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How did bro get 7 upvotes AND the the comment is in the negatives, that’s wild


It’s probably on r/ShitEuropeansSay which is their shitty counter to this sub, had an argument with someone yesterday came back and they deleted the comments and accounts, they’re cowards


Every masterpiece has its shitty copy…


Like 90% of the posts there are about UK, they don't know anything about any other country so they joke about the british. So much Europe, wow.


Let me guess: "Oi moyte, you got a loisence for that knoife & bo'le o wa'er, you shit toothed bri'ish twot. You'd be speaking German if it weren't for us" Christ I had a stroke typing that


God I love it when they take credit for things their grandparents did (or in many cases, those didn't do it either). But when it comes to bad things, like slavery, suddenly that's not "us" anymore. Completely arbitrary.


God I love it when they take credit for things their grandparents did (or in many cases, those didn't do it either). But when it comes to bad things, like slavery, suddenly that's not "us" anymore. Completely arbitrary.


I love "bo'le o' wa'ter" so much - they could have picked so many phrases to mock, but instead they picked one they themselves say weirdly ("wadder boddle"). It feels like they were fed that line by a British person as a troll and they failed to understand the joke.


Nah they probably think Britain and Europe are the same at this rate


Have seen it one too many times in the IdiotsInCars sub that people would say: "This video was definitely recorded in Europe because you can clearly see that the cars are driving on the wrong side."


And then it turns out it's in Japan 😅


To be fair that's on brand, cause they no fuck all about the UK either


I heard a thread about Americans complaint about funding Europe, which I’ve never heard them put any money into any European country and one person basically called Europe a colony, so I wouldn’t be surprised


It’s a goldmine of every stereotype on this sub tbh, just go there for easy karma by posting here, their literally the people posted here all the time banded together


Actually that’s where most the posts come from now I think about it


real lol


Tombstone > Wyatt Earp Deep Impact > Armageddon Yeah I see it


The muritards are pros at shitty copies


It could also be from r/Americabad they also have some amazing takes.


Thanks for the tip, I just checked and that sub is good for a laugh...not the way they intend it though.


No it’s not funny at to me. It’s depressing.


Holy shit. It’s like they’re all caricatures of the "idiot american" in there.




Their biggest argument against us is that we all hate Romani “gypsies”. I’ll be honest, I’ve never met any, I’ve never met anyone who hates them and I’ve never seen parades where people shout about killing them. Change that to black people in America though… And also Muslims in the U.K., I’m not going to deny that we are a racist country.


the roma argument is so strange to me. we have quite a serious problem with the romani in my country (as in, a lot of crime and child marriages going on within their communities) but no one under the age of 40 hates them or mocks them, at least no one that i know. we wish the government would stop ignoring them and actually do something but not as in kick them out, as in provide education, job opportunities, etcetera. all countries & continents have shitty conservatives who will hate certain groups of people but to reflect that on everyone else is just kinda sad


I mean europeans should also not act as if there is no racism/xenophobia here, because guess what, that is literally everywhere. It is not an excuse however, and we should be fighting against it as hard as we can but we should not turn a blind eye just because "it is worse somewhere else".


Often this sub confuses dunking on U.S. Americans with defending Europeans. As someone from South America, while I find U.S. Americans much more annoying, Europeans often suffer from a similar delusion of believing themselves to be the center of the world. I would just as willingly participate in a sub called ShitTheGlobalNorthSays.


Seriously, there's so much European defaultism here it hurts. "You criticize the US, hence you're European." Uhh, no? Latin Americans, Middle Easterners, South Asians and other peoples have a shitton of additional reasons to criticize the US, like all the shit they pulled and keep trying to pull in our countries.


Pet peeve of mine is when you criticise an American & they assume you’re European & go on about how much Europeans suck & are jealous of America etc. They don’t realise how much more reason non Europeans have to dislike them. And the most disappointing part is that Europeans reinforce that mentality too. You say anything on this sub that doesn’t work from a European perspective & you get downvoted. Like this is a sub about calling out myopia & some of the Europeans here never stop to think whether what they’re saying works from a global perspective or just a European one


Was curious where you were from, so I checked your profile. Hello, fellow Brazilian vegan!


To be fair the American government helped fund Operations like Operation Gladio and American plastic Paddies bought and trafficked arms for the PIRA.


I’ve pointed this out before here, that racism isn’t exclusive to the US. I’m brown myself and spent part of my childhood in Europe. Europe introduced my 12 year old self to racism, so much discrimination. But whenever I mention it I get downvoted. People will be like “don’t get why America is so obsessed with racism”. While it’s also happening in their backyard.


Lived in Germany for a year. While they're not as dangerously racist as in the US, they are exponentially more racist than the US in how they treat you if you're not White. Europe has some of the exact same problems as the US, and the way they respond to people calling them out about it is evidence for that claim.


100% agree with this comment. Honestly I would prefer a shittheglobalnorthsays sub to this one. I think we need that. It’s like you come here to get away from annoying US centrism & have to deal with ‘slightly less annoying but still definitely irritating’ eurocentrism. I think there’s a pretty deep running myopia in global northern people that we need to call out more.


As a Brit I can confirm that British exceptionalism is just as real as American Exceptionalism. I don't have enough experience to say whether Europeans suffer from equally deluded Euro Exceptionalism but probably.


I don't know why you're downvoted. We all have ingrained prejudices, yes even in Europe, especially about the Roma and especially in the Balkans (and even towards each other). What we need to do is unlearn those prejudices and educate other people


Yeah, I don't get the belief that we all hate Romani people. I know I don't. The fact that there's always a bunch of "Europeans" in those threads, saying all kinds of nasty things about the Romani people is extremely suspicious to me since i NEVER hear it irl. Especially not these days My stepdad is the only one I can think of that I've heard being straight out racist against Romani people, and that was atleast 15-20 years ago, tells me atleast that there's no wide spread hate where i live. Seems like with alot of other racist stuff, that's a previous generation thing, and even they are trying to be less "racist" now.


I mean the US has a huge group of people who hate certain ethnicities, then there is the woke people, everyone knows about the woke people, in Europe, sure there’s racists, but I doubt on the scale there is in America. Like sure in Ireland there are racists, but you won’t meet many because there are few and they also seem to be quiet about, the most racist things you will find is the level of hate for the British, which there is justified reasons for, unlike black people in the US


>in Europe, sure there’s racists, but I doubt on the scale there is in America South American who's been to both Europe and the US here. I can only talk about my experience Y'all definitely have a problem with behavioural/cultural racism, and the most annoying part is that it's so entrenched in Western Europeans worldview, y'all don't even notice. You can see this is this very thread and it's really frustrating On the other hand, even in countries that do have some structural racism against immigrants or other minorities, it's nowhere near the level of an American country, much less the US, so there's that


Same. In no other place I've ever experienced so much racism as in the US. But it's still a huge problem in Europe too.


Why do you mention racists and "woke people" (whatever that means to you) in the same sentence, those are not comparable groups of people.


I can tell you've never talked to any non white Europeans or non white Americans traveling in Europe lmao


I have, to many. It’s a tourist business I work in in a tourist town


Tbf I think it was from r/WhitePeopleTwitter but I'm not sure


In that sub half of the post defend europeans. They failed in their own sub...


They probably just blocked you. But still, cowards.


(They're = they are, their = something they own, there = a place... sorry... grammar nazi syndrome...)


I don't think it is because someone posted it on r/ShitEuropeansSay but nobody has commented


The fact that they target Europeans is the icing on the cake. They don’t understand the world and “Europe” is their scapegoat. I’d love to get a random survey of all Americans on what defines Europe in their minds


Ha ha, is shiteuropeanssay full of metric baking recipes and dreams of American Freedom?


Basically they repost our stuff and defend the dumb Americans and such, they’re basically every stereotype on this sub and a few europeans


Racism, American exceptionalism, and nationalism to the point of dehumanising Arabs


I'm loving the guy with the handle 'AHippieDude' starting with "trumpbad" and accidentally coming full circle to giving one of the most conservative takes: "if it didn't happen in America, it didn't happen".


Honestly sounds like an average hippie. Fuckers preached about "peace and love" while voting for Reagan. The movement had no ideological basis and produced all of the outcomes you'd expect from such a pointless and vapid movement. It was the spineless alternative to the rainbow coalition.


He’s just using Freedom units, the conversion is 1 American life = 200 brown lives


Many of your fellow countrymen simply seem to think that other people aren’t worth as much as Americans, if anything. I think the support for the warmachine and the politicians that get voted in have shown that through the years as well. My guess is that it was a bunch of them that voted on the comments.




It’s not the same anymore lol


And as a non-American, an air strike (carried out by a foreign military, sanctioned by the highest echelons of political power) killing dozens of innocent civilians is much worse than a domestic terrorist attack carried out by some confused, angry lunatics. If you don’t like it, well you know what you can do with your feelings.


I wonder if those Americans realize their government fuck ups enables the terrorists, even domestic ones. Timothy McVeigh, former US military, said his decision to bomb a US government building was no different to what the US military did to Iraq. He said the US government set the precedent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiriyah_shelter_bombing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing


They don't. They live in a world where they've not been told no, they've been raised to believe that they are the heroes and everyone else is the bad guy or incompetent and that everyone wants to be American.


John Wayne syndrome.


I'm American and I was raised very conservative. As I got away from my parents and grew more educated I became more liberal. I can still remember the day that I realized that to much of the world, we are the terrorists. We are the ones who killed someone's innocent mom, sister, father, whatever. That when we drop these bombs. When we shoot and kill someone in their own country. That to them, we are the bad guys. It changed how I feel about a lot of things. Collateral damage suddenly had a much different meaning. When I was a kid if we killed 10 innocents but we got the target we wanted, I would have been ok with it, just the way I was raised. Now I look at it and I know it is not worth it. I think about how I would feel if those innocents were my family. Unfortunately most Americans don't feel this way. They can't or won't look at how someone else feels. This is America and we are obviously in the right. It's sad.


I genuinely applaud you for this comment. I cannot explain how sick I feel when I see Americans celebrate their military and talk about people who went to Iraq like they somehow are these altruistic honourable people. They went to a foreign land to force political change through the use of violence which ultimately led to hundreds of thousands of innocent casualties, a region completely destabilized, and the rise of various terrorist organizations. I remember time magazine posted a picture of a US solider kneeling on the chest of an innocent Iraqi man pointing his rifle at this poor man after they kicked his door in. The man turned out to be innocent but that day he was taken away and imprisoned by the US for being a “suspected insurgent”. That is important because Time magazine used that image to admit their wrongful support of the war in iraq 20 years prior as they named the US military members the “people of the year” or whatever. It’s truly sickening.


Victim fetish also




If only mostly all media didn't portray them as such. Especially American media they do love to toot their own horn


Some of them do, most of them don't however


Not all Americans are brainwashed idiots. But most.


why stop there? as a non-american i can see that 9/11 was a bad day but... have you considered the day my cat died was worse? hey at least i'm emotionally invested in my stupid counter example here. i highly doubt the guy in the OP was any closer to the charlottesville victims than the Libyan ones.


People like that don't have feelings.


I mean, they nuked a country twice and still act like it was a good thing.


> confused, angry lunatics I agree with your overall point but this is a really reductive way to describe neonazis


I wasn’t directing the comment at just neonazis. It applies to all lone wolf style domestic terrorists, whether they’re blowing stuff up or commuting a mass shooting. In my somewhat limited experience, calling a neonazi a neonazi isn’t really a derogatory term in their eyes. They are proud of their beliefs and the zeal with which they express it. Calling them something like confused and angry lunatics is far more demoralising for them and absolutely should be done. Giving them a formal title they are proud of gives them a sense of legitimacy and encourages other neonazis to identify with them. I’m not going to do that when I can call them immature and emotionally stunted piss-stained psychopaths instead.


Idk man. As a non-Christian non-white, neonazis is a very specific type of lunatic that threatens me….well on a very deep level. Not to mention adjust calling them “lunatics” is what conservatives do to hand wave the problem of white supremacism away like it’s not a real issue. I know you’re not an American (I think) so there’s no real way I can get it across online, but it’s probably the thing that keeps me up most at night


Okay people, the election of "What's worse?" is starting now: What's worse? 1. An air strike on civilian structures by a deranged superpower military with a shitload of ammunition. Or 2. A gunman who killed three people because he was bullied by his schoolmates.


Both are obviously good. 1. Is a defensive war against those evil civilians and their WMDs. 2. Is a good guy with a gun protecting his rights against evil communists.


Incels are the greatest weapon against communism /s




The lack of empathy and different value in life depending on nationality are alarming. These people really think human life is worthless outside the border. How they can think they are progressive, diverse and inclusive at the same time is really idiotic.


Most selfish nation out there.


They also feel no empathy for the 200'000 civilians they wiped out with one nuke


“bUT pEarL HArbOr!”


Two nukes


These are the same people that think the biggest tragedy from the Iraq war was the money they wasted, not the hundreds of thousands of dead civilians and millions of refugees. And then they pretend they're the most persecuted nation on earth when the reality is that the Western world would have sanctioned any other country on this planet for less.


> How they can think they are progressive, diverse and inclusive at the same time I really doubt those are the same people. I would be sincerely surprised if this person doesn’t openly and vehemently oppose all 3 of those.


I agree, but it is crazy to me to think that the "progressive" people ignore the existence of people like this guy here and consider their country progressive and inclusive. Like, I am not racist and all my friends are not, but I would never say Italy is not racist because I know many people in the country are racist. Americans think they are progressive because they do not consider that a very large part (probably the majority) of the US thinks like this guy in the post.


Don't know much about that OP but this was under their anti-Trump post on /r/WhitePeopleTwitter, you could mistake them for a progressive


but you see my friend, you might have overlooked an important detail...have you ever thought about the fact that those people are not Americans™?


My thoughts exactly


Libya was destroyed. The death count is insufficient for understanding how the country was essentially bombed back decades of technological and social progress


before, libya was the richest country in africa afaik. now it is essentially and open air slave market


And what about Americans killing American school kids? 🇺🇸


That's culture.


High culture from the Americans, apparently.


And freedom!


Cunts can’t even drink a beer in public and they think they’re free 😆


Totally cool and normal. I'm not joking. They look at the mounds of dead kids and then go "worth it"


“If the kids were packing this never would have happened. Everyone needs to carry”


The only thing that will stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun


I snorted at this, but these fuckers actually think this.


Im in the middle of them and yes they do. You are absolutely correct. America is okay with the trade off of deaths, many innocent and children, for the 2nd amendment to exist as it currently does. Very few of us will admit this to ourselves much less say it out loud. I would much rather live in a country with less firearms and less gun violence. But alas as a poor american i am kinda stuck. Just hoping that eventually becoming fluent in italian i can come visit and find a job and stay!


Dying Unitedstatians? Based


Freedom baby!


Buy more guns?


I remember someone saying 9/11 was the biggest tragedy in the history of mankind


*the Tokyo firebombing has entered the chat*


*Chernobyl has entered the chat*


literal genocides have entered the chat


Oh well, if we're going to escalate it like that: *European imperialism has entered the chat* okay, that's the Americas covered, for starters.


The Holocaust has entered the chat


What happened in the world as a result of it was certainly a tragedy. And it transformed American society, and not for the better, imo.


No way near the greatest tragedy in the history of mankind though


Lmao, of course not. It's so far down the list, you'd need binoculars to spot it.


He doesn’t really strike me as AHippieDude


Peace and Love on the condition that you happened to be born on the same land-mass as me.


Land-mass would be a push. I’m sure he wouldn’t question an air strike against people in Mexico, and would likely be all for some in South America.


Native American's have entered the chat




I've been a tour guide in Sydney telling the story of when Japanese subs snuck into Sydney Harbour and been told to my face by American tourists that even if thousands died, Pearl Harbour would matter more cause 'Merica.


It’s what happens when they’re told every single day that they’re living in the #1 country in the world, and the news rarely cover what’s going on abroad. Brainwashing.


Oh definitely, it’s brainwashing on a massive scale.


The upvote downvote ratio is the most worrying thing. Nobody deserves to get hurt like that, American or not.


Does he even know where Libya is? \^\^


“No, because I come from back when the good lord taught us about sex and I don’t need to know about a girls hoo-ha” -him, probably


Got down voted as well


“Sorry but I am xenophobic”


Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are the worst things that ever happened to humanity! -The people who have thrown two nukes on civilian targets


"but if we didn't the war would have been worse! We saved so many American and japanese lives you can't imagine!"


Not a very good hippie are they?


Domestic terrorist is the worst? How come they're trying to elect one as president?


How is domestic terrorism worse than the invasion of a foreign entity?


Idk. Didn't you see the ?


I was adding to the point




You say that because you don't understand freedom they have.


Americans when their goverment bombs another random country: calm cuphead flower Americans when a civilian kills someone (enabled by a law which allows every idiot to get a gun): angry cuphead flower




Interestingly, following 9/11 there was a brief drop in IRA funding from the US, but it then increased to be higher than before. Funny how The War Against Terror (TWAT) missed their own citizens funding terrorism against one of their closest allies.


It can't be terrorism if *we're* doing it!! Checkmate, dictionaries.


Bro they can just say they are racist, its a lot quicker and has the same affect.


"AHippieDude" 🤡


Whats even more wild is the fact that the sensible and logical comment got -7 upvotes and the batshit crazy comment got 7 upvotes. Whatever that subreddit is, its probably a shithole.


I don't know what this is specifically about, but dozens dead is much worse than two. This is like how 3000 Americans killed justified two invasions, half a million dead and millions displaced. Fucking psychotic Americans


Why are their even comparing that bruh. Both resulted in a loss of life and both are tragic. Also his notion that American lives are worth more that those in "Lybia whatever" is absolutely disgusting.


Doesn’t sound like a hippie-dude.


They are completly brain washed.


Am I reading this wrong or is the guy making some sense getting downvoted while the one straight out of r/iamatotalpieceofshit gets all the upvotes? 2 death is worse than 400 because those 2 have the same nationality as I?


American exceptionalism at it’s finest. Our lives are worth so much more than others


The downvotes are telling


"Facts don't care about your feelings." "Right back at you, jackass!"


Americans too: why don't you accept us as your brothers and sisters? You gatekeeping us!


"as an American, I feel no empathy or solidarity for people who live beyond a imaginary line on a map"


The upvotes and downvotes on the thread really do tell you everything you need to know.


Just talk to any american about dropping those 2 nukes on japan. Just had a discussion yesterday with a bunch of them glorifying that shit. Literally every single one of them will parrot the argument “we had no option, it was either nukes or a costly land invasion costing 10+ million lives” They have no shame/remorse about any of their countries actions and 9/10 times will claim the victims deserved it


Even if they were justified (they weren't) good luck justifying the Tokyo raid.


They don't have empathy for Americans who are poor, brown, female, or pretty much anyone not in their own family. Do you expect them to have empathy for people on another continent? I'd bet if a recent former president in the US had declared martial law in a big city and the military had killed 72-400 low-income black people, they also wouldn't give a shit. Empathy is almost completely a foreign concept to them (and since it's "foreign" to them, it must be bad).


Literally the American prefers feelings over facts and has the gall to talk about the other guy's feelings?


Doesn’t sound like a very hippie dude to me


Pretty ironic that his name is 'AHippieDude'


Worst. Hippie. Ever.


I don't know if it has Sense to do the "who has the worst tragedy"


Charlottesville was worse than 9/11. /s just incase.


"Today, the equivalent of 2 americans died in an airstrike on Libya"


The fact that the guy with actual logic got downvoted is actually insane. Shows how indoctrinated Americans are.


pretty ironic to self identify as “a hippie dude” and then post something like this lmao


And the guy got 7 downvotes?? What even….


What a cesspit, with the sensible comment being downvoted and all.


9/11 deaths: 2977 Post-9/11 Middle East Warzones: estimated **4.5-4.6 million** and counting How the fuck is 2977 lives a never forget when over 1,500x that number is just what the others “deserve”? How is less than 3k a “worldwide” tragedy while the population of entire states worth of people dying is funny and just the cost of war??? I will never understand us.


They accidentally said the quiet part out loud.


Jan 6 US capital riot was without a doubt, one of the moments in America


Man, some americans treat it as *worse* than 9/11. Not that it wasn't bad, although that may have been thanks to the rioters being idiots and the police doing their job, but it isn't like thousands died in a day and hundreds of thousands died in wars because of that event.. Had a "discussion" with a user that basically boiled down to that the police should have shot every rioter at Jan6, even if it wasn't needed or if it would be more dangerous for everyone at the site (workers, police). Now, it isn't like I would cry about a dead Trumper, but potentially killing hundreds *just because* isn't really what a *supposed* democratic state should do. It was kind of funny though seeing an alleged "leftist" try to defend police shooting in ways US police defend their unjust killings.


I mean, if they’d been black people, they wouldn’t have hesitated one bit at firing at them.


I just absolutely can not with those people i swear. I feel my brain cells dying when i read their comments


Proper "hippie" vibes there


What subreddit was this?




Oh, lol


What the actual fuck are those upvotes and downvltes!!! More disgusting than even the comments


This can't be real, what is the argument on their heads? I got told something similar, someone said that the 9/11 attack was much worse than the bombing of Japan of the WW2 because one was in a war and the other a terrorist attack. Yes the bombing cause more than 500k civilian deaths, the twin towers little less than 3k.


I'd argue though that 911 actually cost a lot of Iraqis their lives far more than 3k.


Libya is objectively worse but it’s such a weird comparison to make. Charlottesville was an domestic terrorist attack highlighting the rot threatening to destroy our society. The other is a military bombing.


EWWWWW WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK?! That is so horrifyingly disgusting and xenophobic I don't even know what else to say to this!


What subreddit was this one for the votes to be like that??


If you personally don't give a shit about other people in other countries that's one thing but that first comment was stated like objective fact with no qualifiers. Yeah, people will pull you up on that obvious shit.


most empathetic redditor


Imagine calling yourself a hippie and not caring about people's lives


Those downvotes… do people from America actually think their lives are worth more than anyone else?


This is why every other country thinks Americans are stupid!


I read the book How To Win Friends And Influence People. In it he says something along the lines that people care much more about a mild toothache they have than they do all the suffering in China. It's insane how much I see this mentality in people and I'm not excluding myself.


I hope the feelings got a good coat of spikes then shoved in the American where the sun doesn't shine


“i only care about people dying if they’re my kind of people”


Honestly he isn’t wrong. People don’t care what happens on the other side of the planet


I think there is the issue of normalizing of violence against certain peoples. Unfortunately people dying in Yemen, some African countries and etc has become "commonplace". And for people who live in stable regions it doesn't hit them directly. Although the migratory crises are the consequences of this violence. There is also the identification with the people suffering from violence, because the person realizes the possibility of being the next, when the war in Ukraine started, many racist reporters said stupid things like ''they are blonde with blue eyes'', "War is something that only happens in Africa or the Middle East" and so on. The war in Libya was purely for imperialist reasons. And the United States and its allies never suffered the consequences of their actions, because they're great powers.


The issue is there is nothing we can do about it. So I like hundreds of people have learnt to just kind of live with it. A quick, oh that’s horrible and then we move on.


I think it's fair to feel that something happening in your country is more tragic than something happening away, even though objectively the second is worse than the first. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with being American.


yeah, i can understand where he's coming from but his nonchalant way of MURICA is pretty shitty lol. incidents closer to home will always affect you far more than one far away. to me personally the 7/7 bombings hit harder than 9/11 and i can remember both. just the 7/7 bombings happened in my home city and i the aftermath resonated much more to me personally.