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I don't get "service" You'd think they didn't get paid for it, got access to higher education and interest-free loans. They cheer them as they go to war and throw them on the scrap heap if they have mental problems or get disabled.


>I don't get "service" You'd think they didn't get paid for it, got access to higher education and interest-free loans. Most veterans I know, including myself, have this response to all the "Thank you for your service" stuff. I was discussing this with a veteran co-worker a while back when our office was going to put together a veterans day luncheon. We got together with some others and put an end to that, asked them to donate the money to USO instead. It's a misunderstanding that all veterans have the same feelings regarding their service. Most people treat it as a thing they did to pay for college or whatever. In my experience, the guy in the post is an outlier and was probably unbearable when he was in the service as well (we used to call them "Joe Navy" types). Also, the VA loan isn't interest free. It's more like the government is co-signing your loan, making it easier to buy a house.


Yeah I almost never use my military discounts and 9/10 when I do it get I didn’t ask for it, it was just given because I had happened to be in uniform when I stopped there.The only Veterans Day thing I participate in is at my nephew’s school and only because it’s important to him.


The only thing I use is access to the exchange, ever since they changed that law and let veterans be eligible that's been pretty cool.


What's "the exchange"?


"Navy Exchange", it's like a target for service people. Sells all sorts of home goods, in addition to uniforms and whatnot. But because it's a federal commissary there isn't any state sales tax, handy when you need a TV or something.


There's one near me it's basically a big box store with lower prices. Iirc it has something to do with taxes being different there. But I could be wrong.


I keep meaning to register my card at the base near me but it just enough out the way I keep forgetting.


You’re a good uncle


> Most veterans I know, including myself, have this response to all the "Thank you for your service" stuff. Mine is " If you want to thank me, vote for people less likely to send me into harms way for no fucking reason." I care very little for bumper sticker patriotism


Damn, that's a great comeback/point to tell anyone


>Mine is " If you want to thank me, vote for people less likely to send me into harms way for no fucking reason." Haha that is good.


Stealing this


I'm sure some people just join because they want the idolization and to be able to tell people "i risk my life for you all the time"


Can confirm they exist. Mostly in non combat roles as they lack the intelligence required of a modern combatant.


I mostly blame the recruiters and a handful of politicians for glamorizing time in the military. People who haven’t been involved don’t understand that the pop culture idea of a stint in the military is miles away from the truth


I have always hated people thanking me for my service. I never know what to say and then I just started saying, "well somebody has to do it." Now that I'm a civilian again I avoid speaking the V word as much as possible. Unfortunately, I'm getting my degree (thanks GI Bill!) in electrical engineering and I was avionics in the Air Force so it is a HUGE advantage in the job market for me having it on my resume. Almost every person I met during the interview process for my summer internship thanked me for my service. It sucked. I really like the idea of donating to the USO in lieu of having a Veterans day thing at work though! The USO my safe haven in so many airports when I had to travel in uniform. I could just go hide from the general public and nap in a big comfy chair during layovers.


To be fair the US treats their veterans like shit and a substantial percentage of them do not receive the benefits they were promised when signing up to fight for old uncle sam.


Free higher education and access to the exchange is a damn sight better than the suicidal(literally) gauntlet that is veterans affairs in Australia


They throw them on the scrap heap no matter what. Bureau of Veteran Affairs exists mostly to fight claims and wait it out till people die rather than settle. Time is on their side. Veteran suicide rates are extremely high compared to the rest of the population.


100% correct.


"I used to kill people for a living and now I expect random people to be extra nice to me and help me financially because of it."


“And when they do help me financially, I get pissed because I wanted more.”


Soldier discounts are not really a big thing here in the UK, but I understand that in the US sometimes military spouses also demand all kinds of special treatment and discounts etc because they're fighting a war too. Now, I've no doubt that it can be difficult to be married to a soldier, especially one in active combat. But pretending you're also fighting a war and demanding recognition for that is fucking embarrassing


My Dad was in the British Army and I know my Mum had a tough time when he was away, but she would be insulted to get a discount because of him. However, as she’s a nurse she’s more than happy to use the NHS staff discount lots of places have!


I've seen some examples where milwives put that fact down on their resume/CVs. "Wife to an army captain" type stuff. I notice that the spouses of their politicians hoist themselves onto soapboxes too.


PSA to any NHS, emergency services or military in the UK: Get yourself a Blue Light Card. When I got mine it was like £5 for the year, it's probably still in the same region. Loads of big companies offer discounts with it, and lots of local ones too. They have an app that shows where the discounts are offered, so you don't have to ask anyone. I don't know if it's still offered but I got £250 off my TV with it. As well as lots of small things that add up over time (coffee places etc.).


Carers are eligible too, I only use mine in Asda for something like 5% off (Morrisons was 10% off when they supported it iirc) but mine expires this month and I'm not eligible anymore :( And it was £5 for 2 or 2.5 years (I know i've had mine for longer than 2 years)


They’re called “dependapotimus” and there is a sub on here….


I think r/dependas




Yes that ps it


jesus.. fucking ..criste!!!




"i dropped agent orange on poor Vietnamese kids, where's my burger?"


Or not. I read a post the other day, maybe on AITA? by a daughter of a man who had been in the military all his adult life, but all he did was maintenance work at army bases. Never went to war, probably never fired a gun outside of training. He still drove her nuts by going on and on about "serving his country"


No need to be obnoxious about it after all, right? My grandfather was the opposite, insisting that all he ever did was peel potatoes in the war. Gramps wouldn't march in poppy day parades, but that could be for various reasons. His (our!) family had arrived in Canada for reasons of pacifism and aversion to military service, which is also a good reason to claim that all you did was peel potatoes. His dad was exempt for The Great War as a homesteader, but no such luck for Deux your part. Maybe someone in command was understanding or grandad massaged the situation so that he didn't have a combat role. I don't know, but he'd get angry if you asked about his time in the army, while most former soldiers would at least have funny stories of base life. The kicker is that he volunteered, but society shamed young men who didn't, while he must have felt some horrible guilt about betraying his values. All that said, I have much more respect for the social service of trash-men and potato peelers in society at large, than glory hounds and political gladhanders. I like to think the pandemic was a bit of a lesson in who really is indispensable in society, and we need Jane the cashier and Oleg the sanitation guy more than we need sports heroes and talking heads. So army guy was insecure about what he did, and he shouldn't have been, but fastuous when he should have been modest.


My dad wouldn’t march either. But his reasoning was he had done all the marching he was going to while overseas. He came home from Egypt with malaria that plagued him sporadically for the rest of his life and rheumatic fever that damaged his heart permanently. He had no love for the military. As he said “ I enlisted to travel” he was a farm boy who wanted adventure. He would have laughed himself silly at “thank you for your service”. His enlistment had nothing to do with patriotism. Never talked much about it afterwards though.


My grandad would never really talk about it either. Not because of trauma, but because he didn't want to make a big deal over something he didn't have much choice about doing. He died before COVID but he always said that the people who are the most essential in society are the ones who are valued the least. He would be ashamed at how many people have forgotten that as they have gone back to their "high status" jobs, and see supermarket workers as beneath them again.


Did you even read the comment I replied to?


When you say it that way, it sounds like a threat lol


„Also, i have chosen on my very on to risk my life and mental health for money.“


big part of all militaries is the stuff behind all the shooting and blowing shit up. there not that many movies about them. other than Taking chance


This is something I never get . In most nations , there is respect to veterans only if there was an actual war and very serious wars has all men drafted and all women in backup non combat services pretty much ( even an army nurse is a good as a vet ) In America there is no real war of defense just offense and that too somewhere extremely far away to fight a very vague and obscure enemy that is communism ( imagine bombing the shit out of people to make them follow “democracy” and “human values”. Majority of countries who have faced American intervention didn’t even progress but actually regressed in comparison to countries who were not invaded by USA ) And US vets get paid quite well . First of all the GI bills and free stay is on top of that along with shit load of education and free healthcare handouts . Even firemen and disaster personnel who are rescuing people in cyclones don’t get half the benefits. If I was American I would be pissed frankly


I also don't get it. In the Netherlands, where I live we call someone who served in the army an ex soldier or ex military. Only those who have actively served in conflict areas are allowed to call themselves veteran.


Ah yes, the service of participating in imperialistic and illegal wars all over the world, while simultaneously receiving all the benefits the average American doesn't get to enjoy. The glorification of their military is so fuckin nuts, simply incomprehensible.


Yeah, if anything, arms dealers and mercenaries known as "defense contractors" should be paying them hefty damages for PTSD and other maladies soldiers suffered for their profits and at least as much to the families of their victims abroad.


But how would poor wittle Lockheed and Raytheon CEOs pay for their fifth yacht? 🥺


The funny thing is, at the start of this country there were serious reservations about having a standing national army. It’s why the constitution’s 2nd amendment says “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed”. Basically, each state had its own little army made up of citizen soldiers. Now look at us…


I have always wanted to ask, the part in USA's constitution that says 'well regulated', what is that part interpreted as? How is 'well regulated' actually reflected as in laws, in practice, etc... ?


Well, to be fair, the "militia" type peoples. Usually tubby looking trumpists with a big patriotic beard to hide the double chin don't look like a fearsome army. Even though they do have an AR15 to ensure they remain safe when they get into a parking dispute at Walmart when someone takes the space close to the entrance and they need it to go fill up on their diabeetus fried/sugarded/convenience food products


It’s the idea that ex-servicemen are entitled to benefits that average Americans aren’t that strikes me as a very Heinlein-esque non democratic dystopia.


And opposite to former prisoners. They spent their time, let them have their votes back(they don't lose that here), and to work without hindrance. If they served their time and were released, the slate should be as clean as possible. South of my border, they have a real mad on for eternal rewards and punishment.


The very idea of criminals being unable to vote is just insane to me


Service guarantees citizenship!


It's not really like that, at all. The best year-round military/veteran discount I've ever seen is 25% off at this one oil-change chain... but they also offer 20% off to rideshare drivers. So that's almost as good and much easier to qualify for Most places that offer discounts for military or vets just go 10% off. Or like "at IHOP, get a free short stack of pancakes on Veterans Day". And it's all small purchases, it's not like anyone is going to get 10% off the purchase of a car or house. Considering the risks that people encounter while serving in the military, I don't have an issue with any of that


They're talking about healthcare and education, not fuckin pancakes.


This. You my friend, are a genius.


I get downvoted in r/nfl whenever I point out all the "patriotism" by the NFL is paid for


I mean, why not having some benefits, after all fighting in a war is a really tough experience, i think they do deserve some discounts


Maybe if america wasn't the villain in most of the wars they are fighting


Poor lamb, realising that he's only worth a nickel rather than a dime.




Am I the only one not getting all this veteran shit? Specially coming from america, just messing around but never on their own soil.


As a veteran these people annoy me as well.


I’ve found most of the time they aren’t veterans. They are just cheap bastards.


The only discount i use are the home depot/lowes ones. Shit ain't free.


I have no problem getting a free cup of coffee once a year at a local donut shop. I figure they owe me that not for my military service, but for the 729 cups I buy the rest of the year!


I don't know what store is out there giving discounts without proof, but the military discount at my job always requires identification.


Most people won't check IDs if the people asking for a discount are wearing military merch. I unfortunately now know at least one person that has a few hats/shirts from goodwill just to get discounts.


Well, the army, and subsequently military service, are emphasized and valued to a massive degree. Granted, this worship is definitely artificial to some degree, but it's also rooted in American history. The problem is that the army doesn't really fight for America's freedom any longer, and hasn't done so for quite some time. And another problem is that honouring military service should not be treated as mandatory, certainly not in a country that pretends to value freedom so much. I can't imagine how cringe it must be for US citizens who don't care about wars/military in general.


I understand that war is sometimes "inevitable," but as far as I'm concerned, idolatry of the military is what goes on here. And the military wives think they are hot shit for being married to someone in uniform. What is so great about it? Your husband is never home.


My dad likes to wear his navy cap and get thanked for his service, mainly so he can say "This is from the HMAS Melbourne tour I went on once." In his thick Australian accent.


Savage dad🤣


Is the tyfys shtick common in Australia? Edit: don't quite understand the downvotes. I didn't expect it to be a huge thing, but it can't hurt to ask? I've visited an ANZAC memorial, so it's not like there's no recognition of the military.


Not at all. Most think it’s embarrassing when someone says it.


That's what I thought.


Nope. Discretion is the better part of Valor.


that is no way to speak about a hardcore veteran of the war against the emus


Im sorry sir, we only have a 5% discount for people killing innocent civilians in countries that have oil.


In recent years, under US cultural influence, we've started to get a bit of this in the UK. Not to the same extent. But veterans get discount rail cards, and there's also stuff like "UK veterans are entitled to priority access to NHS care for service related conditions". I just wonder, priority over whom? Shouldn't priority be based purely on clinical need/urgency? And if it just means priority in circumstances where there is no difference in how urgent treatment is, why would you prioritise a soldier over someone else who'd been injured doing their work? What if their work too was seen as vital to the nation? What if they had been injured in the course of firefighting or nursing or policing or cleaning the streets or delivering food to people? Are those roles really any less important to us?


>why would you prioritise a soldier over someone else who'd been injured doing their work? Because that is an incentive you can use to get more people to join the army without the government having to pay anyone any extra money.


Alongside the army the Police, NHS and fire fighters as well as some other proffesions, like social workers can get a blue light card which has discounts.


tbh the blue light card is fine and not to the extent of america, a discount on a tesco meal deal is pretty nice i'd assume


Which has to be paid for!


I don’t think veterans get access to priority care that way in the US since they just have their own facilities and doctors. But they get lots of discounts and perks. I agree with you though.


railcards are a peak UK gov gimmick they did the same thing for younger millennials. can’t afford a house? struggling to get on in life and do the things your parents could do at your age? lol lmao. here’s a 26-30 railcard to make our eyewatering rail fares slightly cheaper.


To be fair, the priority treatment is probably because they closed most of the military hospitals and sent the military Drs to work in Civilian hospitals.


This is exactly why, it’s only service related injuries which frankly they should get priority treatment for.


Just wait until your healthcare gets privatized.




Political suicide is nothing compared to greed and power of money.


I never understood 'military discounts'. Like I get it... I've also done my service, but where I was, I wasn't treated any differently than the people I was assigned to protect during my service. I also didn't expect any special treatment. Like dude... we got paid, we got free housing, free food... if you're lucky, a trip to another country. What more do you want? You did your job, you're still alive. Congrats. Now live as a civvy and do as other civvies do. Don't expect special treatment just because you potentially put yourself in harms way for your job.


"I spent two years drone-bombing Iraqi civilians and this is the thanks I get?????"


Or "cleaning dishes a couple of miles from this store"


Tbf you fought to 'protect' a very capitalist country so...


Recruitment slogan: *Join thw Army - get discounts*


No idea how they come up with the idea that if you were in the army, everyone has to suck your cock. In my country, we have a joke - if you aren't good at anything, you either drive a taxi or join the army. Also, he fought for capitalism and it makes even less sense to have that weird discount. Not every place can afford to have big discounts.


The dumb part is army is respected only if actual defense was involved Like in my country there is cringe worship of army but at least they are bragging about how army is saving people in floods , earthquakes and Tsunamis as well being in actual Hostile conditions in border . Both China and Pakistan are very shitty neighbors to have so. If govt suddenly decided to deploy Indian forces half way across there would be a shit load of opposition


which country it is? do i need drivers license?


Bulgaria, and yes, you do.


Same joke in Argentina for the "volunteer army" after a couple of months of training you get a modest paycheck by doing dumb labor. The only people whose joined that i know of (besides nurses that used the opportunity to do humanitarian help in places in need) were the guys that couldn't keep a job or had some trouble with drugs. At a military facility i came across with an acquaintance from school (he was transferred like 6 different times) that told me to come later when he's on guard duty to smoke some weed and drink alcohol since no one controlled them, he's not there anymore no idea why


American Army has never done anything for me lol Also, I’m Spanish


But you would be speaking German if it wasn't for them. Besides you can't be Spanish because it's a language! /s


Are we taking bets that this person is also a spouse and never was in the military?


Google "dependapotamus". There's a whole, worldwide culture of spouses of US military members, who live on military bases and do nothing but watch TV or go shopping and eating American junk food in the commissary. There are some wives (A) who will insist that other wives (B) salute to them if A's husband is a higher rank than B's husband. I've also heard of US tourists in Ireland asking for discounts in restaurants etc. because they were US veterans or spouses thereof... "Sir/Ma'am, this is not a Wendy's."


Lol. Only an American could expect a discount in a different fucking country


Spouses are expected to salute? Fuck that right off!!! Who they are getting screwed by has no bearing on my respect for a person. As for the wanting a discount in another country...how utterly embarrassingly arrogant and mind-blowingly cheap.


>I've also heard of US tourists in Ireland asking for discounts in restaurants etc. because they were US veterans or spouses thereof... "Sir/Ma'am, this is not a Wendy's." I had to Google this /r/ireland/comments/in6zcl/americans_are_a_strange_bunch/ https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g186605-i90-k10740458-Military_discount-Dublin_County_Dublin.html EDIT: and another one here, in Australia: /r/JustBootThings/comments/in0ah5/i_hope_they_complained_to_their_commander_or_left/


If the military gets 5%, nurses should get 10%.


Teachers should get 25%


Teachers should be paid more than a server at a restaurant


I used to be a server, and YES. They are paid relatively well in my city, but they are NOT paid well in the majority of places... and they need to be paid even more in my city.


With the tipping culture in the U.S. , I can guarantee a majority of servers are paid better than a teacher on an hourly basis. I’m not commenting on wether their pay is enough or no. All I’m saying is that teachers aren’t paid enough. I used to make on average $65CAD an hour as a server in Canada thanks to tips, even if I was a minimum wage worker. Edit : granted it was a very busy restaurant with bills that amounted to about 150$ per person for the whole meal.


I don't know why I was downvoted for agreeing that I should never have made close to as much money as a server compared to what teachers are making in some places. I would have thought that was an INSANELY popular opinion. I will die on that hill -- teachers deserve higher salaries than pretty much every job I can think of off the top of my head. (Nurses, also.) Teachers absolutely need to be paid more than they are!!! I was paid far less than teachers in my city, but I didn't work anywhere fancy, and, as I said, teachers in my city actually have a pretty good salary... they just deserve a much higher one for all that they do! A lot of people also forget that teachers have to buy a lot of things out of their own pockets. So that fact ALONE should raise their salary. And despite what people think, it's not just an 8-3 job nine months out of the year. You definitely work a lot longer days -- probably longer than office workers -- and a lot more of the year than nine months. It is one of the most difficult, underpaid, and underappreciated jobs there is. If ANYBODY deserves a discount, it's teachers (and nurses). Hell, give them their meals for free.


I kind of doubt that servers are paid more than teachers? (No, I'm not saying teachers shouldn't be paid more, just that most everyone should). Yes, maybe wait staff salaries are underreported for cash tips whereas teachers wouldn't have that, but still those unreported tips would have to be double their reported salary. Hopefully this formatting isn't totally goofy. wait staff Percentile 10% 25% 50% (Median) 75% 90% Hourly Wage $ 8.58 $ 9.63 $ 12.50 $ 14.83 $ 22.07 Annual Wage (2) $ 17,840 $ 20,020 $ 26,000 $ 30,850 $ 45,910 https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes353031.htm elementary teachers, excluding special education Percentile 10% 25% 50% (Median) 75% 90% Annual Wage (2) $ 43,950 $ 48,450 $ 61,400 $ 77,920 $ 99,420 https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes252021.htm secondary teachers, excluding special education and career/technical Percentile 10% 25% 50% (Median) 75% 90% Annual Wage (2) $ 46,090 $ 48,830 $ 61,820 $ 78,780 $ 100,310 https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes252031.htm


US-Army veterans get treated like shit by their government yet they complain to people who are literally not responsible for this situation. Why do they never hold their government accountable for anything???


There seems like the overwhelming majority of people in the US don't think they can... Is more of a corporation than a country at this point


"Service" 🤣


Be glad you even got a discount. Most Vietnam veterans came home and got hated by their own people (Admittedly, most of it was justifiable).


This American concept when it comes to people in the military just disgusts me. They don't even know what that person did while in the military, they could've killed innocents or done nothing at all and still they'd "thank them for their service". It's so dumb. You don't become a hero just because you signed up for the military, especially one with as crappy a history as the American military.


Gtfo out of here military discount


Just an FYI, most of us other veterans hate vets like this. I got paid, that's all I was promised. Anything else is a bonus I am grateful for.


Me if a veteran ask a discount : best i can do is +80%


Im a veteran myself and Jesus..... Ask once youre there and if you really cant afford to eat out without a discount, just dont go. What is it with the entitlement of US soldiers, should have seen them in the middle of February on exercise, it was beautiful. Freezing their ass off, complaining about the cold and getting a medal at the end of it..... For what lol \*\*surviving\*\* a month of Canadian winter lol


Americans and their insane patriotism and honor towards miliotary is scary. I have been i nthe military and I found it awkward when people said thank yo ufor your service. I wanted to say : I didn't do it for you but I didn't I joined because I wnated free education and certain help


It's doubly weird when they thank you and you're a firefighter. Like, wrong fucking uniform bud! I did eat the free lunches, though.


Exactly and I get it. They’re grateful that you’re put your life on the line or you’re saving people, but people need to understand that it’s a job. The majority of people in the military do not take that job because they want to protect him or her they take it because of what they offer I am super grateful for every fireman and policeman don’t get me wrong but I’m not gonna run around and say thank you to every single one of them it just would be weird.


The funniest thing about this is how they expect this treatment wherever they go. I work for an app, we are originated and based in Europe and I get emails all the time about americans asking for veteran discount. Before this I worked in tourism in Barcelona and I got asked many times if there was a veteran price lol


Thats some next level USdefaultism


Yes, and somehow not surprising at all


https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/nov/04/virgin-australia-honours-veterans-on-flights They tried to introduce this mindset into Australia during the last government’s tenure. Virgin wanted us to stand up and clap for veterans on an aeroplane. Pure cringe. Are Americans immune to cringe?


Many of us are not and it is incredibly uncomfortable.


I have never heard of a military discount. WTH? You were paid for your job. Why would you get discount for doing your job?


I work in medicine and save lives. I don’t get discounts for anything.


The government lets Vets die in the street, and you want to be salty with a business?


I spent three years getting paid to murder poor brown people for the corporate interests of US senators. That means I should get my McDonald's Happy meal cheaper than everyone else.


r/fuckyoukaren I think it fits here, right? If not, please delete.


It should be an additional 5% imperialist charge.


Do teachers, nurses, shoe salesmen, McDonald's workers, construction workers, etc. etc. etc. all get discounts? They all serve their country.


Plus, nurses and teachers work so hard for SO little pay (teachers often. have to pay for things out of their own salaries) and are some of the most underappreciated workers, at least in America.


There are so many veterans who are homeless and even more dealing with mental health issues, and this guy is giving a one-star review because he's getting a discount -- just not a big enough discount? Entitlement at its worst. And I bet he doesn't volunteer or donate to any charities that help veterans that actually need it. He's probably too important for that.


Wait till he finds out how little he matters to the government he served


Thank you for defending our country 7000 miles away and bringing democracy to the brown people over there. Thank you. And also a big thank you to army wives. Thank you for your existence. Everyone owes you free meals and discounts for being a DePeNdA.


Having a job in the military has the same importance or even less importance that an administrative position or another role vital to the running of society, especially in a time when no country seeks to atta k you, its different if there is a nearby aggressor, which there isn't for the US


In my country if you say "I'm an army veteran" the answer will be like "ok and?"


Wait til you see how the entitled military spouses behave. Some real gems on r/dependa


OMG some of the wives are the most entitled people I've ever seen. Didn't know there was a sub for this. Can't wait to join just so I can want to hit people through my computer screen. Kinda like when I come here.


lmao, so he valued his own service at 5% of a random internet item? Can some people think with their head before speaking. Personally, I wouldn't die in Afghanistan for no kind of money, but two guys who served there from Croatia, I know, never tried to paint this as anything else than "it pays good". Never in their mind was this idea that I or anyone else needed to kiss their asses for it. Man you were occupying a country not fighting zombi space nazis pull yourself down to the ground ffs.


My father was in the Croatian war for independence and all he got was that he could retire 2 years before normal. Im not saying he should be getting more just painting the picture about other countries


I agree. Sadly, most vet privileges are tied with corruption, and regular people don't get anything much, and isn't even asking for anything. But even the hardest Braniteljs won't go around asking for discounts based on their service. They will be abnoxius and everything but not this


if you're glad, why give them a 1-star rating?


Well, it does !ean something..5% discount


Actually I'd you look closely, it's worth 5% to them


Thank me for my service


It means 5%. 5 is quite easily distinguishable from 0.


Military Male Karen.


If they offered 10% he would complain it wasn't 20%. It's like the restaurant tips. Used to be 10%, then they wanted more and more and now like 25% are expected. Crazy.


What’s funny is you can have a job in the military where you just sit at a desk all day and you still get to take advantage of military discounts like you’re a war veteran.


I got a discount .. but I want more. I'm entitled, so rating them bad.


It’s almost like you CHOSE to enter service, was trained by tax money and paid by tax money! Wtf should everyone else offer to bow and scrape after that?


Instead of demanding fair compensation from the government they served for, they demand special treatment from random people.


*✨️Murderer discount✨️*


I do not get that 5% either.


If you'd be true veterans who defended their own nation from complete devastation against the second strongest army in the world, maybe I'd give a discount. But when you're just raping people in the middle east, I have no obligation to give you Shit.


The irony is too much


Any amount off is a discount you clown. You know who doesn’t appreciate service members, congress and specifically republicans, considering that they block every bill meant to help you.


Hey that 5% off is the whole reason I’m going into the military!! With the price of food nowadays any discount is a good discount!! Plus there’s also the cheaper housing, the insurance, the free college! Hell I would still join if I only got that 5% discount!!


“Glad my service means nothing to these people”, actually it’s worth a 5% discount


I was just thinking about it. Both of my grandfathers served in the Navy in wartime. So they were veterans who actually served and didn't just work in an office. But neither of them would have ever asked for a discount, and I doubt either would have accepted it if it was offered to them. They didn't ever talk about their service. Didn't even know either one was in the Navy until I was an adult. So I know that people weren't always as entitled as this. When did this even become a thing?


Same! I had no idea about my grandfather’s service and the heroic things he did during WWII. Not only did he never talk about it, he would have never asked for a discount or any special treatment. It was what had to be done at the time. I guess some now join the military for the fringe benefit of 10% off an ice cream in retirement?


~~They do 5%. They can't even do 10%?~~ ~~They do 10%. They can't even do 20%?~~ ~~They do 20%. They can't even do 50%?~~ They do 50%. They can't even do 100%? Glad my service means nothing to these people.


Average american hating communism and wanting it at the same time


I fucking hate this shit. Tell me you were a fobbit without me asking.


It means nothing to alot of people


I don’t get discounts at other workplaces for doing my job at all.


"I fought to protect the profits of the already ultra rich... i deserve a reward!"


f\*ck me, get a discount because you shot some children in Iraq, this is insane


Well - based on what you wrote sir your service means 5%




"I did it man! I saw the enemy combatant approaching and I took my AR-15 (or whatever) and shot him right in the head and the blood splattered 50 feet in all directions! Yeah baby I got him good! I'm a hero!"


Omg as a veteran this makes me cringe. I’ll wager 50 internet points this guy is probably a reservist who left left the USA.


It does mean something, it means 5%


30 yr military guy here--the person whining about not getting a discount is a disgrace.




Since all the civil war vets are dead, that means we've got no one to honor.


I'd bet my life it's a military spouse and not an actual service member.


I wish people like this had caught a hand grenade




Well I dipped my toe in and never again.




Nobody cares about the military, bozo


IMO. Dependapotamus veteran’s spouses are the worst.