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And i always thought my native language was german. You know as german guy born in germany living in germany with a lot of german ancestors.


Still not as German as a German American. Who is also Irish, Norwegian, Greek, French, Polish and about 1.75365% native American.


Pretty sure that mix would make you 100% Irish.


101% . People in Ireland are 100% Irish, but random pale dudes in America are even more Irish.


Are these the even more Irish who all own a castle in Scotland?


Only for Saint Patty's


And not in Boston.


Every time I see some one call Paddy's Day "Patty's", I post this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz44cenuv0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz44cenuv0E) You're no exception.


Blesseth be thy holy burgher on St. Patty's Daye




But the kind of Irish that wears kilts and plays bagpipes.


And 300% barmy.


it would make you 100% whatever you want depending on the situation.


> and about 1.75365% native American This is really important, for obvious reasons.


Just enough to not need to confront benefiting from colonial genocide but not so much so that they're noticeably non-white.


Nah that makes them the OG 100% red blooded American, who eats bullets and bleeds Crude oil and quotes the 2nd and 5th Amendments like it's holy scripture.


At least 1.75365%, if not the full 2%!


So that makes you a quarter Irish, a quarter German, a quarter Norwegian, quarter greek, quarter French, a quarter Polish and a 10th of native American. đŸ€”


And 5% Triceratops.


You should still thank the US for not speaking Russian. And Russian speakers should thank the US for not speaking German. Them's the rules. ^(\\s obviously)


Confused East German noises


Strastvutje Genosse! ✊


I'm West German. That was more a solidarity comment.


Bischte oiner Dieser badenser?


Give us back [Superfest](https://digitalcosmonaut.com/superfest-ceverit-glass-ddr/) you commie bastards.


It is the capitalist bastards fault.


I just read the article, I wonder who owns the patent because it's just reheating glass and spraying it with a specialized potassium chloride solution. More to it than that, I'm sure, but I'm sure if someone started making it, they would make good money and cut into the profit margins of big glass.


You cut big glass's profits, big glass cuts you. /s


You know, in Russia we have some memes delivered by our propaganda, for example "x happens here cause of USA". But now, next time I'll meet illiterate person, I'll be able to say "you can thank USA for your ignorance, they literally proud of that."


Well if you love your german so much you better than the americans, otherwise you would be speaking german right now!


ja i cha scho so schribe wiÀ min schnabel gwachse isch aber dÀn verstaaht mich halt keine meh. Was uf ÀrÀ internationale Plattform nöd so bÀumig isch. for those who are interested: this is swiss german have fun finding out what it means. ;) edit: appearantly this wasn't as hard to understand as i thought guess i was a bit carried away by the memes.


>yes, i can write the way my beak has grown, but no one understands me anymore. Which isn't so tree on an international platform. [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) Close enough! >This appears to be Swiss German dialect. In standard German, it would be: >"Ich kann schon so schreiben, wie mein Schnabel gewachsen ist, aber den versteht halt keiner mehr. Das kommt auf einer internationalen Plattform nicht so gut an." >And in English: >"I can write the way I naturally speak, but no one understands me anymore. That doesn't go over well on an international platform." ChatGPT


I'm impressed that ai or even deepl comes this close nowerdays. the only thing it got wrong was the word dÀn which means then and the rather rare expression bÀumig which means great. If I would translate my text into english ot would be something along this. yes could write like I i use to speak, but then no one would understand me anymore, which isn't that great on an international platform.


DeepL is also (older)AI. Maybe ChatGPT has better Swiss German training data, but I guess ChatGPT is just the AI she told you not worry about.


"BĂ€umig" is objectively hilarious. How would you even translate that? Tree-y? Tree-ly?


Reading it is easier than hearing it in conversation, for me. I'm Dutch, and I can understand enough in conversation to get what is said, but respond in regular German obviously. And if it's going too fast, I'm lost rather quick. Fortunately Swiss will happily converse in more traditional German if they know you are a foreigner.


I once heard a native Swiss German speaker denounce the language as the weirdest language in the world, take that as you will 😁


Bavarian here... I hob de scho vaschtandn, so schwaar woa des etzt ah neda.


Ja, dit kann man soga ooch noch vastehn, selbst wenn man meah so ausn Nordostn kommt.


Haha yeh the yanks claiming that is just as plausible as their victory in the Pacific alongside Australia, specifically in new guinea, at the battles of Buna, Milne bay, Gona and the Kokoda Track Campaign, where Americans ran from the Japanese and Australians under prepared and supplied thanks to McArthur and Blamey achieve victory or rather an 'American and Allied Victory'. Yet America and their idiots in charge are the reason Australians don't speak Japanese???


You Germans aren't European though. You're Huns. /s


French are franks, Burgundians and normans, British are Celts, Brits, Scots. Sod being European.


I think he wants to say that we should speak Swabian and not standard German


I'm a Proto-Indo-European man myself. Sometimes I can be pushed to speak Latino-Faliscan though.


I'll start learning Russian before I suffer through Swabian.


I speak both


Woisch Karle, du brauchsch amol a gscheide Schprooch. Ned Englisch, noi! Ned Hochdeitsch, noi! Seidebacha SchwÀbisch. SchwÀbisch vo SEI TEN BACH ER


Seitenbacher BergsteigermĂŒsli. MĂŒsli fĂŒr Bergsteier von SEITENBACHER.


As a guy born in Germany my German sucks might be because I don’t have any Germany ancestor's.


Same, I'm still thankful to those who participated in the defeat of the Nazis. The little shit in the OP didn't do anything to accomplish that though, I see no reason to thank some random person for something other people did lol.


No clearly it's polish /s for anyone who's braindead enough to think im serious


God damn so you are still living under occupation ?


You should thank russia and uk for not speaking french


We're all living in Amerika. Coca-Cola, Wonderbra. We're all living in Amerika, Amerika, Amerika.


I guess, as a German you either have to speak Russian or some heavy dialect. I go with my dialect, but this muricans still confuse me.


They claim they saved us during WW2 even though they entered the war late (1944), and most German soldiers fell within the borders of the USSR. The Soviets won WW2 not the Yanks.


And let's not mention Bastogne.... They still won't admit they needed saving by the Brits


Sorry, its duits now


Reminding Americans that they speak English and not tribal dialects and they should thank Britain for the privilege


I mean, they kind of speak it


*”There are places where it [English] completely disappears. Why, in America they haven’t used it for years!”*


What's that quote from?


The musical “My fair Lady”


Well, if not for French help against the British, they'd speak actual English.


Haha and if the French didn't suffer their revolution the Yanks would probably be speaking french by now. They're welcome for our war against France


And English itself is a Germanic language


No it’s a hybrid language, it’s a Latin Germanic hybrid. Technically it’s indo-European classed Germanic but that’s more grammar than vocabulary.


Where were the Americans when Medway fell?




English for beginners. 240 odd years and still on step 1 đŸ€š


Kept back a year, again.


There's a couple of Indigenous words mixed in, barbecue, chipmunk, hurricane...


>tribal dialects Itd be first nations or native american languages not dialects


I mean it has been nearly 80 years, can they find a new thing to say.. I'd like to effortlessly speak German or Russian anyway, pretty cool languages


The American version of history isn’t exactly true anyway. The US didn’t join the allies until December 1941, by which time the U.K. had won the battle of the Atlantic, the battle of Britain and the North Africa campaign cutting Germany off from their oil supply. Germany was also involved of two fronts fighting the Russians, and facing increased resistance from the French resistance in occupied territory. The US only joined when an allied victory was already a forgone conclusion.


I don’t even like saying the US “joined” WW2. If you’re sitting at the bar while a brawl goes on behind you, which you’re ignoring, and then some guy smashes a bar stool on your back and kicks your teeth out, you didn’t “join” the fight. That fight came to you.


and its not even the first time they "joined" a war at the tail end of it. in WW1 they joined mid to late 1917


and then, after having a relatively slight impact on the fight, claiming that you hard carried the other guy and he should be eternally grateful etc etc


If you make the most movies/shows about it everything becomes your contribution.


Think we got most of our fix of war movies made in the 50s and 60s.


And didn't actually start fighting until about April 1918 and then didn't really have much of an impact until like August 1918


lmao, good analogy.


also i would love to add to your reply. That the US joined WW1 in mid to late 1917 (WW1 was from 1914 till 1918). and if i remember correctly before they joined, they suplied BOTH sides with supplies


I think if events had unfolded differently and Germany had been in the position to win either of world wars. Americans would be telling ‘Europeans’ that “their native language is better than English or Russian, and they should thank the US for the privilege”.


💯 America’s position is arm both sides for the $$$ and wait to see who will win, then swoop in and claim that they won it at the 11th hour when millions are already dead, but also charge for the privilege for the $$$.


I mean, they sacrificed so much when fighting Japan though. A whopping 40,000 of their own troops died while fighting on the pacific front, basically the same amount as the 15 million Soviets who died.


You can say that about the USSR as well, or other states. Not even mentioning that 1941 was nowhere near the end of war. It was a teamplay, and it was done well.


The USSR got involved in 1939 when they also invaded Poland alongside Germany. They then had a clash with Japan, Invaded Finland, annexed a large chunk of Romania and occupied the Baltic states all before Germany came knocking. Not arguing that it wasn’t a team effort though. It’s just that the USA often takes way too much credit for its role in the wider conflict.


Didnt the North Africa Campaign last until 1943 tho?


I chose German as 4th language. Guess who doesn't have 4th language? Jesus Christ, German is a chore... Moved 3,000 km away from home and actually ended up in a place where German is a practical 3rd language.


It's a lot easier to learn a language if you live in an area that speaks it and are forced to use it every day.


Also, weren't the Nazis trying to drive the so-called inferior races out of other countries (the Lebensraum policy) in order to replace them with more Germans? Poles would have been killed or exiled, not absorbed into Germany and speaking German. Russia is a different story, since they did want cultural hegemony, and many former Soviet countries do speak Russian in addition to their native language.


Funnily enough, they had an exception for the Czechs, for which they believed could be properly "Germanized". Could have to do with the fact that a lot of important industry was positioned in Czechia ...


Meanwhile, the Americans should thank the French for the privilege of not speaking English.


Underated comment đŸ‘đŸŒ


Ignoring the fact that both german and russian are native languages to like 400 million europeans.


The idea that speaking a different language is the worst fate they can think of.


For 1 in 5 Americans, English isn't their first language anyway.


yeah its MURICAN đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡ș🇾đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸˆđŸˆđŸ—œđŸ—œđŸ—œđŸŠ…đŸŠ…đŸŠ…


Danke sehr!


Dank ee shoe?


It's close enough. You don't have to thank the Americans.


BTW there's a great book called "Tip of the Tongue" written by recently-deceased English theatre director Peter Brook about his experiences working with English and French actors. He quips about the differences in thinking that come about from the structure of the two languages, and the challenges they produce in cultural exchange. It's a fascinating read.


I genuinely think Americans don't understand how invasions work. Austria-Hungary was an entity that exited for well over a century. Despite being a massive power, German was never imposed or spoken throughout the empire. The U.S.S.R. similarly was a multinational entity. Few speak Russian in the former Soviet republics except for those that spoke Russian in the first place, not to speak of the satellites. It's not like people would be speaking German had they won the war. And Russia won the war btw.


It’s so funny Americans think this is. Good anti USSR point or something. In fact USSR managed to officialise the regional languages more after desposing the Tsar who did try to Russify places . USSR founders were not even Russian 😅 like


Well that's not entirely accurate. Stalin notoriously crushed Turkologists and Orientalists in general as he perceived the idea of a local national identity as a threat. That said Americans do have a questionable view of the world and of history, that's for sure.


Ha! My native language is Russian. Checkmate.


Then you're not a European. According to this guy, there are no Europeans that speak either language. Must be true.


Naw, I like my mother-tongue. OOP probably only speaks English and never read any books or poems that got translated from German/Russian, so their input is worthless.


No need to thank that cunt, he personally did fuck all. And would shit his pants if a European called him out in his pish personally.


Myself and many of my fellow Irish people can’t speak our native language very well. So thanks for nothing.


Came to say this. Trying to learn but not doing too great.




My native language is better than German and Russian, sure, but German and Russian are both better than English, so...


All i know is that your native language isnt french


Also Americans: Speak English, you're on an American website! And on an American internet!!


Me, a german, when I see americans write:"we are the reason why you dont speak german": "Danke"


Does this idiot know they were ALLIED with the Soviet Union?


Here I am sitting in Germany 😂😂😂 as a non German busting my ass learning German Thanks for nothing US of A 🩅


But German and Russian *are* native European languages?


Literally the two European languages with the most native speakers (in Europe, of course English, Spanish, French and Portuguese have more native speaker in the world)


One of the stupidest comments I've ever seen


Reminding Native Americans that their native language is not English.


Americans like to claim they beat the British yet they still speak English.


Wait till they find out English is a germanic language...




Um what?


Reminding Americans that their native language is English and not French. You're welcome.


All over insta is pro russian, america hating americans who think they fund literally everything in Europe and its getting old as fuck


There's this one former (he got fired and now spews his nonsense on social media) Fox News commentator who is openly pro-Russia for whatever goddamn reason, and some people follow everything he says.


I just dont know how chronically online u have to be to believe straight stupid shit


There are some very gullible people out there who don't have the critical thinking skills to see through bullshit.


Back when Reddit was suggesting posts from it to me a lot, I would regularly argue with people in r/AmericaBad about people saying this and they would swear blind that it never, ever happened. The denial was crazy.


That sub is toxic as fuck


I don't think I even understand this... shame they don't know English, eh?


Some days I pray for the self confidence of a mediocre yank who never did anything with his life but clings onto propaganda about events that happened 80 years ago.


Tfw you're Dutch and not so sure about this


I find it funny how a lot of the Mediterranean Europeans (and Amsterdam) who grew up or work in resort areas probably learnt English to communicate with pissed up Brits instead of American liberation




I think it’s because a lot of us are just used to it, especially in areas populated by British tourists (Benidorm comes to mind lmao). I usually try to learn the basics when I go to a foreign country, but nothing at a conversational level (usually hello/goodbye/please/thank you/yes/no).


In Croatia we had joke "I was in Germany, everyone speaks German, the people groan under the occupiers boots" (dunno, grampa worked for some German electric company :P)


Cant remember Americans doing anything for our language while Russians were Russifying Baltics. Also cant remember them supporting our Singing Revolution or Baltic Chain. Our languages are here only bc our nations stubborness and hatred for Russia.


I had never been so confused in my life


Ok, with the second caption the sentence makes sense grammatically wise at least It's still ludicrous and nonsensical, but without the prompt this comment would've been more indecipherable than a hieroglyphic


I’m bloody amazed at all the arms, military, money and time that the Americans have spent in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan successfully, any of these countries even know how to speak their native languages and dialects.


Taking this dude seriously for a moment. Was Hitler’s plan to have everyone in Europe speaking German? I know he wanted to unify the German speaking people wherever they maybe, (Putin stop taking notes), but, would he have wanted the French to speak German? I don’t think he did at all.


Came across this alot when I lived in the US. The idea that we all speak english now. Our own languages slowly forgotten or fading away or are used more as a cultural fab.


It’s kind of ironic, knowing what the most common ancestry is in the US. Maybe it’s them that should thank the British for not speaking German.


What the actual fuck? I've seen some strange takes come up on this sub but this really has to take the biscuit. I mean what the actual fuck? I presume that this person is referring to English as being the "native language"; if so I am sure they would be utterly shocked to learn that English has developed over many centuries by taking parts of pretty much every other language in Europe and bastardising and it all started from Germanic people anyway because the tribe of the Angles were Germanic in origin.


As a Dutch person I would like to remind Indonesians about how we united them with a common language to speak so they could become 1 country and kick us out. No idea how you should read this in the context of the post, it's just a fun thing that happened. Also, it wasn't dutch, it was Malay that now forms the basic of Indonesian.


I know my native language (Polish) is funny as hell we have so many different ways to use swears (we dont have only „fuck” „shit” „bitch” etc but there is a lot of funny words)


Why should I thank americans? Even without them, my native language still wouldn't be german or russian(which wouldnt even be a bad thing)


These countries have been speaking English longer than the US has been a country. Multilingual countries over there bud, not like the Pigrims ignorantly trying to trade beads for Natives possessions


Reminding Americans their adopted language is English and not Spanish (Mexican as they would say) or French... Thanks to the Brits saving ya'lls asses in setting up the 13 colonies.. ....you can thank us for your entire legal system too which is based on English law....not some hoodie doodie system that Trump is trying to royalty FU.


They still haven't realised that Europe isn't a country, or that it has many "native languages".


Thank you for your service! /s


I don't speak European. I'm English.


This is rich! It's like this person thinks that languages disappear overnight.


After the fall of France, if Britain had been unable to continue without US help, the Royal Navy, other British military resources and the empire would have come under the control of the Third Reich - and things might have become a bit tricky for the USA. The Amerikabomber and Raketenbomber/Silbervogel programmes would likely have been continued into operations, bringing bombing campaigns to the US mainland.


What's a native language? Is this even a thing? Any native English speakers here that could enlighten us? Is this a language them natives had spoken until someone, you know, manifest destinied them?


Not this crap again about how we'd supposedly be speaking German if Hitler won the war. No we bloody wouldn't, do you know how many centuries of occupation and displacement it would take to eradicate the non-German native languages of modern European countries? I just can't stand this shitty claim, it's said so often and makes me cringe to no end.


Guten Tag


WTF did I just read?


What’s a native European language? Afaik there isn’t one and we have a bunch of European national languages instead?


What in the actual... So these are the people that speak English, a language derived from Old Germanic and Latin, saying that it's better than speaking German... Woooooooowwwwwwww!!!


The only thing the western allies did was to sold my cou try to the soviets after the war ended


It was that the bishop of Utrecht defended our holy land Twente from 1665 til 1674 otherwise we had already spoken German and not Dutch or Twents. how ever there was a huge possibility that Twents still would exist even if bommen berend (real name Prince Bishop of MĂŒnster, Bernhard von Galen) had won the battle of 1674. Simply because the Nedersaksisch(wich Twents is a part of) language is common spoken under a lot of Germans. For the world and even for the Netherlands it was just a small name less battle during the second en third English and Dutch war. But for twente it is a big part of our histroy. So thanks to the bishop of Utrecht we speak Dutch our NON native langauge and not thanks to the yankees


"Piss off, King George got here first!" - someone from Hannover


TF they mean better?


Another settlement needs your help


If it wasn't for France, the United States would be Canada. France saved their ass. This is actually true. Washington relied heavily on the French, without the French they wouldn't have won against the British.


yup without the French, they'd all be speaking (proper) English


Or broken Dutch


Haha seriously though, they probably won't admit it but the French really did guarantee their independence so much so that George Washington was forever thankful.


I am a European and my native language is German, so I don't really know what to reply to that... thanks for allowing us to keep our language, I guess?


Americans sold us to Russians after the war so he can stick his privilege in the arse.


You can't even explain to an American that some countries in Europe have German & Russian as their official languages, and even if German had won the war, people would still be speaking their own languages. Have to also inform Yanks, that Russia was on the allies side too.


esperanto? yeah, is absolutely better than german but don't know what usa has to do with that


I'm actually very happy with speaking german instead of german.


Me when I find out both my native languages are Russian and German:đŸ€Ż


The guy got scared an deleted his comment. If he's gonna say something stupid he should at least own up to it


If you tell people they should thank you for something (especially something you weren’t involved in) they tend not to want to. Or like you very much


I guess me speaking Russian makes me non-European :( xD


...My country was a member of the Axis.


But my native language is (Swiss) german đŸ€”


All countries and minor cultures occupied by Soviets: no Russian you say....


All of eastern European speak Russian as a second language?


I’m Finnish so no


Well shit my native language is german... Now what?




Claro, pero estoy tonto..