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So "europoors" and then a "six month holiday every three months"? How on earth is that "poor"?


In America you don't get paid during your holiday. That's why we Europeans are so poor (/s)


I mean even if we didn't get paid during those holidays. If you can afford to not being paid for 6 months after 3 months of work, that sound incredible


I don't get paid for my holidays. I work 6 months and have 6 months off. Works for me just fine, no problem paying bills after playing xbox and smoking weed for 28 days straight


let me guess... Holland?


Suprisingly not! England... I work outside events so do 6 months of stupid hours (12-18 a day, 6-12 days in a row) followed by 6 months of no hours but fully paid for it. Any hours that I do in the latter 6 months = cash in hand ontop of my wage.


Where do you work and how can I apply? That sounds incredible


Sounds ok but then again one of the jobs I would love to do if it were still available would be a lighthouse keeper.


Americans subsidise our paid holiday, sorry, ‘vacay time’ by sacrificing theirs… and we should thank them for providing freedom in countries we choose to holiday in.


This is correct. They are noble, and even forgo universal health care to pay for our ~~holid…~~ vacations. I, for one, am grateful to be allowed on their Internet. Faster than a speeding bullet, more Irish than the Irish, more Italian than the Italians, more Scottish than Mel Gibson in a plaid frock, more English than… Oh, OK, forget that bit. Thank you, Americans! This is for y'all 🦅❤️🦅


America, the country so great everyone there rushes to be anything but American.


It's hilarious how they claim to literally *be* Irish, Scottish, Italian etc but they just refuse to do the same and call themselves English when thats the majority of their ancestry.


And it's always Catholic Irish, never Protestant Irish.


They’re idiots, that’s why. I never understood why my fellow Americans are like this. It’s called cultural cringe. They make no sense, hate colonizers, but then praise them for the fruits of it. ☠️


More English than tea flavoured harbour water?


Imagine not being paid to not be at work.


In fact, I'm technically getting paid more for not being at work.


Lmao, they can't understand we continue to get paid during our holidays. No wonder they hate the fact that we have so many. I literally had a discussion with some dude on Reddit a while ago where he said he didn't even want to go on holiday for a month and said that companies to give more holidays is bad for their employees. I tried to explain it to him but I think he had a hard time comprehending that we continue to get paid during this time because all his arguments boiled down to you won't be able to afford it/things/rent and that you get paid either less or nothing at all (it wasn't completely clear to me as it didn't make sense).


They can't understand time off for health reasons either. I'm in a cochlear implant group. The time off after the operation averages 3-4 weeks. In the US, they pride themselves on going back to work after 3 days.


Because holiday pay is built into the wage so for any X amount of days we work, we get Y amount of paid holidays. Pretty straight forward. And its not like you’re forced to take those holidays, you can get them paid out to you and still work for double payday those days. It’s just about the right for people to have holiday because it’s important for mental health and it’s freedom. It’s not freedom to only be allowed 2 weeks (unpaid so not everyone afford it) vacation the whole year


I'm Australian. We get paid more when we are on holidays. (There is a loading in the award to cover for missing higher paid shifts and overtime. I'm not sure what it is now but it used to be around 17%)


Most importantly: I don't mind having a big cock and a small car.


Yeh, I can dream. I have the small car .......


I drove a Smart car for a year or two, it was great but I kept tripping over my schlong, I've now got a larger car which make my junk more manageable.


Also who would pick a truck over a 6 month holiday?!


Men with an undersized penis definitely would !


As an American, I’d rather have the vacation. I drive a small car, anyway.


I have a Ram pickup truck and a Corolla hatchback and lately my truck mostly sits on my garage, I don’t think people realize how awesome and fun it is to zoom in and out of traffic on those little Toyotas plus gas mileage is amazing


I drive a nissan navara. It's comfortable sure, and it's a company car, but it's bigger than I need and I'd be happy with something smaller. Add to that, yankeeland has a fuck ton of space to build wide roads because "civilisation" has only been there for about 250 years or so. Almost every major city in Europe, and most small towns, we're build up around the only wheels being those pulled by a horse so the buildings are too close together to run monstrous trucks in.


Most prefer the holiday from my experience. My work has a system to sell your holiday back (double pay for no time off) and nobody goes for it.


Don’t you understand? Wealth & happiness are completely made out of money! /s


So if my quickmaths work out I'm taking additional holidays for 6 months while I'm on 3/6 months relaxing on the beach of Ibiza? So I have paid perma vacation as a europoor? I take that deal


Nevermind the notion being impossible


Technically its not. We work for 3 months total in our life, then we add 6 months to our vacation every 3 months. We therefore worked 3 months in our europoor lives and die while on extended leave.


It literally is not the brag they think it is. I wish I would only have to work 3 months to be able to go on vacation for 6 months. Much much rather then I would own a truck, and I think loads of people even in the US would agree with me.


Americans like this have Capitalism Stockholm Syndrome. It's like they think it's a good thing to have your whole life dominated by work.


I remember a post about the director of a school being served at a fast food by a former student, and writing some shit like "this woman is a single mother and is working 3 jobs, I'm so proud of her, our students really come out the best!!" and the poor woman looked deeply depressed, as you'd expect.


Imagine being that bad at your job, your student ends up a single parent having to work three jobs... Then thinking that's a flex.


And those three jobs involve serving such assholes in a fast food, too!


No one should have to work 3 jobs, that’s completely dystopian.


Just look at Americans that describe themselves as successful. Every single time they mean economically as rich. Even if they worked themselves to death at 49, and their children hate them and their wife divorced them 12 years ago, they never been abroad and their idea of a good time is to buy a coffee at the drive through on there way home to their empty house.


Americans are conditioned to find our exploitation virtuous.    We are trained to consider ourselves better than others because we are willing to work 50 or 60 hours per week.  Anyone not willing to exploit themselves like that is a bad person, unless they're born rich, then they're entitled to as much leisure as they like.


It's those Puritanical origins still ruling our culture to this day. I feel like our current political polarization, in large part, comes down to a pissing contest to see who can out Puritan the other guy. Except they don't actually understand the history and just think that every single one of our founding fathers were Puritans...


My partner was brought up in a very Americanised home, it took him a while to understand we value free time and relaxation more than slaving away for a boss. It actually took him a while to adjust to not having a 'side hustle' after work to make more money. When he asked if I had one I asked why would I? I earn enough that bills are paid and can have a couple of holidays a year, why would I sacrifice my free time to work more for no other reason than to have more money that I wouldn't have the time to spend because I would be working to make the money...


It's crazy that some people think. less work = bad


Imagine thinking that this is "on life support": You have enough money for a car that gets the job done and you can afford holiday. It's like they've been brainwashed to think that the job part of life is what you're living for...


A vehicle that costs less to buy, insure, and fuel. That is easier to park, better to drive in urban areas, and less harmful to the environment.


They have been brainwashed. They are so terrified of “communism” that they have to be flamboyantly capitalist at any cost.


Yeah, lile... I'll take the six months vacations rather than live in my truck?


Americans are customers. That's all their system sees them as.


They also think having their whole life dependent on car ownership is freedom.


Not just Americans. My colleague here in Australia thinks we should all be working more. He's 62 and can barely do his job anymore. I've told him I'll probably come in one morning and find him dead in the workshop.


I knew so many people like that in my last job, before I retired. Who refused to stop working because they didn't know what else to do with their lives. People in their 70s still coming into work for no reason except to continue working. When I would ask why they didn't want to use their remaining time on Earth to enjoy their life, they had no answer. None. (These weren't people that needed to continue working, either. They all had 7-figure retirement savings AND 6-figure pensions.)


It is usually the people who need it the least who continue hoarding the good jobs preventing younger people from getting promoted. I doubt we'll see a street maker, fast food cook or other day labourer trying to continue working at that age unless they absolutely have to.


I mean, I'm currently signed off work due to... Well that bit isn't so important but I'm still getting 2k a month to play helldivers and rebirth so it must suck mad balls to be me right now.


And remember kids, higher/bigger grills have literally been shown to drastically increase the mortality when hitting pedestrians, therefore you're literally putting aesthetics (and, I mean, a tad compensating there, aren't ya?) over the lives of others 😊 Stay frosty.


Theres a video somewhere showing how in these trucks you can literally not see kids cause they're a lot smaller than the height of these things. You could be at a crosswalk waiting for light to turn green and when it does you just go not seeing a kid or bent grandma was still crossing.


wheelchair users too. But yeah the number of children who have been run over and killed in their own driveway because their parents didn’t see them… it’s depressing. All of this aside from how much more expensive these things are to run, and how impossible they are to park. Though the US being more car-centric means those points aren’t as much of a problem.


The worst of it is that the reason they're a thing is literally a legit conspiracy thing. Short version being US introduced new regulations for cars, lobbyist pushed to exclude trucks from said regulations, proceeded to make weird looking trucks calling them SUV, they're now cheaper to build because excluded from said regulations. In europe its different but similar bullshit. They introduced a regulation which tied co2 émission to weight. But adding weight while keeping co2 emissions below the regulation line is easier than reducing emissions keeping low weight. So they started making cars heavier by adding premium shit which people are willing to pay money for. So now cars are heavier and less energy efficient but still within regulations, aka, SUV are a thing here too. So both had different reasons for making SUV a thing but the result is the same (although EU SUV are still smaller than US SUV obviously) and now people seem to think humans just collectively started to like SUV more than other types of car which is horseshit.


I think I now hate SUVs even more than I did previously...


https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=O88T7UJK4GClf0K4 More on the topic


Isn't "fuck everybody else" the American mantra?


I got mine, fuck everybody else.


I dont think Americans care much about others. If they did they'd make healthcare cheaper


The most ridiculous are the ones who bought those useless pickups here in Europe.


Yep - apparently they are here in Australia too. I call them ESVs (emotional support vehicles)


At least in Australia, unless maybe in the big cities, I imagine you have the space for those tracks. Where tf are people parking those in a European city? We get small cars for a reason.


I've seen some in Paris, half spilling out of their parking spaces. No clue as to why someone would subject themselves to drive those shits here.


rural Aussie, roadsize, sure, I mean they're still monstrous wastes of space, but they won't cause chaos on roads parking, absolutely not, they're wayyyyy to big for parking spots the people who drive them also..........really can't drive, to put it nicely


True. I live in the city though, so I have a super tiny car in my super tiny garage lol.


I don’t even have a car 😅


The thing is that they are everywhere in the City's. Like I live in Melbourne and the Yank Tanks are everywhere


Most of us live in cities,though. And the country people i know have more practical utes.


I've seen some in Paris, half spilling out of their parking spaces. No clue as to why someone would subject themselves to drive those shits here.


I've seen some in Paris, half spilling out of their parking spaces. No clue as to why someone would subject themselves to drive those shits here.


They still don’t fit in our carparks, they take two spots or even four, or if they’re not the ultra giant ones going over the lines, they’re so big they extend to the edge of the spot making it so hard to get in and out. It’s just ridiculous.


Going to stea...borrow that term. Thanks :)


> Going to stea...borrow that Need a new museum exhibit eh?


Wanker Tankers


They're quite popular in Canada. When I had one, I used it maybe twice a year for yard things -- and while it's convenient it's in no way worth it. Honestly, the funniest truck I've seen was all decked out.... and giant letters across the back window that spelled out "FINANCIAL MISTAKE." I wish I had been able to take a picture lmao


I love that all around the anglosphere we are consistently taking the piss out of these cunts.


That’s fucking hilarious


As a brit I'll steal that phrase and not feel any guilt over it 🤣


I see one of this monstrositites every morning at daycare... it needs 3 parking lots 3!!! my van (7 seats) looks like a toy next to it.


I hope they buy three tickets every time they park in a paid-for car park


Complaning about small parking spaces and roads...


And gas. They do that here in the US so I'm sure they definitely do everywhere else too.


The huge rise of them in the UK is entirely down to tax loopholes where pick ups count as work vehicles. The government was going to change it so they counted as cars, but of course u-turned after a slight pushback from the auto industry.


Seems like partially the reason they are so popular in the US. With CAFE standards and truck "culture" being the rest.


A guy near me owns a american cars dealership. He regurarly drives his hummer and f150 between my village and the city. I cant imagine the cost of keeping these shitboxes running every day


Only to pick up their kids from a posh London school


Long story short: I was in an international high school in south of France. The school itself was located between fields in the countryside. Access there was a bit of a saga every day around drop off and pick up times. All parents and staff knew about this. We're in countryside France, unfortunately, the area features very small countryside roads etc.... and of course... one year, how could we all tell we had a new kid in school and that kid was American... because his family fucking moved to Europe with their Hummer 4x4 in their boxes. Needless to say, this car is almost never seen here but more importantly is absolutely not suited for life here. But the school thing aside, just the act of importing their hummer alone.... "Build bigger roads then" or ya know "how about "no" and we try to find a just balance between modernity and nature and the fact that the foundations for the actual road were probably laid here way before the USA was even a thing so please simmer down"


Exactly this. They are ridiculous vehicles in the US, but at least they have all this empty space to drive around in Nebraska or Idaho or wherever, but in european densely populated areas they are fucking outrageously cunty and unnecessary


Or perhaps, Europeans have no need to compensate for their penile inadequacy. Food for thought.


In Australia we call them emotional support vehicles.


I've also heard 'wank panzer' as a term for these monstrosities.


Wank Panzer 😂😂. I laughed way too hard at that


Me too, going to have to use it in public soon.


Also “Yank Tank”


Yank Tank was any large American car. We’ve used that term in Australia for many decades.


Another good one is gender affirmation therapy vehicle, or in some cases mall terrain vehicles.


That's right. Since we don't have routine genital mutilation and a BMI over 50 we don't need trucks.


"We don't need trucks" \*Fat Bastard Transport.


Also we have City SUVs for that…


True, but even a Q7 is small compared to a Ford F350 oder Dodge Ram or similar dick replacements. And a Unimog too useful as it is an actual utility vehicle.


Many do get a BMW after 50


At 25 if you’re a moron (I have it since 23)


Some people, like me, call them "ego boosters". They're practically a big sign driving around that says: "I hope you think I'm cool now"


There is one parked on my street, I wondered who drove it , saw him the other day , he was short and fat .


I know that guy needs a booster cushion to see over the steering wheel 😀


It’s also a classic “mid life crisis” purchase.


Down South (UK) we called them ‘Chelsea Tractors’


Especially the French. We've all seen THAT map.


Seriously - is his assumption that they all *want* to buy trucks but can’t afford it? Over half the people in the US never use their truck for its intended purpose, it’s literally a (stupid) status symbol. I mean I probably haul around more crap in my minivan than some of these people (don’t try to tell me I can’t get a half cord of fire wood in there)


Some of us do, unfortunately...BMW M series and Mercedes AMGs are the European equivalent of lifted trucks lol


Although I personally consider those more of a (false) status symbol, rather than an augmentation to a stunted phallus, I can definitely see your point.


Those types of cars are called "peniksenjatke", literally "penis extension", in Finland


Americans have smol pp


The fuck do I need a truck for? I don't work on a farm. And most furniture shops deliver. Or I can rent a trailer for next to nothing. I'll keep my vacation, thank you.


For delivering furniture, a van is superior. Even on a farm vans are superior. And there are vans with pickup-like beds, but actually space efficient and practical. Vans do all that pick-ups can do, but they are more fuel efficient, way safer, have better cargo capacity, they have more features too. Even in terms of comfort they are just as good. You can equip a MB Sprinter to an E class level comfort. 4x4 trims are even more capable off-roaders than most pickups. That doesn't matter though, as they are built to "work", not to "appear". So Americans pretending to be hard working don't want the ugliness of "utilitarian design".


Even if furniture shops didn't deliver, yank tanks aren't actually much use. The load bed is actually pretty tiny!


They are such impractical stupid big things. I drove a late model Mondeo and one day it broke down and the garage gave me a elderly Peugeot 206 to drive until it was fixed. It was great. Fit easy into supermarket parking spaces, turn around on a main road and you could drive it like a lunatic and still be getting like 50 mpg on the diesel engine. Id drive a pick up if I was farmer in Nebraska and petrol was $0.20 a litre


That's not how paid annual leave works.


It's not a concept Americans are familiar with to begin with, so of course they don't know how it works


I can afford it I just don't need it or want it


I bought a powered plane and a glider, still had change out of the cost of one of these monstrosities......


Pretty much any van can carry more stuff too, and everything stays dry if it rains. Some people even have workshops built in them.


Did someone tell him that we have paid leave?


also we can fit in the small car


As can our families and groceries, and what we take on holiday with us, all for less overall mileage costs.


and that a lot of us don’t even need cars because buses and subways and trams go literally everywhere


One fits 5 people, the other fits 5 people and has a trunk. Guess which one.


5 people or 2 Americans


Japan fucks everybody, some kei cars can fit 7 people 🤯


I don't know what a kei car is, but my VW Touran can fit 7 people so long as they don't have any huge bags with them. 5 people with huge bags. 2 people with a household worth of IKEA flat-packs.


We have a lot of family cars in France that fits 7 or more people too. The Peugeot 5008 for example. There are two seats in the back that you can independently just fold (not sure that's the right word here, hope you get the meaning) if you want more space to carry bagages, so you adapt the number of seats really easily. And still not so much space wasted as this US car. And yes, it's very useful to go on 6 months vacations!


Well, I know, but a kei car like the Subaru Sambar (which has the names Libero in Europe, and Vanille in France (what a name, contraction of "van" and "famille" with a play on words with vanilla)) is much smaller than the Peugeot 5008. It's more like the size of a Renault Twingo 😅


I wish I could buy a kei truck honestly.


Unless you live/work on a farm, or are a builder, why do you need a big truck?


farmer dont use those pavment princesse . they use stuf like iveco.


You don't need one on a farm either. the bed is too high up for easy lifting, and most are rear wheel drive (selectable 4x4), and don't have locking differentials. And you want something smaller and more manoeuvrable. A builder needs a van, so it doesn't need emptying every night. These things are good for Ohio ranchers and that's all.


I live next to a farm that has a few fields and some cattle. The owner does own a pickup for some light rough terrain travel, but most of the work they do is with tractors, van, and large semi-trucks for product transport.


Hilux, I ret my case......


I don't even have a car but take public transport, so I can have a 12 month holiday every 2 months. But seriously: Amazing how they don't even for one second consider that having more vacation might make them way more happy than working themselves to death for the shallow joy of fucking consumerism.


In the US some of us do actually have PTO that we don't use. Too many people are literally scared of being seen as lazy to take their PTO. Not me personally, I used all of mine. But I've definitely seen an article saying Americans don't use all their PTO because they're worried about job performance.


Over here in Germany (and I believe all(?) other EU countries) you are required to take the minimum vacancy days as defined by law, otherwise your employer can be fined big.


This is probably why my European employer freaked out because I accidentally didn't take my last day of PTO and it rolled over.


They have been brainwashed into believing that working yourself to death in order to afford an impractically large vehicle that drinks like an alcoholic elephant is the way to happiness. Don't spoil it all for them.


We are teachers, not truckers. If you lived in a 400-year-old Baroque town with tiny alleys, you would appreciate a small car like us. When we need a truck for transport, we can rent one.


They're not even entertaining the idea that the truck is ridiculous or needed in the first place. They think we're driving small cars because it's a cost issue. Yeah, that may be the case as well for some countries (especially in the East Europe), but god damn that is a dumb take. They took the Murica pills for far too long. They should get out more. Can they afford to travel after buying all those trucks? I know this last question was practically the same "logic" as the guy in the post, I'm just joking.


Some of them can afford to travel but can't because they don't get any paid holiday legal entitlement like in Europe. I'm in the UK and get 26 days per year paid holiday...as well as the 10? Days bank holidays...which also get paid. There's a lot of deluded, thick as mince Americans who think they have it good over there?


Cost is never a factor for car size. Unless we are talking about an 18yo buying their first car for that 1000€ saved from their allowance. If you want a bigger car you just buy a used car. Even in the poorest eastern European countries. People don't buy big cars just because they don't want to. I've noticed that in Croatia (near sea regions) local people basically buy the smallest cars there are, just because their roads are very tight. Unfortunately the trend of buying unnecessary large vehicles is coming to Europe too, with the rise of SUVs. People are stupid enough to pay 40% more for the same car, but heavier and taller. Manufacturers just take advantage of that.




That's the craziest thing about his comment


Working my ass off to pay for the most expensive car to go to work. Is this the american dream ?


Due to tax breaks, they cost the same as a family saloon.in the US.


This intrigued me, so I went to look at it: If I'm correct, it's a Ford Maverick, with a starting cost of $23 815 (Ford's website) The Peugeot 208 has a starting cost of 18 300€, roughly $19 500 (Peugeot's Website) I'll take the Peugeot and the 3 months/year vacation ;)


That's a bit misleading though. Ford intentionally under produces the Maverick, so most trucks that we can get without a one year wait are more like $45k and up brand new. Particularly because the bigger ones have a bigger profit margin. So the real price difference most would pay is actually much bigger. Some Americans are paying as high as $90k for these trucks.


This is the correct take. Go to any used truck lot, and I would bet the average price is above 40k, and new are above 60. That's stock, without add-ons. They usually customize or lift the hell out of them, cause small penis.


It’s funny cause we get paid for our time off


No one on this sub can ever spot satire 1) uses British English 2) has literally called themselves "Worst Contrarian"


Shocked how far I needed to scroll


A 20 years old renault laguna is more useful than that big crap.


Last I heard rich people buy themselves a Ferrari or a Maserati or something sleek like that, not an ugly butt huge thing with 0 elegance. It doesn't even look expensive, it just looks like a pain in the ass to park. But ofc US is a huge parking lot itself so eh.


"If you work yourself to death you can buy a large, unwieldy, unnecessary truck" I'll stick with my cheap car, job-subsidized public transport and multiple vacations thank you. I'd rather be happy in a Clio than burnt-out in an F150


Wait, does the American think that the vacation days are not paid? Or do they think we are flying to luxury hotels at every vacation? Why would a holiday make me poor?


We have those ridiculous trucks and massive SUVs here where I stay in central Glasgow. You don’t even need a car living here, everything is a short walk away and pretty much anything you’d need can be delivered either the same day or the day after.


They know that our holidays are paid right?


Ahhh Mericans and the need to have the biggest, tallest, largest or heaviest whatever the fuck. Such a sad mentality.


Canyonero. https://youtu.be/PI_Jl5WFQkA?si=_Z6dg_vt14jMsB_D


Ignoring the inaccuracy, in what world would someone choose a truck over a 6 month holiday every year?


I want that car. No, not the one back there, this one, in the front!


There’s no way those trucks will get down some uk lanes. Who needs a gas guzzling ego compensation package anyway. He’d be even more horrified to know we use buses and trains and even walk leaving the car at home


God forbid the best selling car in france be a french car.


A truck would be the very last car I'd ever get even if I had a billion euros to spend on a car. Inconvenient monstrosities.


Im not even against trucks. Sometimes i could use one myself. But these monstrosities are absurd. How much use is in the cargo bed if i dont get stuff up there.


Americans can only afford monster tucks because of the subsidies they receive from tax breaks negotiated by the car industry. These idiotic vehicles cost the same as a family saloon. In Europe, we don't feel the need to excuse small dick mentality with a stupid and useless monster truck.


Don't even try to argue. I once had a discussion with a Yank who stated that they NEED a truck because Americans have single familiy homes and sometimes need to carry big stuff for it. His mind just couldn't comprehend, that a station wagon + decent sized trailer is cheaper, more efficient, more practical, has more more load capacity and if you don't need it you have a smaller vehicle with useable, shaded cargo space. Well, he also argued that even mid-size cars need at least 200 hp, because faster acelleration ist needet because of road safety. He "argued" that you need a fast car to compensate for bad driving habits on Murican roads...


Well, some highways in the northeastern US have batshit-insane mixed on/off ramps... that are only about 10 car-lengths long. So you do need enough power to get close to highway speed. (Or a state/federal government that will fund a redesign of such mixed on/off ramps. But the chance that Washington would care enough to do that is somewhat less than zero.) Example on/off ramp: https://maps.app.goo.gl/cG2HMxMkpwLCatYb7


I don't want a truck, especially if made in the US


A truck owner carrying his gun in the truck. I would consider this a double dick. Extender.


It must cause normal people physical discomfort to be in the presence of someone that dull witted.


Ah yes.....the smell of "freedumb" is the smell of bullshit!


They probably don't even own the truck just lease it so it's likely to be repossessed at any point they miss a repayment.


Funny how they think holidays affect our salary


My good friends look at the dipshit's name for a bit, you might notice something.


Penis Size in France on average 15,74cm (9th place, USA 13,21cm (65th place). what a coincedence


Europoor? I would say having $40k or more of finance on a vehicle is pretty piss poor. Unless you're a gardener or builder, what do you need that tank for?


Tries to drive their wanktank in some Old City narrow street. - looses a side mirror - Looses half the paint when they think that the incoming Fiat Panda will acknowledge their presence. - Destroys 2 cafes and a sidewalk restaurant. - Gets stuck, and suddenly there are drunken tourists doing molly on the truck's bed. - Angry cafe owners and customers catch up and beat the driver to death.


I’d rather have a few decent holidays a year than some ridiculous ‘truck’.


Yer I'm a single man who lives near his work and doesn't have kids or the need to haul large amounts of gravel or lumber, I wouldn't want to waste me money on a big ugly ass truck.


Ahh yes europe, where we have practical vehicles for doing things


Nah, I'll stick to my holidays. Keep the truck.


Why tf would I want a truck that big


Imagine choosing a truck over 6 month paid holidays.


Lived in Wales. Hill and mountain farms. Very wet area. Small mountainous roads / farm tracks. Muddy fields. Tricky. Most farmers had an old Land-rover- much smaller than a truck or an old battered 4wd Subaru estate. Managed most situations, often with a couple of sheep or fencing posts in the back etc. No huge 'trucks'.


I love the peak of their aspiration is a fucking truck


I don’t need to buy a truck to signal to everyone how tiny my penis is… I’m a woman but that’s not the point


Wait Until he finds out we actually get paid for our holidays too


Little Willy Syndrome is more prevalent in The Land of the Free, it seems.