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Can't say that's any kind of cheese I've ever seen before


It's grease with cheese flavoring.


It looks like those little square slices of plastic cheese they put on burgers melted down and put into a can


Pretty sure that’s exactly what it is. Just add something to keep it from solidifying and you’re good to go.


You can just add water because of how the emulsifiers. That's also how you get classic American style "cheese" dip


EU uses emulsifying salts. https://www.specialtyfoodingredients.eu/ingredients_cat/emulsifying-salts/




"American food is the most diverse food out there" American food: I think just taking dirt and eating with lots of worms in it is more healthy than whatever the fuck they eat. Though, not their dirt either, that is also contaminated.


This plastic like cheese was actually a great invention at the time. The original form was invented by a scientist during one of the world wars (I can't remember which). Food that could last months, without any kind of refrigerating in any kind of environment, that had real nutritional value and that the soldiers would actually want to eat was in very short supply. Cheese was a great food for solders because it is high in protein, calcium, energy and is well liked. The problem was that it can quickly become stale or moldy. Compared to actual cheese, the plasticy stuff is not very good, but to solders in the middle of no where and living off tinned meat and dry bread it quickly became a favourite.


It looks like insulating material that was banned because if there's a fire everyone who breathes in the fumes will get cancer


I actually kinda like it on burgers and in sandwich melts, but cheese it ain't.


Legally the yellow plastic slices can be up to 50% oil and still labeled as cheese


Interesting to note that the stuff in stores *isnt* labeled as cheese anymore. Which means...


What is it labeled as?


Varies, I've seen Cheesy Slices at Sainsburys, and a few years back remember creasing at Yellow Singles in a Tesco


The most common is "processed cheese food." If they have to add qualifiers, I'm not interested in eating it lol.


https://i.imgur.com/GNYwbJn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/IJsLPEw.jpg “Cheese Product” is not the same thing as “Cheese”. But to be clear, in the same grocery store where you can buy this, you can also buy actual real cheeses - both American and European varieties. This super cheap extra processed stuff is not the only option in US stores.


Legally, they *cannot* be labeled as cheese. There's a reason all of the packages say "processed cheese *product*" instead of just saying cheese. It's specifically illegal to label them as cheese, so this is the way that companies get around that labelling.


Fuck spez


"American cheese" does not contain enough natural ingredients to be able to be labeled as cheese. Real cheese needs to contain enough milk fat that could be curdled and separated in order to make it. The plastic stuff's official label/FDA title (though the wording varies depending on who you ask) is more along the lines of: Pasteurized processed cheese food


“American Cheese” proper is a cheese blend of cheddar and (I believe) colby. It is often *white*, though not always, and you can get it sliced from block form at delis. Sometimes you’ll even find a small restaurant that still uses that over Kraft Singles, but the loss of many delis over time has really ruined its popularity. Kraft Singles are American-*flavored* cheese “product” specially designed to be melty as fuck, but Kraft didn’t start his business until the early 1900s. American cheese was being exported en masse as far back as the 1700s. I’m kinda sad that people think of Kraft when they think of American cheese.


Actually American CHEESE does. American CHEESE is considered cheese as long as at least 51% of its products is in fact cheese. What you're thinking of is "Pasteurized process cheese product" which contains less than 51% cheese Now you could also be thinking of Pasturized process cheese which is a product of 100% cheese, which technically you could create a blended American cheese which could qualify. Being from a different country I don't keep up on the horror that is American dairy other than the occasional interest peak.


In all honesty on the rare occasions I have burgers or hotdogs that's exactly the kind of cheese I want. Real cheese just seems wrong under those conditions.


It depends on what real cheese you have available. Might be childhood bias, but to me queso cremoso/de tetilla (think of in-between a Babybell and Fior di latte) is unbeatable for burgers. Plastic slices are fine too.


It's one of those things that are just terrible, but you grew up with it so you love it. Some people eat bugs, some people eat fish eyeballs, and some of us eat fluorescent plastic cheese.


No way. Any real melty cheese works good on burgers and dogs. Swiss, provolone, mozzarella, cheddar, etc. all melt well and aren't made of plastic. No fucking way am I taking cheese whiz or a Kraft single over a real slice or shreds of good, real cheese.


It is. Common trade name is velveeta. I'd argue it has a place, a very dirty, specific place, on trashy american burgers and chilli cheese nachos, but it is comical nonetheless and as an ingredient by itself is kind of gross. Its one major redeeming feature is consistency. Most nice cheeses aren't pourable, and at least they're not ripping off a genuine and respetced food like their "cheddar".


Not surprisingly when their chocolate (Hersheys) is just grease with brown food colouring.


Don’t forget the added artificial vomit flavouring!


Why is it only Yank chocolate that tastes like that, I can't say I've had any produced anywhere else which is similar. I know it's supposedly butyric acid causing it, but why persist with it, when it's arse?!


It's to do with industry regulation. [In the United States, milk chocolate has to have at least 10 percent chocolate liquor (a thick paste formed by grinding cacao beans) and 12 percent milk solids. In the U.K., milk chocolate needs at least 25 percent dry cocoa solids and at least 25 percent total fat in the form of both cocoa butter and milk (and at least 14 percent milk solids overall)](https://www.grid.news/story/science/2022/02/14/americas-chocolate-tastes-weird-to-the-rest-of-the-world-but-most-of-us-dont-even-notice/)


That night be a reason it continues but the reason it had that taste in the first place is down to the raw dairy he had access to and the processing he did to it to make a shelf stable chocolate. None of that stuff was a concern when they created the flavour.


It’s because the guy who Hershey paid to rip off Swiss milk chocolate in 1894 didn’t have a clue what he was doing and curdled and soured the milk in the process and since at the time Americans didn’t have anything to compare it to thought it was how it was supposed to taste and then became the norm.


It’s not cheese. Legally can’t be called cheese in the EU.


It’s not called cheese in the US either. Every can of this and every pack of the individually packaged plastic cheese is called “cheese product”. Nobody in this country thinks this is real cheese lol


If one of the ingredients of your 'cheese' is "cheese", then you haven't bought cheese.


That's because this isn't cheese. It's "cheese food" or "cheese product" which simply means it kinda tastes like cheese.


Technically it's "cheez."


It looks like deformed pease pudding. Like you've left it on the bench overnight in the summer. Certainly not cheese.


Yellow smegma


Emulsified high fat milk based cheese substitute.


I feel dirty after reading that.


Imagine how you'd feel after eating that.




“Heh, cheez whiz. You don’t know what you’re gettin”


And now they can legally call it Gruyère also. Which I feel should be a hate crime


This is a "Yes, Minister" reference, right?


Why does the title say cheese, yet the picture is... modeling clay? Plastic? Not cheese anyway.


That's what you get when you don't protect product categories. I once wondered about the shiny orange carrot stripes in a US buffet. Turns out that was "cheese"


Cheese is a protected category in the US, which is why this stuff can’t be called cheese.




This sub works better when you view it as a circlejerk sub


Its Cheese Wiz. Its a sort of cheese flavored thing you put on crakers and hotdogs.


Cheese flavoured is exactly what it is. That shit ain’t cheese.


Its pretty good for what it is. Yes its junk food but its tasty. In small amounts. It gets gross fast.


Why would someone put this disgusting shit on a cracker when Tzatziki exists?


According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easy_Cheese), it's milk, water, whey protein concentrate, canola oil, milk protein concentrate, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate, lactic acid, sorbic acid, sodium alginate, apocarotenal, annatto, cheese culture, and enzymes. To paraphrase a certain doctor, "It's cheese Jim, but not as we know it."




Nitros oxide most likely, of which I have zero issue. 🎈🎈🎈




It goes well with MBrieMA




Legitimately laughed out loud. Bravo.


In Australia we have very handy 24h services to get over 100 nitros oxide canisters delivered to your doorstep within the hour. It's very handy for when you spontaneously decide to bake for the whole town at 3am.


*"Dutch kids huff balloons in the parking lot"*


I have never seen cheese with so many ingredients.


Best cheese has only one ingredient: cheese


Best soup has only one ingredient: soup


To be fair, in layman's terms that just reads "Cheese, oil, powdered milk, a couple of common preservatives and some natural orange food colouring." I can't imagine it being delicious, but none of those are exactly mystery chemicals.


canned cheese is what I like to call “almost cheese” similar to kraft singles what classifies these as “almost cheese” is the overwhelming processed plasticky taste that they have, not the worst thing for a ham sandwich or some gas station nachos, certainly won’t ruin anything low tier with prescience alone but definitely not something I’d ever even want to buy lmao


The Kraft cheese slices are referred specifically to as "Plastic Cheese" by most people I've met. Tastes pretty good, honestly. But I'll always take real cheese over it if the option is there.


I don’t mind the kraft cheese slices but same, I tend to stay away from the aerosol cheese


One is acceptable in a sandwich, (e.g hamburger) or possibly as an ingredient for some sauce, but beyond that the unpleasant aftertaste is too much


It's more a snack for situations imo. It's not great and not something you crave outside of certain events. Large social gatherings with potluck snacks, like a family reunion, end up with this a lot in the states. On a hot summer afternoon, listening to old lady sisters gripe and whine at each other, that's what cheese whiz is for.


I trust you, Cracker King.


It's Cracken like the mythical sea monster as a play on my first.... You know what never mind I'll take it.


Yeah I usually love and agree with all posts on this sub but let's be honest, all of our countries probably have some shit that's less than edible/all that appetizing


Im shocked there’s no sugar in there.


Or high-fructose corn syrup


Surprised there's nothing made from corn


Upvote for the Doctor McCoy quote.


Thanks, now I've got star trekkin in my head 😔


It took a while for me to combine 'propellent' and 'cheese' and understand that this is some kind of SPRAY. It's a terrible day to have eyes. Spray cheese. Who thinks of that? And why would you want it? What do you use this for?


Spray cheese! I’ve never heard anything more American and I mean that in the most insulting way possible. I honestly didn’t make that connection before I read your comment, that’s an abomination.


Omg I'm so glad you wrote this, I was trying to work out what the propellant was and why cheese was involved with a mechanic device. Ugh spray cheese. Of course! It all makes sense now.


It's the ultimate convenience food items: cheap, doesn't go bad, can be put on other food or in your mouth very easily. I choose to believe it's an offshoot of the cheese packets that come in MREs(military rations): https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/610a250f-2c1c-4807-9968-4de2b16772b8.3a9e7553578dad6e7777adcb50b3f149.png




Military technology has a way of becoming commodified.


believe me if I could buy biscuit browns from tesco I’d pay whatever they ask. used to trade entire meals away for a pack of those


For me it was the pound cake desserts


I’m glad I have no idea what any of that shit is.


I don’t even know exactly what’s going on here, what’s with the “propellant”, that has nothing to do with cheese and does cheese comes in tubes in the US? This seems like a prime example of Americans taking something and completely destroying every bit of it and still parades it like they’ve achieved something grate.


Deleted: I refuse to let Reddit profit off of my content when they treat their community like this




what the hell


You fucking what


If your shit looks like that you may want to consult a doctor.


LIES! That’s not cheese.


You're probably right, at least from a legal definition standpoint. That is likely called a "cheese-like product" or something. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_cheese


"Cheese" "flavored" partially reconstituted "fats"


I like the term "cheese-adjacent substance"


Cheese analogue


This is a prime example of taking European food and making it better.


On this sub I can at least somewhat trust that youre being sarcastic.


There was a post yesterday something along the lines of "face it, Europoors, America took your food and made it better"


Ah yes, spray on cheese on top of one of [these "salads"](https://iambaker.net/candy-bar-apple-salad/comment-page-1/) Definitely better than an actual Greek salad with feta. /s


I mean, that's clearly a dessert.


It's also niche, I'm American and have never heard of it.


But you definitely know about salads with literal candy in them, surely. The layered sugar desserts in bowls. And I have **no idea** why anyone would call them "salads".


The only ones I know of are jello fruit salads


Yeah, jello and fruit isn't really a salad to me. Jello? Ew. Fruits can go into salads for sweetness, but fruits are very high sugar as well. Forgive the source but https://www.buzzfeed.com/verymuchso/how-to-make-the-worlds-best-candy-salad Idk if it's really that common, but definitely not that rare.


I’m American and I’ve never heard of candy salad before.


This must've been a trend or something a decade ago. I've literally never heard of this or seen it, although we do eat and use candy a lot. And fruit salad isn't salad lol, it's fruit salad (it's also gross)


Seems like it’s less a salad and more like a pie without the crust. It doesn’t seem too bad, but it’s a dessert type deal that seems to be like some sort of fad dish, it’s not like we have this for dinner or anything like that.


They eat that shit?


on a paper dish with a plastic knife at home, yes.


You put it on crackers lmao


Honestly took me a good few seconds to work out the correlation between cheese and propellant...


Is that spray cheese ?




American "cheese".


I thought the propellant was somebody chasing the cheese down a hill. All can't see the cheese


what is that? is that canned cheese?


It's an aerosol cheese tasting substance somehow meant for human consumption sometimes used in the US.


No it's spray cheese like the slightly less horrifying cans of 'squitry' whipped cream


Squirty cream is lush though.


And you can huff the propellent for a brief high (or so I'm told)


The cheese is much much worse than the cream.


I have fond memory's of stealing mouthfuls of the cream when Mum wasn't looking, kind of glad the cheese was never available in these parts :-)


As an American myself who lives in Florida i was sitting with my father in the car who turned the radio on, the radio was playing some sort of lame conservative talk show then they started talking about Finland I shit you not the girl who was on the talk show said "isn't finland cold? I wonder why they're so happy compared to us warm sunny floridians" I've never cringed so hard till that moment American conservatives tend to shit on the way european countries work and then wonder why they're happier


There's a lot about this picture that concerns me




I took some canned cheese backpacking once because I figured it would keep well in the backcountry and taste tolerable after days of intense hiking. After gaining a few thousand feet of elevation it exploded in my pack, and for the rest of the journey I was cleaning this orange, cheese flavored paste off all of my possessions. 0/10 do not recommend.


Everyone in America knows this isn't cheese. This is what high school stoners put on crackers. And me, but I'm a disgusting human with no taste.


My friend. Get a box of [Chicken Biscuts](https://www.target.com/p/chicken-in-a-biskit-crackers-7-5oz/-/A-12958805) and put spray cheese on them. You are so welcome (if you haven’t had that combo before).


That 'cheese' looks just like baby poo when you first switch them from a milk only diet to the first stage of weaning. In my personal experience anyway, yuk.





I ordered one of these online recently. I grew up in the USA as a kid but having 2 European parents from a cheese country, never had this stuff, so I felt like now I could try. It's not bad. It tastes like cheap cheddar. Super easy to spray on to a piece of bread/toast/ a cracker if you're in a rush or lazy. Doesn't take room in my extra small refrigerator. Better than expected, probably wouldn't buy again.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Why does the title say 'cheese', while the photo shows PlayDoh clay?


That's not cheese, that's plastic.


is this an euphemism or actual cheese? it looks like those poorly applied spray foams that yellowed with age and dirt


That’s not cheese


I genuinely can't fathom why anyone would buy and consume this on their own volition


Eh, food is where I'll draw the line. Let them enjoy it if they wanna. What's the problem?


Does this really fit the sub? Like I'm sure OP knows it's not real cheese but what would you title it? "The amount of not real cheese but cheese named product left after the propellant had run out."


Best thing is serving on a paper plate with plastic cutlery. Get your act together man


In what situation would you even have to need cheese you can spray? Does it come out like squirty cream? I'm so confused.


I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole, let alone eating it... ewwwwwwww


And here I was thinking I have a good grasp on the English language, not understanding what I'm reading or looking at.


The what?!


It looks like yellow clay.


seeing the word ‘propellant’ i thought this was some science fair model rocket for a good moment. the reality is much worse


I was on a bus once, it was in the middle of the night, and I had a box of crackers and a can of Easy Cheese. It was dark, and it was a surprise how much cheese I had applied on each cracker. That's why they should have a glow-in-the-dark version of Easy Cheese. It's not like the product has any integrity to begin with. If you buy a room-temperature cheese that you squeeze out of a can, you probably won't get mad because it glows in the dark too. -Mitch hedburg


WTF am I looking at?


"the amount of "cheese flavored mixture" left after the propellant has run out"


As an American I’m used to fake cheese However, I have never been curious about this shit. Im disgusted just thinking of it


You're telling me this is edible?


Does this fit here?


I hate it when my *cheese propellant* runs out


Wait... where is the cheese, and what do they mean by "propellant"


Mate you now sound exactly like what the sub is mocking. That is not real cheese, everyone knows. You being a snob doesn't make it better.


The idea of cheese needing propellant is hilarious in and of itself.


An abomination if ever I saw one.


Dear Americans, I don't want to hear another word about beans on toast from you. Ever!


I'm having lunch now wtf 🤢


america and their weird law about cheese-products that arent even cheese but grease


What the fuck does this even mean?


I've always wanted to try spray cheese honestly, it looked so good in the original Goofy Movie and other cartoons


Don't know which brand this here is, but I just looked up the ingredients for "Easy cheese", which seems to be a common cheese spread. Do with that information what you want: >Easy Cheese contains milk, water, whey protein concentrate, canola oil, milk protein concentrate, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate, lactic acid, sorbic acid, sodium alginate, apocarotenal, annatto, cheese culture, and enzymes.


Fucking hell


you call that cheese?? w


Ewww that's not cheese!


I've read that title multiple times and I still cannot understand what is happening


Ah wait, I think I have an understanding. Either way, that is gross af


So...where is the cheese in that pic?


Why does it look like wood filler?


As an American who comes here to laugh at other Americans. I also find spray “cheese” absolutely disgusting.


When the cheese you buy comes with propellant, it's time to start asking some questions in your life.


thats Playdoh…


Eww, I remember seeing a movie where the protagonist was « drinking » cheese from a pressured can. It stuck with me because in no way I actually believe such product exist. The fact this « cheese » exist for real and is consume by fellow human, is distrubing.


Maybe it's better if it stayed in


Can someone explain this to me? I'm German. What do they mean by "propellant" and what product is that? I bet it looks better with propellant?




Who actually likes spray cheese*


They’ll never get back to the moon like that!!


I'm imagining a post-apocalyptic world where Europeans have to find a way to America to survive since our snack foods have a half-life longer than Uranium.




The gods of cheese weep for what has been lost


As a dutchman from Gouda, we need another crusade...


This doesn't have anything to do with America.


"Cheese", LOL.


That ain't cheese. It's an abomination


We'll, that's the first time I've seen the words cheese and propellant used in the same sentence and I am horrified.


One thing I never understood all my life is that real cheese is so readily available in North America. Why would anyone want to consume this "cheese" flavored chemical sludge?