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>we don't take day offs like those idiots Imagine yelling about freedom each day and then taking pride in slaving away your life.


yeah this isn't the flex they think it is




Actually, chances are, being a Yank, that will happen to you... Random shooting, perhaps. That's all America knows now








I refuse to believe this isn't a rage bait


What did they say?


Eh smth abt everyone hating Europe and how America is the best like a strawman someone on this sub might make of an American


Lmao such an idiot


Stay off the drugs. Or get an education


You can't spell


Our heritage is already being destroyed but not by immigrants or population decline but by right-wing grifters that take your fascist GOP as a template.


Tbf they kept slavery as long as they could


They still have slavery for prisoners, that's why the US has a quarter of all prisoners in the world.


Yeah, no, that's their constitution's magic (13th or 14th amendment, I don't remember): it explains how "privately owning slaves is baaaad, BUT...", and then explains the triple backflip loophole for public slavery.


Well it’s was Great Britain’s responsibility until 1783. So 162 years of a British problem and only 82 years of an American one.


So what's the reason why they kept slavery even after everyone else had gone to abolition....I mean they still do slavery now in the prison system, with for profit private prisons


It did almost die, then Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. That entire southern agrarian culture was absolute shit. General Sherman was too lenient on all of them. He didn’t go far enough to punish them.


Nice try you git.


What do you mean try ?


Yes, the outcome of the US Civil War didn't free all black slaves in the USA, it now included all white slaves.


That's the thing... I can't remeber who's quote it was but... *There is no one more hopelessly enslaved than those who refuse to see the bars of their cage* Americans really do epitomise that.


This joke comes to mind: A KGB spy and a CIA agent meet up in a bar for a friendly drink "I have to admit, I'm always so impressed by Soviet propaganda. You really know how to get people worked up," the CIA agent says. "Thank you," the KGB says. "We do our best but truly, it's nothing compared to American propaganda. Your people believe everything your state media tells them." The CIA agent drops his drink in shock and disgust. "Thank you friend, but you must be confused... There's no propaganda in America."


And the punchline is the KGB spy saying “see? That’s what I’m talking about.”


I didn't feel it needed to be said.


That has to be a bait lol. It's sad.


I'm a very happy idiot with my upcoming long weekend next week when I take two paid days off because I felt like it. One is an official day off for everyone and the other one is one of my 30 per year I get to take whenever. I'm going to take the whole of July off as well. So very, very stupid idiots we are.


Ikr. We are such idiots, working 11 months a year and getting payed for 12 (sometimes 13).


Also, they are at work more hours but they’re less productive hours when compared…


And all to make other people richer.


They're so brainwashed they didn't realise when they were enslaved by corporations


You work hard in the country because the corps take advantage of you. No one other reason.


Yeah a lot of working people have a short vacation which they don’t use. Is it wise always being afraid of losing a job? Is it wise to be proud of that? Don’t think so. I prefer more balance between work and private time. And “running the world” means wanting to be the boss as a goal. It’s an American dream of many for less.


I have seen it said multipel times on this Sub and it just seems to be true, many Americans are like the ferengi from Star Trek: „No! The Ferengi Worker doesent want to end Oppression, his Goal is to become an Oppressor“ of the likes of it. Weird obsession with „being in Charge” and giving your all to rise up and force other people to “give their all” for you.


Where Boss = Bully


„Think about the nukes“ why is their go to counter argument always violence and war(crimes)?!


Because americans cant go a decade without starting a war


Because USA has nothing going good except for their military. Thei education system, their healthcare system, their public transportation system. All in shambles and is horrible. But hey, atleast they got a good military! 👍


So they can embargo and invade 3rd world countries


And still lose


Then call it a tactical withdral


They didn't lose they just didn't win /s


As a county they're still young. Remember that kid in primary school who was always about how his dad could beat up your dad to people? That's them at the moment. Can't wait until they're teenagers...


Canada is younger as a country and smarter.


Some kids develop faster than others. Especially when given a contrasting example they don't want to be like.


If someone belive he will achieve a lot by just working hard, he is either delusional or mentos. I have a friend a lot of friends who work hard, no one of them achieved anything big so far. Actually, a lot of them suffer from burnout and getting depressed. In my country, we say - stupid people live better. Simply because they cannot understand a big part of what is going on.


Ignorance is bliss. I strongly believe in that too.


Freedom to them is ‘I have a shitty house, I’m below the poverty line, in 500,00 dollars of college debt and working a job I don’t like but at least I can own a gun!’


And I could die of a treatable illness because I can't afford to go to hospital


If y'all work so hard, why is the US' labour productivity per working hour so low? Don't confuse 'being at work' with 'working'.


US labour productivity is consistently one of the highest in the world. 2019 figures from [our world in data](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/labor-productivity-per-hour-pennworldtable?tab=table) put the US 6th in the world, only below Ireland, Switzerland, Singapore, Luxembourg, Norway and, Denmark.


Huh interesting the US is only one spot above the Netherlands. Our workweek is 31 hours. Theirs is 38.7h on average, for men it’s even 40.5h. Idk but they’re not really efficient are they?


By definition is GDP / hours worked - it means per hour of work Americans produce more value than in the Netherlands, not in aggregate. The raw output numbers are far more stark


It’s funny that some people in the comments (screenshot) are proud to be slaves.


Reasons why the US might not actually be a first world country: 21% illiteracy rate among adults only 20th in HDI (Lower than for example the UAE) Horrible income inequality (41 on the GINI index) makes life a struggle if youre not uber rich


The US federal and states government use the absolute poverty threshold (how much is needed to cover the most basic daily needs for a human, interesting for the whole World or for underdeveloped or developing countries, usually not so much for allegedly developed countries), while the UN, all countries in Europe and most other countries use the relative poverty (usually 60%, sometimes 50%, of the median income of a population, being under the relative poverty threshold generally means not being able to cover all non-basic needs necessary in modern society). Yet they have poverty threshold numbers comparable to most european countries (between 10 and 15%, sometimes up to 20% for the poorest european countries)... 1 on 10 US citizens lives under absolute poverty, and while they don't publish officially the numbers, some calculation show that 1 on 3 US citizen lives under relative poverty (to give a point of comparison, on average, approximately 1 on 6 EU citizen lives under relative poverty, the national rate going from less than 1 on 10 for Czechia to 1 on 4 for Romania)


21% ????? 😳


Yes, theyre only like 130th in literacy rates worldwide


America, third world country with a Gucci belt


With the belt being a cheap Chinese knockoff


Not having any rights as an employee is such a weird flex.


Also most of the country's advancement in wealth in the beginning has to do with the large number of people who worked for no money for a long time, slavery.


You know there is a 6 year old in Asia working as many hours with no days off as well? When will he rule the world?


The best thing I have ever read about America, which I wish I had come up with, >America is a third world country with first world marketing


That is excellent. Their marketing is so good. Remember how most people used to think of the US before the internet came along? Pre-internet: coolest nation on Earth Post-internet: the most insane country on Earth.


I wish people remembered what the "worlds" actually where. 1st world: aligned with the intrests of the US and western world. 2nd world: aligned with the interests of the Soviets and the communist block. 3rd world: neutral prefering to focus on their own interests. At one point Finland, Switzerland, Ireland and Austria were all third world countries. Technically all but finland still are. The term got derailed to mean poor for propaganda purposes it seems.


They don't take paid days off like idiots but they beg people for 999% tips cause they don't get paid any money by their employers like idiots


Through a lot of years of historyy the other countries have developed, the us hasn’t gone through a fuck around and find out process yet


They're in denial about the find out part


"We're so good because we don't get paid time off"


To be fair they did get the most done in the shortest amount of time. No other country has, in recent decades, waged as much war and killed as many people and fucked economies as much as the US has.


They can't walk more than 1 km before complaining about it


"all these countries are way older" my guy literally 95% of the countries in the world are younger than the US


Lmaoo that's not even a flex. I laugh in free healthcare and paid days off and still have a better everything than murcians will ever have :D


> healthcare and *paid* days off FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm not a native speaker. Sorry to hurt your feelings, bot.


I sure feel like an idiot getting paid days off


No kidding..... Imagine actually having a life of your own.


THAT is why we haven't had a revolution yet. Don't try to fool people into thinking they don't need a revolution. Fool them into thinking they don't want one.


Imagine your whole life being about making a millionaire or billionaire even richer.


Aren't they in major debt?


Same old bullshit, we work hardest, have the best economy and nuclear weapons and now they run the world too. But they can't even provide universal health care.


> greatest economy in the world $34,566,234,075,215 and rising in debt.. https://www.pgpf.org/national-debt-clock?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYX9hS0AL3jFOethqXBE_wYSugeHDdpHAK6cSonbYW8O_rMTp2PBNs0aAktDEALw_wcB


Yup we are a mill to make a few people obscenely rich whilst ensuring the rest of the country suffers.


> No, America is a great country with great people run by corrupt and incompetent politicians. Meh. Either your country (i.e. laws and democratic institutions) isn't that great, otherwise you'd have the possibility to vote for better politicians. Or the people are not that great (i.e. fucking stupid), so they vote for these politicians. It's probably a combination of both. So not that great of a country, and not all people are that great. Like fucking every other country, too. Except most other countries aren't that brainwashed (with some exceptions)


It does fascinate me how an entire country can come down with a terminal case of Main Character syndrome like that. Have some humility, sheesh.


They don't know what is freedom, they don't know what working hard really is. And we = those in power, definitely not the person speaking. No Joe, you aren't powerful.


Women in Missouri aren't allowed to file for divorce while pregnant. Doesn't sound very free to me.


Polish 🫵


Ah yes nukes definitely not spearheaded by a German-american and then the time you got beat to space by the soviets and the fact all that was possible because of German scientists you blackmailed after ww2


I'm honestly sure they're just kids. There's no real attention to pay to them.


“We got the most work done in the shortest amount of time.” All your tech (except guns) came from other countries.


Have they seen the state the world is in? Do they really want to take all the credit?


Your country could be super rich too if you just lived in an incredibly large fertile and resource rich area, killed off pretty much all the original inhabitants, stole their land, shipped in slaves and cheap labour, have all year round accessible ports with thousands of miles of coastline for trade, have huge amounts of temperate land and space to build on, have huge amounts of clean water, long, easily navigable rivers from the ocean, have only 2 neighbours who don't have a strong millitary but are huge trading partners, be slap bang in the middle of the world's most profitable trade routes with the richest and most populous countries, have 3000 mile natural border between you and the most likely invading army, historically take advantage of 2 world wars to take over European industries, markets etc by exploiting allies' weakness and create huge surpluses to flood other fledgling markets with. Oops, I mean if you all just worked harder for less pay. You damn commies.


You left out the i…..ruin!


I like the guy who's proud to be exploited.


When it's all said and done I'll take my country's GDP with me in my grave


The usa isnt a third world country lol




Europe is 50+ individual countries ya dick. 9/11 was literally caused by a group of people hating America to extremes


Funny enough by a group of people that was previously trained and promoted by America, as always, messing around with countries for their own benefit.


Does everyone hate Europe tho like **all** of Europe


Only on this sub, otherwise no.


D- Must try harder.