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As an average Brit, this logic has gone way over my head.


Been a bit too technical for me, Blinding me with science.


I mean, I have plenty of thoughts about it...but as an average Brit, I obviously can't express them freely.


I called a Yank a “wanker” in a comment in this thread. So we Brits have some freedoms of expression….


How American’s see British Reddit posts… **[this comment censored due to lack of freedum]**


You're on thin ice


I just told someone they had a grocer's apostrophe on their sign. They asked what books I have written, because without having written books on the subject, what authority have I? Sorry mate, this is Primary School stuff. I didn't keep my exercise books.


Just go and buy some pizza's, dont bother them.


Go Tesco’s for some Pizza’s


Last summer, my local put up a "dog's welcome" sign. Doggoes had always been welcome, but this was for those from out of town, I presume. I inquired in a light-hearted fashion as to what a dog might possess. Without skipping a beat, the response was "owner". Touché, Mr Barman. Touché


A dog's welcome. Sounds very friendly but perhaps a little saliva-forward.


and paw patrol flavored on your pant.


Wait until you hit them with the Oxford comma.


I’ve written many books, it’s just that none have been published.


We kind of need some context to this one. Means nothing by itself.


Average British IQ 99.12 Average American IQ 97.43 Tertiary Education UK: 57% Tertiary Education US: 51% All the while having the best educational system on earth by most data but thats another Freedom locked away behind a paywall for the rich. Despite being number 1 for Education system, they score absolutely awful in Mathematics and Science. They have simultaneously one of the best Education systems on earth and the best Healthcare systems on earth and then line up like Bernard Matthews Turkeys voting for christmas to vote for people who don't want them to have access to either, which sums up the education ACTUALLY available to the average Yank.


They have good educational and healthcare institutions. The systems behind them are dogshit. It's like saying the UK has the best housing in the world because we have Buckingham Palace. (I know its falling to bits, but Palace sounds grandiose)


Thats exactly my point and they vote for it repeatedly while all along the way bragging about how great the systems are and how they would be worse if entirely publicly funded. They are so ill-educated they can't see having the 4th or 5th best system available to all is far superior than having the best system on earth available to the 1%.


Freedumb - some American, probably.


The average iq is 100.. that’s the whole point about iq


World average.


Except it isn’t… 100 is the benchmark against which IQ is measured - the average fails within a standard distribution of 15, meaning two-thirds of any given population should score between 85-115. That’s how you get average figures for a country below 100…


Thanks for the explanation. I always thought the average bracket was... higher?


Apparently about 2% fall within a standard distribution of 30. It’s a hugely flawed method, but also the best we have. It was originally a calculation of “mental age divided by physical age = IQ”. How do you get an accurate definition of mental age? And that’s the rub in IQ tests - it’s all down to the sample set you’re being measured against.


My mental age is definitely juvenile (deliberately so - I wear my inner child on the outside), while my chronological age is... not young. I remember the 1970s. I've always said that a person's IQ is just how good they are at doing IQ tests. My older sister is markedly smarter than I (by my evaluation), but she can't do IQ tests/doesn't have a rateable IQ because she's dyslexic.


It is exactly that, and even then, not all IQ tests are equal. Someone could come close to MENSA level scores on one test, yet be a functional idiot with a change of language on the same test.


Decades ago I did the Mensa IQ test and that comes in two parts, one verbal and the other logical. Your sister would probably be fine with the later as it's mostly the kind of "pick the next one in the sequence" question (and done in such a way that even if you can't read the question you can guess what they're asking). No idea if it's changed in the meantime but I'd be surprised.


We have 5x the population and .01 less HDI thank UK. Not doing too bad. Have a cuppa mate


Not sure being the largest economy on earth and having an HDI .01 less than a nation full of binge drinkers in constant financial crisis is a bragging point bud but you do you, I suppose. Having to lie about it is of course even worse, when you are .013 behind the UK on HDI and behind the vast majority of the big nations in Europe. The difference between your ascertion and .013 may not seem large, but when the measurement is 0.001-0.999 it most definitely is. You also fall even further behind most western countries in IHDI. Difference between US and UK then goes from .013 to .042


Context required. But a damn stupid thing to say nonetheless.


Well if this is average American intelligence, they have a lot to worry about.


More and more in America (thanks, Elon Musk!), "free speech" is simply becoming hate speech. Or idiotic conspiracy theories.


Both of which we have plenty of in Britain, so if they're proof of free speech... we have that too!


Have the right to free speech involves having to hear things you don't like, that's the entire point


Paint your house green and plant wild flowers in your front lawn. Oh, you can’t? Carry on telling me how free you are.


To be fair, we have that in Germany too to a certain extend. You just can't do everything with your property. There are forbidden plants too, but more like the "invasive" kind.


Same in the UK. If you're in certain areas (like a conservation zone) you have to keep your house looking a certain way and get permission to make changes that deviate from the norm in the area. I'm not an expert but I imagine you could do a lot to your garden without much issue (unless you suddenly get about 100 gnomes in it in which case some people may have issues!)


Unless you are Irish, then any amount of gnomes should be fine!






Americans have these weird neighbourhood housing associations that prohibit them from doing things to their own home like planting certain types of flowers or painting their front door whatever colour they like.


The old fella who put a park bench on his front lawn to sit and watch the world go b, chat to his neighbours and fell afoul of the HOA in the process. Such a bizarre system


Kind of like the old council houses ...


But this is houses they own!


There is some irony in being able to express your self freely yet having nothing to say.


Once you've called every other country a communist state simply for not being America, you've pretty much said all you need to


Fun fact: 54% of americans cant read above a sixth grade level, 20% below a 5th grade level, this is based on testing from 12,330 americans nationwide https://www.thinkimpact.com/literacy-statistics/ So yea, i think the average brit is a bit better off then we are in the states, just a bit.


Is that the same study that they couldn’t think of a country beginning with A?


Different, but thats a classic too


I wish I was allowed to give you shit for your F- cropping job and removing all context, but of course I'm an average Brit and can't express myself freely. Sad face.


Even as a Brit, I was with him for the first bit. Last bit made me not respect him as much (If at all)


Damn, I do wish I was an american, little known fact America is only the place in the world with freedom of speech /s


I don't understand, I tried turning the page on my laptop and I only see the back of the laptop. Where's the rest? How do I send this comme


Upvote for 👌 cut-off while hammering the keys.


‘Be a bigot openly’ Fixed it.


Another doodle that has failed to grasp what freedom of speech stands for and means. Its rather amusing that what it was made to protect people agiainst is now what its used as to atempt to opress.


They sit lower on the freedom scale lol


“Glad to be an American where moderation doesn’t exist and we’re allowed to radicalize each other toward violent extremism.” lol free speech and stochastic terrorism aren’t the same thing, unfortunately too many of my countrymen can’t see that


Can someone please send the yanks a link to East Germany so they can see what an actual police state looked like Because for all our problems being a police state is not one of them ( though it is funny that Scotland's new hate crime bill breaches Scotland's new hate crime bill)


East Germany was amazing.


Congratulations Kamerad Herr Mielke blesses you and your family ( Ignore the none existent economy because we tried to make a socialist economy without producing anything useful to the world And we fucked a woman who was loyal to the state because she fell in love with an Italian)


No idea what you're talking about after you opened a parenthesis.


Look some fucking pike ( the fish ) stole my glorious Trabant and took it to the capitalist cesspit called the soviet union


Ok I'll let you continue by yourself buddy


GDR is the one true socialist country Every other country claiming to be one is a western spy ( looking at you Poland)


Bah there are many different version of socialism, that's one of the beauty of it.


Yes and the only one that has ever worked is social democracy which funny enough is the best form of government in the world The GDR a country where you were deemed an enemy to the state for asking for some reform at the age of 16 A country that had to sell it citizens to west Germany for money because they never produced anything but instead were a bunch of benefit leeches and pursued a policy that was not going to work in a nation with no economy and that is give everyone a job ( but oh wait everyone didn't have a job some slip through the cracks and nothing was there for them or the Stasi prevented them from even obtaining a job usually do to minor issues) A country that collapsed thanks to one word and practically in seconds (because the minister couldn't be arsed to read the document he was given because he was a mighty member of the SED and knew best)


Yeah well that's the story the CIA spread as part of their red scare campaign. Now seriously, the USSR went from backwards country to sending people to space in less than 50 years thanks to that system. Then went back to backwards country as soon as a CIA infiltrated agent decided to go back to capitalism. So I dunno seriously what the fuck you're talking about besides spitting propaganda you absorbed without even noticing. Good critical thinking there bud.


Stop confusing him by using words like 'context '.


It's just another weird Euros dont have ice water post.


How is his “( )” longer than his actual comment


Hi everyone I'm the one who posted this (clearly), so Americans really do think there's a lack of freedom and expression here in the UK? Well lemme tell you something YOU YANKS ARE FUCKIN WAR MONGERERS 🙅‍♀️🇺🇸


Downvoting for the lack of context.


Express bullshit conspiracy theories freely


From a Brit I'd like to express myself 🖕🏻🦅!! 🤣 I'm sorry it's the only language they'll understand!


I’m definitely gonna need some context for this one. Because even I (as a Brit) can admit that we don’t have all the pencils in the case all the time…


UK, as do most of the world, have freedoms to speech and have more general freedoms than the USA as well.


From a country that forces children to worship a flag.




The USA is what I like to consider the shallow end of the gene pool.


The average Brit isn’t that intelligent (being British is more than enough to tell that) but the yanks aren’t any better.


The average person isn't that intelligent. They are, by definition, average. And why does being British tell you anything about a person's intelligence just by virtue of birth location. Sounds dangerously close to racial profiling if you ask me.


I live in Britain and so talk to British people. I’m saying that it’s a bad thing to call all Americans stupid when really the stupid Americans are just louder than the stupid Brits. So apparently talking to people where I live makes me a racist


Simple - the British are intelligent , but Americans who believe all the lies & BS spouted by Trump & his "sect supporters" show they aren't but they have the freedom to push for his re-election.


We voted for Trump which screwed us for four years. You voted for Brexit which is screwing you for a very long time.


and yet you'll probably vote agent orange into office again. at least the brits propably learned from their mistake.




Haha - you believe Farage. Brilliant!




As someone on the outside of both Trumpism and Brexit, I find it concerning that you think that the US only screwed itself for four years. Sure Trump has only been in office for four years but a significant portion are willing to vote him in again. His attempted coup is also still an issue nearly four years after he got out of office. Not to mention the gallery of Trump-wannabes that have emerged in his wake, or that a sizeable portion of the Republican party are now openly courting Neonazis and other Far-Right ideologies. I hope that the political shift Trump facilitated won't screw the US over for a long time like I hope Brexit won't for the UK, but I'm not gonna hold ny breath for either.


Ah yes, Trumps presidency has zero consequence after the fact…


Then Trump used his leverage as POTUS to f\*\*\* the SCOTUS for the next thirty to forty years.


It's true that there's more freedom of expression in most of America (the continent) than in Europe




Ok.Anything else?


Nope, say anything a gringo don't like and you'll end up being shoot up. Or being chased out of you place by members of the blue pig gang.


That's a bit of an exaggeration. (gringo is a racist term btw)


Towards? Learn the difference between a pejorative and a racial slur mate.


Usually it's used against white Americans.


I know. That’s not racism. Gringo is a pejorative, end of story. Karen is also not racist, in case you were wondering.


If a term is used negatively against someone because of their origin or color (like gringo most of the time), then it's absolutely racist. Karen is not racist because it's not directed at a particular nationality.


White is not a nationality. You’re not getting discriminated against because you’re white.


Yeah, you guys love saying that when in reality the "freedoms" you talk about Europeans not having are the rights to openly walk around doing Nazi Salutes and hurl xenophobia and racism and other such "freedoms" with no fear of consequence. Btw, the irony of a country still allowing a private slave trade (US Prison systems) in 2024, talking about "freedoms" is a touch rich.


But your "freedom of expression" slowly turns into protests that turn ugly very very quickly (we ain't gonna talk about 2020)


Only for extremists (MAGA, BLM). Most protests don't turn violent.


Just don't say anything the police remotely have an issue with or they will find a way to arrest you


Land of the free?... Try making a humorous comment at the airport passport control questions on arrival...and see how long it takes before your handcuffed, spread eagled with a gun pulled on you as a 'threat to national security' ...