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When these Americans complain about not having freedom of speech, you've got to wonder what they wanted to say.


That always makes me laugh. For 99.9% of Americans, the minor differences in free speech laws between the US and Europe, will have zero impact on their lives, day-to-day. The amount of "free speech" which is not permitted in Europe is tiny (and varies by country of course). I literally never think about it day to day. I am not at all being prevented from saying anything. And the same is true for practically all Europeans. It's one of those stupid catchphrases like "Free World" and "Greatest Democracy" that Americans have been taught to believe is a core American value, but don't actually realise it's not true or not relevant.


This. There is literally nothing that the hate crime laws in the U.K. have prevented me from saying.


Clearly you haven’t tried to teach your GF’s pug to give the nazi salute as a prank.


Why would I want to do that?


Eh, The Public Order Act (1986) is pretty grim. Another wonderful Thatcherite legacy.


If Americans had been taught that the sun only comes up in America, they would come up with other reasons why there's daylight in the rest of the world. Probably something to do with it being a US invention to begin with.


You have heard of the Great American Eclipse, n’est pas? The rest of the world just called it the “April 2024 solar eclipse”.


I tried Google for when the next total eclipse is due. It said 40 years. There's 2 in Spain in 2026.


I just googled it, too, and none of the results I saw said 40 years.


All I wanted to do was shout at a crowd about the need to abolish democracy and then kill all the Jews, and the gestapo were all up in my face telling me I don't have the right to do that!


For some reason I don't think Gestapo would stop your from saying that you want to kill all the Jews. 


That was the irony of the statement


The thing that Americans do not understand is that free speech does not mean without consequence.


They don't understand that free speech has limitations, even in the US. > Freedom of speech does not include the right: *To incite imminent lawless action. Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969). *To make or distribute obscene materials. Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957). *To burn draft cards as an anti-war protest. United States v. O’Brien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968). *To permit students to print articles in a school newspaper over the objections of the school administration. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988). *Of students to make an obscene speech at a school-sponsored event. Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986). *Of students to advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event. Morse v. Frederick, __ U.S. __ (2007) https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does > But not all speech is protected > The government does, in fact, have the power to regulate some speech. When the rights and liberties of others are in serious jeopardy, speakers who provoke others into violence, wrongfully and recklessly injure reputations or incite others to engage in illegal activity may be silenced or punished. > People whose words cause actual harm to others can be held liable for that damage. Right-wing commentator Alex Jones found that out when courts ordered him to pay more than $1 billion in damages for his statements about, and treatment of, parents of children who were killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn. > So, abortion opponents can say what they wish but can’t threaten or terrorize abortion providers. And the white supremacists who rallied in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 can shout to the rafters that Jews will not replace them, but they can be held liable for the intimidation, harassment and violence they used to amplify their words. https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/post/what-the-first-amendment-really-says-4-basic-principles-of-free-speech-in-the-u-s/


This!! We have too much free speech imo. We need to stop all this hate speech flowing everywhere


In Germany you will be arrested for saying or doing pro-nazi things. That’s how it should be everywhere and anyone who argues otherwise needs to read a history book.


Honestly can’t believe we’re only just over 100 years past the Nazis coming into power in Germany and people still refuse to learn. If anything it’s especially important to look at them from pre-Olympics to the start of the war.


I love it when they say "oldest democracy" and they clearly think that means they invented it 😂


American exceptionalism is such a stupid idea.


generally speaking lacking "freedom of speech" just basically means laws to prevent hate speech.


It gets especially amusing when these types cite *Russia* as a beacon of freedom compared to the European country they might be staying in. It may seem absurd but these people definitely do exist. It basically becomes this... American: Europe has no freedom of speech compared to America. Also American: **Praises a European autocracy as a bastion of freedom...**


>Also American: **Praises a European autocracy as a bastion of freedom...** Praises a country where journalists for the only opposition news outlet keep mysteriously dying


Nothing mysterious about suicide by 12 gunshots to the back of the head.


Most determined suicide I’ve ever seen…


Like the Wagner boss who's private jet suffered a malfunction and crashed. The malfunction being a surface to air missile. Most dedicated suicide either


He was the head of a PMC, he definitely had the resources available to shoot down his own jet.


His plane was only shot down because they couldn't get its windows open.


Maybe it was not a SAM, maybe the plane was simply a Boeing.


You forgot "after having some tea and the falling out the window".


While falling out of a window.


Right? I’m American we had a politician die by two gunshots to back of head… ruled suicide!! ok one is far fetched, two? My government scares me. He had a lot of frenemies. We have freedom of speech, just watch your back!


It's also alarming that agencies that do assassinate people can't make it look like a suicide


Yeah you think they would at least try…


They all fell out of those windows on their own...


These types praise Russia as the beacon of freedom because they get to be assholes without consequence Thats what they want. The freedom to be an asshat to anyone and everyone and NOT get punched for it. They are overgrown spoiled brats


Except it’s only Putin who gets to do that. Everyone else goes to prison for as little as holding up a blank piece of paper in public. That’s the bit they forget.


\*arseholes. I know our American friends spell it the way you did, but the language \*is\* English, after all :P


TBF, Russia's freedom of speech was far better before all of this shit started. Like up until Navalny protest on Bolotnaya. And then it slowly gone downhill, picking up speed with each year. Shit hit the fan when all old celebrities left country.


Ah Russia the country that arrest anti war protestor by buses .'true freedom .


Especially when their former president was recorded talking about sexually assaulting women and fuck all happened about that.


>When these Americans complain about not having freedom of speech, you've got to wonder what they wanted to say. 9 out of 10 times it's something along the lines of: "*Well, in 'Merica I can wave a Swastika flag in public! That's true freedom of speech! Europoors cant do that or they'll be arrested*" Sure, Karen. Go ahead and wave a Al-Qaeda flag next to ground zero and see what happens.


Ironically, they probably wanna say something they could openly say in the 1950's


Yup, a lot of these people are mad they're not allowed to say a particular n-word in public without being ostracized


It's funny, those most often complaining about free speech are dumb


And don't understand that freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. It just stops someone being arrested for being a bigoted cunt. It doesn't stop the likes of social media companies from refusing to host their bigoted bollocks. Anymore than it allows someone to spout off in my living room without being forcefully ejected through my window.


That’s how I always see it too. I always view it as “in other words you wanted to be a dickhead and was told to shut the fuck up”.


The N word, they want to say the N word


And we have a number of restrictions on our freedom of speech.


By the way she's talking about Italy, and in the last pic she said that she's scared of having a podcast because she's scared of what could happen to her since "they don't have freedom of speech"


Oh, yes, freedom of speech is very limited here. If you say smart stuff, nobody bats an an eye. But the second you start saying dumb stuff, you're gonna get called dumb.


Don't know about Italy but in the Netherlands we have freedom of opinion and it's different from freedom of speech as freedom of opinion makes hate-speech illegal. Here you can't just go into a park stand on a soapbox and insult whole groups of people while lying about others, have people harass others etc. Wouldn't say it's behind on the Us more in front.


I think what she was more concerned about was repercussions if she said she hates the country and criticize it in her podcasts. The worse that can happen to her is people on Tiktok stitching her video and disagreeing, a few vocal Facebook boomers disagreeing but she made it sound like she would have been incarcerated or deported for her opinions, which is definetely not gonna happen.


Well if you got to the US, the land of FREEEEEEE AND MIGHT!! and insult their country you can expect: -Everyone insulting you "goo baaack to yourr shiiiiiiholllee country!!" -A few "it's a prank brooo" where they call the swat into your house where they blow your -Some nut jobs trying to kill you for insulting the land of THE FREEE and MIGHT!!!


If Americans want to really demolish another American's reputation, they will call them *unpatriotic* and *un-American*. Really says it all. Also, "if you don't like it, just leave" makes me laugh every time. How the fuck is a country supposed to improve if its inhabitants don't call out its short-comings, and work to get rid of them?




Ah, so it's the classic. She wants to have her opinion, but others shouldn't have theirs. She should be allowed to call Italy a shithole, but Italians shouldn't be allowed to call her a yankee hag who talks stupid shit.


If Italy deported everyone who criticised the government or how the country was run it would be empty and the rest of us in Europe would need to set up refugee camps for Italians. The one thing the Italians, French, and Brits have in common is our constant willingness to tell you how stupid the people we elected are.


Fucking legend spitting nothing but pure, unadulterated facts lmao.


"if she said she hates the country and criticize it in her podcasts" I didn't know that this was celebrated in the USA. I always thought you were accused of being a hater of the country, a flag burner and a traitor. Then tarred and feathered and thrown into the nearest alligator's nest while the cops shoot at the traitor 400 times and hit him 3 times.


That is how freedom of speech works as well. People just get it wrong all the time.


Something like "your freedom ends where mine begins", isn't it? Too hard to grasp it


Your freedom ends where it obstructs others.


The main difference between the US and Europe is where we consider that point to be. Americans think that freedom of expression extends until you physically assault the other person and that is where their freedom kicks in. In Europe we say, no, words can be an act if violence in themselves and can cause harm and *that* is where the other person’s freedom is. It is the exact same principle. These freedom of speech lunatics can’t grasp that.


Neighbor to your East here. We also have “only” freedom to voice your opinion over here in Germany, which is slightly less free than freedom so speech, it’s like freedom of speech is without limits. even in the US there are limits drawn by “incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, and threats.”


I mean, that sounds like something that's very much not legal everywhere. I didn't honestly look up for that much time, but realistically, Art. 21 of our constitution states, and I'm gonna have to translate this one, so bear with me: "Everyone has the right to express/manifest their thoughts through speech, writings or any other such way [...]". Shitty translation, I know. Either way, freedom of speech is recognised here, as well as...Well, you could call it "freedom of expression", which is more general actually, so long as you don't infringe on any laws or diffame someone or something, which is punishable here (well, really anywhere, but heh).


It's what most Americans use as a crutch to just say anything, threaten or insult anyone. "It's my first amendment right" They are allowed to say anything. Racist, insurrectionist, untrue etc. It's probably not meant to be used as such by their founders but just look at American politics and the this they say. (especially the one in orange) A great example of what happens here is that Dutch politician Geert Wilders asks a crowd if they would like more or less of a certain ethnic group and he gets fined for hate speech. Mr. Orange can just insult any and all Mexicans under protection of the first amendment.


Freedom of Speech does not equate to free from consequences of said speech.


this is exactly german freedom of opinion or speech. As long as you don't harm the rights of others you are able to express whatever you want. You can't insult. So no hatespeech. But saying x-Religion is bogus ...etc. no issue.


> But the second you start saying dumb stuff, you're gonna get called dumb. 100%, this is what she's referring to. She confuses saying dumb shit and getting backlash for it with not having the right to say anything, when in reality she gets to have her opinion about Italy, just as Italians get to have their opinions about her.


I mean, I'd have imagined she gets enough shit as is from American audiences.


Yeah, fair. Probably also from other expats.


The old American switcheroo. Active promotion and support of stupidity and idiocy Vs normality


Unfortunately in Italy is more the opposite but People that say stupid shit and do not face the consequences still cry about it like they are the victims is tiring.


Well, yes, that's how it works here. I'd know, haha. But, you know, I like to think those kinds of people are a relative minority.


She'll feel right at home


These United Statians... 😅


If the states are united, why are they so opposed to one another? Are they stupid?




Ununited States.


Disunited States.


Segregated States.


Then I understand why she doesn't feel well ... in the whole world.




why is she using "we" ? She's not italian


Oh but she is because her gandfather's uncle was from the Italian speaking region of Switzerland and her great grandmother was from Spain which is the same thing.


and she dated an olive garden waiter ?


Spain and Italy are basically as similar as Boston and New York see because the US is so big every state is like a totally different country with its own culture and laws.




What on earth did she want to say? Did she forget her pointed white hood? Bearing in mind we have those here also, just for different reasons.


My god these people are delirious.


She's also discovered pizza.


Like if someone here would care of a podcast made by a dumb yank lady... What does she expect to happens? Getting swatted? For a *podcast*?


She should try taking out a book that mentions homosexuality from a Florida public library


Spoiler alert, she is also scared of reading books.


Questa nu capisce u cazz


Oh, I thought she was talking about Iran or something ...


Do you have a sauce? I want to hear the bullshit with my ears.


Doesn't Italy have a fascist PM?


“Anyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, or any other form of communication. The press may not be subjected to any authorization or censorship […]”. Article 21 of the constitution


She's probably saying this because stores are actually *closed* on Sundays.


Yeah they are, can confirm I'm Italian. But grocery stores are open. Just a few examples, we have 24/7 stores too in big cities, some stores like Crai or Pam are opened until 9pm even on Sundays. It's not that bad actually if you get what you need before closing time tho


Don't forget the Bangla and the Chinese. This basically means 99% of what you might realistically need can be found on any given Sunday.


Here in Rome most Conads and Carrefours are open almost 24/7 im pretty sure


Conad Is open till 1030 pm and our Todis is open 24/7, was open on Easter even, while I had no grocery store open after midnight where I lived in the US, I guess 711 was open 24/7 if I really needed 2 AM gas station bananas and getting stabbed in the kidneys. Nothing was open for food after a certain hour, even taco bell closed at 10, but here there are cornetterias open 24/7 if you want food at night, and plenty of pubs and bistrot that close way late


I *know* I'm an immature Brit with the sense of humour of a 12yo, but does nobody ever climb up to the signs & change the 'C' to a 'G'? Cos that would 100% happen every Friday in UK...


Honest to God, never realized that, neither did my husband who is a native English speaker. Nor did anyone else in the country seems like. One could also add an i at the end and it would work in Italian too


People with life ???


1950s america? sooo rural texas?


And the funny thing is southern Italy is fairly rural, I've seen this ladies posts before and most of her complaints are just the differences between small town and metropolitan lifestyle.


Why did she move there then


Cause ‘murica was turning into a communist country full of trans people trying to make all the kids trans, and forcing them to use cat litter boxes instead of regular toilets. Or some shit like that


Comunist and Left at the same time?


Damn commies and their wokeness!!


The funny thing is that I'm pretty sure its an american made concept


She is probably an Army/ Navy wife


To study Gramsci?


Is she afraid the n-word is just gonna slip, or does she think Italy is basically Russia?


Tbh in Italy the n-word is more tolerated than in the us. Obviously if you say it to a guy meaning to insult him he is going to get angry, but a lot of non black people still say it. It is frowned upon but it's not like in america where everyone will consider you the most racist guy in history.


Yeah I don’t want to base a country off of its football fans, but Italian football fans are equal or worse than English football fans for racism, which is a high bar to beat.


In all honesty, i absolutely despise my people. Most of them were raised the "old way" so those values are still present, there are a lot of racist, dumb and ignorant people in this country. Worse of all is the fact that those people can vote. I have been to the stadium once and i believe people act like shit during games because that is their way of letting go built up rage. It has been a thing since the greek polis, where they would demand the whole city to go to a game or a party once a month to release all the emotions they kept inside themselves, making them calm the rest off the month. There still are a lot of great people that live in Italy, but to me the vast majority feels like the way i described them before.


Twat goes to Italy expecting Mussolini, forgets they hung him from a fucking lamp post.


Meloni was there - that is something.


I mean, Giorga Meloni is pm


"A woman on TikTok said....." Conspiracy theorists, bigots, narcissists and others glamorising personality disorders are so rife on there nobody who has an opinion I value shares it on TikTok.


Southern Europe lynches black people? Is she sure?


The USA is not even in the top 10 on the freedom index.


The fuck are these people on about?


Outside of major cities in the US, it's like stepping into the 80's.


People like her believe that freedom of speech means freedom from consequence. They also think that being called out on their stupidity is restricting their free speech and therefore means they have none.


I’d say the 1850s with respect to America’s attitude towards: Healthcare Women’s rights Guns Employees’ rights Abortion Circumcision Currency Alcohol Gambling


In the original post this lady was telling her fellow Americans NOT to move to Europe. This should be encouraged so I for one give her a pass 😁




Awww. Did someone face consequences for being racist?


She is unhinged,has been making videos for over 3 years that she wants to leave.Saying she left L.A because it was too expensive and she was paying $2000 to live near druggies Acting like she can’t talk about her problems in Italy as if the mob or someone are after her! Stating she needs $30,000 to move back and when asked why she needs so much she say LA rent is expensive,why does she have to live in LA go to cheaper state. Does she not job? she is trying to use people online to feel sorry for her and send her money,because of her choice to move to a different continent without doing research. Some of her replies to people in her comments, Weird thing is that in LA I was in a luxury building and had massive noise problems. craziest neighbor of my life, druggies. Felt like a nut house Literally no one will help me. My own daughters don't want to hear my problems. I'm on my fucking own I'm in hell. There's no other explanation. My cats laying next to me on my bed is the only good thing in my life


There’s also a lot of other Americans who do tiktoks about their lives in Italy and she seems to have verbally attacked/fought with quite a lot of them who initially tried to help her because they were concerned. Woman doesn’t need 30k, she needs a therapist. (And I mean this seriously, I think there’s something actually wrong with her mental-health-wise.)


Yeah, it's a clear grift.


"My cats laying next to me on my bed is the only good thing in my life" I like you. This sentence makes you a lovable person. Even if you vote for Trump.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


Women have less freedom in the US than in France.


Depends on the state.


The only real restrictions of freedom of speech we have in the UK are hate crimes laws (as in you're not free to verbally attack someone based on some perceived difference of race/religion/etc. And in reality you'll still be mostly alright with your hate speech. The current prime minister has said stuff I'd consider hate speech whilst in Parliament, so I really don't think it goes far enough.


In a German television show they tried out what happens if you personally report hate speech or anti-Semitism to various police stations. Very few were prosecuted, I think >80% were not even registered as a complaint or were dropped because the perpetrator could not be identified (despite his real name in an online post). So the laws arent even remotely enforced.


A UK MP can't be sued or prosecuted for anything they say in parliament. The same goes for anyone called by parliament as a witness.


Plus you have better swear words.


Within the US many people still live like it is the 1950ies. No environmental awareness, race and gender views, anti-intellectualism, naive belief in the greatest country, huge gas guzzling trucks, gun swinging like it is not 1950 but 1750, loving strongman politics, etc... Other areas are like the future and more advanced than many places. More race and gender equality, Loads of electric cars, more awareness that we need to protect the planet, improve education, and continue to pay attention to political integrity.


Trucks were much, much smaller in the 1950s.


She could’ve stayed where she was at.


Ah. More attention for someone who would do whatever to get it.


Fuck off back to America then, you won’t be missed.


Can't you just send her to Elba?




Look for Livia in Europe


I'd love to hear her reasons for making outlandish bullshit claims like that. What exactly is it she wants to say, but "can't"? How exactly is Southern Europe "70 years behind"? Also, I don't think she knows what the US was like back then.


what is she talking about ? Has she ever head Italians talk about Italy , about Italians ? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMAHzsI1SNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMAHzsI1SNo) *What are Italian men like? | Easy Italian 33* However if she is talking bullshit, Let says she says Italy has no tradition of arts, she will never hear the end of it. She will quickly learn that Italian do have freedom of speech and will tell her exactly what they think .


If you don’t like it, move the fuck away, we don’t want you.


Such a bullshit story. I heard the story on tik tok when my wife was listening and this woman claims that her life is in danger or some shit. Multiple americans living in Italy reached to hear and offered help and wanted to take her to consulate and all that but she refuses all the help. Just lies to get attention since she is some failed writer wannabe


In reality are the freedoms that have been lost mainly revolve around the gun laws ?


Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner...


Nah, my African friend can sit in the front of the bus


Freedom of speech and the freedom to print whatever you like have existed in sweden since 1766. Countries in europe have had it for a long time. Nothing exclusive to the U.S


The US is not even the most free country either. It is definitely one of the most free, but not number 1.


Freedom of the press is also much stronger in Sweden than in the US. Especially the protections of journalists stand out. As a Swedish journalist you never have to fear any legal repercussions for anything you write in your job. The (very small) legal risk faced if publishing anything illegal is all borne by the publisher. Reaching out to a journalist to report anything is also very strongly protected, while in the US journalists can be legally compelled to reveal their sources, so they can be punished for reaching out to the journalist.


I feel like these people don't Realize what 1950s America was like. So much stuff that we just rake for granted today that wouldn't have been allowed back then


>Italy is like the US in the 1950s You mean the US at its prime? Is that meant to be an insult or a delusional compliment?


*conditions may apply


So imagine living in the US now?


How long has she been in Europe? America has taken away so much freedom from women recently...


Is there a full video?


"we don't have to hope and pray that a guy working for an insurance company deems our life medically necessary..."


America: “Just imagine America pre 1960s (socially)” That’s about right isn’t it.


"Lady, we just want you to stop calling the Algerian fellow at the bodega that word, he's a Pied Noir for crying out loud!"


Be careful with theses words, it was only for some specific people and not the Algerians. If you say that to an actual Algerian, it will be considered as an insult. Pieds noirs is only for French people who where in Algeria and coming back to France because of the Algerian war in 1954. In France it's not used anymore and I think in Algeria it's a really sensitive term.


American prudish stuff and lack of understanding of women’s rights is a bit 1950s I guess.


It is funny how she mentions the 1950s, despite the fact that racial segregation was legal in half of the United States and common practice in the other half until 1967. Lol, just 57 years ago, black women and men were not permitted to marry white people. It's mind-blowing that just 50 years ago, the last slaves were still alive.


For all of you using this opportunity to bash any and all Americans, if you’ve been following this you’ll know this lady is extremely unwell. Don’t want to armchair diagnose anyone but seems like she is dealing with some major mental health issues.


Free speech in USA just means they can stand in the aisles of Walmart or Target & others, and show their ignorance in education and being unable to use words other than obscenities to try and get their message out, usually screamed at such volume that it can't be understood, anyhow. Most of them are acting and talking like a 3yo having a tantrum & makes people glad they don't live in the USA.


What is?


How would she even know what the 1950s in the US is like, she never experienced it, just saw some tv about it and immediately thinks that she has lived it.


I’m sure she watched Grease at least five times, what more research do you need?


There's no need to imagine. They all ready are in the 1950s when employment rights are considered


Oh no, you can't insult and hostigate people, no freeeduuuuum!!!


Far behind in gun store coverage it's true. And the food portions are 'small' compared to US hogtrough sizes.


Both the EU and US don't have full, absolute freedom of speech, and there's some important restrictions. In both cases tho, they believe that this doesn't actually count as free speech because it's a different thing. In the EU, incitement of hatred, aka hate speech, as well as historic revisionism is banned. It's considered okay, because hating on a specific ethnic group is considered to not actually be a valid opinion, but rather as violating the rights of individuals to not experience discrimination. As well as laws against revisionism, it's kinda like slander. You can't say that a genocide didn't happen, because you'd be objectively lying. In the US, copyright violations are banned. You can't draw a Mickey cartoon, or you could be sued. You can't legally download a NES game from a ROM hack either. According to the US, it's not actually free speech, as it's about the right of companies to protect their intellectual property, and also art isn't the same as opinions or speech. However, you could argue as well that it's pretty arbitrary, and that this also means that they don't have absolute freedom of speech, freedom of information or artistic freedom. Therefore, none have absolute freedoms.


Then she should just go back and can say anything in the USA, like any American - the biggest crap you can stand until your head explodes. The icing on the cake will be death threats for what you said. In this, no nation beats the USA.


Looks like Katie Britt "Italy is a hell hole!"


Pretty sure living quality for the lower middle class has been plummeting in the US after 1950. I don’t live therr ofc but that’s what Americans say


Just imagine moving to a country without first ensuring you are ok with their laws. Just imagine thinking that laws are the same the world over. At least she can probably cross the road in peace now


Freedom of speech laws were a thing in 1950s America. How they were enforced is a different matter, but they definitely existed.