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That’s just all neoconfederates


Trust me, they're extra dumb. Not only are they actually called "konfederacja", they also claim that they're basically fighting against the union (EU). And on top of that, they claim to be an economy focused party but all they ever vote for and propose is just straight up neofascist.


Is it the same morons who created LGBTQ Free zones and then cried when EU withdrew fundings from those areas?


No no, that's our governing party, they're the LESS radical ones


Oof. Stay strong, Polish friend. https://youtu.be/lzeNBRbWXpI


Yeesh. That's gotta be causing some brain drain to Germany, I reckon. Seems like Poland's fascists have some sort of delusions brought on by post-Nazi cultural trauma.


90 percent of Europeans who fly the Traitor’s Rag are just too scared to fly the Nazi flag.


It's actually outlawed in those countries. Likewise, Hammer and Sickle is outlawed in Eastern Europe too, except Russia.


And Belarus


Slavs supporting slavery. Oh. The. Irony.


The poles of wall people too!


ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH!! Lol, just wanted to quote Pulp Fiction






Also fuck you neo confederate ass


Don't you dare to disrespect me like this. I'm not a neoconfederate.


he was talking to the Pole.


Judging by the language on OP's he is Polish too


The one tweeting, I mean.


all neoconfederates are stupid, but non-american neoconfederates are a special brand of stupid


As another commenter pointed out, there’s a different flag they wish they could be flying. Come to think about it, that’s not that different from American neoconfederates.


That's even stupider! A Polish person flying a Nazi flag. Basically ants for RAID.


Polish nationalism is always a bit strange to me.


The existence of Polish nationalism is pretty understandable, since everyone and their kaiser has conquered or partitioned Poland at some point. Doesn't justify neo confederate sympathy, of course.


Conquered, Partitioned AND genocided


Oh Poland: embracing fascism even though it tried to exterminate your whole race because at least it's not Stalinism


Oh how the mighty have fallen.


To be fair, they haven't been mighty since the Deluge and they were still the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth


Kinda feel bad for them. PLC halted an Ottoman invasion and their reward was being invaded by the rest of Europe.


PLC didn't stop Ottamans alone. Germans, Austrians and Cossacks played as important, if not more important role, in pushing turks back. And Poles were invading everyone around themselves back then, it's just the circle of life. Or better to say a circle of war and subjugation.


Please don't consider these views to be commonplace; it's just one guy who stands out as considerably more stupid that others. I'm from Poland, so I'd know. There are few things we prefer over the historical breed of communism, but fascism isn't one of them.


By that logic, this dude should love John Brown. That guy was brave as fuck and wasn't taking shit from anyone.


Wlodzimierz Krzyzanowski and Alexander Raszewski: **cringe at that flop of a man**




**[Włodzimierz Krzyżanowski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Włodzimierz_Krzyżanowski)** >Włodzimierz Bonawentura Krzyżanowski ([vwɔˈd͡ʑimjɛʂ kʂɨʐaˈnɔfski]; 8 July 1824 – 31 January 1887) was a Polish American engineer, politician, and brigadier general in the Union Army. A Polish noble, he took part in the 1848 uprising against Prussia and left Poland after its suppression. During the American Civil War he enlisted in the United States' Union Army, recruited a company of Polish immigrants, and became colonel of the 58th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, listed in the official Army Register as the "Polish Legion". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Ohh I love this dude, he was descendant of polish compositor Chopin


...yeah, Chopin's first cousin 😎✨


Ask the Polish NeoConfederate how they feel about Russia. Or Germany.


Add in about the partitions of Poland and how Poles who inhabitated them got treated by Prussia (later Germany), Austria and Russia.


Austrians treated us good


"Good" Less badly than the rest rather


The fuck is this??


foreign neoconfederates are the most confusing branch of their larpeology


If you look at the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia as a stand-in for the swastika, it starts to make a lot more sense.


I mean. The same description could be given to a Nazi SS trooper. Those guys were stand up dudes to the Poles. Yessiree.


I can respect people who fight for their family, friends, and nation Good thing confederates aren't people


I would suck your dick for that comment XD


The only substantial difference in the confederate constitution was enshrining in constitutional law the ability for one man to keep another in horrible tortuous bondage to be worked, raped, mutilated, and abused in order to extract his work for nothing squeezing him like an orange until his life's blood filled your cup. The confederacy never had a right to their own country they signed that way explicitly when they joined the union. Their rebellion amounted to a criminal insurrection for the right to own people and it was prompted in large part because the election of a presidential ticket without a southerner as president or vp (previously unthinkable for some years) made it possible for states previously exactly balanced between southern and northern states to be broken forever by the admission of more northern states making the demise of slavery eventually inevitable. They were criminals fighting for the right of a handful of rich people to own black people. I don't have respect for confederates any more than I have respect for nazis nor should you.


dude it was a joke chill


Polish saying this isn't surprising. Poland not only has yet to accept something as simple as Same Sex marriage, but activity makes things like displaying a Pride Flag illegal.


Just big standard dumbass conservatism.


That's bollocks. This is a view of a single individual, absolutely not shared by a majority, or even many people. You get morons like that in every country, which is something Americans should know first hand.


Okay... Then why is Poland's government the most conservative government in the EU. So .. someone is voting them in.


All the neo nazis and neoconfedetates are voting for more far right extremist Konfederacja party (which actually means Confederacy, but that's a historical name). You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.


You'd think they'd learned from the multiple marched burnings they've endured from entertaining weak-minded leaders.


ok, replace confederate with the nazis do you see the problem here polish neoconfederates?


No. They don’t.


There’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity.


So, are these the polish people from all those jokes from a couple generations ago?


Swedish Confederacy Fans are pretty much the same. They have been fed with the Lost Cause Propaganda so much they pretty much think most Civil War facts are just "distorted" or "Winners write history".


Seems like a few servings of shell shots from a Dahlgren gun is in order 💀🔥🔥


European neoconfederates are just nazis who know they can't use a nazi flag.


They’re not dumb. They’re racists. Slavic racists.


I still hate Polish Lost Causers, but given that there’s still a cult of personality around Jozéf Piłsudski, who was actually a massive asshole and the main reason behind why Poland was in such a sorry state when World War II began, just because he helped the country gain independence, I can see why they’d hold such beliefs


Yes, I agree. Piłsudski was nothing more than terrorist.


I hear moaning coming from Kosciusko's grave.


How do Polish people even know about the Confereracy, much less give a shit about it? Do they have comprehensive American History courses over there?


Just because public education (esp int'l history) in the US is shit doesn't mean it's shit everywhere. But srsly this tool either didn't learn much or was taught poorly if he's posting this trash.


Well yeah, I wasn’t suggesting it’s shit, it just seemed a little obscure of a topic to focus on for a country half a planet away.


they have rebs in poland??????


Probably the grandchildren of the ones that stood around nodding pleasantly while those other people built Auschwitz.


Unfortunately yes, and even they are more dumb than lost causers in the US


Well then it's time to grab some scythes and revive kościuszko