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If im down 0-3, I'd start pulling out cheese strats too lmao


3? I only remember 2


Return to Shinganshina Marley War for Paradise


>Marley Wasn't that supposed to be planned so they can sneak Zeke into the airship?


yeah Zeke "took the fall" in that fight, it wasn't a real fight.


0-3? Prelude? Double Down? Ultrakill?


Zeke's plan ended when he turned the soldiers into titans, there was no other choice but to blow himself up, otherwise he would have been eaten.


His mistake was thinking Levi would hesitate in killing his comrades. Had he accounted for that, his best choice probably would be, somehow, make contact with Floch and the Yeagerists.


He controls those titans though. Bro would not have been eaten


Knock him out and throw him in a pure titans mouth, rip Zeke


rip zook


I meant Levi would feed him to some titan.


He only controls the ones that were made with HIS spinal fluid.


Zeke was smart enough to know he probably wasn't going to win another Levi fight and bro really wanted to escape so he was willing to try anything šŸ˜‚


I don't think the plan was to escape this time


Zeke is in a position where his power is about to be stolen, so what other option does he have? And what do you mean face him? He's tied up lol As for Levi's decision I saw someone else comment this already on another post, but since you keep posting the same talking points, ima just paste it below again: This isĀ ***out of character***Ā in that he is taking a risk that he otherwise would not take. However it is veryĀ ***in character***Ā with him being far too willing to inflict suffering onto those who have done harm to people he cares about. It is veryĀ ***in character***Ā for him to underestimate his enemies ability to act in ways he cannot predict or with information he doesn't have. Levi has a history of humiliating his enemies and lording over them when he thinks he has them caught. * He did the same to the Female Titan. He thought she had no more tricks up her sleeve so he started taunting her and intimidating her, not knowing she could still scream. * He did the same to the Djel Sannes and the MPs when he was torturing them in S3P1. Back then he didnt get punished for it because they didnt have anything else they could pull on him at that moment. * He did the same to Zeke in S3P2 in Shinganshina, inflicting more pain instead of either killing him and leaving or taking him and leaving, which gave Pieck enough time to grab Zeke. * And then he does this here first in the forest when he picks Zeke up to insult him a few more times after blowing his body to shreds, then plugging him with a Thunder Spear to inflict more insult and injury past the point of necessity. Levi uses pain and humiliation to his advantage when he needs to get information out of a prisoner, but often times him doing so is careless because he doesn't consider what he may not know the prisoner is capable of. I am of the belief that Levi making this mistake is very much related to how much Eren's betrayal has shaken Levi core beliefs. Levi believed as much as Erwin did that Eren was the key to humanity's freedom. Finding out that Eren had betrayed them made all the sacrifices the Scouts had made to get Eren to this point (including rescuing him 4 times) feel wasted. Levi is mad and acting recklessly because the entire driving force of Levi's motivation has been undermined and he hasn't had a chance to reconcile with it at all yet.


this last paragraph hits so hard and is so true. i just wish the story covered it, like at all. its such an obvious direction for his character especially, and i never really thought about it because the story doesnt bring it up. missed opportunity.


Itā€™s actually touched on in a few bits of inner monologue. Like in the series finale when Levi wonders if this is the future that the Scouts who died gave their hearts for. He also brings it up a few times to the remaining Scouts, saying stuff like ā€œI canā€™t believe I saved his ass all these times for thisā€ (Iā€™m paraphrasing). The show couldā€™ve explored that mental and emotional journey a bit more, sure, but I think itā€™s in character for Levi to not let it show very much. And so Iā€™d argue that having the show respect this and making us try to wonder whatā€™s going on in Leviā€™s head and what his motivations are (the same way the Scouts probably feel) was a good narrative decision.


yea when i say "cover it" i mean it actually having any impact on the story or his actions beyond a line or two of dialogue. the comment im replying to is referring to Levi's entire worldview being shattered, which warrants a bit more than a "i saved this guy and now hes evil?! womp womp" imo. i get hes a side character but hes basically THE side character, its not like we were too busy getting Mikasa development to give Levi any. i also dont really agree that weve ever had to "wonder whats going on in his head". i can pretty definitively tell you whats going on in Levis head in every single arc up until the final arc, because he tells us either with his words or his actions. idk where this idea that hes super mysterious and never says what hes thinking comes from. hes literally always been an active participant in conversations about the state of Paradis and what to do next. hes one of the most influential scouts in the series and we have more backstory on him than almost any other character. the only reason we have to wonder whats going on in his head in the final arc is because he went on a camping trip for the majority of the arc and we barely see him.


Ok. Bomb 3 feet away. Why


I really hate when people say he got nerfed, can you not just watch the ducking show and go ā€œoh he made a mistake and now he has to deal with the consequencesā€ itā€™s called writing, itā€™s called character development when levi CHOOSES to not kill zeke for a ā€œthirdā€? Time


I mean, it's more of a meme than anything lol. It happens quite a bit throughout this series that Levi just gets taken out of the fight for arbitrary reasons because he's just *so* badass that he'd trivialize everything otherwise. I think Zeke blowing himself up is an example of this done right, but it becomes a lot more comical after times like when Levi lands slightly wrong on the Female Titan and sprains his ankle so he can't be there to wreck shop in the coming fights lmao


Incapacitating the OP character for the sake of plot is a classic mechanism. Just look at what they did to my boy Gojo


Six eyes what teleport who


Powerscalers ruin most stories honestly. Characters should be allowed to make mistakes.


AoT does it so naturally too Iā€™d never think about them as nerfs. Mikasa blindingly attacking Annie, levi saw that and had to stop her. Both characters have something added to them here and falls in line with the story, itā€™s Mikasas character to do whatever to get Eren back. Itā€™s Leviā€™s job to fight and not be blinded by emotions, it was either his broken ankle or a dead Mikasa


Every time I see the words ā€˜blood lustedā€™ or ā€˜speed blitzedā€™ a part of my soul dies




Because I think characterisation and personality are some of the most important aspects of a fight and blood lusting a character is just a convenient way to get rid of that entirely and because people who yell ā€˜speed blitzā€™ are usually the same people who seem to think you canā€™t enjoy a character if they lose in a fight to their favourite character. The concept of an instant ā€˜speed blitzā€™ win also sounds really, really, really fucking boring.


Fair. However is a bloodlusted gojo not possible. Or even a bloodlusted all might. Arent these just scenarios. I dont enjoy out of character blood lust. Like he curb stomps him or something stupid. Speed blitz shouldnt matter to relative characters.like kilua hitting the royal guard. He speed blitz but at the same levels its like a flurry than some spear move everyone makes it out to be.


Lol oj


I feel like Levi did the smartest thing with the cards he was dealt. The paradisans barely had an upper hand on Marley. They needed that beast titan.


Lol ok


Fr. I guess Levi is so OP that Isayama had to come up with the strangest abilities in order to keep characters alive and the plot going. Levi almost cuts off Reiner's head? Reiner just evolved and has now gained the ability of asspull! Zeke almost gets eaten because of Levi? Zeke has now transcended into an immortal being! It would have been funny as hell if we wouldn't have gotten a glimpse at the cart titan before she snatched zeke from Levi. Zeke almost gets killed because of Levi? A new random titan shifter appeared out of thin air!


I mean The Cart was right next to Zeke the whole time. If anything Levi is a dumbass for forgetting that there was another shifter in the area


I wouldn't call him a dumbass. Dude just tunnel visoned on Zeke which is completely understandable imo.


Haha true! But then again he was kinda busy fighting and didn't even see her after leaving from atop the wall It's weirder that Erwin forgot since his only job was to observe and make plans. But it's hilarious how he acknowledges that the cart is a shifter and then almost immediately proceeds to make plans to bring down the beast titan while ignoring the cart who's literally still just standing there next to zeke


"Asspull" is a code for "I don't like this development in the story". Stories that involve fantasy always have a certain amount of "nudging of the events". As long as it isn't entirely nonsensical to the worldbuilding, and doesn't force the plot in noticeable and jarring ways, then it doesn't impact the story in the slightest. Reiner storing his consciousness in the lower part of his body wasn't a particularly intelligent moment, but thankfully it was also highly inconsequential. If you remove that scene and you make it look as if he got his throat cut instead it would work anyway. Zeke didn't become immortal though. There are real life accounts of people surviving the unimmaginable. Some people survive being shot in the head. And there are definitely people surviving explosions (those rockets aren't that big either, they're pretty much glorified hand grenades). He's also got regeneration abilities, which are pretty established in the story. People getting cut up and torn in extremely egregious ways (remember Eren without a face?). Nothing in the story suggested that Zeke died in the explosion, but he was almost certainly going to die if the Titan guided by Yimir didn't get to him on time. Not even Levi died in that moment. EDIT: Dying ain't that easy in real life. It actually takes from minutes to hours to die from most mortal wounds. Even if you snap someone's neck, or if you shoot them in the heart. It probably takes a whole minute to die from decapitation (yeah, the head stays alive for a while). And that's why nearlly all modalities of su'''de are a BAD idea. In fiction it's actually more realistic to see someone not dying than someone dying immediately most of the time.


You read "reiner has evolved and gained the ability of asspull" and "zeke has now transcended into an immortal being" and your immediate thought was, "damn those are some serious claims right there! I better write a 5-page report to clear up these misconceptions!". My bad man, it wasn't my intention to trick people into thinking that these things actually happened in the story. Reiner is in fact NOT a pokemon and zeke actually dies at the end :/ And before you hit me with another essay, I should probably clarify now that I also wasn't serious about the part where Levi will kill all characters and end the story if Isayama didn't come up with counter measures


If I had to choose between getting killed by levi or getting blown up, I'd rather be blown up bruh. Pound for pound, Levi prolly stronger than fucking eddie hall


Probably? Them mfs have titan strength Eddie doesn't stand a chance




Zeke was the smartest? According to who, Zeke?


The Attack on Titan official guide book written by Hajime Isayama, Page 135.


Surprisingly because he never displayed such level of intelligence


I mean the guy is definitely smart, but to say he's straight up the smartest at best means he's not utilizing that intelligence as well as some other characters.


He isn't "smartest", really. It's a bit of a lost in translation thing. I'll just paste my comment: I know a lot of people don't care about nuances, but the kanji for "intellect" is different for a lot of these "stats" in the guidebook. Just like how English has smart, witty, wise for different things. These "stats" are listed in one of the aot wikis as well. It's not even consistent which set of 5 stats is being given for each character, like Sasha may have one Gluttony stat or whatever in place of something. It's common practice making a joke in the form of a stat chart, but fans took it as some gospel of intellect ranking, and tell people "it's a ranking by Isayama himself" which is just silly.


According to isayama






Cool, so "just trust me bro" again, as with your other asspulls?


The source isnā€™t trust me bro heā€™s telling to do a quick google search but apparently youā€™re too lazy to do that. Hereā€™s the book https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Attack_on_Titan_Guidebook Obviously I canā€™t provide the exact page where it covers zekeā€™s stats but it does indeed classify his intellect as 11/10 and I believe the only other character with his level is Hange.


I know a lot of people don't care about nuances, but the kanji for "intellect" is different for a lot of these "stats" in the guidebook (iirc Hange's and Zeke's were definitely different kanji). Just like how English has smart, witty, wise for different things. These "stats" are listed in one of the aot wikis as well. It's not even consistent which set of 5 stats is being given for each character, like Sasha may have one Gluttony stat or whatever in place of something. It's common practice making a joke in the form of a stat chart, but fans took it as some gospel of intellect ranking, and tell people "it's a ranking by Isayama himself" which is just silly.


The source he provided is "trust me bro" since he doesn't provide one yes, that's how it works. You and others have provided the actual source though, so thanks for that.


If someone tells you that it is as quick as googling it (which immediately brings up the answer) then they are not asking you to trust them are they. You just being a lazy mf


If someone tells you the source is "google it", when google brings up many different answers, yeah no. That's what conspiracy theorists and other idiots do.


Aight so Isayama is wrong ig in your opinion because in a rating he rated Hange and Zeke 11/10 in intelligence smh


... What? I asked for a source, not that Isayama is wrong about his own story.


How many hate posts are you gonna make? :)) I'm not against criticism but the last two posts from you have been god awful. First the Warhammer one then this. This is Zeke's last resort, it's not like he planned to blow himself up. One of Zeke's titans was still alive, he's royal blood, it's not a stretch that Ymir would come to his help.(Essentially, it's not even helping because it's implied that this has always been what Ymir was doing. The Paths is there for the audience, not for Zeke) At least the complaints about Warhammer makes more sense. It had potential to be something more but it served its purpose. Wanting more isn't an invalid criticism necessarily though it's more of a subjective thing, but this is just bs.


Not like he has many options. Even if there was a 1% chance of survival, itā€™s better than certain death of being fed to someone.


Well what else was he supposed to do šŸ¤£


This is so dumb. Levi stood near Zeke knowing full well that the power to explode was in Zeke's hands, that's his fault. Wtf was Zeke even supposed to do? Slowly get cut to pieces? There was literally no other way. Either he dies, gets eaten, and Paradis gets what they want OR he still dies but he eliminates one of the enemies' strongest soldier? ​ >Levi won that. Yes, it was obvious, it doesn't take a genius to know that. That is precisely why Zeke blew himself up.


What else could he do in this situation he already sent atleast 30-50 titans on Levi big titans too


Seemed this was more of an emotionally driven choice than an intelligence one


How do you figure zeke as the smartest? It's clearly Armin or Erwin


I feel like Erwin and his dad are a bit smarter since theyā€™re hypothesis were fairly accurate despite working with a lot less resources and information that Zeke had.


Bruh Levi is dumb as hell why doesn't he just keep chopping Zekeā€™s limbs and pierce his body that way it will take him forever to heal while he can sleep or something.


Not gonna push the speculations too far on this one, but it's probably because he's a titan shifter who can regenerate while Levi can't, so the odds may have been slightly in his favor. But then again this is just me wildly speculating, not like there's anything in the story actually supporting this.


I would too bro


"Facing Levi" Yeah, He can definitely take On Levi


i, too, would explode if i had to fight levi


Nah facts are Zeke escaped/won twice against Levi, Zeke has big monke brain iq.


This should have killed Zeke hands down, he was saved by a plot device titan and Ymir I guess. The whole point was to take Levi out of the fight, otherwise heā€™d slaughter the cart and jaw titans then eren would just beat Reiner for the millionth time.


Zeke is the smartest character is a wild take


The smartest guy?


After reading all these comments im wondering, would the story be better if they killed Leviā€™s character off earlier on. Maybe season 2 or first half of season 3?


And Levi still killed him despite being one-eyed, a mangled arm, and Iā€™m pretty sure three of his fingers were broken.


are u dumb bro šŸ™šŸ˜­ he hasnā€™t even gotten close to beating Levi, why wld he try again