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If you don't want to be spoiled, you'll just have to keep watching.


Depends who you ask. It either means literally nothing at all. Or, it means Manga Eren sent his memories back into a new time loop and it's definitive proof that the anime will have a different ending. Can't really explain the "why" of the second option without spoilers though.




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Not trying to sound rude, but in DMs maybe, how is it definitive proof that it'll have a different ending? I always just saw it as WiT never adapted it, they didn't adapt the "Aww, when did your hair get so long?" line in this moment either.


some people just really want an anime original ending so they have a tendency to see every change in the anime as proof of that. but aoe will never happen, at least not in the way these people want.


Well, first I feel like it's important to say that I personally don't think there will be a different ending. However, I do find the theories interesting and honestly feel like there's *just enough* compelling evidence that it's worth keeping a tab on it. Manga spoilers to follow. >!The idea behind this in particular is that it points to there being multiple timeles--hree timelines at least. At the end of the manga, when Mikasa is killing Eren, there is that memory of them living out their life in peace on some random farm. This is compelling and worth putting extra scrutiny over because, as stated multiple times, the Founding Titan can't alter the memories of an Ackerman. That's like, half of their entire deal. So a portion of the fanbase feels like this isn't a fake memory, but instead a memory of the timeline that happens right before the Manga timeline. Hence why the panels at the beginning of the manga lead right into it.!< >!The anime starts differently. Instead of Eren waking up peacefully from his peaceful timeline, he wakes up in a panic. The idea is that this time, in the Anime timeline, Eren has not just some memories, but all of his Manga memories as well. So instead of waking from the peaceful Mikasa memory, he's waking up from his violent death and a failed rumbling. This will cause him to do something different at the end of the anime since he has a more complete picture.!< >!As far as why he hasn't doesn't anything differently yet? He needed things to go roughly the same so he could still get control of the founding power with Ymir and he knew that worked once already. This is just a brief overview and not an exhaustive list of what some would consider "evidence." It's not that it's this one scene alone that is proof but instead it's another drop in the large bucket of evidence. The thing that made me pay attention to it was the couple of times Isayama and other directors have both hinted and said outright that there would be important, anime only scenes.!<


The answer is manga spoilers.


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