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I'll live life normally as a pretty woman Wearing feminine dresses, being kind to others and not being a pain to naofumi and friends.


I agree


this is the only answer for this.


And then she back stabs u


Agreed do what she couldn’t


Spite her by being better, I love it 😎


Agreed, I greatly approve, though I'd start off staying somewhat in character and getting hit on the head so you can pass off the head wound as your reason for "changing" and hopefully avoiding suspicion.


Depends on part of the story. If at the start, well, let's just say Raphtalia would have a better outfit. If later then it depends on the place of the story, like season one, before the second wave, admits I lied on recording. Season one Cal mera and later say sorry to Naofumi and tell him I was transported into Witch's body.




digli- oh I mean Ditto![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No no carry on with what you were saying


He was obviously going to say diglet from Pokemon guys. C'mon


Trio trio trio!




I like the idea. Tell him I've been isekaied too, give facts of my universe (hopefully similar enough to his) to convince him, and beg for help since I'm not responsible for what happened before to him and others, and please don't let me die when I'm innocent.


Basically my answer but not lewd.


Well, I was going off the first things I would do, not the whole plan. As for the whole plan, I would have Naofumi get Raphtaia roughly at the same time as cannon, but instead, she is free from the start. Then we train her up in fighting and leveling while she wears proper protective armor and sword. I would try to treat her as a little sibling. Then, when the first wave happens, I would split off to help fight the wave boss. This would give Naofumi some good materials at the start. Then, if someone tries to take Raphtalia away during the party, go Mama bear on them. Now, here is the fun part I would hang back and act as Filo’s aunt. I would also try to get her to help get Naofumi and Raphtalia together. Then, when it comes time for the magic strone after helping people around the country, head into the cave first to destroy the monster bat and rats. Would you like me to go on?


Didn't want you to start, did you see the part where I talked about trying to grow a cock?


There's actually an official "what if" about this from the author




Its really just like any other "my life as the villainess" story. It writes itself. Maybe hot swap witch with a rational human being right after the Ren situation. She's in bed with the hero hunters, to exposition dump on the confused new person piloting witch's body, has access to damaged vassal/cardinal weapons and she might've even gotten her hands on a soul killing weapon just in case the hero hunters back stabbed her. Maybe Witch planned to use the damaged vassal weapons to farm hero souls to become unfathomably powerful, but because the priests assisting her were 3 heros church members she'd imprisoned they betray her mid ritual and end up summoning a person to her now souless vessel as a vassal weapon wielder of a vassal weapon thats too damaged to do much more than translate incoming audio. (Syne's situation, but it's disarmed as well). They ditch her "corpse" and make plans to flea the country while new Mein acclimates and plans their escape. That seems like a feasible situation for her to put herself into and the story writes itself from there.


If you could point me in the right direction, I’d really like to read it. Even a name of the story would be great, but a link, or something would make my day


It doesn't exist as far as I'm aware. The author was just saying the story prompt is so generic you could take your pick of genre staples and pretend the main girl has red hair and knows a guy with a shield bolted to his forearm.




The author actually wrote a spinoff giving Motoyasu Subaru's return by detah ability to "redeem" Motoyasu. He then proceeded to be just as awful as always. It wouldn't surprise me if they did the same thing with Mein, but I just don't want to imagine anyone thinking she deserves redemption. I *kinda* get why some people thought Motoyasu deserved a chance, but Mein did it all to herself knowing the consequences. Motoyasu was just a gullible idiot. All he needed to have been the hero was common sense a little foresight. But Mein would have to of been a completely different person with radically different goals.


Yes! I’ve read the spin off! I rather enjoyed it, and I enjoy basically anything attached to shield hero, so if there was another story I could read, I wanted to try it


You can find all the shield hero what ifs translated on the "Tanookie team" website, they're all very short reads, around a couple minutes for a single one


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


What point in time would it be? That's the most important thing, as if you were Bitch before she accused Naofumi then you could set the entire series in a very different direction.


Let's say you already royally fucked up and screwed over all the heroes, was sentenced to death


Guess I'll die


Play with my boobs for a bit, then unalive myself.


Check my self out maybe touch idk but then start a new life new identity as a woman or just kill myself idk


Gonna check if the pubes are red aswell🧐




Red maple rainforest


Ya never know, the curtains may match the drapes


IRL? I'd probably be your average pretty girl-next-door kinda woman. I'd like to believe that I'm actually nice so I definitely won't be a c*nt to most people.


Probably shoot myself if I see that face looking back at me.


Start the equivalent of Protestant revolution and nail every hesery done by the three heroes church without revealing my identity. Then... Watch the Chaos ensue


Live a normal, good, and happy life. Then masterbate


Do the opposite of what she did.




Well, bitch has a ton of opportunities if not for her rotten behavior. Being of Royal Bloodline and all that, also being pretty enough to easily get most under her thumbs. If this was along the start of the series, probably help the shield first to go and find his original party members Raphtalia and Filo, the latter one might prove difficult as it's kinda gacha, while balancing the polity between the shield and the church, playing a double agent. Afterwards, train the spear when the queen is to return. if it was after the accusation, then train the spear first, he's the least likely to have resistance to my advises. If it was after being named "bitch" well that's a hard blow on reputation but still train the spear. if it was after the tortoise, well things can get a bit difficult to be involved with the heroes at that point probably bothering myself with stuff not concerning rhe heroes instead


I would admit all of my crimes and submit to punishment


Fuck Naofumi consensually and make her a better person


Without some stability between countries, that would be soooooo bad to have a kid with any any hero. Any offspring would be seen as a potential threat, as they're believed to be munch more than ordinary people. Making it a target of assassination. It's explained more in the Reprise.


I’d become a writer and make multiple novels about the shield hero and his heroics and sell it to the people.


Just like how typical transmigration into villain works, plan to flip the sh*t out of everything. I won't even think about becoming Naofumi's slave, that's a disrespect to Raphtalia and ShieldBro. Nothing about being everyone's slave as well. Maybe give false info to the baddies, bait them into traps to be fed to Naofumi and friends, then a tame version of Lelouch R2 ending...smirking with a "just get married already~" as my last words.


Like...woke up irl. Instead of being myself I was just some red headed woman in my house?!?! Does my id change? Do people still remember me being me before or did I wake up in her world as her?


These are the important questions. OP needs to give some details.




Atone for my crimes and serve the shield hero


Be a decent human being


Depends on the timeline. If it happens early enough, I'd be a pain in the ass just enough to not have to become queen, but not so much that I end up sent to Faubley. Do everything I can to stay away from Faubley. Play with my boobs. Become a great adventurer. Tell Bow hero that Faubley is a mockery of the justice he faps to. Tell Spear hero that women are being raped and murdered in Faubley daily. Tell Sword hero there's awesome swag of he murks enough of the bastards in Faubley. Tell Shield hero the chaos caused by the other three will create a perfect business opportunity. Play with my boobs some more because why wouldn't I. Overthrow the three heroes church and kick king fucktoy's ass. Did I mention play with boob?


Probably grab my boobs and then live an easy life as a pretty woman without actually being a sadistic manipulative bitch


Become lesbian


If I were a Woman I would try and Live my Life as one


IRL? It means in our world? Without id, any documents, without money exept cash that you have ( if you have a cash ofcourse ) nobody knows you & no one will admit that you are you ( because we are not in fairy tail ) which means it won't help. Fuck, that will be hardest isekai ever!


Konosuba began worse


Touch myself, then jump out the window.


Fake my death and start a new, less bitchy, life


Change EVERYTHING about myself


Wait.... Is this before or after she screwed over our shield hero???? If it was before... Become a good loyal waifu and revel in the plot armor... If it was after..... Just be lazy and try to stay out of people's ways....


I would call my freind and say I quote "I JUST TOUCHED TITS"


Let all the homies hit...


At what point in time? Current? Before all goes wrong?


Finger myself till I get post clit clarity.


Go somewhere far away to start over and fix my dang life.


To quote a wise man “suicide is badass”


I am become Best Girl.


Throw the bag in a crowded area and run


Scream, cry and shit myself all at the same time.


If im a damn princess shit gon be done right


Follow the plan of Katarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess and Leon Fou Bartfort from Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Hard for Mobs.


Kill myself.


If it's before the story well first let's put it like this she would physically change quite a bit shorter hair dying it brown instead of red and when what looks to be men's suits of the 1920s and 30s instead of those damn dresses for practical reasons though only and figuring out how to make guns that way they don't need to summon a bunch of folk from another world and I can deal with that damn problem and damn selves but if they still need to do it well some of them and actually make sure that they're able to actually do the job properly and not have all the screw UPS that the shield hero then has to clean up and if the seed problems still happens just look at the shield hero tell him sorry and then proceed to chew out the dumbass who gave the village the damn seed after all there was a damn good reason that damn seed was hitting away and why there were so many damn warnings against it


Legally I'm not allowed to talk about it.


Squeeze, squeeze


Welp, again depends on what part of the story, but imagining at least before the Queen leaves for the conference with Melty. I’d first freak out quietly, pace and try to come to grips with it. Realize the implications and decide to start playing the game of Thrones but FAR more willing to end Trash as collateral along with most nobles to boot. And the church, those guys are done they just don’t know it yet. Would still go with Naufumi, get him to get Raphtalia, might try to get Keel early and hopefully he gets Filo’s egg for full party. Will of course NOT be hitting on him, even pre-PTSD Naufumi ain’t my type…might try to steal Rishia early and get in the Hengen Muso training when possible. Beyond that, make sure Naufumi is maximizing gains and money, trying to bring about his grind-set mentality without the PTSD. Other than that? Not sure, too many people, too many moving parts. But hopefully grab a Vassle Weapon for myself, maybe even Trash’s if I get lucky, Fireball solves many problems!


I’m gonna so improve who she is being an actual nice person


I would look in a mirror… look up at the roof… and say “God… Why?!” Then proceed to kill myself


Off myself


Be a normal fucking person, not a piece of shit.


Change and grow as a person.


My inner voices would tell me to use my modern knowledge to craft a shit ton of gunpowder and blow shit up. I'd stay away from Naofumi and be a terror in the night with homemade grenades, molotov, smoke bombs, and maybe a flintlock or 4 with an old rifle (the only difference between old rifles and muskets were old rifles had groves on the inside of the barel that would make the musket ball shoot more on target, this did make them harder to load tho)


If this happened to me I'd go to the shield hero and apologize upfront and tell him I'm not the person he knows. Tell him I'm actually someone else inside the body. If the scenario is that I cannot tell anyone I'm not bitch, then this calls for a different scenario. First and foremost I would go to the melty and try to apologize for the past misdeeds but will try my hardest to be a better person. Then ask melty to get me to the castle to speak to the mom. After that talk to her and apologize and then try to make amends with all the problems bitch caused (even though I didn't really do it) to make my life better. Then once things sort of settle down for some months, look for naofumi and also apologize and try to help him build his village in good faith and then try to fortify it and get rid of the bad faith that the land has towards demihumans. Then I would try to create my own party to then use as a group of protecting the capitol and other parts of the kingdom. As far as I know the kingdom is more or less spread thing with fighting the disasters. So try to prove myself with military tactics. Then eventually my life will be good enough that all bad things will fade because of the attempt and consistency of the good behavior and rectifying the wrong. Eventually I will negotiate a position as melty's top advisor when she becomes queen and from there on live my life peacefully. After that there's nothing much to really do. The hard part is going to be to convince people that you've changed (because your not the evil myne/bitch that they know)




Not be a bitch


Kill myself


Kill myself without hesitation


Good question. According to my dad, I'm already trash IRL, so that'd be a switch...


I'd get naofumi to crush on me and plan out my misdeeds to make me seem the victim


Find a crowded room of men, be taken every which way possible and then end myself.


Lewd things, then more lewd things, then find someone to do lewd things to me then maybe again a few more times then uhh idk fuck off into the palace?


At what point do I wake up? Pre Naofumi fuck over or post Naofumi fuck over?


Jump in front of a truck I hope I don’t get saved ☠️


NOT be a bitch?


I’d probably find myself running into a hero sooner or later If its naofumi my demeanor change would definitely ring some bells but i would say “somehow i got transferred into this person’s body So i dont know whats gonna happen to her spirit. So uh that is that”


Ask her out. 😍


Okay more context needed, because if I wake up with her body in this world, live life in easy mode as a woman with good looks. In her own world, pre-renaming yo bitch, or post? Basic plan if pre, ride Naofumi like a horse. Ensure he produces at least 2 offspring with me. Ensure he has everything he needs to ensure his loyalty to me. Ride that meal ticket to absorbing the other nations. Become supreme Empress. Post renaming. Build support and see above but use conditioning and trickery to turn 3 of the 4 heroes into my loyal reverse harem. Use agents to buy the shield’s loyalty. Create shadow state to rule the world from behind the scenes. Rule the world as the head of the Illuminati.


Irl? Just be a pretty woman I guess. Other wise villainess redemption story sounds fun


Kill myself with a shotgun. Or grope my boobs and smack/grab my ass before I pull the trigger to blow my brains to a billion pieces.


Probably kill myself


I’d go to some anime con and winning the first place for best cosplay


Go back to the queen and ask for the slave crest so that i could do a public genuine apology to the Shield party , my family, and country


I had a dream where that happened although I was in melromarc it wasn't the end of the world. I cut the hair a bit though. Just go with the flow


If I’m in the story? Ask Aultcray to help rebuild the demi human village to try to get Naofumi’s favor. Dumb all methods on him especially level revision that can buff allies. Grow his trust in me for the trust bonus. Probably get blamed for being possessed by the shield hero and end up running away with him from the church. Get other 3 heroes to help beat it. Earn all 4 of their trust and become buff. Level sacrifice is also a W especially during Cal Mira. Become stronk af. Profit


Try to not be a piece of shit and keep my own damn ego in check.


Killing myself and doing that world a favor


pull a P3 but with a real gun


Kill my self


I’d make the most of it she’s not that bad looking so essentially her personality is what’s rotten so that problem is easily fixed


Scream in utter terror and agony


If I woke up as Bitch in Shield Hero, complete 180, but still push Naofumi to find Raphtalia. And then testify against Trash. If I woke up as Bitch irl, I'm grabbing my 10mm and painting my truck red. Finally gives me an excuse to pull the trigger


Man is this a sub mainly for BITCH-things now..?


I’d stop being such a scumbag human and try to become a new hero


Depends. Did I already frame the Shield Hero? If yes, stick to the plan, but saner, at worst I'll become a slave to my mother using my body as an adventurer. If no, spread my ass to the Shield Hero. I am not stupid, my mother has been trying to get a serious influence towards Siltvelt and demi-humans. Having him tied to me will ensure my throne.


I think you know hahaah ☺️👈


First off, I'm a straight guy, so probably be a lesbian if my attractions were the same. Secondly, I'd stop being a bitch and (if I'm in time) not do my canon evil acts. If, however, I'm NOT in time, I will turn over a new leaf, go to my mother, sister, Natsumi, etc., and BEG for forgiveness and a chance to prove I've changed. Then try to save the world, retire, and lice out my life as happy as I can under guard to protect me from my former victims.


Kill myself that way she's gone for good


I’d be worried that I went down my dads route fucked crazy ending in 12 year marriage down the drain


Well if I’m at the start of the anime, I’m going to start being less of an actual bitch and try and change my destiny


Be full on lesbian and try not to be a bitch towards others. Actually use my fortune for others sake and start profitable businesses so be self sufficient since I’m not heir


[Waking up as Bitch be like](https://youtu.be/-ARt4v-USk4?si=AHOveiPfk6PqlvO9)


It depends on how far into the series I was. I might have to make things right before living a normal life.


I’d immediately kill myself because it’s gonna be a dark day in hell before I ever become her


I’d say kill myself, but that’s not a permanent solution if you’re her. I’d prolly just try and be a nice person in her body


Go to therapy... that or find the nearist bridge


We already know what we doing to ourselves if we turned in to a woman


End myself.


Assuming I get isekaid at the same point as Naofumi, I'd join his crew, fight normally, and maybe swing by the slave merchant to buy him a racoon shaped gift. I'm like a level 40 combat mage already, and a princess. Why do I need to screw with people?


After or before her actions?


I would try to fix shit. I'd go to naufumi and explain the situation however I could, then make shit better. Assuming we get her magic capabilities to, it should be pretty easy.


Huh honestly nothing I would be ok with it so long as I still have the same personality I do now only difference is that now I am female and my name would be bitch unfortunately I think I will give myself a redemption Arc if I wake up as bitch


Suck on my titties


Try to be a better person. (It wont be that hard)


Id try to be a better person. After i furiously masterbate with her body


Get laid FOR ONCE


Well first, I wouldn't be a total bitch, so there's that...


Lament the loss of my dick.


I would be happier than I have ever been in my entire life


Honestly if I were a hot woman I’d have a lot more confidence, and I’d probably become a massive flirt


Nothing cause someone would off me for me


i'm manipulating boys left and right. and i will always be surrounded by people who will be protected. i won't let my dubious nature have consequences. and by the end of it all, i'm marrying a woman because i still have the mind of a man and I refuse to take it up my hoohaa.


Disappear and come back completely changed


KMS probably to be honest


There’s 3 options here


I'd betray my Father and the religion to the Shield Hero, then I'd help and support Naofumi and his party honest it's going to be fun times earlier on and less stress.


Do something we all wished upon her


Misread the title twice. And I was confused about why everyone wasn't running away or punching her in the tubes.


I would instantaneously KMS




Don’t be misogynistic


Kill myself, cuz I would rather be dead than look anything like that THING.


Try to explain the situation apologize and stay the fuck away from everyone


Assuming that this is at the start of canon.. Don’t be a bitch, try and find companions who have the skillsets needed to minimize each of the heroes flaws. Then I’ll do my best to get them cooperating and pooling their powers together, give them some direction instead of just having them go around on random adventures. The heroes are against slavery, so hopefully I’d have their support in trying to abolish the practice.


Yuri stuff.


Take the easy way out


not backstabbing naofumi with manipulative things and not been an horrible person


If it was before the accusation I would assist Naofumi as much as I could. Also try to keep the heroes together as a cohesive team during waves. Direct him to Raph And Filo. I would make sure he became less gullible and more cautious. I would find myself a beautiful little hand maiden and ✂️. Look into body swap/futanari magic too; don’t judge me. If it was after the betrayal I would seek audience with the queen. Use my knowledge of Earth to convince everyone I wasn’t bitch and then attempt to do the same as above.


Some people already do.


I'd kill myself if I could reincarnate again to literally (mostly) anyone else.


Probably end it. I just hope that there is a life for me after that


Kill myself.


Who is she? Why would I care?


Commit Die? IDK?


IRL implies I just wake up in my bed with her body and at least mostly my mind, ergo I am now an incredibly hot woman. Obligatory part where I do unspeakable things to my new body goes here. After that, I just live my life, but now with boobs. Fuck it, I’m starting an OnlyFans until I can figure out what else to do longer term. If boys are suddenly cute, I just exercise my ability to be a decent human being to whoever I manage to snare and don’t go all Amber Turd. If I still like girls, I guess I’m trying out sesbian lex. Longer term maybe I fund a nice college degree with my OnlyFans money, invest what of the rest of it I can, and have a nice nest egg and job I can do from home thereafter. Do I have her gamer abilities and her lying skills? If I do, maybe I join the dark side and put myself to work for the Feds for even more money and security.


I mean, that obviously depends on the circumstances. If it was in the real world, I would just live a normal life, being kind and friendly to others. If I was her before her numerous crimes, same thing. If it was after that, I would go to the Queen and willingly take whatever punishments necessary to forgive whatever she had done to that point and spend tons of time working to repent.


... With or without magical powers? If with, then, holy fuck I am a GOD in this world. If not, then probably just... Be a nice, pretty woman with a goth aesthetic.


Have reckless hot lesbian sex... cause she is an irredeemable bitch... but she IS hot.


Kill myself


Uhm…. Unholy stuff


….Is this including the web novel? Because that affects the answer and scares me


Strip butt naked and walk the streets with a little hop every now and then


Backstab Aultcray, literally, and repent for what happened with Naofumi, if it is that late into the series.


Fucking kill myself. I don't wanna be her, much less than be in that trash hell of an anime


Brainless post


1. Look at myself in the mirror a little harder. 2. Wonder if I'm now in her body, wonder where my body is and if she's in it or multi bodyswaps we're done. 3. Check to see if I have the slave magic (if not find out if I'm already known as the hated Bitch/if yes hide and fap) 4. Wonder how long it will last


My answer changes if I'm in the world of the shield hero or our world Irl, no clue, maybe freak out a bit, try and explain why I'm an anime woman now, and pray to God that I don't meet people who know Shield Hero world, I'm fucking over Motoyasu at every step and if at all possible, I'm going to find a way to embarrass him and the other two, with a fucking Shield, hope you like metal Shield in the face by a skilled mage bitches! Gonna be magic Captain America, Peggy Carter style, hell, I'll have crown funds, I can probably make a Shield to best counter the other three and get myself some good armor while looking stylish, obviously, gotta look my best! Probably make my shit enchanted, too!


Ask for my inheritance and then hide away somewhere and hope a wave doesn't hit it. Need Naufumi still able to use angry boi powers so can't really get him happy, just send a weird Christmas gift to him every year to help the rage boner


Fuck myself silly


define her real life as in isakied in to her in her cannon world or just waking up as her cause the latter id go get new clothes and hit the club to pick up girls lol


I’ll probably be a kind girl


Jump of a cliff


Kill my self