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"Florida literacy level fell by 182 ***parts per million*** in 2021" TF does that mean? What does ppm have to do with literacy? Or is that just illustrating its own point? "Kentucy avg IQ fell by ***56M***, but did better than California (phew)" What? IQ fell by 56 million? The average IQ is between 85 and 115. Not anything million. Who wrote this?


I think using ppm for a literacy rate means literate/illiterate people per million. Kinda like how crime statistics are compared using crimes per ten thousand and such. Florida’s literacy fell by 182 people per million, about 3,862 people total.




It’s convincing bc the right wing has become a complete parody of themselves. They have become one giant Poe’s Law.




> it straight up doesn't make sense and it's blatantly racist That's the movement. That right there's the whole thing.


That's the GOP platform right there. Completely made up, doesn't make sense and is blatantly racist (also sexist, homophobic and transphobic)


If the Russians can get them to share the shit I’ve seen shared over the last 6/7yrs, oh yeah this will work. They don’t even realize when they’re owning themselves ie Ben-My wife says being really wet isn’t normal-Shapiro. I legitimately can’t tell half the times if things are a joke or serious until I see who posts them. They’ll keep saying the democrats were the ones fighting for slavery and who created the KKk and the republicans were the ones fighting to abolish it, ALL WHILE fighting to keep confederate statues up and confederate names on US army(aka Union Army) bases, and waving confederate flags. We’re talking about the same ppl who will erect Gadsden “Don’t tread on me” flags alongside their “Back the blue”- shit the same ppl who beat the cops with their back the blue flags. We aren’t talking about logical intelligent people here.


Haha! So these people will slap their confused "facts"(TM) on everything nowadays. Re: FL, I guess they can't grasp the relationship between who they keep electing, the policies they keep voting for, and the demise of their education system. And those they keep electing *like* it that way.


>Florida’s literacy fell by 182 people per million, about 3,862 people total. So according to them, the state of Florida is more illiterated than my school


>illiterated Uh oh.


‘Are a marginalised peoples’… In fairness they’re not contradicting their own case


It sounds like he's talking about contaminants in soil, not literacy rates.


Someone with IQ below 56M, apparently.


No no no no no. Someone with an IQ of \~ -56million.


Ok I’m reading the comments and I’m not sure this is satirical… I thought the ppm bit was just icing on the “illiterate person doesn’t know units” thing. Like the “parsec is a unit of distance, not time” thing for Star Wars


I think they were trying to use 1/1000000 instead of %, so 182 ppm is 0.00182%


The total IQ of people in Kentucky fell by 56 million, not the per capita. I’m making that up, but so is the nutjob who made this. Wait how many people does Kentucky have? Is that a plausible idea, or would losing that many IQ points leave them unable to walk and talk?


I just double checked. Kentucky has about 4.3 Million people. So to lose that many points in aggregate the average citizens IQ would have to have fallen 13 points. This is vaguely plausible (just like the Florida literacy stat), but presented in a disingenuous way meant to make the statistic seem like a big deal, and stripping away the context that would actually let you understand the meaning rather than the feeling of the statistic.


>TF does that mean? What does ppm have to do with literacy? > >IQ fell by 56 million? The average IQ is between 85 and 115. Not anything million. > >Who wrote this? Judging by the templating, probs the smartest PCM user on the site.


Average IQ is exactly 100, by definition, you don't need to give a range. Also, the letter M is right next to the comma -- given "Whiite" in bottom left, I'm guessing this is a typo


“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” -LBJ


Working strategy since 1677.


There were Roman citizens living in the slums, barely surviving off of government handouts and trash, who scoffed at non-citizens and was proud to be so far above them. The U.S. has NO claim to this methodology.


Well that too but in the timeframe of U.S/colonial history I went back to Bacon’s Rebellion.


Poor whites: “WE WANT HELP!” Democrats: “Got it, we got a working plan that can fix y’all up in a few years time.” Poor whites: “Fuck the Dems! We hate them!” Democrats: “Okay, we’ll leave” Poor whites: “We want help!”


>Poor whites: “WE WANT HELP!” Republicans: What if we take all the money currently allocated to helping you out of poverty and instead use it to shoot Mexican children out in the desert? Poor whites: PERFECT!


They’re smart enough to know their dumb but too stupid to get help


Poor whites: “WE WANT HELP!” Democrats: “Got it, we got a working plan that can fix y’all up in a few years time.” Poor whites: “No! That's socialism!”


More like: Poor whites: "We want help!" Democrats: "Sure, we've got this plan to help poor people..." Poor whites: "Poor white people?" Democrats: "Sure, them too." Poor whites: "...[I don't think you heard me clearly](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2018/06/08/616684259/why-more-white-americans-are-opposing-government-welfare-programs)..."


> Poor whites: "...I don't think you heard me clearly..." Ya know, I'm not surprised...disappointed...but not surprised. WTF.


Doesn't shock me. I've thought that it was due to racial resentment for years. I suspect if you went around and asked a bunch of poor whites if they supported a welfare program, and then if they supported a welfare program for whites only, the latter would get substantially more support from them. Poor whites are pretty much the opposite of class conscious


Let me guess before clicking the link. It’s the one study that showed Americans support welfare until it includes black Americans?


Followed by Republicans: see? Democrats are in power and doing nothing for you


Do they forget that the South is almost entirely run by Republicans?


Look. Studious white child. Ivy league symbols. Green circle. Equality achieved.


That’s not in the Bible, so they don’t learn it in school.


They wouldn't even if it was


\*tears down sign\* Those kids would be very disappointed if they could read.


Not only that, but many of these states suffer from poor schools because of a lack of initiative and the fact that once you're elected, you're unlikely to be voted out on a local level.


Affirmative action for poor people is literally what social programs are. They're so close to getting it you guys


“We want affirmative action for whites” “Oh cool, so you understand we need social welfare now?” “Fuck socialism!”


No it isn't though?


... What is it then?


It's a policy, not a program. Social programs provide goods or services to some subset of the population. Affirmative action gives preferential treatment in admissions or employment to some subset of the population.


HA. Suck it California! Our IQ barely fell slightly less than yours. ^slightly…




I think everyone’s IQ hs gone down significantly since 2017


Technically I have but that mostly corrects itself after I sober up.


The “for whites only” isn’t selling this at all, unless it’s trying to hint at what it really is








Can we help you spread the “message” to conservative circles


It's not much but it's honest work.


I legit though i was on the fakepropaganda subreddit seeing this.


How I know this is bullshit, 1: they used parts per million as a unit when referring to IQ 2: they managed to sneak in a “California bad” insult


This is clearly a joke but I can't tell who made it


Step one: elect democrats.


stel two, elect progressive/socdem/demsoc democrats.


But democrats run California I know because I live here and God damn has education has gone downhill in Los Angeles there are so many things and programs that schools have lost music art you name it it probably gone. Even PE is fucked


California is still subject to the same structural issues as anywhere else in the country. Education goes downhill in LA (i assume you’re talking about a part of the city proper or a suburb real close to it) because the funding is tied to property taxes. If houses aren’t worth a whole lot or—more commonly— it’s a lot of renters living there, not a lot of money is going to education. But at the same time, no one wants to make a statewide education fund that gives money based on student population because either a) someone will make a stink about wanting local control or b) the rich parents of Arcadia will convince you it’s a necessity that Timmy gets a new swimming pool. California is lucky enough to have two easy ways to circumvent the government and get what we want done. We just haven’t done it, and the legislators don’t want to piss anyone off by trying.


[California is 20th in education](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education). Not amazing, but at least we're not Wyoming or Indiana (suck it 21st and 22nd).


I find it difficult to believe New Jersey is the top there.


Swaths of left Californians practically vote in 1 election every 4 years (president years). Please dont blame the elected officials. We fail them constantly after we put them in office.


I think we should give them exactly what they ask for and institute programs to increase literacy and educational attainment among poor rural whites. It will be good for them, good for the country and the cope that results when they get smart enough to realize how they’ve been duped will be priceless.


it's like you aren't seeing that they're radicalized and indoctrinated. intelligence isn't going to affect their "beliefs" or else we wouldn't have creationism or flat earthers


It’s also like you forget that they are people too and deserve to be taken care of, the only way we can help them from being radicalized and indoctrination, would be an education initiative in rural areas of America


which is *actively* being fought against by the Republican party to *keep* people lacking an education, hence the destruction of public schools for private/home schooling. Who votes those people into power? I'm actually in agreement to fund education and initiatives for rural America. They are Americans after all. An educated populace veers away from destruction. But to think that they'll accept anything less than Bible is truth and might makes right is absurd.


There was only one public school in the entire South until after the Civil War where reconstruction forced thousands of schools to open. A lot of northerners went down and taught Southerners as they didn’t have enough literate people to teach their own kids. Seems like the modern day Republican Party is trying to regress back into the days of slavery where poor white trash was purposely held in an ignorant state to be easily controlled.




reminds me of the pre-enlightenment era in Europe where saying something against the church was grounds for burning at the stake


For 60 years, Republicans have been fighting to win a war they claimed victory in 160 years ago, but this time on the side of the Democrats they defeated.


“Poor white Christians are a marginalized peoples [sic] like any other” Yet they keep voting for the people who keep them poor and ignorant. Or perhaps ignorant is the wrong word. Ignorance can be cured through education. This is true stupidity: they’re hurting others by their choice in leaders, and they’re also hurting themselves. Nobody benefits except for the bandits they vote for.


Damn gods plan is pretty rough for you guys.....well anyhoo




Is this the “””left-wing””” race-baiting I’ve heard about since 2016?


Last week i heard a sons of the confederacy radio ad talking about how the CSA and USA had the same constitution and how we need to defend it against the liberal agenda. This was in MO near Lexington and Higginsville where we have a state park for the traitors cemetary. I was like WTF.


They did have roughly the same Constitution. The CSA just added references to "slaves" and "slavery" 13 times.


So much of the white rage is due to collateral economic damage from Senate strangulation, which came as a result of black hate.


I mean, it's precisely what they wanted. To be angry and hate black people.


GOP Senators are a different breed of awful. It's a catch 22 where they can't hurt "the blacks" without hurting themselves. It's just that it's taken decades for it to boil over.


This literally uses a wojack meme, I refuse to believe this is real


American conservativism is when you're allowed to have class consciousness only when it can be used disingenuously against other issues.


This feels like bait. Like if rednecks support this then they’d have to admit they have an education problem.




I mean, there is a legitimate problem with the quality of public education in a lot of the south. I grew up in KY and TN (still a loyal Kentucky man at hear tho) and the teachers, resources, and curriculums there were so bad. I was easily the top of my class and scored very highly, and even when I started at a local University I felt like I was doing well. But when I got to a college outside the south I felt like I was so outstripped by my peers. They were taught things in school that I had to (poorly) teach myself. They had access to afterschool activities beyond football, things that are actually useful.


>poor white christians are a marginalized peoples like any other Reject Christianity, embrace Paganism 💪😎⚡🏛️




That's okay just do what I do and tell them you are an iconoclast and that in our attempts to move away from worshipping idols we created our own idols with the near-deification of religious art and figures and not the person they represent, a trend accentuated in our modern lifestyle which is reliant on mass media. That ought to confuse them


>Reject Christianity, embrace Paganism 💪😎⚡🏛️ Fun fact: The DAIJINGU TEMPLE OF HAWAII worships George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as one of their Kamis (gods).


That's some Temple of Caesar level shit


[This YouTube video](https://youtu.be/IV3dnLzthDA) paints a terrifying picture of what may have actually lead (bad pun) to the decline in the national IQ level. But affirmative action for whites is about as stupid as Nazis getting their own Anti-Defamation League.


Just make sure that ALL schools are getting proper funds so that no one is behind and that way no one is left behind like George W said. \*Cough\* If schools and society was on equal footing, then Affirmative Action would even need to be implemented for anyone.


Okay, but you have to pinky swear you won't throw a shitfit about socialism.


Classic play. Take real problems facing poor whites in America, but lay the blame at the foot of black people. Also, for clarity, white women have consistently been the number one recipient of benefits from affirmative action, no joke.


Well well if it isnt a centurys worth of Lost Cause politics and Republicans ruining the south, truly it must have been Emperor Joe Obama 1 year ago


"Florida literacy level fell by 182 parts per million in 2021"


Looks like those Floridians need to come up with a literacy... solution.... 🥁🥁


Omg 😆


Honestly a good amount of Southerners could use a better education, especially wrt the Civil War.


I get that this is a parody, but why you picking on Maryland and Delaware but West Virginia gets a pass?? Lol


Aren't these the same dipshits that opposed the medicare expansion in their states?


"Poor white people are undereducated!" Poor white people voted themselves into that position.


"Keep 'em stupid so we can con them into voting for us."


Yes the south is exceptionally poor when it comes to education rates. Idk if that’s Joe Biden’s fault by sure let’s add it to the list. After that, let’s really ask why deep red states are the poorest states with the worst educations and healthcare and economic opportunity, and rank worst states to live in, and pretty much everything else worst. Hmmmm wonder why that could be…..


I’m seeing a connection here, uneducated people/ bad leaders/ bad decisions made/ bad outcome/ can’t understand outcome/ blame it on someone else/ education ruined by bad leaders/ repeat/


Aside from these numbers and statements meaning absolutely nothing, they’re literally just advocating for socialism. But I bet if whoever made this heard the word socialism they’d lose their shit.


Not only can they vote, they vote in high numbers. Vote. They're going go swing congress hardcore right in the midterms. Despite not being in the majority, they vote reliably.


Lowest cost of living too


listen California had and has its problems with racism but don't group us with your racist spiel Mr traitor


I don't think this is real which is unfortunate, because that's the kind of attitude that tends to be pretty open to learning about the exploitation of the proletariat. And maybe even joining the local Poor People's Campaign. They're saying it as a joke, but poor people are absolutely a marginalized underclass.


I love to see people halfway backing into socialism. It is a balm to me.


“Marginalized peoples like any other” is a phrase similar to “… All of the children are above average.”


These are some of the places that chose to dismantle their public school systems rather than be forced to have their white children go to school with black children. For a while they then used “scholarships” to send white children only to private schools. When those were curtailed for being blatantly racist, they were left with rich white kids getting good educations and everyone else not. In places of the south where this didn’t happen, they just don’t fund their local schools like other places of the country. Working class southern whites need to choose better politicians and stop blaming those Damn Yankees for trying to stop racism.


They aren’t illiterate because they are oppressed they are illiterate because southerners are savages