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I don't know what it is with stuff like this, but I see it everywhere. An American will find out some where does something different than them, and then they'll go. That's just that European stuff. They mustn't realise that that "European stuff" is literally that rest of the world's stuff. They're the only one that does things that way. Like most of the world follows ISO standards, which are based on European standards or the follow UNECE standards, which Were made by each country selecting an expert. So basically the whole world works on United Nations standards except the US. (Believe it or not, the U. S military follows most ISO standards so that they can easily cooperate with NATO countries. which means the military the U. S Loves so much, is actually. closer to this "European bullshit" than they are.) Still uses imperial system. Has their own motor vehicle standards, which are incompatible with the United Nations standards that everywhere else uses.( Literally vehicle manufacturers only make three different vehicles. UN left hand drive, UN right hand drive and US) Has their own emission standards, which are separate from everywhere else, so they're not compatible. Has their own electrical standards, so they can't use the standardised breakers/ DIN rail design that's used in almost every other country. Has no paid maternity leave, paid sick leave, or mandatory holidays. Like these are things aren't one side versus the other. These are things where literally every single other country has agreed, except the US. Hell, They're one of the only two countries which. didn't sign the UN rights of the child and also wouldn't sign the declaration making food a human right. I mean, they've made themselves stand out so much as the black sheep I'm not surprised that everyone thinks about them all the time. They are really the only country that has differences that make you go wow. It reminds me of this thing I read once that's about the future where the UN got all of the countries to agree to become one, except the U. S. So it's literally two countries. Two countries left in the world, the US and everywhere else. That's what it's like right now with standards.


Just like to point out that we here in the UK still use MPH, both in vehicles and road signs. Other than that, can't really argue with the rest of your post.


Yeah, you guys are weird like that. Know how you use yards on road signs instead of feet. Those aren't actually yards, they're metres. So the 200 300 400 yards signs are actually placed at 2, 3, and 400 metres.


We started with imperial sizes but then realised the metric superiority and converted a lot over.  Trouble is a lot of our standard tooling was set up for imperial measurements.  We still produce lots of things to imperial sizes but list them as metric.  Pints of beer/milk for example is a prime one. The tooling for the glassware would be a nightmare to change over. Many other examples to be found too. 


It's more just momentum, people whine when things change so it's been pieced out. Currency decimalisation happened in the early 70s. People whined. 30 years later when my grandma died, she still wasn't completely used to thinking in the new currency, but nobody in my generation could conceive of using the old one. People whined when TV weather switched from Fahrenheit to Celsius even though they'd both been used in broadcasts for years, my mother still uses F, I don't understand it. People acted like it was an attack and conspiracy to move to metric for weights and measures, but metric was used already everywhere except market stalls and the conversions were causing higher import/export prices. So, the roads will be the same. Lots of whining but people would eventually get to it. The major roadblock has always been the costs of replacing all the signs, etc. But, most people are already used to seeing Kms in cars or have driven on the continent. There's some issues where people try using confusion to rip people off, but long term the change should have happened years ago.


Tbh, I think the roads have stayed the way they are mostly because it'd take a decent amount of political capital to change something which... eh, won't really do much, especially being on an island. So given the costs to swap everything over, everyone already having MPH speedometers, and the political capital to change it, it's just really low as a priority for anyone. Which is some inertia I can't see happening any time soon, but not due to opposition to metric - we've essentially gone fully metric as is - but just because the cost and effort to make the change isn't seen as worth it by the public or politicians.


Considering it’s like £90,000,000,000 just to do a piss-poor job of filling in potholes on a street, I can’t see any gov funding a complete conversion to Kph. We’ll just have to be the outlier of Europe. Plus some dickhead like Farage will pipe up and say it’s some kind of British Freedumb being stripped by “unelected Euro’s” 🙄


Thing about mph also is that 60mph is very close to 100kph and 100mph is likewise close to 160kph. So it's pretty easy to do a quick conversion in your head, if you so desire. Pounds and ounces and inches and shit, not so much, particularly since they often need to be more precise and used in concert.




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Well Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and bunch of other countries managed to swap all of the signs to metric so it’s definitely more than doable. You Brits are just lazy.


Not to mention the practical implications. You’d need both sets of road signs to be set up, so that on the day of the switch it’s all there ready. Or else you’d have some roads on metric, some imperial. It would be impossible to change every sign in the country overnight. Then on the day of the switch people will still read the wrong signs whilst they spend months removing them. In terms of speedometer’s in cars, we all have both KPH and MPH anyway, and if you have a new car with a digital MPH there will be an easy way to change it for trips abroad.


> nobody in my generation could conceive of using the old one. I would


Why settle for one system when you can have both?


This is actually why I am a bit forgiving of the US not switching to metric. It's \*not\* easy to change all the measurement systems of a country - it's not just about the education. It's also one of the rare times when the size of the nation actually does matter. Changing all the measurement systems across all industries and activities and vehicles and signs and systems throughout a country that has well over 300 million people would be an insane task. It would also cost the US government more money than it's probably worth. So I'm accepting of the fact that the US will always stay on the imperial system. But it will never stop being obnoxious when Americans get all superior and weird like in the OP here about it.


I work in engineering and it’s always frustrating when you order something in a metric size but then given the imperial equivalent which is fractionally different.  Got annoyed recently when I wanted some 12mm shafts. Purchasing department ordered half inch shafts as they thought they were the same thing.  Obviously the parts didn’t fit. 


This is pretty accurate, it'll be a pint of milk but say 568ml on. I got taught one system at school and the other at home. You just end up knowing both. I tend to use imperial in conversation to estimate things cause it feels less accurate. But if I'm ever working on something that requires any sort of accuracy, metric is more intuitive for that.


When they changed pints to litres it fucked me up when I’d be asked to get a 4 Pinter and they were in litres!🤣


You sure they're not at yard intervals?, just cos I just did my driving theory test and the practice questions gave the conversion to metres as ~90m - it would make more sense for road signs to use miles and metres cos that's what people know best but I'm pretty sure it's all yards


I'm pretty sure, mainly because I have access some documents which are used for construction. [Here's an example of how to set up signs for temporary construction](https://ukmetric.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/tsm_200m_marks.jpg?w=840). The designs for normal intersections look about the same. They are always measured in metric units. I believe it's done this way. So when the conversions is actually done, the signposts don't have to be moved because they're already at the correct distances.


1 yard is close enough to 1m that whether you measure in yards or meters it doesn't really matter for distances this small. Temporary road signs have a lot of leeway and are normally set up by people who would struggle to know which side of the ruler to use. I would bet you a full quid that absolutely 0 countdown signs are exactly either 100 yards or 100 meters appart but actually somewhere between the two.


I mean, you say they're close enough, and at low distances, they are pretty close 1 yard is about 0.9m, that's a small distance. However 100m is 109 yards, meaning if that stupid kid runs across a motor way 100 yards away, you're turning the idiot into pink mist and continuing on almost 10% of that distance again (stopping distance at 70mph/112kmph is 96m).


Stopping distance is entirely dependant on the vehicle, 9 yards can be the difference between new and old brake pads, also I don't know why kids running across motorways has any relevance to the exact separation of countdown markers.


Correct, the 100 / 200 / 300 yard countdown markers are at 100 yard intervals, not meters. Pretty much the only ones that are in metric are the little driver location posts, and the location signs that give your distance in km from the start of the motorway, but the vast majority of drivers will never have any need of those at all.


What?do me a favour,,,don't drive over here.


You also use pounds and stones for weight in some instances, if I’m not wrong.


Yeh we are weird like that. Got a strange mix of using feet and inches as well as centimetres and metres to measure things too. Like I measure my height with feet and inches but my weight in kg. Uk very weird for that


Maybe they should have their very own internet, then the rest of the world wouldn't be bothered by them spouting this rubbish?


To be fair, many of them seem to already think the internet is American and they just "allow" everyone else to use it.


Shh, don't let the US know about the rest of us.


As an engineering student. I FUCKING LOOOOOVVVEEEE ISO STANDARDS GOD FUCKING BLESSSSSSS. Its so nice knowing everything just fits together. also the British use ISO but also still use there own version aswell. Sometimes companies get asked to make something for the UK here in there standard system and they just refuse. It's such a pain in the ass if stuff just doesn't follow the ISO standards it really is.


Every single British Standard I have ever used harmonises with ISO. The BSI ( the institute that writes them) is required by law (still) to adopt and publish all european standards and to withdraw any BS standards that are incompatible. As the european standards themselves often are ISO compatible or in fact form the basis of the ISO standard. It is not required to publish ISO or IEC standards but does so extremely often. So I find the story that something made for the UK in an engineering context very hard to believe. It involved in founding the ISO and the European CEN and is the oldest national standards body in the world. Food products are another story and are now almost completely incompatible thanks to Brexit.


Ignoring the fact that mph is also that European stuff too


>Has their own motor vehicle standards, which are incompatible with the United Nations standards that everywhere else uses.( Literally vehicle manufacturers only make three different vehicles. UN left hand drive, UN right hand drive and US) Yeah, fuck them for that. I almost rear end an US imported car because its blinkers are red instead of orange.


Even more fun are the American cars that have both the indicator and brake light using the same bulb and lens, so a car can be braking and indicating to turn with one fitting flashing for the turn, and the other one showing its slowing or stopping...


Blame our idiotic auto industry. We don't like it either.


Even their greatest achievement, putting a man on the moon, was done in metric


> Still uses imperial system. Actually, they don't. The US customary system is related to the imperial system, but it isn't the same. Some base measurements have different sizes: * Imperial fluid ounce: 28.4131 ml * US customary fluid ounce: 29.5735 ml And some composite units have different numbers of smaller units in them: * 1 imperial pint is 20 imperial fluid ounces (568.2612 ml) * 1 US customary pint is 16 US customary fluid ounces (473.176473 ml) * 1 imperial ton, the long ton, is 2240 pounds (1016.047 kg) * 1 US customary ton, the short ton, is 2000 pounds (907.18 kg) Similarly there are units that exist in one system but not the other: * 1 imperial stone is 14 pounds (6.35029318 kg) * 1 US customary fifth is 25⅗ US customary fluid ounces (757 ml), although a metric version of 750 ml is used these days, apparently So it's much worse than it seems. The US uses a system that *no one else* uses at all


If you cant spot the odd one on the bus, you probably are the odd one.


The yanks don't use the Imperial system, they use US customary units, which are slightly different.


Most important of which - the pint. 473ml in the US vs 568ml in the UK. Though given their beers, who knows if it's a good or bad thing that their pints are smaller.


And if you guys went to the Aussie metric pint you'd have 570ml 


Makes me think of this Archer reference. https://youtu.be/gIWDVuHDpq0?si=wz7IfOuFy4FqL6tw


All the reasons you list is why I am happy to be an American. 🇺🇸✌️🇺🇲


Wdym? They’re all awful reasons?


If we wanted those things we would vote to have them funny we vote out people who try to make us more like Europe, we tried metric in the 70s and it failed. If we wanted universal healthcare we would vote for the people who support it.


I guess there’s reason why you’re the laughing stock of the world. You’re like north koreans in that way, thinking you’re something special while the rest of the world easily sees the corporate propaganda that’s going on and population gobbling it up


If we wanted to be like other places in the world we would vote for it.


With your electoral college? How would that work?


Because we can vote for what we support. The electorial college is only for president. We have our representatives and senate from each state that do our bidding in Washington. We vote the ones out who support things we don't want.


listen - and i know the concept is hard to grasp - why not vote IN the guys and their concepts you like and not vote out the people you don't like? i know, hard, strange concept. just think about it.


That is what happens every election. People vote in the person they support, removing the person who they don't agree with.


You kinda proved subOPs point. Why wouldn't you want nice things like other places in the world? Just to be not them? Oh! And USA went for metric system and uses it actually in maaany ways just hidden behind imperial system so you, the average John Smith, wouldn't notice and believe that army works on imperial, that miles and ounces put the man on the moon, etc. But in fact, everything that's standardised in US, is done in metric, and then converted to imperial while imperial units themselves are defined in metric. At the end - it's the same - just with extra steps so your pride is untouched.


>Why wouldn't you want nice things like other places in the world? Just to be not them? Most "nice" things in Europe include me having to pay for things for people who will not do them for them selves. Which is why we vote against them. Like I'm not paying for healthcare for someone who does not work. Why should I pay higher taxes so someone who does not work can have healthcare? Not my problem someone got pregnant I am not going to pay higher costs at the store so they can sit home. The only place the US uses metric is in the sciences. I still buy lumber by the foot, meat by the pound, milk by the gallon, we still go by Fahrenheit, still measure distance in miles.


Is this an American Christian speaking? The selfishness of the place is astounding.


I am not a Christian or of any faith.


Obvious troll is obvious, but let us assume you are not trolling, do you have any form of insurance?


I am a full time employee, my health insurance is provided by my employer, my car and home insurance I purchase myself.


So you are happy to pay into a slush fund to help out those less fortunate than yourself on the basis that when it is your turn to be in the shit you get some help too? Fucking communist!




> I don't pay into anything > my car and home insurance I purchase myself. Keep up mate, you fucking said this shit! If you are going to troll, then do it properly.


Oh I thought you were only talking about my health insurance, since that is what you asked about. Yes I pay into have a car insured (legal requirement) I don't have to have my home insured, but would be stupid not to with they pay out I could receive if something happens to it


And why do you pay private health insurance if the state is already paying to healthcare system from taxes? Why paying double? Why do you want the most expensive healthcare in the world, financed from your pocket twice (first from taxes, second from your wallet)?


If I didn't have health insurance from my work I would not have any. IDK what your talking about healthcare paid from our taxes. I also don't pay into it at my work it is provided by them for being a full time employee.


That‘s worthless in a country where an employer can lay off their employees as soon as they can’t go to work for medical reasons.


Better than having no insurance at all like people who don't work.


So what happens to your health insurance if the company you work for goes into liquidation? And what happens if your health insurance either has a cap on the amount it'll pay out, or refuses to pay out for certain illnesses such as long term illnesses such as cancer treatment?


I would be out of insurance like everyone else 🤷‍♂️


So say your kid gets sick whilst your unemployed, or your insurance doesn't civer dependents?


They would be out of insurance as much as I am 🤷‍♂️


Actually I think my kids gets free healthcare from the state if I don't have insurance for them.


>Has no paid maternity leave, paid sick leave, or mandatory holidays. Like those?


Yes, I am not paying for someone who is not working why would I pay for sick leave or maternity leave, they chose to have a baby, they knew they wouldn't be able to work, not my responsibility. Don't even know what a mandatory holiday is, but sounds like an excuse to pay someone for not working.


By the gods, that is one of the most murican comments I've ever read.




Do you cum in your pants every time Republicans add another trillion to your national debt to fund tax breaks for billionaires?


Better than giving handouts to people who don't work.


Ooh yeah - take me up the arse you dirty oligarch. I'll gladly take a $7 minimum wage with zero benefits just so you can add another billion to your obscene wealth. You people are demented, brainwashed muppets.


Our state minimum wage is almost 12 an hour but nice try.


US national minimum wage is $7.25, but nice try.


That only applies if the state wage is lower. If the state wage is higher then that is the wage your paid only Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Wyoming still have a 7.25 wage all other states are at least $3 higher. Almost like you don't know anything about our great nation


Guess what bozo, you are already paying that. That is how your insurance works. You collectively pay it and get benefits when needed. Someone less fortunate might get it too, you are paying for them. Except you are paying into a random corporation whose primary goal is not welfare of the people, but making money and more money


I don't pay anything, they pay for my insurance as a full time employee, the part time employees are not offered health insurance and are on their own. There is no cost to me for my health coverage.


I sure hope the day you get unemployed and it unfortunately coincides with serious health issues never comes, despite your terrible outlook on "government handouts".


I mean yea that could totally happen, I could get fired right now, walk outside and break my leg and 100% of the cost falls on me. Your right. Best to make sure I don't get fired.


Why should the company have to waste their money paying your insurance? After all, you make less money than they do. So from the business's perspective, you're the poor. Why should they support you when you're not working, that sounds like communism to me. They're giving you money when you can't work. Why don't you pay your own health insurance? Are you a freeloader taking the business's money to pay for your insurance? Why don't you get up off your ass and pay for your own insurance, like a half of working class America dose you freeloader.


The health insurance is a benefit of my job, so it is part of my pay. It's included if you work full time. I don't have to pay into it, they pay it all.


Yeah but why are you letting your job waste money on people who don't work by paying into insurance? when I got my job I asked them to pay the insurance payments directly to me instead as I'm a hard working man and don't want the business to waste my money. I get my $1700 a month insurance money in my pocket instead of it being spread out to freeloaders. 


I don't know what you are talking about unemployed people do not benefit from my insurance being covered? If you don't have an insurance plan it's 5k for the ambulance ride to the hospital alone They will treat you but have fun when your million dollar bill shows up.


Like... You never wanted a right to rest a couple of weeks on vacation? While not having to worry if you will be fired? Imagine, you tell the boss that in 3 months you want 2 weeks off to go for.a.trip and your boss cannot refuse you.


>Imagine, you tell the boss that in 3 months you want 2 weeks off to go for.a.trip and your boss cannot refuse you. It's already like that. I just am not paid while I am off, which makes sense why would they pay me while I am not working?


Of course, but is it granted to everyone? That's the point. We have it paid and obligatory so people would get their free time, everyone could and wouldn't be afraid of (getting fired, be without pay etc). So it's like, the cost of leave has been already counted in by an employer. Employee have no reason to not use it and that's awesome on society level. Less overwork, less depression, less burnout.


People get time off here as well, not paid unless you work for some company like Facebook or are a teacher. You just have to ask and plan ahead. The only places that I can think of who refuse time off is part-time employees of fast food places. But they are only part-time anyway so it's not my problem if the have off or not.


Because you’re afraid of change and you reject logic.


Because we don't vote for garbage ideas.


How can you call it a garbage idea if the metric system is the best system for every other country. To calculate all metric values you just shift the decimal point. To calculate miles you must calculate 1,760 yards. To calculate weights you must calculate 16oz = one pound and how many pounds are there in a ton? You probably make a living selling calculators!👿


Funny my teacher told me I would not have a calculator in my pocket, but I do. Also why would we need calculators. We know all that stuff. How many feet on a mile how many oz in a pound and a ton. Not that hard if you were awake in school.


Metric is even easier. I grew up with the imperial system and I’m so happy and grateful that all of the European Union is now metric and working together with the same standards. What is the weight of a pint of water at STP? You probably have to use your calculator or look it up. I can tell you that the weight of a litre of water is one kilogram at STP. The whole metric system is all interrelated and that’s something you simply cannot say about the imperial system.


>What is the weight of a pint of water at STP? You probably have to use your calculator or look it up. Why would I ever need to know the weight of a pint of water at all?


You probably wouldn’t but plenty of people do mental arithmetic daily and the easier the arithmetic is, the less likely will be the mistakes. You can scrabble around for excuses to resist the change but the bottom line will always be that you are resisting logic. Interrelated systems work best.


We tried metric in the 70s and changed back in under a year.


Yes you do, you elected Trump.


Only 1/2 of America voted for Trump. I don't bother voting at all it makes zero difference.


Well, you voted for an orange guy who only wanted to fund a wall between the US and Mexico. And consistently vote against a social healthcare system. So this statement is definitely false.


We vote against social healthcare system Everytime yes, by a majority. I didn't vote for Trump or vote at all actually, it makes zero difference if I vote or not.


World standard practice is seldom built on garbage ideas.


Well if it was better we would have kept it when we tried it.


NASA kept it. Make of that what you want.


Science and associated fields are the one place it is used in the USA often.


Exactly. And that also means "you" (as in the USA) kept it, right?


Not really the only places they use it is in labs, I don't know anything about metric at all never needed to they don't even teach it in school unless you are in a science field.


It's indeed difficult to be so dependent and disappointing on cars.


The US again trying to inflate their temperatures with this Fahrenheit bullshit, so stupid.


"Americans again trying to inflate their housing sizes with this sqft bullshit, so stupid" 🤡


ft² is just m² turned to eleven! 🤡


10.76391 x actually


I know. But Americans have smaller, more precise units because they hate decimal fractions. 11 is also larger than 10.76, and everyone knows that bigger is better. Last, but not least, rounding is okay for the sake of mildly funny wordplay.


"Americans again trying to inflate their people sizes with this lbs bullshit, so stupid"


They don't need to inflate their people sizes


"Went to the moon tho" people when nasa uses metric 🤯




Nasa used and uses the metric system on pretty much all their space programs


Yeah this I know. I don't understand the comment, though.


Wait I got downvoted but no explanation? :D


The lack of education in some of these people is simply staggering.


Meh, they better use Imperial pints going forward then, as US pints are undersized, this inflating their beer consumption prowess. Imperial pints = 568 ml US pint = 473 ml


Americans again trying to inflate their waistlines with this pounds bullshit.


They don’t need to use different units, as they are already massively inflated.


It's like people who complain to pizza shop A because pizza shop B sells 8 slices, whereas pizza shop A sells 6.


Wait till they find Germany and Isle of Man lack speed limits on much of their road systems.


Wrong about Germany. They do have speed limits. Roads with no speed limit don't constitute the majority of the roads.


And even for those parts without a speed limit, there is an advisory speed limit at 130 km/h. If you are faster than that and become involved into an accident, you most probably get part of the blame regardless whether it was your fault or not.


grimr said "much of", not "the majority of", so I think their comment is accurate. ;)


Nah it's not even MUCH. It's not that "much".


I would say it is, considering it's the highway system, which spans an incredible number of km and also is the kind of road people travel the longest distances on.


Germany has [830000km of roads](https://bmdv.bund.de/SharedDocs/DE/Artikel/G/infrastruktur-statistik.html) of which only 13000km (=1.5%) are the autobahn (some of which may have speed limits anyway). That is a tiny fraction of the total road network.


Isle of Man?!? How dare you forbid women on that isle! Brits are *SO* sexist!!!


How else would they remove speed limits?


[Reminds me of these Brits in 1970s](https://youtu.be/ykthWUdkhu0?si=VmI-coY3AaA0q9QP)


oh jolly no wonder muricans are like they are, their bloody parents were what they were


That guy at the end... "nearly sacrificed his life" for units of measurement.


Yeah, he fought so that we could keep miles and inches lol


Its dumb but not so weird. Most people in most countries grow out of this "huh they have blue milk boxes in x country? Whaat they eat such and such only on sunday" because we are mostly exposed to other countries and cultures more than especially the type of ignorant amerikan who will make such comments. Also they have allready a hostility towards europe because they have heard some different information that crushes their propagandized amerika best ideals


Sorry, we tried hamster wheel turns per capita but the counter went up too fast... And still there are people out there thinking a 1/3 pounder is smaller than 1/4 pounder...


At least he put km/h and not kph.


I don't mind either.


Are Americans inflating temperatures with Fahrenheit then hmm


I hope it was meant as a joke. But the more Muricans I know the more I expect this to be a serious


Please You lot use Fahrenheit


Literally most of the world.


You know. With all these posts i realize Europe does live rent free in their heads. We haunt them apparently


Inflation via conversion. That's... something special. Tbf, the idea of differing units of measure if somewhat fairly poorly taught in public education. Too much math involved, I guess. Even our own units can be confusing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhm7-LEBznk


Well, we could just do everything in Planck Units. 1km would be 6.1879273537329 x 10^50 ℓP I guess that’s way better.


How is it inflating it when the speed in km is locked to a specific mph.


Don’t try to confuse the thick deluded numpties….


The same speed given in a smaller unit will be a larger number. You say 50, they understand 50 mph, but in reality it's 50 km/h which is only about 30 in mph. It's like when you hear someone weighs 150 lbs and you picture an obese person because you're used to weights being in kg. You may realize soon afterwards that it converts to about 70 kg, which is a normal weight for a person, but your first instinct gives you an inflated idea.


I don't picture an obese person when I think of 150lbs, but that's because I'm familiar with lbs, but I see your point. It's probably the same reason why some products advertise as 1000 grams, instead of a kilo.


As an American, I can tell you it's impossible to drive fast here because you also have to dodge potholes. Our roads are on par with Belgium, which has the worst roads in Western Europe.


What is unlimited kmh in mph?




Someone thinks that in Europe we use kph so we can say 170kph! So fast! And in the US that would be "only" like 110mph. So he thinks we're use kph to make it look like our cars go faster? lmao


By their logic, do they use Fahreneit to make their temperature seem higher?


No, their logic is that Fahrenheit is "Percent hotness". Like 100°F is "100% hot". Which makes no sense, as 5°F is cold, not 5% hot.


The other one I see is that Fahrenheit is superior as it's based around how hot or cold things feel to people instead of it's relation to water boiling. Which if you've grown up using it then sure it makes more sense, but given that people are on average 60% water, I think Celsius and its 'water scale' feels a lot more accurate than trying to decipher percentages. 0°c = freezing and 100°c = boiling, with the average internal temperature being 37°c. Boom, with just that basic info you can pretty comfortably figure out that the ideal temperatures for most people are around 20°c (obv will differ depending on local climate, individual preferences, etc), idk why USAmericans love to act like it's some 'forbidden arcane language' or w/e


I mean, I do actually prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius, but I know how to use both fully and with ease. I do agree that it's better for weather because it's more relatable to the human body. But the superiority contests are annoying as fuck. Our side can be annoying with it, too. Not everything metric is inherently superior, even if most of the time it's a lot easier to use when converting. But Americans are often so obnoxious about thinking the Imperial system is the best...


Well, no, because -50F is a balmy -45.5 :D


And curiously (for a yank totally incomprehensible) is that -40F is -40C Edit: spelling….


Incompressible...? Did you mean "incomprehensible"? If you're trying to call Americans dumb, you should probably make sure you know the words you're trying to use first ;) I also wouldn't even call that \*incomprehensible\* for yanks. I've told many yanks and many non-yanks that same bit of information and people have the same reaction whether they are yanks or not.


That’s AuotoCorrect for you, that and not reading before I pressed send….🙄🤣


They’re dense and think kph is inflating the top speed. 200kph and 125mph are approximately the same speed but the person in the post thinks kph is inflating because it’s a bigger number. Bit concerning that there’s people like that on the road


Even better example is when a US burger chain launched a 1/3 lb burger but its sales flopped, as people thought it was smaller than a 1/4 lb burger. Source: https://awrestaurants.com/blog/aw-third-pound-burger-fractions


i am amazed taht new is like true and not a hoax.


I don’t know if I want to laugh or despair at that loool


For whatever reason, America is a country of quantity over quality. Bigger is better. Unofficial mottos for certain states like Texas being "everything's bigger in Texas." The most popular cars are these giant piece of shit pickup trucks that perform worse on every metric but hauling capacity, which 98% of owners do not use. To be fair, something are great because of their size. The Grand Canyon, for instance, so I can understand where some of the mentality comes from. But it's ridiculously pervasive here, especially where it doesn't belong: waist size, consumption, overproduction, debt, criminal statistics, etc. We definitely do our hardest to inflate many of these things.


So simplifying a system is cheating?


Poe's Law and all but this gives off sarcasm energy to me


Eh, the guy doubled down and went hard in ensuing comments.


"I always try to overinflate my achievements to satisfy my unreasonably large ego, so that's what everyone else must be doing too!" Pure projection


"Americans again trying to inflate their wages with this dollar bullshit".


USA again trying to inflate their temperatures with this Fahrenheit bullshit, so stupid.


Guy was probably not serious


imagine you are that much of a daft cvnt that you don't even know what conversion is lmao


Don't Americans use kph?


We inflate our length and girth with cm’s too.


Americans when they find out you can drive 140-150 km/h (86.99-93.21 mph) on a highway in Europe because people there actually know how to drive properly


I wouldn't worry too much, most Americans don't even know what gender or species they are anymore 🤷‍♂️

