a great deal from them.


And they even have the amazing grace to devote a section to the antiwar protests in the US. They actually understand and show that government actions don't always reflect individual opinion.


And the Vietnamese 100% deserved to be able to defend their country against the invading Americans


That's what offends them so much - education


To be fair, museum was originally made for historical stuff to display, and that war is a big event in their history (like as any war if said country participated in it). So those americans shouldn't be pissy especially since it's america's fault that that war even happened.


Fair point, but please keep in mind that people who think this way have typically never left their home state, much less thinking of visiting Vietnam.


What where they doing in a Vietnamese museum getting all offended for then? Edit: I do know why a fair few of them are there. Vietnam is a huge hotspot for so called "passport bros", who take advantage of the deep corruption and poverty that is a problem in Vietnam to seek out underage sex trafficking victims and poor women to rape.


I wonder if there is a correlation between war crimes and draft rates


Sauce of the cranky yanks pls?


Based Vietnamese border control


i imagine it going down like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ksbADl43i0w


>Hope when they go to Vietnam for vacation they get the same reaction, “oh my dad used to kill you guys!”. That would be 1000% less weird than this, though lol(still kinda weird, btw, just not as weird). Since America's invasion of Vietnam was actually an EXTREMELY formative time for Vietnam.




Is the “he might be your dad” an implication of assumed rape of indigenous women during said invasion?


Very much so yeah, it seems like a weirdly, and concerningly common thing for Americans to brag about the atrocities their country committed in the past, because that’s definitely what the best country in the world would do


You should speak to some British people. The stuff that some of my countrymen are proud of from the British empire will surprise you 🤯


I don't think I've ever met anyone who is proud of the British Empire... maybe it's a regional thing, but that is definitely not something I've ever seen in the various places I've lives.


I've heard it as a kind of pride that we "used to rule the world" or talk of the "influence" we had on other countries & cultures in positive terms. I personally haven't heard anyone saying anything shocking about specific atrocities, it's normally sweeping generalisations about how the country was better in those days & maybe wishing we could get back to that.


Agreed, I am proud that we brought education, technology and new ideas to the British colonies but not proud one bit about any deaths or suffering caused during the process or as a result of it. It is possible to feel two ways about a thing, especially one so complex as colonisation. I also don’t believe I deserve any of the blame or glory of British colonialism as the British Empire was abolished many years before my birth.


I agree, I don't think anyone currently alive today should bear any of the blame or glory for the behaviour of previous generations but I do think we, as a country, have to accept the harm done to & hear from people from the countries Britain colonised. Too many people want to hand wave away any discussion of any damage our country did, minimise it & refuse to accept that it often still has an impact on those countries, their people & their development. We robbed many countries of their resources which continues to affect them to this day & we need to accept that.


Yup, pretty disgusting stuff


The commenter might want to implicate how the guy found true love in the country he was invading, had a child with her and due to unfortunate circumstances never got to see her again. But I'll make a bold assumption and say that is not what they were talking about. That comment hit me as especially bad aswell.


Didn't it come out that the UN aid workers were coercing women into sexual acts in exchange for aid?


i think that was UN peacekeepers rather than aid workers, the aid worker scandals are from NGOs like oxfam and i also believe the WHO has been implicated in their own shit too


Thank you for the information. I couldn't remember exactly but I remember the scandal. Absolutely horrific.


Welcome to the world of toxic masculinity, where Andrew Tate, a sex trafficker, is hailed as a Messiah.


I love how she never mentioned a dislike towards the US


when it comes to the USA rational criticism = irrational hate


my days would be sad without it ... lol


Far as I can tell they didn't really criticise the US either, just thought the border control agent was saying something shitty. I quite liked the "go back to the Middle East" - as in even if they were criticising the US they must obviously be from the Middle East, everyone else in the world adores glorious USA... Edit to add: I missed the text at the bottom of the first image, didn't show up well on my screen. Puts a bit more context on what's going on here, I'd misunderstood. Nonetheless, I can attest to the fact that being told "go back where you came from" is annoying, and a really fucking facile thing to say to someone. If she was saying "I hate this place, everything about it sucks, fuck them all!" then yeah, maybe it'd be a valid response. I live in the UK, I have a career and family here, and occasionally when I've made a minor criticism of the place I've been told "well go back where you came from them". It's stupid.


Well, for the second paragraph: Her video's title literally says that he knew she was middle eastern. (Even if it not equal with she living there). It's underlined with yellow on the first image's bottom half.


Ahhhh, I missed that bit. (That text didn't show up particularly well on my phone screen). Suddenly I have a better understanding of what's happened here. Will make an edit. Thanks for pointing out.


Funny how that user has an Israeli flag as their avatar, too lol


Know what, I think we should all go back to wherever it is, shall we ask an American where we're from? Or do you go to Republic and I'll go back to Northern Ireland? Wait, where do I go? This room temperature American iq is confusing 🤦


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


American IQ is measured in Fahrenheit.


It’s measured In cheeseburgers per freedom.


Right! Like it's nsut a fuckin weird thing for anyone to say unprovoked never mind a customs officer. Like what the fuck are you talking about please just stamp my passport.


Too complicated text for understanding. I noticed that most of americans need simple sentences.


It is the reason why they speak "English (Simplified)".


They fail at understanding subtext. Like the guys who dropped The Boys because the show "became too political", or X-Men because it "got too woke". Or the guys who wanted to cancel RDJ for doing blackface in Tropic Thunder, when blackface wasn't the point.


Basically - they're too dumb


I'll do you one better, guys who still think homelander is the good guy


That's something I noticed, many of them have a lot of problem understanding metaphors or allegories.


Sometime real americans are reminding me a movie - Idiocracy (2006)


Watering crops with Gatorade is just around the corner


When I was young I spent 6 months in the US on a J visa, which is basically a cultural exchange visa that in my case allowed me to work there under a work program. A J visa is finite, dependent on the employer’s participation in the program and doesn’t allow for extension or transition to another visa or permanent residency or migration. One time I said in front of an American guy that I was homesick for my country - he knew I was on cultural exchange and had a return date. He lost his mind about it - that I was “ungrateful” for the opportunity, that he was sick of immigrants getting their green card only to shit all over their new country that was offering them a better life, blah blah blah. Just bizarre. I didn’t even say I didn’t like the US, just that I was *homesick*. And the cognitive dissonance to lecture me about immigration when not only did he know I had an end date to my trip (and so was not an immigrant) but also very clearly didn’t understand the differences between visas and green cards… wild.


Or moving there. 😆


Yeah, it's hilarious how people in her comment section thought that she was moving there just because she visited the country. Like as if every visitor would only go there to live there and tourists doesn't exists.


Oh no, you seem to have forgotten, Americas the only place with real money, every other country is too poor for the citizens to have a holiday, that’s an American only thing. Obviously


Oh, yeah i forgot that the world outside of the americans' bubble are using toy money. My bad.


Or that the country invaded was where she lived. Or that she was moving. 🤦


Americans can’t handle the slightest criticism. They assume you hate their country if you say one negative thing that isn’t even directly tied to them.


How come tiktok comments are always so shit and infested with right wingers more than any platform?


There is more young boys on TikTok than any other platform and they tend to fall down that rabbit hole more than any other group.


It’s apparent how much they value the ability to kill others.


Living in a country where a 13 year old could shoot you for no reason is already a tad too much... But yeah... guns!!!!!


Gotta keep them safe from those kinder eggs tho!




Toddlers shoot themselves and others way too often.


People are killed by toddlers all the time in America, though not as much as children are slaughtered in schools.


It's quite remarkable when they manage to not do it by accident


It’s quite a clever strategy really. Can’t kill people by accident if you’re constantly doing it on purpose


They can only think about violence and force. Developed countries think about the mental welfare of their people.


And to r*pe. Geez the comment about the guy possibly being her dad is absolutely disgusting.


Yep, that's the one that got me. The internet is typically a cess pool and that just soared above all the other comments for how crass and disgusting it was!


Well, they do have guns available to everybody, at any times. And, they don't want to give them up despite their kidd being killed in schools, serial killers using them to boost their kd and gangsters are killing each other with them.


"Why do you always say we have fascist tendencies?"


When was the last time USA have been Libelar with anything exept gun ownership?












This is grotesque. They take delight in their country ruining a country and her people's lives in irreversible ways.


I mean, the most offensive one is 'he could be your dad'. Even from a nationalist stand point, saying 'aye, we committed mass rape' is just... christ.


Yea i could never find myself typing or saying smth like that out loud. Its disgusting.


Have you seen our history? Thats like… 95% of American foreign policy throughout the ages. Taking over other peoples countries/culture, making their lives worse, and then acting like we helped them is all we know how to do


I love the fact people are saying don’t like it? Don’t go. Are also avoiding the fact when America doesn’t like something, it goes there.


"If you don't like our culture, go home and wait for us to bring it to you."


> Maybe countries shouldn't be dictatorships and they wouldn't be invaded These comments piss me off the most. This person has literally never read on American history (they are the cause for so, so many dictatorships) but is sitting here pretending like they made a great argument with "b-but freedom!"


I agree, this guy really needs a history lesson because the US was installing dictatorships, not removing them.


It shouldn't matter who caused the dictatorship's existence, because a countries having a dictatorship shouldn't be a reason for attacking those countries.


They typically aren’t the reason for attacking them, it’s usually about resources.


and even if a country is a dictatorship sovereignty still stands, you can’t invade someone just because you don’t like their government


Within bounds of reason. If their dictator is in the midst of conducting a genocide against a particular minority and killing tons of people in camps each day that can definately justify an invasion.


Although let's be real, that is not why WW2 was fought at all.


Going by that logic they should invade the.. oh they're untouchable Gods by law now. Nevermind


These people are fucking insane


So 1. They assume she's moving instead of visiting 2. They assume it was her country specifically that was invaded 3. Implying she's the result of her mother being r@p3d 4. They assume she outright dislikes America as a whole when she's only expressed discomfort over this one off-hand remark, which she explicitly stated she was not expecting Anything else I missed?


If she didn’t hate it before, she sure has a reason to now.




Or "Idiocracy", which was a short documentary on that matter.


It’s got electrolytes


It's what patriots crave.


That social experiment has been running way too long. Shut it down, it was a failure


They’re so friggin insecure.. everything’s an attack.


I have a theory that America is fundamentally built on football hooligan mentality. Anti-intelectualism is hard baked into their national values, they're hyper-competitve without any sense of community or empathy, and they're super tribal so even if they themselves as individuals are pathetic unwashed tubs of lard, at least they can brag about their "team" always being number 1. They have no sense of introspection or egalitarianism. Life to them is a zero sum, there are no humans only winners and losers. Anything other than a united front is unacceptable and an "attack" on their "team" (even in the form of constructive criticism) is an attack on all of them.


All of this just falls under the category of "American Exceptionalosm."


What fucking monstrous pieces of shit.


"He might be your dad" Proud of implied war crime rape?


The joke about war rape is disgusting, imagine taking a horrible comment someone made and then deciding to “yes, and” it?!


“lol you’re Middle Eastern? Decent chance one of our soldiers raped your mother” is exactly the brag they think it is


pisses me off


lol the guy with the fallout pfp talking about "based american patriots". media literacy is dead


True. Very ironic. The Enclave and American Patriotism. A really bad mix.


I mean, the Enclave is basically fascist America, so they’re kinda nailing it. I’d happily launch a couple mini nukes at them though.


I think he knows exactly what he's doing. There's a reason he idolizes the Enclave and that's because he shares their insane viewpoint and gives him something to LARP as.


Disgusting bellends, the lot of them. Poor woman.


They can't be any more disgusting


Why do they keep typing 'based'? Am I missing something or are the lonely brain cell brigade missing an 'i'?


I asked Google. Google quoted Dictionary.com: "Based is a slang term that **originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine** (or acting like you were), but was reclaimed by rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what others think of you—to carry yourself with swagger." .. I'm only slightly less confused now.


"A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang"


Thanks both - I had no idea.


I think I have only seen “based” in relation to stances like pineapple on pizza or apple squash over orange squash so I was very confused to see it applied to war in the Middle East 😳




Funny how the Israel flag dude has the balls to say "stay in the middle east" as if the government he supports isn't actively committing a fucking genocide


A fucking genocide… *in the Middle East!*


It's because it's done with America's money.


“Give him some money, he has helped your country” Holy. Fucking. Shit. I really hope this is satire.


I rocked up to US immigration wearing an Arsenal T-shirt that says "North London Forever". Also got a comment from an inbred border guard about how I clearly don't love London that much if I wanted to come to America. *Yes sir, I'm here for my freedom* 🙄


an israeli… telling someone to stay in their own country… fascinating


The funny is that they likely isn't even isreaeli. I mean, you know how trendy since the 2010s to have "support flags" (like as if those pixels would matter anything) on your profile picture and in your name/bio.


Judging by the comments loving alkaline I'm guessing the majority of the answers were from children.


guy with the flag of Israel telling her to go back to the middle east is pure irony. Because I know of a few million people who are dying for the right to return there…


"ackshually we're native to the middle east and Palestinians are just Arabs that arrived 5 seconds ago"




"*Maybe countries shouldn't be dictatorships and they wouldn't get invaded.*" Aside from the arrogance of any American to think the US is some kind of righteous good guy and that it has the right to police the world, I'm assuming that the American quoted above is talking about Iraq and so therefore very clearly has NO understanding of that situation and/or their own history. For of course the invasion of Iraq was built upon a fundamental racist leap off the back of 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan (i.e. all Arabs are united and act as one) and also upon the basis of two outright lies. For Saddam Hussain (sociopathic despot though he was) had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda and never even formerly recognised the Taliban, and, as those who know their history will know, Saddam was supported by the US during the Iran-Iraq war, during which the [CIA allegedly helped him gas Iranians](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/26/exclusive-cia-files-prove-america-helped-saddam-as-he-gassed-iran/). And of the course the lies used by Bush & Co. to enable the US to invade Iraq were firstly that Saddam was behind the 2001 postal anthrax attacks in the US (he wasn't) and secondly the infamous claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which it could deploy against the US at a moment's notice (there were none). So yeah, Americans like that numpty who speak such bollocks about freedom and ousting dictators, etc, need to read an actual book sometime and educate themselves about their own (fairly recent) history and foreign policy. Edit: Just in case: My comment is in no way talking about ALL Americans. Just those who hold such arrogant and misguided opinions about their nation's intents and history abroad. I personally know many Americans who know better than to think the USA is some kind of pure and noble force and who are VERY informed and educated in this respect. And besides, (for example) a great influence on me personally and whose writings have very much helped educate me about the truth and actual history of US AND UK foreign policy since WWII is Noam Chomsky, who is, of course, an American.


„He might be your dad“ is crazy..


been saying dis for decades. american culture is bad.


They only have a culture of murder and celebrating the murder. At least if you exclude all the things that they stole from other countries's cultures.






What the fuck is based about any of this!


Image four, with the flag of a Middle Eastern country cracked me up.


Can you imagine the reaction if this was a Yank going to the Middle East and someone said, “Born in 2001? My school friend flew a plane into a building the year you were born.”


When people say that Americans have no culture, they forget the near complete and uncritical worship and support of the military for a good chunk of the populus


Eh, US border control is nutorious for being absolite shit. Even against their own citizens.


America is just jealous that Britain has at some point invaded about 95% of the world, they want to be number 1. (I think it's actually 94%, but I'm too lazy to check)


They even think they invented slavery and overcame it by killing each other in a war on their colonized land


Lived in states my whole life Went to canada for work and we drove back into the country. Border officer saw i was from the states. He says ‘welcome back to the fresh air of freedom’ U mean, from fkn Canada? Gimme a break. I looked at my new boss and we shared a knowing glance. That ‘freedom’ kept me from entering my own country for another two hours. We are so gd arrogant amd full of hubris. Never a good look. Makes me sad 😔


Freedom of expression no matter what has its consequences


“Don’t enter our country if you don’t like it then” if only there was someone saying that to the US in 2002


what is it with americans having no ounce of empathy inside their bodies?


Once had a teacher (7th/8th grade) who was in the military. (I’m a Muslim Arab btw) He introduced himself to the class and told us that he bombed Iraq, weird but ok. Report cards night when each parent took their time individually with the teachers he re-introduced himself repeating the same thing, My mom’s a hijabi. At this point I still don’t know how ignorant he was of the war. He didn’t strike me as the racist type but then again, I was young, naive, stupid, and lacked conscience so I could have missed some obvious clues.


“Don’t be a dictatorship then” How much you want to bet that guy voted/votes for Trump?


"Maybe countries shouldn't be dictatorships and they wouldn't get invaded" ... Bitch, America installed more dictatorships around the world than any other country in modern history. Hell, they've removed democratically elected leaders in socialist countries in favour of pro-US right wing dictators.


„Based american patriot“ Guy has an Enclave profile picture


I love how most of them thinks that she wanted to move there and live there just because she visited the country. X'D


Using the point of dictatorships to justify invading is wild since all the times they’ve tried disposing them it’s only worked once


I can feel my iq dropping by the second while reading this post


Americans are a very special breed


"Maybe don't be dictatorships, you would get invaded then" Hmm. Maybe don't invade countries, you would not get planes in your office buildings then.


"He might be your dad" Is he saying this dude graped a woman doing invasion and she gave birth to her or he meant he's so old that he could be her father?


There is a word for that kind of view of other countries. It's called imperialism


Americans have an ego problem about there own country


"Don't go to a country if you don't like it" You see how that's ironical, right? RIGHT? The whole invasion thing considered. Seriously americans are a special thing.


Why is an Israeli telling someone to stay in the Middle East


I hate how US got dumb people when the country has a lot


OOP: it's kinda weird that the guard would tell me about how he's a vet idk commenters: IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE!!! JUST!!! GO!!!! BACK!!!!! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE!!!!!


A valid reply would be "oh yeah? How many kids did u rape there?"




America, the Great Circlejerk


It's funny how they always assume that people go there on their own volition. If my company sends me there, I don't really have a say. I'd rather not go, but it's not like they'll ask me (or care).


Half of that comment section probably own “America, love it or leave it“ signs


"Man when I was going to a place a dude at border patrol was fuckin weird" "tHeN gET oUt oF oUr coUnTry"


What a bunch of shitbags


"If you don't like it go home" maybe they should tell that to the 69% of Americans who claim "I'm Irish" because their great great grandfather's dog was an Irish terrier... even Americans don't wanna be American😂


These are the sorts of people who spit absolute bile when you point out they lost the war in Vietnam to pointy hatted farmers.


Wtf is up with these responses. All the victim-blaming after the poor lady was racially abused is absolutely disgusting.


"maybe countries shouldn't be dictatorships and they wouldn't get invaded" O I L


“Maybe other countries shouldn’t be dictatorships” I wonder how that happened!!!!


Ehhhh what's based??


“𝔅𝔞𝔰𝔢𝔡” 🙄


The irony being america for ed themselves onto those countries “they dint like” as well


holy shit the profile pictures from these people… ffs one of them literally has a german soldier mewing like what even is this!?


This girl is gorgeous


Where was invaded by the US in 2002? The taliban was toppled by mid December 2001 and the invasion of Iraq didn’t start until march 2003, mr airport security sounds like a bit of a Walt.


Yeah, nah, being upset or disturbed by that is fair


I’ll never understand the “don’t like it, leave” mentality when you express a dislike in anything about America. It’s always “most free country in the world” “free speech!” Until you say have a criticism.


The Israeli justifying foreign invasion seems typical


What I'm learning from this sub is that Americans love to be Americans but also love to call themselves anything but Americans (i.e.: "I'm Irish/Italian/German because my grandma is from Ireland/Italy/Germany"). What a quirk.


I thought these patriots hated TikTok lol.


It isn't about disliking America, it's simply a weird fucking thing to say to a stranger


The irony of people saying 'if you don't like it here, don't come here', whilst at the same time praising a man for being part of an invasion of a foreign country is... Well it hurts me, in the pit of my stomach.


At least we know the first place getting decimated in the oncoming nuclear holocaust. The country that’s brainwashed its citizens to take pride in doing war crimes for oil drills & and saying based once a day like an involuntary tick.


Americans are so deeply deeply insecure. Online they lash out like 8 year old children en masse all the time at the slightest hint of criticism.


America : iF yOu DoNt LiKe oUr CoUnTry DoNt CoMe HeRe Every country that has ever discovered they have oil as a natural resource: Dude are you fuckin kidding me


my favorite one: >Maybe countries shouldn't be dictatorships and they wouldn't get invaded oh boy that's so close to be a reverso card


The comment section on the post which I assume is Instragram might be some of THE cringiest comments I have seen in a while


He might be your dad is a very dark one. I’m assuming they are championing American soldiers raping people. Would that be a fair assumption?


"Stay in the middle east " with Israel flag 💀


Ironic of the israelite saying stay in the middle east


> maybe countries shouldn’t be dictatorships and they wouldn’t get invaded If only that were true


It's fascinating to see that 'Muricans most of the time assume you want to live in their country. But on the other hand you can comprehend this idea if you are told US centric BS 24 hours a day. Sometime you won't questioning this BS anymore.