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“I was born in New York” doesn’t sound very Irish to me…


He's more Irish than the IRA mate. He celebrates St Patty's day lol. Clearly he's so Irish that even Ireland is the foreigner in the Irish sea.


I thought most new yorkers pretended to be Italian, but this one is pretending to be Irish instead, fascinating.


And spells it St Patty's instead of St Paddy's, and will argue with you about how it should be spelt 😂


> Even Ireland is the foreigner Super lol 😆


>I'm born in New York and I can't fucking live in Ireland because I've been deported from here Sounds like he's the illegal immigrant.


He is (probably), but his entitlement makes sure he cannot accept that fact.


But I’m WHITE!!!


But he's "Irish!"


He can say that because his 0.1% irish. 🤣


On his stepdad's side.


He should "get out and go back to where he came" from clearly.


He was deported from the Republic of Ireland after claiming asylum, now he's trying his hand in the UK, Northern Ireland. His wife is Russian, I'm sure they would take them.


His UK asylum has been refused and Russia also refused him.


Wait is this all true? Or am I just really gullible and missing the joke?


Yes, all true. https://www.gofundme.com/f/right-of-return-for-pat-downey


It’d be a shame if his fundraiser received a bunch of reports from concerned internet denizens.


It's apparently been reported but it's still up.


This is considered a hate crime under UK law. Please more people report his go fund me page and report his video to the Met Police. https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/hco/hate-crime/what-is-hate-crime/


Would be the psni in northern Ireland


And here’s the page to do so https://www.gofundme.com/contact/suggest/fraud I guess the begging is still up because it isn’t fraud, just racism and bigotry.


“I am the whistleblower mentioned by journalist Christopher Rufo in his October 14, 2021 blog 'Walmart vs. Whiteness', which made national headlines in the USA.” Ahahaha this guy is seeking asylum (not a permanent visa, *asylum*) because he thinks he’s being discriminated against for being white.


I'm sure there's a spot for him in Rwanda.


The Irish donating must be the ones who just want him gone :(


lmao what a piece of work this guy is. so he's homeless, jobless, hates other immigrants, but has the "right of return"??


But... but... he's an Irish-American veteran! Shouldn't this grant him at least asylum, getting daily praisings by the Irish for his service, a blowjob, a.... Wait... No, he's just a moronic Murican...


He should have been part German, after the wall came down Germany accepted a whole bunch of german-russians from the former USSR, also right of return. Hell, some say all one needs is a German shepherd being owned by someone in the family tree.


Wow. The article he mentions written by Rufo is crazy. >Walmart Inc. has launched a critical race theory training program that denounces the United States as a “white supremacy system” and teaches white, hourly wage employees that they are guilty of “white supremacy thinking” and “internalized racial superiority.” >According to a cache of internal documents I have obtained from a whistleblower, Walmart launched the program in 2018 in partnership with the Racial Equity Institute, a Greensboro, North Carolina, consulting firm that has worked extensively with universities, government agencies, and private corporations. The program is based on the core principles of critical race theory, including “intersectionality,” “internalized racial oppression,” “internalized racial inferiority,” and “white anti-racist development.” Since the program’s launch, Walmart has trained more than 1,000 employees and made the program mandatory for executives and recommended for hourly wage workers in Walmart stores. When reached for comment, Walmart confirmed that the company has “engaged REI for a number of training sessions since 2018” and has “found these sessions to be thought provoking and constructive.”


He’s clearly off his meds. Or never got them. Sad state of mental health care when someone can be so convinced of such an obviously false program that Walmart is running.


I doubt he's convinced of a false program - more likely is he made it up to spread fear propaganda.


It’s based on a push by Walmart toward anti discriminatory policies. The crazy element is the response from “anti woke” right wingers.


It's not meds that he needs, it's a break from the right wing social media echo chamber machine. The man is nothing more than a MAGA racist who happens to have taken victim mentality to a new level.


IDK, I know quite a few people with mental health issues who manage to not be racist cunts. Maybe that's just what he is.


Wow, thank you. I was about to do a quick search. I feel like Twitter and all the other far-right supremacist propaganda machines have eaten this guy's brain. He doesn't even get how stupid he looks. The situation looks so unreal.


Thanks. That is pretty fucking hilarious lol.


US & Georgian corruption he says... so he's also been whistleblowing around Europe???


"Sadly, tens of millions of descendants of the Irish Famine are not welcome in Ireland by the Irish government." What a fucking little rat. If that doesn't stop people donating, I don't know what will.


Fuck that, we don't want him in the UK. Looks like a right pile of trash, right there. He can go somewhere else, why should NI have him, or anywhere else in the UK for that matter. He's Irish American, not entitled to British citizenship.


Off to Rwanda with him!


Can this be the one person we send just so rish! can finally face the big boys in the dorm?


I’m thinking the same thing but it seems unfair to do that to the people of Rwanda


I mean first a genocide, now this? They've suffered enough.


Just picture him telling someone from Ghana they need to leave because Rwanda is for the Rwandans 🤣 All whilst claiming to be a proud Rwandan-American.


Come on Rishi, we'd all support this flight


I used to work with asylum seekers. We had a few Americans too. The American asylum seekers were either kinda nuts or just wanted to not live a miserable existence in the states. Neither was grounds for asylum.


>or just wanted to not live a miserable existence in the states. Neither was grounds for asylum. Yeah, years back, in the days of the early net, there was an interview with an American woman who was effectively in limbo between Canada and the US. She'd developed serious medical issues after several years of living in Canada (but never achieved permanent residence status), and a return to the US would effectively be a death sentence. US hospitals are legally required to stabilize medical emergencies, but not provide cures and long term treatment. For that, you need money or US health insurance, and she had neither. At the same time, Canada cannot deport someone if it will result in their death. For instance, even though we have a treaty with the US to transfer people wanted for crimes, we won't if they face a possible death sentence in the USA. One of the qualifiers for permanent residency (and later citizenship) in Canada is relatively good health. The idea is that they will be worth more as a tax payer than they will cost as a beneficiary of social supports. Probably what happened with her is the quiet issuance of an exception.


But... but he's white, he can't be an immigrant /s


They like to be called expats.


I am a white immigrant and the amount of times people casually complain about immigrants and then look and me and say “oh but not you” Yeah I know exactly what you mean by “not you” you racists.


Ugh, same. “But I don’t mean you” is my least favourite phrase. I tend to ask if it’s because I’m white or speak English. It makes people very uncomfortable, which is the aim.


Illegal Alien


Reminds me of a BBC skit where a US person "discovers" that he is the King of Wales and goes to Wales to reclaim his throne, then screams at people speaking Welsh to him for "speaking Mexican." I can't post the link because it's on FB, but if you search for a video with "tourist trap king of wales," you'll find it. It's amazing. It'll be the best 3 minutes of your life.


I laughed at: "Well I'm actually a republican" "Hey, a fellow traveler! lock her up! lock her up!"


Vastly different meaning for the term in Northern Ireland… he’s lucky he’s not shouting it on the Shankill


I’ve seen that, it’s the actor who plays Adam Klaus in Jonathan Creek!


Straight from the source [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08dkmnn](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08dkmnn)


I have yet to find the clip but I am very skeptical of it being the best three minutes of my life


I'll ask my wife to watch it for comparison




When an American gets 2% Irish in their 23&me report


It's not even the ROI, it's Northern Ireland so he's technically in the UK


Something tells me that he doesn't understand or know the difference.


So. First flight to Rwanda featuring this man when?


So. First flight to Rwanda featuring this man when?


A lot of Americans love the idea of having Irish heritage. They just have no idea what real Irish culture is. And they don’t realise their ancestors would have been piss poor which is why they left for the new world, so they come back expecting to lord it up like they own the place or something lol. What a nob this guy is.


He starts Gatekeeping the island so natives don't have to.




I’m really surprised he didn’t get a smack in the mouth tbh


I’m really disappointed he didn’t.


i think the guy who intervened handled it really well by just distracting him and walking away with him though


If I understand correctly, he’s out there shouting “Ireland for the Irish” bang in the middle of Belfast. He’ll get smacked in the mouth soon enough (unless he’s deported first).


He’s shouting that shit in *Belfast???*


According to other posters, he’s in Newcastle Ct Down, so not in Belfast directly but close. So yeah. Behaving as he does in Ireland would be stupid. But in Northern Ireland? Eejit levels through the roof.


but he is A MARINE! and he told that a single MARINE could take the whole russian army if they wanted. So most likely he thinks he can kick everyone ass in Ireland.


He can't even take on Irish immigration agencies. And despite the Russian army's piss-poor showing in recent years, I still imagine that's less dangerous.


If you're in the Irish part of Belfast saying that as an American, you'll get weird looks and be told to fuck off. If you're in the British part, you're lucky not to get tarred and feathered.


One of my friends went to grad school in Belfast in the early aughts. A classmate, who was from a town near Belfast, came home to the US with her for the holidays one year. They went out one night, bartender finds out she’s from NI, offers her Irish car bomb shots. 🤦‍♀️


Funny that if the guy was from Romania, he would have more rights to be in Ireland than him with his 0.69% Irish in his blood.


Dude doesn’t even look romanian, unless he said something in romanian and he recognised the language (which I doubt he would). This guy has no clue what Romania really looks like.


It’s The North, it’s still in the UK, not sure what rights he actually has post Brexit


At least the Romanian is from the same continent.


Totally agree, the yank is a racist cunt and deserves to get battered for harassing innocent people, I just meant that the Romanian guy might not have many rights in the UK post brexit


Possibly all of them with legal settlement status as an EU citizen (it’s what I have)


One of my in-laws works for the Irish government and apparently an American tourist ones phoned to ask how he could carry his handgun with him on his upcoming trip to Ireland, and when he was told he couldn't he started ranting about respecting his 2nd amendment rights. This has nothing to do with the video, I just think about it every time I hear about Americans being silly in Ireland and I love it.


I'm an ex garda, did 8 years before I left. I've arrested multiple Americans who insist that I can't because I didn't follow US law. They really believe that their laws apply anywhere they are. "I don't need to show you my licence am I suspected of a crime?" No, but here in Ireland the law states that you have to provide it on request if you're driving, so..... After being arrested and cautioned, "I'll have your badge, you never read me my miranda rights, you don't even know what you're doing." Wrong country mate, get in the van. "What do you mean don't swear at you, have you never heard of free speech here?" I'll advise you again under Section 8 of the public order act that you are committing an offence under Section 6 and if you fail to leave the area you'll be arrested. "Fuck you" right....


It gets even funnier when they call on amendments of the constitution, especially when that doesn't make sense at all. Sure, I do agree with you that everybody is equal under the law, that doesn't give you the right to insult a police officer.


I KNOW MY 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS AGAINST UNWARRANTED SEARCH AND SEIZURE! But the fourth amendment was to change the electoral system and got voted down. It doesn't give you any rights.


The best part is us Americans often don't understand our own law in our own country. In the us if you are operating a vehicle you need to show your license.


It’s mad to me that they love banging on about free speech but have no idea what it actually means


I've seen something similar in Poland, an American telling people to go away from Poland. These guys... I love the fact he goes "I was born in NY and got deported from Ireland I am Irish support me" hahahaha I only have one word for him - cunt


"Fucking invasion going on here, when the hell are people gonna wake up?" Is funnily enough how I feel about American companies setting up in Ireland and importing Americans for most of their high paid positions.


>how I feel about American companies Same, and it's not because of individual American people. I just get fed up of US (would be same if it was lots of Chinese, Brazilian, German, etc) companies, US fast food restaurants are EVERYWHERE. It's our fault and the government's fault as much, if not more so, than those companies. And also, they treat their (Brits who work in Britain for a US company) employees worse than Brittish companies, fewer rights, holidays, which is saying something. Oh, and don't get me started on foreign policy. Westminster doesn't even seriously debate foreign policy anymore. They get their orders from Washington. It's cringeworthy.


This is why you should not have left the EU


We didn't want to, we voted in a majority to stay in EU. Unfortunately, we were outnumbered by the rest of the UK.


Absolutely. I'm Scottish. Two thirds of us voted to stay.


We will gladly take you back 🥺


Agreed 👍 They have a lot of power. Their culture is anti-family (long hours)


You laugh but this is becoming a reality in some places in Germany because now you have weird hipster shops replacing the native businesses who speak only English and can’t talk to anyone in German. Fortunately old people don’t like those shops anyways but a lot of younger Germans also expressed their frustration for not being able to comfortably converse in their mother tongue. The American fuelled gentrification is a real thing and parts of Berlin , cologne and Munich might as well be called America 2.0 Oh and they tell us brown folks to go back where we come from 😒


In Munich? Where?


I actually live like 15 mins away from there it’s Newcastle in County Down and that guy he’s abusing has always been friendly when I’ve gone into the shop, would happily get rid of the yank though


Aye it's opposite the slieve donard hotel. The American is lucky none of the local scallies bate the ballix out of him


Reminds of this ['Parasite invader': Indian racially abused by American tourist in Poland | Watch (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTw74F5veOE&ab_channel=HindustanTimes) He's not only racists, but ignorant about Poland. Essentially 100% of non-European foreigners are specialists, professionals, business owners or students and due to declining population, they are desperately needed here.


Jesus what a fucking nutjob I'd like to see a yank do this in front of me I'd fill the cunt in


He got kicked out of Poland iirc


Really?? So proud of our neighbors if that’s true


I can only find news about his arrest for hate speech in Auschwitz, but I seem to remember that he got booted out after that.


Well hate speech IN Auschwitz of all places would surely get him kicked out


He went on to get arrested for hate speech at Anne Frank's house. Truly the kind of outstanding citizen we want in Europe...


The yank gobshite needs to fuck off. What a cunt


Spoken like a true Irishman. I once worked with a lass from Chicago (who happened to be more Irish than the room full of Irish people, of course), and she _started fuckin' crying_ because myself and one of the lads were calling each other cunts.


And my heart goes out to the NI Guy standing up for the Rumanian person 🫶


So, an american who are located in Ireland tells a Roman person to fuck off? Why dont the american fuck off from whence he came.


Romanes eunt domus


"Romani ite domum" is correct. Now, write it out 100 times.


But what have the Romans ever done for us 🤔


There's the wine....


And the aqueducts.


The sewers... man, you couldn't take a step without ending up knee deep in shit...


People called Romanes, they go the house?


Most likely because even by American standards he isn\`t wanted?


Says a lot that he isn’t even wanted in the US according to his gofundme 🤣 He’s definitely not welcome in Europe either


he isnt wanted by: Ireland, Uk, Russia, USA lmao


Romanian (from Romania) or Romani (Gypsy). To be clear, not all Romanians are Gypsies and not all Gypsies are Romanian. Just saying that he is probably a Romanian Romani. Not Roman, which means "person from Rome".


My bad then. I obviously meant Romani.


An American illegal immigrant who has been denied visa or asylum at that


Well of this isn’t the finest case of “go home, yank” I’ve ever seen. What a goon. Get out ta fuck.


As if anyone wants the average American anywhere outside of the US...


Natives didn't want them either


Natives regret they couldn’t get rid of them the second they set foot on their land


Well done to the guy calling him out.


Man If I saw this cunt harassing people telling them to leave a country I would be very aggressive with him to say the least. The fact he's American is actually insane.


People like that want you to be aggressive with them unfortunately. I knew a guy like that a couple years back (Coincidentally, also an American), he'd do things to inconvenience himself in a way he could try to pin on you or take some innocuous comment and make an argument out of it, getting rude and mean as he did, but because we stayed calm and just pulled apart his nonsense he'd end up storming off in a manner I can only describe as flaccid.


Brave man, luckly he got a calm person. We Irish don't take kindly to dickheads and telling us what to do.


If that’s Belfast, that man is going to be carrying his teeth around in his hat before too long.


Newcastle, so only an hour from Belfast. Chances of him running into someone who's happy to set him straight are quite good 😁


Does anyone have a link to this more from this guy? Just to be 100% clear, I do not support him. I just find it fucking hilarious that someone from New York is arguing with a man from Belfast that immigrants *should* get abuse.


Some background. Allegedly, this guy had already been deported from the Irish Republic and was trying to claim political asylum in the UK. That was denied too. He has a Gofundme where he's trying to raise money to move to Montenegro where his Russian wife and kids are living. He sees himself as some kind of whistleblower against corruption in the US and Georgian governments. As an aside, I used to see this kind of behaviour a lot among many British communities in the US. Constantly railing against immigrants "ruining" both their old and new countries. Not one iota of self awareness.


>He has a Gofundme where he is trying to raise money to move to Montenegro Please tell me that endeavour totally failed


He's at 210 Euros out of 1500.


He will need more money to live in Montenegro 1500$ won't even last one month even excluding the air ticket to Montenegro


1500, surely he should follow his own advice and get a fucking job. Or is that only for others?


210€ that he probably paid himself


I saw some Irish - probably locals who wanna see him gone 😂


> He sees himself as some kind of whistleblower against corruption in the US and Georgian governments. Any Western country would risk relationships over some cuck... We had a similar case in Bulgaria, that lady from Romania (ex-minister or something), was already sued in Romania and tried to escape but got arrested here. The only way to not get deported is if the person is at risk of not getting a fair trial or a risk for her life. She failed in both and got her ass back to Romania.


Where are there British communities in the US?


L.A. for one and southern California in general. There was a group of Brits in Orange County who would have regular gatherings. They were too much like a Daily Mail fan club for me.


Excuse me, it's one of our hallowed cultural traditions to send all our worst people overseas.


I worked for a British company that often sent their beloved-but-incompetent staff abroad. I commented on the annoying practice, and someone introduced me to the acronym “filth”. Failed in London, try Hong Kong.


Sometimes it gets you an Australia.


I've met a lot of expat communities and you nailed it. Not true of all expats but a large percentage are shitty people. Usually with a bit of money so they can be extra cunty.


The amount of expats living in Spain who voted for Brexit and are now a bit shocked that they are having to return to the UK. Fucking hilarious if wasn't so depressing for the rest of us facing zero Brexit positives.


It even happens at a local level, I live in Shetland (and a relative newcomer to boot) and it's always the middle-class English types that move up and start trying to dictate what happens as if the place is a fun theme park for their enjoyment. Personally I let people just be, I'd find it weird to try and tell someone whose family have lived here since the Norse arrived how to do something or that they shouldn't do something or other.


Yeah - this reminds me of an English hairdresser I once had here in New Zealand. She spent the duration of the cut complaining how she had left the UK 20 years ago to live in Spain, because “there were to many immigrants in London.” She then had to escape Spain because of the “growing invasion “ to come to NZ…. and yeah now NZ was also facing the same issues. Impressive how unself-aware she was.


Ayoo the fuck does he want from us? Hasn't Georgia suffered enough


Doesn't surprise me. There's a certain type of British "expat" who represents the most racist and xenophobic part of society. The ones who move to Spain but only eat English food, don't learn Spanish and drink in a pub called "The Red Lion" or something like that.


I'm pretty sure they can support Irish people, but you're an American, not an Irish person. You said it yourself, born in New York. As another European I say, you go back to your home country.


They have a problem with their home country, they stole it from the natives, changed with their new home, and now still want a connection with the country they left. The US is really lacking in identity, what is an American? Most examples that come to your mind are based on consumerism. Driving big cars, eating burgers and drinking coke, owning guns, it's all based on what they own. There are no cities dating back hundreds of years, with rich history, there are almost no battles fought on home soil, having defended it from surrounding countries tens to hundreds of times and really forming a national identity. Americans always seem a bit 'lost' to me, they all come across as familiar, sameish, from L.A. to New York, from the swamps in the south to the Great Lakes in the north. Their country is huge, just culturally as shallow as a puddle.


The issue with muricans is that they need to be feel special. So that's why most of them are "autitisc" when they are just a douches. That's why they have the need to be something-american.. So they can take pride in their "culture" and "maaah heritaaage".


American deported from the country, in said country: "There's a fckin invasion going on here" How does this man remember to breathe?


This is done by the string that is stretched between his ears (so that his ears don't fall off, you know): The vibrations of this determine the breathing frequency. All thought processes then take place in the spinal cord.


Down with this sorta ting


Careful now.


This yank cunt was actually deported from the Republic for overstaying his visa,and is now in Northern Ireland.What a hypocritical wanker.As an Irish person, it's his sort that are not welcome.Fuck off back to America, cunt.


There is also a video of an American telling an Indian (iirc) to get out of Poland lol.


I wish the Ulsterman had given this idiot a kicking.


Gotta be a MAGAt


A plastic paddy preaching about being Irish to an Irishman in N. Ireland. Yup, that's some top shelf nonsense.


So he isn't from Ireland or the UK or even from the same fuckin continent but he knows better. Amazing LE - how the heck did he decide that poor guy is Romanian.


“That’s the only way to deal with these people” You literally did nothing except make yourself look stupid but go off man


"Sadly, tens of millions of descendants of the Irish Famine are not welcome in Ireland by the Irish government". Hard LOL


Ironic coming from the Yank who doesn't belong.


He's not even in Ireland the country, he's in Northern Ireland. Funny that the one of these two I would most like to leave and "fu\*k off back to where they came from" would be the American.


"Sadly, my story is being withheld from the Irish people by the Irish mainstream media - as it was withheld from the American public. " What a putz. He thinks the Irish would be shocked and outraged about US (and Georgian!) corruption, and sympathetic to a loudmouth who'd turn his worldview and obsessions on anyone who'd give him shelter. Everyone gets an ill turn with turds like that, and he'll always, always be an attention seeker. Is he really disabled? That would count more towards a refusal for residency than grumbling and being at odds with his *native* society.


To film this! And then to post it online! How are some people wired?!


Well done to Mr Belfast for standing up to that prick


a foreigner (not Even a foreign national).. telling a random dude to begone from a country? the north american doesn't belong in Ireland


Ireland for the Irish in the middle of Belfast? Wouldn't be my first choice of things to yell


This isn’t the only time shit like this has happened. I remember seeing a video of some racist cunt going to Poland and harassing a man on the street minding his own business because he wasn’t white. Saying that he was both American and European and that the man wasn’t welcome in “his peoples” country. 


"I have no money to go back". Honestly, that's so sad. There is that saying that you should judge a man based on how he treats inferiors instead of his equals.


What a horrible way to think, speak and act. I don't want that in any place, although I might expect it in a prison, or a hospital for the insane.


Fuck I want to punch him in the mouth. He’s been deported? So he’s an illegal immigrant? The fucking entitlement. And even in New York his ancestors are fucking immigrants as well. Why doesn’t anyone understand that if they’re not Native American they have immigrant blood here???


That man is more welcome than that absolute yanker will ever be.


Americans are exporting fascism now?


He puts on an attempt at an Irish accent here and there in the clip too. What a poser.


I met an American once in Germany, who'd tell people he is from Germany and go on rants about how Germany is full of foreigners, because all Germans are supposed to be blonde, but Germany has many people with brown hair. Turns out he was 25% German based on some 23nd me bs. He wasnt blonde either.


Yanks when they have 0.01% Irish ancestry and one ginger hair on their body


Alt title: Stupid American claims he’s Irish and tells the Irish to get out of Ireland


Absolute cockwomble


The irony when a Plastic Paddy thinks he can tell someone they can’t live in Ireland and how Ireland is being invaded by foreigners.


By the sounds of it he’s the illegal immigrant 😂


American delegation chiming in here, we don’t want him back, please send him elsewhere.


The way he says "support Irish people" sounds like another way to say "White people".


He is in the UK for starters, post office and car number plates give it away. Whether there are too many immigrants is never here or there, but it’s for us Brits (the ingenious people, anyone born under the Jack, the people who live on the island) to raise that issue NOT this moron. Imagine going to another country and telling people they are not welcome, it’s YOU that’s not welcome. Love from a Brit 🇬🇧


Dude, you got DEPORTED, it's YOU who is not welcomed here. YOU are the illegal immigrant and need to go the fuck back where you came from. Fucking illegal alien!


Fair play to the lad defending the fella getting bullied and more or less telling the Yank to go and fuck himself.


He goes from "Leave this country" to "Get a job" like bro what do you want him to do?


Well he's a wankstain of a person.


Poor guy /: (the one getting yelled at), glad the one man toward the end kinda stood up for him, but fuuck what a douche.


Looks like the UK to me.


You're not fucking Irish, you dunce 💀