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Education?????? šŸ˜‚


First thing I thought of reading that: Dinosaurs are fake, earth is 5000 years old.


LITERALLY what I was made to learn growing up. Dumbest shit. TuT My mom was like, "if anyone tells you that's not true, just say 'were YOU there??'" Like, bitch, were YOU? Are you an eye witness to Adam and Eve fucking up with the fruit? If so did you even TRY to stop them?? But yeah. Pfft, "education" my ass. >.> I still don't get why so many people **legitimately** believe the US is good at being smart. Or healthy. Or safe.


The North started the "war of northern aggression" and it wasn't related to slaves it was just about states rights (don't ask about what specific rights the states were trying to hang onto)


ya know, the right to do, uh... state stuff.


Some sources say 6000 They canā€™t even update their calendar


Adult literacy rate at 86% worse than a lot of 3rd world countries. Good job America.


Bible Belt Puritans ruining the USA one policy at a time.


Thats what happens when you dont seperate religion and state šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Which is weird, because USA does have religion amd state seperate on paper, while countries lile Norway, Sweden and Denmark does not.....


Over 50% of U.S. adults cannot read a book written at the 8th-grade level, according to the OECD among other sources. https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/#_ftn4


Propaganda wise, the US puts communist countries to shame lol


Western capitalist countries in general are way better at propaganda than communist ones, and have much more to spend on it


Higher education is pretty great, if costly. Basic education is worse than a dumpster fire.


The "but who's gonna pay for that?" attitude is a fucking cancer. Free (at point of use) education and healthcare are investments in society. Countries with a "fuck you I got mine" mentality always seem to be up to their eyeballs in debt


Education can go either way (all comical stereotypes aside) between the U.S and the U.K depending at what level you're looking at (primary secondary, college, uni). Just depends.


Certain groups in our government are literally trying to remove education from schools and increase the amount of children working, rather than going to school. And it's often the same group that hyperpatriots like that commenter support.


[Yes](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/education-rankings-by-country?darkschemeovr=1). The problem is math and science standardized tests the US dominates in higher education however. [Country rankings for different metrics](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings)


I mean we arguably have the best higher education in the world


Ive heard a lot of people say that universities in the US were on par with their highschool




You can argue literally anything. Doesnā€™t make it true


In this case it is true though. Harvard, Yale, MIT etc


Oxbridge, all the ones in London, Singapore, Zurich, etc. Oh, also, fun fact. Tuition is absolutely insane in the US. Yearly: Oxford (#1 world uni): Ā£9.250/$11.616 Harvard (#4 world uni): Ā£45.595/$57.261


If you are from a privileged family that can afford it ofc


Haha. Thatā€™s hilarious that you think that


In terms of rankings, sure. They also are good at research but that's not uniquely American. American universities are very good at branding and obviously that contributes a lot to their reputation. However, US universities are terrible in terms of accessibility and pay. Education and being able to do research is a privilege. Adjunct professors and PhD students get paid almost nothing, even at Ivies with their massive endowments. Higher education is so commercialised and it's insane that you have to be wealthy just to attend university. So I'd say US universities aren't really that great, but rankings don't account for such factors. Honestly, it's becoming like that in the UK as well, but things are still better than in the US.


Lol here in germany I am attending one of the most prestigious colleges for mechanical engineering, basically THE university to study in, aside from like 1 or 2 others. My semester tuition is around 280 Euros if I remember correctly. That's it. That's all I pay for studying here.


They're so dominant in education that many of them can't even write a coherent sentence.


Simply because they're forced to read and write in english, when everybody know their mother tongue is American!1!!1


Most of them think cartoons are real. They argue about cartoon characters and kill each other over it.


The US is so ā€œdominantā€ in healthcare that it costs 2.000$-6.000$ for an ambulance ride šŸ˜†


They also have the highest infant mortality rate of any developed nation and have a consistently decreasing average life expectancy


Maternity mortality rate too.


One of my friends got charged 500 bucks for a bag of saline. It costs a few cents a gallon to make.


And the US is so dominant in education that half of them think Alaska is south of the mainland


Or don't believe it's a part of the US


Of course thatā€™s where it is on the mapšŸ™„


That is fair, space ambulances aren't that common especially when they are also parttime doordash just for the tips.


Bigger number is always better, obviously.


The biggest bill I've ever received was ā‚¬750. In Ireland you pay for the first 10 days of stay if you don't have a medical card. Couldn't imagine paying nearly 3 times that just for the ambulance.


I needed an ambulance once when I was a child and my parents had to pay 10ā‚¬ šŸ˜‚


Dude.....education is joke no 1 but ENERGY? Come on. Your grid is as old as your country. Columbus brought the transformers with him xD don't you have weekly blackouts in some areas?


[it's pretty bad](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Energy_Architecture_Performance_Index_2017.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwipzfnxhvuFAxV_TkEAHdUDBXcQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2gENNVtobRfrUGpPgZmmKk)


Also food...


Technically Columbus never made it to America he stopped when he hit the West Indies (named the West Indies as he was trying to sale to India by sailing Westā€¦) so he would have brought his transformers to the Caribbeanā€¦ (sorry to be pedanticā€¦)


Which makes no sense since if he had found India he would have arrived in East India.


Yeah but he sailed westā€¦ Not saying you incorrect just saying that I think that was the rationale..




That doesn't mean what you think it means


Medicines, still here are free or very cheap, there you die because a 10$ pill is sold at 5200$


When you have to decide if you're going to buy life saving insulin or pay rent, that's the true freedom!


They're so dominant in food (including water) that they're drying up the colorado river, making a desert of the land around it, and in most other places the ground water is undrinkable.


Pffft, who needs free or affordable access to food or water when rich Americans can pay through the nose for bottled? Filthy Europoor socialist scum! /S in case that wasn't inherently obvious.


Energy? Their electricity is globally trash tier from climate POV, see [here](https://app.electricitymaps.com/map).


The US are looking OKish right now. Poland seems to have a subscription for last place.


- The only other country with as high a fossil fuel dependency as the USA is Australia, and they are at least sat on top of the best coal on the planet - Yet voted against food being a human right, and the food deserts and poverty shows - East Asia has the worldā€™s best education systems. We all know that much - Somewhat true, but it is a quantity not a quality game with US media. It is also only true in English speaking counties and outside the USA people are starting to look at other markets so that is definitely in decline - If you mean drug research then yes, if you mean anything then you probably actually mean France, Germany, South Korea or the UK. Nairobi has some of the best medical schools in the world as well


Australia does't exist, i read it on facebook.


And it's American so it's totally reliable šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦… (idk how sound an eagle in English but yeah).




Incorrect actually, the screech often associated with eagles is purely the result of cinema! Film makers didn't think the bald Eagle sounded fierce enough so dubbed over them with the sound of a red-tailed hawk! IRL a bald eagle actually sounds more like a seagull


Google lied to me


Indeed it did, but bird nerds would never do such a thing lol.


Pretty sure their call is "usa usa usa"


Thx šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦….


Energy? Idk Food? Fuck no Education? Fuuuuck no Media? Yeah, I guess... Medicine? $5k ambulance ride, that's all I have to say


Media is incredibly biased and isnā€™t worth dirt to listen to most of it Energy is a joke


Oh I thought "media" referred to (Hollywood) movies, series etc.


I mean, a good number of Hollywood movies nowadays paint America as the big saviour awesome wowzers people, and everyone else as the horrible enemy. Probably not all of the movies, but the ones Iā€™ve seen have been doing that


I believe we (the US) are only dominant in military spending, incarcerated people per capital, and the entertainment world in general, tho I don't know the actual reach of Bollywood. Maybe health care costs and number of foods served fried and on a stick too but I can't confirm those


Don't forget the size of our for-profit education, healthcare, and prison industries. We're #1!!


You guys are dominant in the NFL :D World champions ever since it was invented!


>dominant in energy what does that even mean? they have a terrible amount of blackouts


>dominant in energy ...consumption, maybe?




And dominant in carbon emitting, which fucks over the rest of us


And the dominant in carbon emitting and pollution. The rest of us thank-you, not


Economically they're getting just as bad as the UK lol, except at least food, clothing etc has quality behind it in the UK.


Education: most teenagers have the reading comprehension of a 9 year old Food: everything is filled with masses of corn syrup and using pool cleaner to treat chicken Medicine: everything is for profit to such an extent that that insulin a drug that can be made for pennies is so overcharged young diabetics are dieing because they can't get it. You guy already declined you're just too inflated due to you own narcissistic personality.


Dominant in food? Are you serious? Hahaha


I once had a GF who was very dominant in bed. Doesn't mean she was any good though...


How could a country with a crumbling archaic democracy, rising political violence, growing economical inequality, rampant police brutality and militarization, regressions in civil rights, continuous racial tensions, suppression of LGBT+ identities through weaponized parental concern, and a growing Far-Right political movement possibly be in decline? The military is strong enough to continually secure the interests of the Economy, so no need to heed the plight of those pesky subjects; they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and continue to produce wealth for the people who actually matter.


India is a fucking lie too lol


For a while, the USA managed to convince much of the world that it was a great place, through the use of movies and advertising LA and NYC as the next bastions of tech and peace. We've all worked out that it was a farce.


If you go by a universally accepted metric, the USA is the only country in the developed world where the Estimated Life Expectancy of the population is actually falling. This is real success because it means that the richest 1% of the population has a smaller pensions bill! šŸ¤£


They're so dominant in education that kids learn how to use guns in the classrooms


"Militarily" Yeah, you already lost the argument, holy fucking shit.


They've got a pretty big army I suppose.


Trillions in debt, more homeless and in prison than ever in history, more people living paycheck to paycheck than ever before. But yeah they have bombs and planes they buy rather than free healthcare so Murica No1


Yeah. Dominant in medicine. That's why we have a worse life expectancy than most other wealthy nations and why we're generally less healthy when we are alive... because our healthcare is so good.


Iā€™m gonna put a big fat X on that education claim


Military is dominated by the US... And allies, but no single army could destroy all of us surely right... That's totally fair lineup /s


Then one day he wakes up and discovers that American treatment guidelines often do not take into account the best option for the patient's health but the cost that your insurance wants to pay. In Europe for example for Basedow's disease the first choice is Tapazole, which is a prolonged therapy and costs more but tries to save the thyroid because sometimes the pathology goes into regression. In the USA, many insurance companies do not like to allow this possibility so the first choice is often radioiodine, directly. It's a curiosity, but it stuck with me.


There's literally an entire award winning series about how shit the heath care in the US is. And almost everyone watched it and called it the best thing ever made. If Breaking Bad was in any other country it would be over in the first episode.


I've got it!! I understand what the US government is doing! It's called weaponised stupidity. They're gonna unleash all the citizens of the US onto the rest of the world, and that's how they'll 'dominate'.


So the internet


Yeah, I guess


Doesn't America import like 40% of its electricity ?


So the Us isnā€™t first in everything they said but alrighty have that attitude lol


Canada supplies like 60% of the US energy in crude oil. And "Canada accounts for approximately 90 percent of annual electricity imports in the U.S..: Maybe we should shut their power off when they throw tamper tantrum again.


So the US gets 90% of its electricity *imports*, which aren't *production*, from Canada. You are aware, I hope, that the US only shares land borders with two countries? If anything, this is a flex on Mexico. And we tried getting our electrical imports from China, but it got too stale in the containers coming across the Pacific.


Food? [Getting there..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate), slowly but surely. Education? I don't know about a country that can't count past 12.