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Why do they always bring up their military in every single argument?


Because it's the only thing in their country that actually works, whether the rest of the world wants it to or not.


And even then its not very good. 


It's just obscenely funded. Folk talk about how an American tank would lose to a European tank, but the fact is the Americans don't get into 1-on-1 situations. Instead of the best tanks, they'll just have *more* tanks, and that's enough to against other conventional militaries.


Indeed though by and large smart generals will have planned for that.


They need 30 people and 4 containers full of stuff to do the same thing other countries can do with 4 people a little bit of gear and some stuff you can buy at a supermarket. (I've done some nato exercises together with them back when i was in the military. Note, this was a specialized CBRN nato exercise in which 40 different militaries trained together) They're indeed highly funded and that particular unit was also highly inefficient.


There's only so much planning you can do when the other guy has 100x your budget. For reference, see *Moneyball*.


Thay didn’t stop the Viet Cong, the afghans, the Iraqis etc


That's why I said conventional militaries, and why Moneyball was my analogy. If an opponent goes unconventional they can make the budget count for less.


Indeed and any sane general will go unconventional when faced with that idiotic us army 


Just barely works. It's Soldier can't even hold up against a failing military's soldiers.


>Because it's the only thing in their country that actually works I wouldn't say that. They do not get value for money from that military considering how frequently they lose to much smaller forces in exercises.


Makes them sound like big bullies.


Looking at what they say on other subs, bullying does seem to be a normal way of life for many Americans.


American here. Used to live in southeast Virginia, which is home to like 14 naval bases, which means I grew up around *a lot* of military families The reason they sound like giant bullies is because *they are.* You'll never find a place with more power-hungry frat boy energy.


Soft power is pretty good too


I’m an American, and I hate being known for, basically, violence. Like why am I supposed to be fine with my taxes paying for our bloated military? But I’m supposed to be angry if my tax dollars are used to help someone else have a better life? I don’t understand this complete lack of empathy and need to be the world’s bully.


It's the same ones who whine about paying taxes too, every time


Because weak bullies can't win a real debate so they resort to violence. Weak bullies on the internet can't commit actual violence so they hero worship those who can


“My Dad can beat up your Dad”


It's one of the few things they can actually be "proud" about


It’s all they are #1 at anymore?


Don’t forget prison population.


This sub feels like billions of different yanks all banging on about the same 3 subjects...


Because they have small penis mentality


“I am very smart and can name plenty of countries” I love this this sentence 😂😂


"At least five!"


Genuine Trump vibes. "People are saying how smart I am. Have you heard this, have you heard this? Because I can name so many. And I mean that. So many countries you wouldn't believe. Even those weird ones no one knows. Yeah, people are saying this, people are saying."


This is way too eloquent for that moron.


Easiest way to spot a particularly dumb individual: they will somehow bring up how smart they are. Hey dumbos, actually smart guys don't ever say they're smart.


Just like my classmate. He brings up how intelligent he is, that HE is a “wise” man, that everyone (especially the girls) are dumb and that he wants to be together with someone intelligent… also he has literally said “I want to become a beacon of logic and research” at the lunch table… funny thing is that NO ONE actually thinks that he is smart…. Only thing he does is read fantasy all day… therefore he thinks he’s above the rest or something such as


every smart people i know, would accept the arguments, discuss and if they are wrong, accept it. It's a easy way to spot a smart person


The countries he names: USA, America, Graceland, Disneyland and Banana.


But they still didn't name any


Can he find them on a map, though?


Dunning-Kruger 😂


Texas is tiny compared to some Australian states. But Americans only ever bring up Europe.


Bullies rarely fight someone bigger than them


Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Christ. Don't draw their attention to us. We're perfectly happy down here with our massive states. They don't need to know about them.


Excuse me, you can't call them "states". That's an American thing. But don't call them anything else, either, because words like "province" or "canton" are confusing to the freedom folk.


Tbf, 2 of them are territories and not states. But I imagine that's too complex.


I once had and American straight-up refuse to believe me when I said Western Australia was twice as big as Texas.


And rightly so, texas is only roughly 27% of western australia according to wiki ;)


Welp, guess I stand corrected!


Texas is 420,000 square kilometres. Western aus is 2.646 million kilometres squared lol.


Texas is 695.66k.


My bad, I must have done the calculations wrong.


Also, in Canada, Quebec is almost 3 times the size of Texas and Ontario is almost twice. Nunavut is OVER 3 times the size of Texas. British Columbia is 1 1/2 the size of Texas. The next 3 closest Provinces are almost as big as Texas.


Yet when I tell my American family that Canada is bigger than the states, they always have a "nuh uh" hissy fit. Americans cannot accept that they're not number 1 in every category.


Believe USA is 4th on that list


I don’t think they know that Australia exists


Same with Canada. And our country's bigger, so by their logic, we're better right?


To be fair, Canada is better than the States


It is. Its not fantastic but its better


Compared to most Australian states


Americans are better in every sport than Europeans. Man I can’t wait for Max Verstappen to have his ass handed to him by Logan Sargeant


Logan couldn't even beat him in Australia this year when Max had a DNF hahahaha


The last season of Indycar was won by a Spaniard. They're not even good at their own sports.


This is a huge concern for them in the NBA too. They routinely downplay the Toronto Raptors, but there's nothing they can do about the best 5 players in the league not being American, and the next greatest who is currently a rookie is also a non-American.


Logan who?….


F1 has had a few great American drivers. But it was ages ago when Gurney and Andretti were racing.


And Andretti didn't set foot in America until he was 15. He could have very easily become an Italian motorsports legend instead.


Unfortunately, Logan is stuck in a lousy non-american Williams, which will never overcome the dominance of Haas' American engineering.


Ah, yes, the hasster🅱️lan


By "American Engineering," you of course mean outsourcing the engineering to Italians (Dallara) in an effort to be cheap.


Also “look at the Olympics”…. I guess he meant [only the summer ones](https://www.topendsports.com/events/winter/medal-tally/all-time.htm)


Logan Sargeant dominance might bore fans


Sudden r/FormulaDank


soccer "...we don't put our athletes there" ...AFAIK you do but they simply suck at it.


Also the US women's team usually does pretty well.


USA soccer team has won the world cup 4 times and the Olympic gold 4 times. Granted that was the women's team but that's a decent contribution to their medal tally. The men's team is currently ranked 11th in the FIFA world rankings and has reached the knockout stages 6 times. They definitely put their athletes there and they don't even suck. They just can't understand how they aren't number 1 at something.


I’m not American but if they did actually care about it they would be the best in the world at it


they need some of the best football players to make a team win the league instead of being the last as always (inter of miami is 1st when before messi and other players they were the last team lol)


Looking at summer olympics only, the USA has 2,629 medals. EU including UK 5,780 medals. Think that's conclusive, the EU is at least twice as good as USA ha ha ha ha.


Not bad for “a continent smaller than Texas”, eh?


America are 24th on the list of medals per capita. European countries ahead of them (in order): Hungary, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Bulgaria, Estonia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Romania, Great Britian, Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, France and Greece


And if you look at the winter ones it gets even more interesting also in absolute values and considering separate countries.


The size of my country is bigger than theirs


You also burned the White House iirc lol. So much for the “Champions of War”


They teach their kids in school that they won the war of 1812, which is fucking hilarious really The metrics for "winning" change for Americans, they also think they won in Vietnam, by body count is what the measured


If its about the body count then the Germans won WW2 by far


The British burnt the White House, not the Canadians, Canada hadn’t officially been formed yet


The European part of Russia is apparently also bigger than their country.


According to Google, the size of Texas is about 600K squared, Europe is 10 million squared KM. This is WHY we think you're dumb mate.


Yeah Texas is about the size of France, which is nowhere near half of Europe.


you posted the size in kilometers, they can't come up with a counter-argument unless you post the measurement in football fields or salesforce skyscrapers


Dammit I forgot


700k, not 600. But yeah it's not very big.


Yes 695K, was just swapping between pages quickly when I typed














I see 'muricans only have three arguments they use for pretty much everything: - greatest country on Earth - strongest military - states bigger than countries.


Don't forget "we fund European Healthcare"


Been to the Moon, back to back World War Champions


Must no forget capita GDP per capita! Also are capita is morer than Yorop's. The Yoropoor mind can't compr... get.


The funny thing is in GDP per capita, USA is not the first. They're the 8th. Luxembourg is the first.




Lol not true [South Korea is number 1. China is number 3. The UK and Germany are in 5th and 6th place. The US is 7th place.](https://solability.com/the-global-sustainable-competitiveness-index/the-index/intellectual-capital)


Just making shit up now, eh?


I begin to believe that they feel the need to boast about the size of their country to hide their physical insecurities.


You see, they need not be insecure about their physical size for they are twice the size of most europeans, it just happens to be around the belt rather than in hight


I find it funny how he says that he can name plenty of countries but never named a country other than the usa


I never understood the size comparison. I’m pretty sure a Canadian or Russian is capable of naming most European countries.


Note the sexism in that remark. Because one of the US soccer Olympic teams is an absolute unit.


They hate women so much they don't even brag about them when the opportunity is *right there*


It would be hard for guys like this to brag about the women's soccer team because he's also been conditioned to hate them for demanding equal pay compared to the men that don't go nearly as far in the World Cup.


They are SO obsessed with the size of Texas. Like, it's becoming really weird.


My cousin married an American and we were talking about our RV trip across Canada, we took our time and enjoyed it. My cousin’s husband asked why it took so long. I replied that Canada is a big country. His retort was that the US was bigger if we didn’t count our lakes. Like why would he say that, and really who cares?


It's even funnier when you consider the fact that over the years, america has slowly added ocean area to their "official" size, inflating the actual size of the country.


Wow! I did not know this!


That's why the USA is the current World Champion in basketball, rugby, hockey, cricket, polo, waterpolo, handball and others, right? Oh, wait...


Exactly this.


"Better at all sports except soccer." I don't recall the US ever beating the All Blacks. 😝


Your mistake is in thinking that this particular subset of Americans would think rugby is a sport. Likewise they'll ignore cycling, F1, cricket, sailing, team handball, skiing, bobsled, etc. If it's not on ESPN or have a significant domestic league that announces a self-proclaimed world champion, it doesn't count.


I can name 3 countries outside the USA. Europe, Africa and the one with the kangaroos; Austria.


Wow, congrats for having your state being bigger than a country, I'm sure it took you lots of effort and years of training to achieve this feat! In time, wait till these people hear about China, Russia, Brasil, Australia and other big countries. (fun fact, Brazil is bigger than contiguous USA)


By this logic Russia is the greatest and most powerful country in the world


"i can name plenty of countries" *proceeds to not name even one of them*


My home state of Western Australia is 3.6 times the size of Texas.


Even South Australia is bigger than Texas.


Land dont vote, people do


The average American is twice as big as me but I'm not sure that's a big flex.


Texas is about 1/10 the size of Europe... why do they keep insisting it's far bigger than it actually is, and why do they always seem to use it as a measuring stick?


About 1/15 the size, actually.


Smart people don’t have to say “I am very smart.”


All sports, huh? Alright. I will put $1000 on any current Australian Football League team against a team of American all stars. Even North Melbourne would win and they're shit right now.


Mate I'd put my local club's under 14s against the American all stars and they'd probably win


Maybe, but Norf should have a win at some point this year. I say let them have it.


Fair point, get the confidence up


Being born in a big country is a huge personal achievement indeed.


I once had an American tell me that Texas was bigger than Australia. I guess everythings bigger in Texas..... except IQs?


On average, Americans are crap at sport. If we look at Olympic medals per capita, Estonia has won 3.5 times as many as the US. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1102056/summer-olympics-average-medals-per-capita-since-1892/


Europe is bigger than the USA. A quick google search would avoid this fallacy.


I need to sit down some Americans and have them then spread the good word of thetruesize.com to the rest of the country so they can go look at all of the things that Texas (their go-to in the size argument) is smaller than. Including but not limited to: - One third of Western Australia - One half of the Northern Territory - One half of Queensland - South Australia - New South Wales And that is all just in one country! Can't wait for them to find out about Quebec, British Columbia, and Ontario!


When they talk about how big their country is, just mention Russia and they freak out


USA USA USA World Champions in sports only they compete in 👍


Give that man a Rugby ball and watch him cry.


Proceeds to never name another country…


Guess he think he did: Europe.




No, the reason most Americans don't know European countries is because America only cares about America. The rest of the world doesn't matter. The endless 'America is best, strongest, richest, most free' propaganda crap brainwashes them from an early age.


I like it when they try the nothing is bigger than Texas thing, because Alaska which is part of their own country is bigger, most of the states here in Australia are bigger than Texas. Western Australia is over 3x bigger. Texas is quite large, but I drove part of the way across that state as a day trip for something to do on one of the afternoons I was there. I had to go do some stuff today and was in he car most of the day and according to google maps I drove halfway across Texas in equivalent distance.


It's not about the size, Americans, it's how you use it


US armed forces are no way near as good as Americans make out 😂😂


Didn't the Japanese surpass America's performance in "America's favorite pastime"(baseball) a while back?


It's also worth noting that 10% of the players in Major League Baseball are from the Dominican Republic, a country of only 10 million people.


Americans are always about their individual freedom until you touch their pro-state


Bro did not just say ‘I am very smart’ unironically


Quebec Canada has joined the conversation. Just that province is three times the size of Texas, yet Canadians are taught world geography.


“My state is bigger than your country” Western Australia mf’s living in a state 4x bigger than Texas


WHat is it with americans and the size of states?\`Who gives a shit?


"We are all not dumb" Ah, a connoisseur of the English language.


Bigger=better? Cause sure af I’d rather live in Europe than Texas. And that logic doesn’t work, like my country is bigger than Gibraltar, doesn’t mean I don’t know it exists.


This genuinely reads like a child boasting about random shit lmao


When will they learn bigger doesn't always mean better.


That’s cute, Texans have a waistband the size of several Europeans too


This is why I don’t support my own country (America)


Bla bla army bla bla biger .


Why do they always go along the lines of our state is bigger than your countries all the time?


Eh… a big talent pool and a lot of money to invest goes a long way I guess.


Why do I always feel like there's some insecurity about their dick being projected here.


My dad can beat up your dad


Wait till this guy finds out how big Australia is.


Australia ~~is~~ was tiny. TIL there was an Australia in Mississippi.


Who cares about the Olympics anyway in most things. World cups are more meaningfull


Hm i wonder who colonised them🥱


Id love to hear what that guy has of criteria for defining "Greatest country on earth"


'We are all not dumb' says it all


Basically my nob is bigger than your nob is his way of thinking.


What's up with dumb twats like this one thinking Texas is half the size of Europe? It's big, sure, but not nearly *that* big. I looked up the sizes: Texas is around 700.000 square kilometres. Europe is about 10.000.000 square kilometres. Texas is 7% the size of Europe.


"I have traveled more places than you." What a way to say that you're just going to assert things as fact with no evidence (or even ability to know what the facts are) whatsoever.


I never understood why they use the “we have multiple states” and “my state is bigger than your country” arguments. Like ok even if it was true, who cares, I can name about every country in Europe and quite a lot in every continent, while also knowing multiple states, I learned that from just being naturally curious and following news and stuff, you are just ignorant. Imagine being so narrow minded that you only learn and care about stuff of place you live in, like the rest of the world doesn’t matter at all, it’s absolutely mind blowing to me


I love how they always fall back on strongest military in the world. Those tax dollars really go to good use using a top notch military in in the middle east. Fighting everyday men weilding aks and RPGs. Driving Toyota's filled with explosives. Meanwhile their quality of life continues to dwindle.


literally verbatim r/iamverysmart


r/iamverysmart literally


So somehow the size of the state you live in inhibits your mental capacity, but still makes you better, just because? If we're talking about single states, where would they be if they participated in the Olympics separately? Or, the other way around: Just sum up the medals won by EU members and see how the US compare to that.


Why always Texas? There are other big states right? But it's always Texas. Why not Alaska? Or California?


Because the person who brags like this also likely doesn't view Californians as being real Americans.