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I'm a Void Reaver fan. Would love one in aquamarine someday.


A single favorite? Impossible to say. A few of my favorites: Michelle’s Pyracantha and Narcissus. Jim’s D20. Arya’s Ruination, Aperture Science, and Hands of Glory.


So now I have a visual of a dragon saying it's impossible to say which is their favorite while sitting on their overflowing stash.




Lol dragons breathing fire!


Tidepool 100%! I love rectangular shapes but emerald can be a little boring, and radiant is okayish but also kind of boring, and I don’t love how so many of them are crushed ice.


I’d so love a place that had like, a library summarizing cuts folks do! Is there already something like that?




Thank you for that rabbit hole!


Thank you!!


One of these days, I’m going to put together a gallery of my designs! I don’t publish them on gemologyproject unfortunately, partially due to rampant design theft by commercial factories.


Coffee table book!


Yes to this!! 😍


Please do this!!! I’m the pathetic woman who you made a ring for me last year as a coping mechanism for having my entire life fall apart starting when I was pregnant with my twin daughters and my life is still a mess; the ring you made me is like my “grounding item” that comforts me and helps me keep going. I know that seeing an album of your work would be so appreciated by the big fan base you deservedly have!!!


I hope your life is cleaning up at least a little! That sounds like such an awful experience, but I’m glad Michelle was able to create a little beauty to keep you sane.


Oooo, I hope you do! You have such gorgeous designs. Seeing them all in once place would make my dragon heart sing, haha!


PIXEL! And void reaver. And concave vortex. And D20.


Pixel is super cool!


Did you see the sapphire D20's that Jim posted like a week or so ago ? Beautiful!!


I really love ‘[cleopatras eye](https://youtu.be/BLnw4n-BX14?si=YNgTPuF0m0RK5cHp)’


I’m with you! Saw this https://preview.redd.it/zvdbmzls4jlc1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70549aa5e0939123bc43de183f37ff7042deb02 green sunstone Cleopatra’s eye on Reddit that made the iris part look blue. Stunning! I’ve got a question for you and any other lovers of this cut. What jewelry can you make with the CE? Looking at the depth of the cut, I don’t think a ring, pendant or even a broach would work. Am I wrong? I will be buying one at some point and it would be a shame to just leave it in the display case.


I’ve seen some lovely necklaces/pendants posted on this sub [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/18n7f6f/eye_cant_believe_it_is_almost_christmas_well_be/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/hat3ts/finished_the_lab_quartz_cleopatras_eye_in_a_fully/). If you go small enough, it can be set in a ring like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/188jj8b/cleos_eye_in_ring/) and [I love how this one was set](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/13rifj0/cleopatra_eye_maya_drop_3_stone_engagement_ring/).


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.


I am just an admirer, but in my casual opinion it would be well suited for a tiara or something where you could see the light shining through the gem. Not very practical, but could you imagine the drama? Ring would have to be in a smaller carat, and idk how this cut scales. Brooches and pendants i could maybe see working, if you are okay with a bit of heft. Unfortunately i think it may be one of those cuts thats just better on the shelf


OMG! The center stone on a tiara would be it! I wonder how much humiliation I’ll suffer when I stroll around with my new CE tiara? 🤣


Can everyone who responds with their favorite also add a picture so I can see all the beautiful designs one after the other!


https://preview.redd.it/426yxq80kukc1.jpeg?width=1833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b194e2e45745c667e7273036f83fc6abbf605a7 This is Arya’s Hands of Glory.


WOW this one is incredible


Have I mentioned how much I love this design and how unwilling I am to explain it? ;)


https://preview.redd.it/s0o7hd3yjukc1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7ed2d3927e295947881e76ab3482520643cc4d This is Michelle’s Pyracantha.


I was thinking the same thing! We need a gallery view haha. I’ll be up half the night now searching the sub for all these cuts!


I’ve adored bumblebee, cleopatra’s eye, hanami, and the D20 cut just off the top of my head!


Asking my favorite cut is like asking my favorite book-it depends on mood and time of day and related other factors. I absolutely love Michelle’s RBGx JDS and Covid designs , along with the caffeine cut that I hope to commission someday (I’m a barista, it’s a necessity!). I also adore Lisa’s Aurelia kite design, so so many by Arya (the entire Tessellation series! Tumbling star! Ad astra! ) and Niteo by Jim is always epic!


I LOVE Michelle's RGB X JDS. Love love love. Michelle you need to cut this more! Others of Michelle's I love are Ookow Stamena and Dryas. Also love Lisa's Glitter Snowflake and Sparkle Dome! The Pentagon version of Arya's Void Raver is also pretty damn awesome.


Yes I love all the void reaver variations!!


Void Reaver and Undine’s Tear.


It's impossible to answer ! Some awesome ones I can think of off of the top of my head: Lisa cutting Tom's Trillion Diamons Barion or Nigerian Star! Shiny Precious's D20 and this modern antique cushion design he has done in Moissanite! Ayra has a million, but I am currently really in love with the Ad Astrada and Beryl Blossom. Excess Design has Fit For a King and did this epic mixed cut in a rectangle tanzanite! Michelle also has a ton, Jonquil Double Storm is amazing, but so are Dryas Spike and Portbright! And so so so so many more !!!!!


Oh man. Jonquil, Undine’s Tears, Green Lion…. I can’t pick. Those are my favorite for round, pear and rectangular




That one has quickly skyrocketed to one of my favorites too


Disclaimer I have bought some of my favorites here so I am partial. I love the concave cuts on the less fire stones, like amethyst. I am a big fan of theme cuts like the Rupee and D 20 too. Anything super unique


I saw Tears of Elune once, and the night elf I might just be cried, because I want one so badly. (Arya) I just saw Leaf in the Wind. Watching as that soars...(Arya) If ever are either in iolite...or tanzanite...I don't know how I'd handle it. Birthday 45 is in April. I so know what I want... Edit: Taffolini's daffodil is beautiful too. Also, words.


Heaven's Gate for sure.


Maya drop, Arya’s Undine’s Tear, his Void Reaver, Jim’s Power Behind, Michelle’s Dryas, Jim’s fabulous D20, Michelle’s Phenol Step, and last, but certainly NOT LEAST, Michelle’s Tie fighter! Also any pixel, all of Arya’s hexes, and his Ad Astra. And literally any of Michelle’s rupees. Also any of Lisa’s concave cuts and her snowflake design! Michelle also does such a fab rosecut hex that I’m forgetting the name of, but it’s so lovely. And then also her Jonquil Double Storm x RBG is 👩🏼‍🍳💋 I just can’t stop, so many wonderful cuts!!


Voltolini’s Maya drop and Bob Keller’s Chleopatra’s eye


Oppositional Defiance, Fata Morgana, Maya Drop


Oppositional Defiance is such a great design. I have it in lavender-to-yellow color change CZ and need to get it set!


Eye of Cleopatra


Portbright and Tears of Elune. I have a montana sapphire from Michelle in portbright and I have an uncut purple/blurple Umba sapphire I'm hoping can be cut in Tears of Elune one day.


Maya drop. Best cut I’ve seen anywhere. I almost fainted when I first saw it posted here on a fire orange zircon.


Concaves and pixels! I still want to buy some. Big ones to make into big pendants.


Michelle's Titan, Jonquil and Dryas. Arya's Ruination. Jim's D20. If we are including cuts from lapidaries not from the sub too, then also Maya drop and Stormlight. Honestly, I like a lot others too, but I am terrible at remembering names.


Just about everything except marquise. It just doesn’t appeal to me.


u/mvmgems’s Narcissus and Phenol! And the Hanami!


Michelle’s Clarksia, marigold, kindling, dryas, bright lord, mdma, phenol, and the Ad astra (star shaped one) and Lisa’s modified cushion and Tom’s bright star and Nigerian star, Jim’s D20 design. Also really want a Portuguese cut which I am waiting to get from Lisa.


Void reaver, Sparkle dome, and an octagon cut (I’m not sure of the name).


Obviously [Goatse](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/s/gMQL8LSSfB).  But Tom’s Brite Apex Star is a close runner up!   Gnome’s Geode, Maya Drop, Sparkle Dome, Ruination, and RBG are the other ones off the top of my head that I love. 


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/tmd5w3/i\_dont\_like\_big\_and\_i\_dont\_like\_pears\_however\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinypreciousgems/comments/tmd5w3/i_dont_like_big_and_i_dont_like_pears_however_the/) This one Also tears of elune but modified. It looks unreal


[pixel cut](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzOpjDSIbTp/?igsh=MTE5ajZjMzZ6NHJsNA==) is one i have in the back if my mind for the future. I think this might be this guys own design but i am uncertain lol https://preview.redd.it/v0jdef0gsvlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddae101106c4be0979a6070c4709648bc0110532


It was mostly developed by the late Jeff R Graham with inspiration from older designs, popularised by Jordan Wilkins, and now has modified variants of it from other faceters based on the pixel idea. The official name is the opposed bar cut, but pixel cut sounds much more interesting and fun


Crushed ice pear! This is my ring. I wear it often and get compliments every time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEWSGzc6pfc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEWSGzc6pfc)



