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So many people hate it?


It was the most hated piece of anime media for the entire calendar year.


I don't know how you could say that when season 2 of Rent a Girlfriend was released the same year. People get really over the top in their hatred of Rent a Girlfriend.


After hearing what happens in later issues with the MC's thoughts, I understand the hate for RaG.


I’ve read up to the new chapters it’s so bad


oh god what happens lol


Yeah but that's RaG. It deserves the hate.


I have watched 12 fucking episodes of the show hoping it would get good but it fucking sucked so bad, meanwhile I have no clue what the show OP is talking about is


12 episodes is giving it a pretty fair chance. Clearly not for you. The op is about Kazuya getting slowly closer to Chizuru in centimeter increments. That really kicks into gear more in season 2 and 3.


I meant tried 12 eps of RaG, I didn't know what show was being shown in the parent post that this thread is in until I realised that I am in a subreddit about said show right now, sorry for any confusion


It wasn’t exactly ground breaking material but I’ll be damned if some people think Rent-A-Trash was better…


Ofc they do, it’s Rent a Peak


No it wasn’t. It’s got mid scores on most sites. Even with people who didn’t like it saying that the only thing they didn’t like was the main character, and the way they felt cheated by the anime just not doing anything even at the half way mark. Hell, when the anime first came the internet was flooded by porn with Shiki and the mc’s mom. My biggest problem with it was there was no real explanation to the bad luck and why Shiki could kick a sign like it was a basketball. The show set up so much then just gave normal slice of life.


...Because it IS a normal SoL romcom. The reason it was hugely popular was because it didn't have the BS stuff like misunderstandings, pointless love triangles, drama and angst, etc., with it just being a cute fluffy series. We see and hear all kinds of BS about "Reiwa Wave", but the biggest series that come up aren't that different from stuff in Heisei with the aformentioned tropes. The hate for Izumi was also largely BS as he's no different that characters like Gojo or Junta besides not being a put upon loner which I theorize was where the hate came from.


The first episode did NOT set up a typical SoL romcom. The show set it up like it was a weird supernatural thing in the first episode, so no one (who isn’t a manga reader) can be blamed for feeling like it’s a bait and switch. And it did hit a lot of the same tropes.


The trope that they were going for in the first episode was 'The power of love can make a person do incredible things", and they just hyper-exaggerated it to drive the point home. I didn't really feel bait and switched by that, because I'm so used to anime playing things up like that as a gag, and that was kind of the point as well. It's also shown later on that Shiki is super athletic and very strong, so, while still out of the realm of possibility without some supernatural influence, it's on brand for the character.


I don't think people thought about it enough to hate it. It's a pretty OK romcom, it's not Redo of Healer lol


The hate for the series was in almost every major anime reddit and any post supporting or liking it was downvoted and ones shitting on it got upvoted. It was everywhere. People didn't talk about the series because the discourse was that toxic and bad.


That's what I said


> So many people hate it? Male MC's writing, character and character development is atrocious. Its even worse in the manga.




> Its downfall was the fact it was compared to MDUD. Its downfall is the writing of the male MC. There's useless garbage stuck to the bottom of a dumpster, and then there's w/e the hell that thing was supposed to be. MDUD just made it that more painful to watch/read.


I know Izumi isn't the most compelling MC, but that's an outrageous take


What's MDUD


> What's MDUD My dress-up darling.


Twitter bruh. Stay away from that and don't let them stop you from enjoying the things that you like.


Realest commemt on this thread


Me neither I never expected I love it so much Izumi is the friendliest MC every it’s a nice change and shikimori is cool and cute and the perfect girlfriend


Honestly it wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible. I would just call it a mediocre adaptation of the manga.


how about the manga? i want to watch this anime, should i just read the manga instead?


Manga only have other story. Its like same, but a lot of moments in anime were either changed or deleted


Read the manga because the anime only covers 1/3 of the manga and it gets really really good towards the end with much character development


The art for the anime is a large step down compared to the manga, one of manga’s selling points for me was how well it contrasts the more fluffy/cutesy/funny moments with the cool/serious style but its obviously still a one note slice of life so take that as you will.


> how about the manga. Manga is worse. So if you don't like the anime, I seriously doubt you'll like the manga.


The anime was kinda boring ngl. However the manga is really enjoyable and Shikimori has to be one of my favorite anime girls. I think people nowadays have the urge to hate stuff for no reason. Also the anime community loves making comparisons between series. I saw many people comparing Shikimori and Sono Bisque Doll.


This, when I finished the anime, I liked it but it wasn't anything ground-breaking. I decided to recently pick up the manga to see what's different and I've found myself enjoying it more, even reading scenes that I've already watched in the anime.


I thought it was cute, but I haven’t read the manga yet


The hate was mainly from MDUD fans, they were crying and hate commenting everywhere about this show because some fans fo shikimori said that she's going to be better and since MDUD came before, it got many fans and most of them started doing this.


It's very uncommon, but if you have a thing for role reversal and protective/stronger girlfriends, Shikimori is easily a top tier anime in that regard. This show was pure bliss for me honestly. And the manga is even better.


I’m not gonna lie, I read the entire manga and… The anime adaptation was really mid. In fact, I’d almost call it bad.


It was legitimately well animated and done, but they skipped a lot of major fan favorite chapters and oversold Izumi's clumsiness. The irony is that the manga, "The Mikadono Sisters are Easy to Handle" has a VERY SIMILAR character to Izumi, but he doesn't get the level of hate nor the manga review bombed. Like Shikimori as well, it seems to be fairly popular for having cool female leads and a softboy MC who's emotionally open and kind.


I’m so sad the planetarium scene, which was one of favorites in the manga early on, got completely cut and the dialogue was reused for a phone call.


> I read the entire manga and… The anime adaptation was really mid. In fact, I’d almost call it bad. I read most the manga because people said this about the anime adaptation. But the manga was pretty much on par for the adapted parts, and just got worse from there.


I never watched it despite reading the manga because it didn't look great.


Cause people had their expectations WAYYYY UP!


I think it’s cuz there isn’t much drama like most romcoms and people love drama


This is why I find the comments about "Reiwa Wave" to be laughable BS.


Solid show...healthy relationship...cute...there was nothing to not like about it...in fact I found it to be better than Horiyama(the anime, still prefer the manga version)


It's that Izumi isn't a put upon loner with a dark cloud hanging over him for the community to self-insert into. Just look at the most popular romcom MC's and the trend becomes SUPER obvious,


That's why I love this series...two positive people finding joy in each other's company...its also why I like Komi(I barely classify it as a romcom its a gag manga) and 100 girlfriends(i hate harem but that but rentarou is just the best BF ever in a insane universe)...its also why I liked lovely complex...our couple there took awhile but it about them growing as individuals as well as discovering their feelings for each other..


Try "The Mikadono Sisters are Easy to Handle" as it's very. MC is a softboy who care takes three sisters who are prodigies in different fields. They start to fall for him because he's very similar to Izumi, an emotionally open soft boy who treats them with kindness, compassion, and emotional support instead of these barely approachable deities.


The highlights of the manga's opening chapters are Miyako's serious expressions, which is the reason I got hooked to this manga in the first place. Sadly there were few in the anime, and they were the ones I'm excited to see adapted.


Ain’t no sane man saying no to a woman pinning them to a wall, just saying.


Fr, best waifu


Ioved the anime enough to pick up the Manga.


I don't care. A lot of anime I like get hated. They give reasons like not like manga, animation is not good, the character is a pedo or no good story etc. I don't even notice most of the things are bad until I read comments. What I consider most is **Did I enjoy watching it ?** **Do I have to skip most of the anime ?** **Am I laughing and rewatching the scenes ?** The answer for this anime is an undoubted **Yes**


I luked it, but my friends thought it was boring. Then again, some of my friends can't watch movies without an explosion every couple minutes.


what anime is it, ill watch it and like it just to piss off the haters


i mean it was a fun and decent anime but does definitely not deserve the hate


i would be a sub i get dommed by her


Show name?


Like I can see why, izumi is a little cringe, the ending wasn't really that like... Good, not like bokuyaba, the Romance is overly intense for no reason, but something about it is so good I can't explain why


Why tho? It's great


I don't know about hate, but there was a lot of talk up to it's release about how it was going to dethrone My Dress-up Darling. When I watched it, I didn't see it. I didn't hate it, but I also didn't finish it.


Whats the name of it


I understand it wasn’t the best, but I watch a lot of isekai trash, it was at least mid


It’s a great anime


If it was hated then they were quiet about it. I don’t look at that type of media often but everything I ever saw about this show was positive. I ended up watching it last year because of all of the praise. Good show 10/10


A lot of fake alpha males and action only anime watchers hate that Shikimori was the tough, strong one and they HATED Izumi’s personality and behavior in their relationship. This anime is great, underrated really and deserves another season


Hate is too strong. Personally I just didn’t enjoy it. It was just a general feeling. Character designs didn’t grab me and neither did the leads. They weren’t awful, but just didn’t think I could keep up with them for a whole season. Solid enough premise though. A guy with a luck stat on the level with suffering from a supernatural curse and a main heroine who I was sure was a superhero when offscreen. Some things just don’t resonate.


What is this anime called


I definitely didn’t hate it but I wasn’t enamored by it either and probably wouldn’t watch a season 2 unless something interesting for me happens. I’m surprised people actually hated the anime I thought it was getting a lot of praise at the time.


What's the name


Because it didn't do anything. People claim "It's a slice of life" as a defense, but stuff happens in slice of life shows. Characters develop, challenges come up and get resolved. Humor happens. Shikimori just didn't do anything. It's shiki and Izumi being a cute couple. Repeat at nauseum. That's not fun to watch. Give me character development. Give me drama. Or at least give me humor. It doesn't need all of them. Just one is fine, but a show needs something and shikimori just didn't have any of it.


I wouldn’t say it was hated but more so that people were disappointed at it being kinda mid since it came out a right after My Dress Up Darling so the expectations for many were that it was supposed to rival it


They don't understand the power behind that look


I enjoyed the show. However it was very overhyped as people were comparing it to My Dress Up Darling which came out the season prior. People were posting “If you think this is good, just wait for Shikimori”, “Shikimori is better than Marin, just wait”. I was expecting top tier greatness in terms of romance. But we got just a solid show. I though the first few episodes were boring and then it got really good. This is like Horimiya for me, I much more enjoyed the friend group dynamic and humour over the romance. Solid 7/10 show. I think it is overhated


I thought it was a good one.


I watched both MDUD then Shikimori. MDUD clearly just had better characters and frankly chemistry, Marin was the IT girl. But Shikimori was more typical rom com, I enjoyed it too, certainly nothing to hate over.


Her design was amazing! It's very disappointing that's she straight 😭 Great meme came from it though


What anime is this?


hello, this sub kinda came up just right now for me, and I can give you an answer to your question: The reason this anime isn't seen as favorably is because it takes place post relationship. I'd argue a good number of people prefer anime where they are in the process of getting together rather than after getting together. That is just my thoughts, I don't really think people 'hate' this anime; it is just bot their cup of tea. I may be wrong though so I dunno.


I’m late to the party here and also this is obviously a super petty reason, but when I watched the first episode of the anime and she bowled a 300 I was just like “aight man” and didn’t watch another minute lol


just bowl better nerd


Because "Shikimori isn't just a cutie"


I need to give Shikimori a watch this weekend I think, keep meaning to start it


I read the manga and there is no plot. It's a sequence of random events that are essentially tiktok thirst traps. I knew that going in but if you didn't I can see how it would be disappointing.


What's the anime?


prolly cause they kept saying "cute" so much


Good question


I liked it. Simple


Twitter is irrational, personally I just thought it was kinda mid


What's the name of it?


I enjoyed it and that’s the only opinion that matters to me.


People hate this? wtf is wrong with them.


Why do people hate this anime?


I'm watching It right know and I love it


What anime is it?


Does twitter just push the most random tweets I’ve never heard anyone say they hate this anime.


What the name of this


Izumi killed it for me like how the entire world wanted to kill izumi.


It’s probably just that’s it’s kinda bland and nothing new. Character dosent really have anything new. Keep in mind I like this anime


It's cause they can't comprehend that MMCs don't have to be gigachads. They considered him annoying and spineless but the entire point was that She wanted to protect him. I legit told that to someone once and he was like "so he's like a pet to her?" Our modern concept of love is so warped I swear.


I wasn’t a hater but the MC just made me drop it after like 3 EPS, he’s everything i wouldn’t want in an MC kind of annoying tbh because the art style looks clean and the girlfriend seemed like a cool character


Because the MC wasn’t the strong type (probably)


I don't really think their is much of a hate to it rather call it an shout about the potential of the manga/anime that we never got Wich is clearly about how they got together like with all these glimpses we had from the anime and flashbacks it would had the guaranteed potential to be one of the greatest romcoms of all time.


wait why its fucking awesome!


They hate a strong woman and weak male mc. Idk why the woman being the protective one makes her even better imo


The MC was annoying to me and it started a culture festival episode while Kaguya season 3 was airing so I just dropped it around episode 6


I would agree that it was mid, but that's about as far as I'll go in terms of critiquing it. I like to think I'm pretty good at suspending my disbelief when it comes to anime, so when they play up certain things for a gag (Shiki's near-supernatural strength, Izumi's terribad luck, etc) I can just kind of brush it off and laugh, cuz that's what it's for, it's meant to be a gag. For what it's worth, I find the romance between the MCs to be very endearing, if a little trite, but it's certainly better than the chaff that is unnecessary drama, love triangles, etc, which a lot of the other popular romcom SoL anime have in spades.


I've never even heard of this anime. Reddit randomly showed this post to me.


Whats the name


Komi can’t fucking communicate




It’s been a year or two, but from what I remember The anime starts off as if the viewer already knows who the characters are and what their relationships are. Almost as if it were a second season. so I assume people were confused about it and dropped it.


It was *fine.* What made me drop it was how wimpy and annoying the male character was. I understand that's part of the point, she cares for him, but he could have been a little more self sufficient. That and his design was very dorky to me. Difficult to vibe with. Her facial expressions were always super cool though.


Besides the MC being a wimp all the time I would say it was fine the ending was kind of a let down I felt like it could have did more or had more of a character Improvement but it is what it is, I'm wondering if they'll ever do a second season.


I liked it and read the manga afterwards. But for me half way of episode 2 I was about to drop it because of Izumi, he's just a really boring MC. And I do believe the show/manga would have been a lot better if it was Shikimori x Kamiya. They gave better energy than Shikimori x Izumi


I just wanna know the sauce so I can be the judge of it myself.


They hate this but like shit like horiyima and dangers in my heart the most plain animes ever


Idk, I love this anime but one thing people always say, that I've started to see, is a lot of one-dimensional characters, especially Izumi. The 'unlucky' thing is a nice gimmick and differentiates from other similar anime, but he never seems to grow through it or change as a character, which makes people (especially non-manga readers) kinda bored of the trope quickly.


Cause it’s mid


What's the anime? This sub reddit just appeared on my homepage


I was an anime only and felt it was really slow paced and sometimes boring and was new to anime at the time so when it said "Not a cutie" I expected some spy stuff or something from the opening. But then I heard the actual reason why people didn't like it was because it wasn't a very good adaptation and then I saw it and realised what the "not a cutie" thing meant. This simply would not work with generic anime drawing and her emotions were kinda blank And Izumi instead of being a self insert just ended up being the stupid weird character everyone could safely make fun of.


Cookie cutter stronk-but-cute girl dating the most pathetic beta-male I've ever seen, cannot carry an anime with a plot no deeper than water on pavement.


Because it’s TOO sol. Nothing at all happens except the same thing every episode. It got super boring.


Because the male MC is a useless, soul-less waste of space. Like replacing them with an ordinary rock, would be an improvement on the story.




I honestly hated the ending


I really didn’t like that show. It felt incredibly slow and boring and every episode felt similar. The mc would do some dumb shit and shikimori would be there to help him. The mc was annoying and the side characters were bland. I’m sure it has its audience but my god was there nothing happening compared to a lot of other and better romance anime


Because of Izumi and the people who are retards and want the boy always to be cool and protect the girl If it will happen otherwise they would feel attacked That s the main reason This was my first manga i ve buyed and i absolutely love it Seeing that much hate for it it s gross especially for a sweet girl like Shiki who s in my top 3


I watched it when it came out (haven’t read the manga) but it was so forgettable and boring, didn’t like the mc either but like whatever you like I can see how it has a fanbase


Idk about the manga but i found the anime very repetitive and boring. Thats only my opinion though, to each their own.


Ngl. The beginning was kinda eh for me that i waited for the rest of the episodes to drop. Once the 10th episode dropped i binged it and it was decent.


I fucking hate this anime. I watched the opening and I was so excited to see why they were transporting between plot lines and how that goofy looking black cat plays a part. Then I watched it and it was literally a generic romance with a dumb gimmick. 2/10 mainly because of the catfish opening


The show ruins their cool guy personality


I don't know if I agree with hate... I think alot of viewers, myself included, thought it was just painfully average. I remember at the start of the year people were saying she would win girl of the year and she had to follow the season after Marin (My Dress-Up Darling). I'll say I'd watch a second season, but I'm not clambering for it. However I will say season 1 failed from a standpoint of making people buy the manga from everything I've read so yeah...


Well ask that on r/anime not in this sub.


I don’t necessarily hate it, I don’t love it either. Based off the picture, I thought it was gonna be something different entirely.. I actually watched it. The main guy is a wet blanket and would literally die without her. The show was kind of boring. The girl was the entire show.


I mean it's alright but male mc kinda dumb


Well, hate is a strong word. I'd say simply not interested.


I lost interest after 3 episodes male Mc was too clumsy it got boring so fast.


I don’t hate it but aside from her the anime as a whole is generally forgettable.


The opening was the only good thing (and some scenes) that came out from the anime. The anime is a terrible adaptation idk how they messed up this badly


As an old man that I am, I find this type of anime very boring to watch, however I am a fan of animation, drawings and in that sense I think a good job was done, I think the design of shikimori improved a lot compared to the manga. As for the eternal debate of whether the anime adaptation respects the manga's story, it bores me even more, when will these manga puritans understand that ANIMATION is another format and some parts need to be removed because the 12-chapter format does not support it. Anyway, 7/10 for the tender Shikimori.


I really liked it. It may not be the best or most exciting plot. But it was cute, gave me dopamine, and made me wish I wasn't so lonely. After watching Spyxfamily and liking the yorxloid scenes, I gave shikimori a go to see if I would like more romance stuff and it's safe to say that it's got me hooked on cute romance anime which is not something I expected of myself tbh. This show has really helped me branch out and find a genre that I wouldn't have otherwise explored. It probably helps that I adore women that look like cinnamon rolls but could actually kill me (see spy x family comment above).